Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1905, p. 8

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crop sown. clover. before you are asked to pay for it. carries our Five \ ears Guarantee. intensive forming. little breeze to be u good monoy-mnkcr. Dept. No. Stallion Register, 1905 The list. of stallions givon bo'oiv will travel through the following plat-es: DISCOVERER â€" Imp. Clydesdale the property of Blough & Legge. Home, rear lot. 33. con 5,Vanghun. Edgely. ’l‘hnrnhill, Richmond Hill. Headford, Victoria. Square. Aurora. King City. Terms. $12. I‘OYAL l‘IATTONâ€"Jn'ip. Clydesdale, the propeity of Blongh & Legge. Home King City. KotLlc-hy, l\ewma1ket, Bogarttown, Aurora, Oak Ridges. Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill, Maple. Terms, $12. Lunp MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale, the property of \V. J. \‘i'clls. Home, l‘emperaneeville. \Vhitchurch, Au~ IOI'H, Kettleby, King. etc. Terms, $10. ailLIN MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale, the property of \V. J. “'ells. Home, lot 28, con. 5, \Vhitchnrch. E. (iwil- limburyLMt. All)\l't, Zephyr, Bald- win. Ravenshoe. Sharon, Newman ket. Terms, $10. 1 AIRD 0F ARGOâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the firopert-y of D. 0. Steele. Hot-re, ichrnond Hill. Onk Ridges. Vic- toria. Square, 'I‘hoinhill, Etlgely, Maple. Terms, $14. 7: )IOCKALOE CHIEFâ€"Roadst er stallion. the property of “'m. Birch, will stand at his own stable, Bedford -'a.rk. Terms, $lt). i «REST BOYâ€" 'l‘roltingâ€"hrcd stallion. - :he property of ’1‘. Road, will stand at his own stable, Victoria iqlmre. Terms. $3. :4 \POLEON‘â€"General Purpose French stallion, the property of Henry Line. Home, Maple, Nobletnn, Pine Grove, Downsview, Fisherville. Terms, $8. CLAN MACQUEENâ€"Pure-bred Clydes- dale, the property of Smith and Wells. will stand at. his own stable, lot 22, rear 1st con. East York. Terms $9. PRINCE LOCHN’AGAR â€" Pure-bred Clydesdale. the property of J E. Teeson. Home Thornhili, Sullivan’s Corners, York Mills, Fisher-ville, Edgely. Terms $10. PRINCE DRUID â€" Pure-bred imp. Clydesdale, the property of John Palmer. Home stand at Palmer House. Terms, $15. DICK FYFEâ€"Pure-hred Trotting stal- lion, the property of M. Stung. At his own stable, Lansing,evcry night. Terms. $10. EARL GREYâ€".Pure-brod Clydesdale, the property of A. Lahiner. Home stable. Sher-Wood. Terms $10. PURE GOLDâ€"Celebrated trotting stal- lion, the property of D. \\". Mogafliu, Queen’s Hotel. \Vhiihy. Home. Pal- mer House, Richmond Hill. Goes to Maple. King City, Oak Ridges, Victoria Square, etc. Terms, $11). m My Stock oi \Voolens for IPRING ANi) sunring is now complete comprising ) .ac" an no ‘7 e l l k d B] \\ orst d, l‘wills. Scotch Tweeds, l Fancy 'I‘rouserings, ()vercoating, etc. Just quality. Low prices. A. J. H U M E, Tailor, Richmond liiil l THAM MIL- NO CASH REQUIRED Sold on time, with or without the Bagging Attachment pens, beans. corn. alfalfa. r ' room corn. grass seed, tobacco seed. chufas. pecans. ricc. cow peas. velvet. hcnns, pennutsh Kailir corn. cotton. etc.. etc. This insnros Highest Morkct Price for crop sold. most productive and cleanest yield of Special Screens for grading com and s ecml screens for inking huekhorn out of “’0 make our own screens for all sizes and :inds of grain. There is no sense or reason. in tryim: to do without it L‘hntbmn, for it is sold to you on tune. and more than pays for itself " Our terms are the best ever olfercd. \Ve ship n Chothmn Fanning Mill to you, freight prepaid, and give you three years to pay for it. Every Chntlmm BOWn. H How to Flake Dollars out of Wind ” is a truthful book of facts and instructive information that is invaluahloto the student of II, tells how others pick up hundreds of dollars on .lllcll‘ places more by forethought. and care than by work. and gives names and letters of parties who have found a It. tells further how you can secure n Chitthnm Fanning Mill, use it to your profit. and pay for it later on. \VriLe for this book to-duy, without fail. It will come back by return mail. Address all letters The MANSON CAMPBELL C0., Limited, Chatham, Canada Manufacturers of The (‘Jmilmm lnrnlmlors and Branders and the Challuuu Farm Scale. coma “it... Piano Chatham Fanning Mill You get more and better value when you buy a Chathnm Fanning Mill than with any other. We furnish Free with every Chathnm 17 Screens nnd Riddles for every purpose nnd combination of purposes for which the farmer or sccdsmnn, mnchnmn or plnntcr can possibly nor-d them. m 01er In one machine a Scpumior, (innit-r, Timothy s‘ccd Saver and Fanning Mill. for inking out weed seeds, mustard and cookie from seed wheat. and oil seed from. cleaning and grud- ng any kind of grain including wheat, rye, timothy. clovcnm‘ll- let, oats. Thus you barley; flux, N A‘__ - s D N?5 Tmo HYSEED scnsw ' .. .L. .. “ '9': 5‘55" . V__H Acwnzar on ' - cums r mom wu A IT " RET AN 05 Lwn'r loo LE. :‘ Him uuozu RIDL N223 55H; _y€_F_i sag); u M ‘ lilil" ii i“ . i m 60,00iiliarn instruments in use. Endorsed by such leading musicians as Professors Torrington, Vogt, . Guaranteed for ten years. Fisher, Fox-syth, etc. Manufactured by THE D. RV. KARN CO., at \Voodstock, Ont., the largest manufacturers of intisit‘al instru- ‘lne‘nts in Canada. Prices right and terms to suit purchaser. ARMANI) SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hill METRGPQLITAE GRGGERY, Next Door North oi Waiting Room. UPâ€"TO-DATE GROCERIES Fresh and Clean. Best Brands of Canned Goods Choice Variety of CANDLES IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connectiOn. Rubber- Good horses and rigs. tired buggies. 1,. Those who buy theirhamess here are thoroughly and pi‘tlpz'i ly equipped for all kinds of work. for each harness is correct in its particular line. Our Harness And all other horse furnishings are the best quality, style, material and finish. Every horse owner will be interest- ed in our stock. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill i... . Good pasture for a numberof horses, Grand shade water. icoies . . . The good old summer time promises to m a k e a. 13 early visit this year, so it’s back to b i c y c l e s a g :15 n be- fo 3‘ e v e r‘y many moons. There’s room in this space to remind you of how good bicycling really is for you and what good bicycles really mean to you. Bicycling is» the best of exercisefl It saves time. saves horses. ther. nerves and 3- re limbs. mile of road within a, few zninutes' plea;- saves lea: it puts a sant ride and does I o t s of other particu- lar things of w h i c h you know. A good bicycle is one which has steadily developed as the automobile has developed until it reached the high- est state of perfection in design. finish. stability and comfort. That's the It’s among the world’s best wheels, built by experts. with the accurate aid of automatic machinery and from tested materials. It has all the new featuresâ€", Hygienic Cushion Frameâ€"Sills Hygienic Handle Best'sâ€"Morrow Coaster Brake. Remember. that unless your bicycle is stamped Hygienic on the rear cushion. and has the flat three-plate spring at the bottom bracket. it is not the genuine Hygienic Cushion Frame. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES. Canada Cycle & Motor (30., imited. MAKERS OF THE WORLD'S BEST BiGYGLES, TORONTO, CAN. Richmond hill if. Mainstreaming; l l For Sale, Cheap Onc high guide Cleveland bicycle. model 101). (ivuts Roadster. will bl! sold at wholesale price. Enquire at the Liberal Office. TO LET and plenty of good H. GIBBS, Richmond H 11.

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