Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jun 1905, p. 4

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at once for “ Canada‘s Greatest Nur- Series" for the town of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, which will be reservod for the right man. START NOW at the best; selling season and handle our NE\\' SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. \Yrite for particulars and send 250. for our handsome Aluminum POC- ket Micrmwpe (:l littlv gem) useful to farmers in examining seeds and grains, qrchzu-dists in examining trees fvr in- sects. gurdiners in examining plants fur insects. teachers and Schulan in studying Bntuny, and everybody in a hundred difi’erenb Wu ' STON F. & WELLINGTON Going June 13th. retulning until Aug. 14th. Guing June 27th, returning until August: 28th. Going July 15th. returning until Sept. 16(1). Full particulars from Canadian Pa- eifie Angtol' write to C. B. Foster, C.P.A., 'I‘uronto. 4749-51-1 Winnipeg Mowbray . Delorain . Souris .. . Brandon . Lyleton . Lenore .‘ Minlota . Binscnrth Mcosomin Arcoln LocaiAgentWamefl TORONTO FRIDAY, JUNE 3(lâ€"Auction Sale of cattle at Phillips’ Hotel, King City, the property of H. F. Hopper. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tor-ms till Oct. 1. D. G. Bluugh, Auctioneer. 1. Credit, 'till lst Oct-ohm: Prentice, Auctioneer. di [30 \VEDXESDAY.JUNE23~AIICHOD Sale of cattle at, Rngera’ Hotel. Uniom'illu, _the Qf'opgrty _(_)_f F. flopper. Sgleflt Corn and Turnip seod.â€"\Ve have a Inr e variety of turnipsevd. also cur-n of most quality. Naughtnn 13103., El- gin Mills. A5 a Unln't, nf Revision the Council reduced the assassment of the Toronto 31. York Radial Railway, 8 miles, from $13,000 to $10,000, Vaughan having made a similar asgessxnent. The clerk was instructed to take proceedings against the Jame-s Buy {:iilwzly to give the infm-nmtion re- quired to assess their property. The Council adjoin-nod to meet Sat- urday, 24th inst., at 2 p. 111., and at 3 p.111. as a Court of Revision. Wm. F'n'shgi was V0th $7 perdny for use 0f engine and belt to operate mad crusher and keep crusher in 01-- 4191", township to furnish oil: The Emnmissiom’rs of Road Divisiun N0. 1 were instructt-d to Clean out ditch, lot 15, con. 2, and lower culvert, if necessary. F. Pemer Was appointed cum. to build bridgu cm Ym-k townline. he- hveen 3rd and 4th cons., to act with York toxypship cum. .5.- 1 Resolutions were passed (“daring the payment of a number of accounts. Mr. H. B. Schmidt uddrossed the Council relative to keeping culverts in proper repair on Murklmm and Ym-k townline. The clerk was instructed to renew suit against Laugsitntt' property. The sum of $75 was granted to the East York and Markham Agricultural Buciety. 7 77 V _ The clerk was instructed tn have bills posted up notifying mtepayexs in legnrd to noxiuus Weeds. ohn McPherson was given permis- sion to place weigh scales at, Ring- wood. ~ Markham Township Council rrmt 13m inst.. Rvm‘e Slater in the Chair. All the memhurs present. Petitions for and nguinst were, pre- sented relative to laying sidewalk through Mount Joy, to be paid for by frontage tax. @112 fiibcml. 50-4 mos. HOMESEEKERS’ Excursion Tickets TO THE FONTHILL NURSEer ES, RICHMOND HILL. June 22, 1105 NORTH WEST Markham Council 32 20 Calgary 32 50 Red Deer Strathcona. .3540 50 Sale Reg News Notes. Over 800 acres $30.00 Estevan WILL SELL egister Lolliluu . . Yorktou . .. } Sheho . . . . . . . 33.50 Regina.... . -, Lipton . 33 ‘0 Moosejaw .. 34 00 Saskatoon... 35 25 Prince Albert 36 00 Macleod 38 ()0 Calgary 38 50 Red Deer.... 39 50 OXTAR IO. JAS. STEWART, A. J. REYNOLDS, 1311‘s., E.Y.F.I. Sec’y E.Y.F.I. Miss M. MARSHALL, LULU REYNOLDS, Pres. E. Y.\V.I. Sec‘y E. Y. \\'. L Grand Trunk Railway Tickvts must he purchased at, the station five min- utes before the train is due. Toronm tickets good only for the day. and guing by Special only. Other tickets good for return by any Regular Train on or before Saturday, 2;“). ’7 HOURS AT GUELPH. G.T.R SPECIAL DUE TO LEAVE AT 6.30 P. M. Tuxunto and York Radial cars will Stop at, other pmnts for the conven- ience of passengers gnmp; and return- ing. Returning will leave ORR. Cross- ing at 9.30 p. m. These rates are only available to those who purchase G.T.R. tickets from a member of the Committee who will be ()1) the cur. I‘he same ticket and rates can he had 011 regular cur leaving Rich”de Hill at 7 a. m. on same cunditiuns. Newman ket . . . . . . . Mulock‘s Sidemnd. Lot 83 . . . . . . . . . . Aux-ma . . . . . . . . . . Lot 70 . l . . . . . . . . . ‘rux-tis’ Hotel . . . . . l Bond’s Luke . . . . . . Jefi‘L-rsnn P. 0. Elgin Mills. . . . . .. Richmond Hill . . .. Lot ~10 . . . . . . . . . . . Lnugstzlfi' . . . . . . . . . 4 Thou-ubill . . . . . . . . . SLeele’s . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Brook Finch’s Corners . . VViIlnwdnle . . . . . . . . Lansing . . . . . . .. Ymk Mills . U.P.R. Crossing . A la rge special c mar ket. Stoufiville .. . . . z . .730 a. m Markham . . . .7145 Unionville . . . . . , . . 7.52 Milliken . . . . . . . . . . 7.58 Agmcourt . . . .. ..8.05 Scarboro Junction .8.15 York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.22 Toronto . . . . . . . ‘ . . 8.45 Arrive at Guelph 11.00. T.& Y.R.R’Y TIME ~ Newman ket . . . . . . . 6.00 a. m. Mulock‘s Sidero:1d..6.05 Lot 83 . . . . , . . . . . . 6.10 Friday, J 11119 23 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND TORONTO & YORK RADIAL R’Y Farmers’ and Wanien’s Ens: The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen- erous patronage accorded him Eeneral Blacksmiih HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 50-2 PATRONSI One bay max-e. 4 yrs. old. 15.? hands in height. 1100 lbs.. good driver. One dark grey muro, 3 yrs. old, 15% hands high. weighs 12001l>3., both six-- ed by Pun; Gold. A CHILDREN UNDER T\VELVE YEARS HALF PRICE. w. HEWISON, Two fresh milch CUWS, young, THUR QUANTZ. Lab 13, Can 2,. hum. Lungstufi P. O. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Horse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. GEO. COWIE, G. T. R. TIME TABLE AND FARES. And hopes f0 ' :1 continuance of the same. ___T0 _____ (7} UE LP Iâ€"I man’s Ensiémies EXCURSION FOR SALE. 'F() 1-1158 RICHMOND HILL. THE EAST YORK A. MCCALLUM. Lot 5, con. 5, King Twp. For Sale ON TIME . .730 6.51) .00. 00.0 23. 444.1. 6.15 7. 00 7.05 7.10 will lt‘ave New- FARE 75c. FARE 300. 25C. 200: 15c. 15c. 10c. 350. 350. 40c. 650. SEC” 450. 450. An. ‘u'k mamas Repaired W. Eager, Prop; Stael Hag Treughs 350. per Foot. All. kinds of Imple- And fmthcr take notice thattaftel- such lust, mentioned date the said Ex- ecutm-s and Executi ix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thoieto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have nntice, and that the said Executors and Exe- cutrix will not be liable for the said as- sets, or any part thereof, to any per son or persons of Whose claims notice shall not. have been received by them at the time (If such distribution. Dated the fith day of June, 1905. LINDSEY. LA\VRENCE 85 \VADS- \VORTH. Snlicitors fur Thomas Klinck, George Gee and Augusta. May Fierhellvr, Executors and Executrix of Mary Cooke, Deceased. 49â€"4 +++++++++++++++++++ Notice is hereby given pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario,” 1897, Chapter 12.9, that all creditors and others having clauns against the Estate of the said Mary ()uoke, who died on or about the sixteenth (lay of May, 1905. are required on or before the eighth day of July, 1905, to send by post prepaid 01' deliver to BIPSSI'S. Lindsey, Lawrence & Wadsworth, of 60 Victoria. street, Toronto, solicitors fm- Thomas \Villiam Klinck, George Gee and Angueta May Fierhellcr, the Execntms and Executrix of thelast will and Lestaim-nt 0f the said de- ceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, the state- uienb of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held hy them. In the matter (If the Estate of MARY COOKE, lute uf the To“ nship of Markham in the County of Y01k, \Vidnw, deceased. Notice to Sreditors ++++++M++++M+$+++M+W++ ~1~~§«§~-§»2»§‘++++++-:~+~1-++++v§~+++++ “g. v+ +3++++ .+ ++.T~a~.++, During July and August, in our our school, ++++++éu§++++++++++++++++++ Afforcls :1 splendid opportunity for teachers and others to spend a pur- tion of the holiday season in a must profitable manner. \Vl-ito at once for particulars. Address W. H. SHA‘V, Principal, Yunge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. 'JSUMMER SESSION during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All of our graduates get positions. Students admitted at any time. This school is not, “standing still,” 01- "backing up,” but is “going ahead.” Circulars free. Summer Term W. A. Sandersn DRUGGIST Our stock nf Paris Grown. Hello- hm-e Insect, Powder, Bm-douux Mixture is cmnplcte and gum-nu- teed Government, Standard of purity. Look after your fluit trees and vines. TORONTO. ONT. (Cot. Yonge um Alexander Sis.) '56! Paris Gram and Burdonux Mixtlne for Blight on Pom- toea and Tonmkoes. Made to order at W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TORONTO, Agricultural Druggists. Opp. Clyde Hotel Guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds, Distemper- and first stages of hvnw-s, winch are frequently caused by chronic coughing after distemper. This is a grand prepax-atmnfuyd will sum {tnyicnngh r Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cmvs: inroasvs the flow of milk. lettens calves and stall froding catLlo and hugs. Gives horses 2| slvek cunt. fattens them. purifies the blond, cleanses the legs and gives tlwm a henlkhy appmrancv. This Stock Fund is manufactured by practical stucknwn, and is guaranteed tn give quicker, better and mum- pennzment results than any other Stock food, or money refunded. If you have been disappointed in other su-cnllod Stock Foods. gvt a sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD‘nnd theresults will convince you that. it, is premier stock food in the maria-t. Yorkshire Cough and Heave Cure Yorkshire Stock Fwd. We have & few sweet}. doors, reguiar $1.25 to MEG, gaed value, slightly damaged, While they Mst, 600. e a c 11. W1 12. d 0 W screens, green Wire cloth, etc. -.-'.-.¢uâ€". 5"" .77“ - 33. 323375 It is waterproof, weatherproof and fireproof, and is rapidly taking the place of tin, tar, galvanized iron, felt and gravel and shingle roofing, on ac- count of its lesser cost and greater dur- ability. It is easily put on and the price per hundred square feet {or all material found is only Two Dollars. Sold only byâ€" Russill’s Ready Roofing 85 S031.

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