od- inn UDE )ud 0L.XXVIII. 35 I per annum, in J. H. SA . VETERINAE \Vill Calls by telep‘. Hill 011 Usllls by d-‘LV N O '1‘ A RY 1’ A MI E R, 50 RICHMOND 111 pass the RSI \V. C. SAVAGE HXGH COURT OF JUS [xylene 3 of me RICHMOND (O RIC B: 3T OI .LV HI in WOODARD 5: CROCKART, GLUBHNE & PEARSQNIu i‘hornhill. ‘JMISSXONEK IN THE NARY SU ND L11 WT JD II CAMPE ARY SURE arriaqe Licenses. IEDEVElv‘ ’ MOB. SS CARDS. M A} PUBLI N M e from R red to me. N UEHEU n. {I BUSH at. 521W? "UBL adv prom; STICE,&C HUI; anceq IC, - \ l uunuuu .3 usmseeeeee- se® it? At thisrate on win soon er that Hall’s air Renewer .‘0. _ w" mmewh Instruction t in-weight Artisik: in dtsign ’easunable in price ICH :ense . EARLE 111 t( FESGST5 mental (late sh D. G. 5.1 18C H) HILL & THORNHHL Al '0“ A: flcEweu RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JULY )t in the Art. of Piano Play ing. omens Septemlmr 5, 1905. Emmi; >f Standard Farm Gates Every progressive and aisle on havng FROST m1 prices on requestâ€" Ill :2 Essentials, rfnr r: for the County shortesmntirrnn anageaolicited r for theCouney of York, re» our patronage and n'iendly nuded on the sLorteï¬ï¬ natice 7 Funeral I t both place “:3.- P; 0. address K BLQ‘VUGM, ad Soflicilors. Smith. Aurora Thornhill hmon . Notaries, 5 the Conutir ffarm stocla ‘ol-U MT} tn )le on Thursday h week. NSTD m he old post 01 a entrance to ars. z-me Ade mm mortgages at Build 1111,) '. 1t RGANJ J K McE‘ Weston Hill on .Iai ux-nishings Rich onahk ed to the nity ; iaz \V {1 “'1 Mr. and Mrs daughter wvre foul 90. Rmman ( Izltives 111 Sn Jesday. M 1-5. Mr. \Vm Dr's. care. [ecuvmyx it M r. hunt mv in )1‘02 l'illl M r. \V that t lik Ell] i‘h ,\il nu (l md th all ‘ “COI‘C Julm Gricel. is impmviu an asphalt the store. Laura AHis N H) Ll] on-Essentials, J Monday Mr. and went to the \Ve 1116 :11 1 3 air in this lmrnlit; )und in the City «)1 11] western citizens miness wqud not A sufï¬cient time to ; Bell of 'J fo-s. Littlc in Richmond Hill. he game resulu ml Kleinhurg 1 on Thursday. \Vilson a mh‘ intl'od :regzttinns h or} NIH?“ Thornhill. your. y School pi was well p: md time. rd with the xt’ly is ag We hope Sexsmith, pastor of hurch. who is in the 19v. H. O. Mountevr, 5L discourse on the 2nd CL was “The Vine and urn and Miss ML ck on a. visit to 1'1‘ frie visitors 5. J. M( Clark, (11K er N'y promising at this \V hstor of Oakwood t of the Presbytc‘r ‘hsence of Rev. MI 0rd vxsn from B 1 it, Strm t1 Ility I‘ll Mch 11: t1) Iht genoml mer- premises by 11k put down Mrs. st for ntn visit end, M he child! Vtmuseme) 1 under the 1' his speedy a newly ap- 1551uned his 3 MC Mur- to friends wh 1(‘ [It '01112( mlyl Loan and the. home m. They low honors in (1 Theory ntu “'E‘I'G the . The :upc‘x it lomnb 1)] C 'II \\' ayed last I'lL‘V. 1d 011 d and ildrml them ‘v its hul Lh )1‘ M lll] Du) buti lll 12. for bhre costly Mr the boys it is cons the score : at, the exl Newan 14 tln‘ee gm: age of an z 171 (ll lllliï¬ by his myopia The 1 the players towns 01" w the good u Fortunately and our ho congmtulnt lll Thu game ended with a display the players and supporters of l) towns of what resumhlz-d 2| reviva the good old game of quarter st Fortunatva no serious harm was d( and our boys extend to Newnuu-k congratulntm-y hand and wishes their success in landing the Intern) ate chmnpionship. Newnmrkut, 1 say, play the game with vigor style Whil'h can only be acquire-é long experience. The teams lined up as follows '- I)†I O u Midsummer onLus MI agement hm the pubhc a new faces \x iin :wxmu-ket would he uu on “It. participm ‘D m Newmarket vs. Richr )ll‘NH {I n 1y. son. Iuni wt ( ext romotion Exams XUI( CI'OSSE 1h 'zings, Charity nnly one Hill had the ï¬eld a -C-qnzu ters lmE Michael III II and will 1.905 -, on Satln‘da ichmond Hi re prepared II un II th Lti( rho 0 nmL or our 1n ch; 5 he di he is I H D appear on, 25c. Al M )l‘lu. H of )l W M :11 11-1 \V 1' OI] nd wishes fm the In tornwdi Nunukut, the) mug cm x-ied by ‘ "uich Ml Exams and Hill being assn Lfl'ccted u' uickshank, a surpns ontos. 'J on the ladies, 15 l'I'V ) l' try of th )lhl), ha lllt ,l n 1i OI’C'S nnyson, CI'OS‘ cnng ï¬lled l1] \V m I )Ll wel Clapper Kennedy T. Doyle Munnil gut and nil-ed by 1111“! Stev E. D1 ‘he 1te M Lula H u E11 This ratu- the llmer buff one Ill hm‘ nan by All are the most dang The mosquigo with veins malaria, yellow fever, mm on troubles. The fly, with spongy feet the invisible germs-of diseases, them over our food and poisons typhoid, cholera and other plague human race. Dr. Pierce, the eminent physicia‘ falo, N. Y., says, “If each person sider his system as an army of m: he contiols as a general, and will 5 proper provisioning and that it he of ammunition in the shape of 1 blood, he will be able to oven: enem in these germs of disease. healt y man has ï¬ve million in corpuscles to every_ sguare mill' m bloéd bloou corpusc tissue is no do ical Discovery the market f( and numbers Manv norm} are méd'e shrink tk make tk End lungs Neglect Neglected constipation means heart-bum, sour stomach, foul 1 month, biliousness, pimples, a] tiou of (In: heart. Con tipation i cured by Dr. Pierce’s P easant P for mild cases. otherwise two. ‘ at 1m 1 h \Ve W‘fï¬e Best toflic f2 corpuscles and t Ekéiéflm 013 and Sement “H 0p} Former proprietpr Cum merci ll Single C \\‘ E HOMAS A. 1dve 00 p6 ï¬rst pla ï¬ghtmg g ve us to the 2 ease, th 11 21v 8 Fromietoz new managemen farmers" stable i1 Lttention paid to :51: place to the nec ghtmg the bacteri: We us our diseases > the actual bacterix ase, the mosquitos 2 iangerous enemies with its bite injects yellow favei', and 0! fly, with spongy feet germs-of disegses, ubt Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- . This medicine has been on at over a third of a century its cures by the thousand. ar patent medicines or tonica largely of alcohol and will “orpuscles of the blood and make; {0; resistance.‘ What ble: AI 3e able to overcom germs of disease." a ï¬ve million red very square millime tonic for increasing t ; and building up_ 11 in 2'01. as; been tryil our coal 1 1E AT THORNHII STATlON. ODICS hich we 5 follow EDISON coal from n. cert 1g (lealers as prod l on the market, lity there has nlw L' this coal that lb :11“ 111 Ilt accept wont, p6 that supply t he QN, the im mg out the future, gives} , 3 cts. )tify no“ m will con- men which .1 see to its has plenty ‘f good red :rcome the in 2 poisons mplished Lfortiï¬ed 'epel the d every- hops, the at many light and new ï¬lm 1'sonally with the Stt )1' several \IS .er of WI fat althy Med- her al 1t