glare RICHMOND IflLI., July (3. 1st iii.- Elie Paris Green, the bust. A-t‘. Snub-s. L2 Nli's. li. Duncan and Eli-s Duncan ( f H e visit lltg :il, “lwrellands.†Miss Ilillllt' Linl‘oot left. Friday for a couple of months slay v. itli relatives at \Vardsville. Best machine oil at a low prianU. Soiiles. 1â€"2 Mirs L. McMahon and lrciie Mc- Milroii are spending a week with rela- tives in Aurora. ' Mr. (.‘v. \V. Mollov. l’r-in.~ip.rl Aurora High School is presiding at the De- partmental Exams. lll'l'l‘. Dr. an] )lis. L:i\\‘i'rr<nll and three children spent from l-‘riday till Tues- day with relatives at. Duridas. If your suspender breaks. don't swear. Buy a strong pair at Atkinson (v Switzer‘s. Mr. Robert llall visited at his home in '(‘raiiipbellford from Friday till Tuesday. Mr. MJ‘A. K. Cosens spedtfrouiSat- iirday till Tuesday with friends at Hamilton and Niagara. Falls. (‘oal (iil stoves while they last at a bargain.â€"G. Sonics. 1-" Miss Olive Kinnee spent \Vednes- day afternoon with her sisters in To- ronto Junction. Get your tickets Thursday evening for the li‘ir-i-nieii‘s Excursion, and avord the rush Fl‘ltl iy morning. A hand in a glove looks better than two in your pockets.â€"â€"Atkirison r.- Sivilzer. Mr. George Jackson of liigersoll spent. Monday afternoon With his nephew, Mr. R. Kiirnee, whom he had not seen for twenty years. It requires no Government commisâ€" sioner to decide that Atkinson & Switâ€" zer’s is the best grocery on Yonge street. At a meeting of the Village Council last evening Mr. A. J. Home was ap- pointed Clerk and Treasurer for this municipality in place of .\l.'l.‘ecfy.Esq., resigned. The best 6â€"eord 2:)U-yard Spools 3 for lUc., or Bic. per dozensâ€"Atkinson A: Switzer. The Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold their annual picnic at Lake \Vilcox on Friday. July It. Convey- aiices will leave the church at one o’clock sharp. ' Special value in Japanese Tea at 30c. and 25c. per pound; a 5-pouiid lot of the 25c. quality at per pound. Ask for samplin-Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. T. McLean and family and Miss C. McLean, Toronto, also Mrs. James Acey, Tliornhill. visited Mrs. A. Mc- Lean and Miss K. V. McLean Monday. Just to hand at Atkinson &Switzer’s, Ladies’ ï¬ne Lace Collars and Ties, Silk Belts, Misses" and Ladies†Tan Cotton Hoseâ€"Atkinson &. Switzer. Mr. John Eiigle of Kansas Citv.who was a delegate to the, International S. S. convention came up and spent a day or two with his biotlier-iii-law, Mr. Cliinenlragic. Championship lacrosse match Sat- urday afternoon iii the park between the Young Torontos and the liich mond Hill teams. Game called at 15.30. A fast and interesting match promised. Mrs. Liudcnbci'g left Monday morn- ing for Boston via Montreal, where she will be met by her nit-0c. Mrs. Alex. Taitand accompany the latter to her home “Melr-Ose,“ in Boston, Mass. On account of civic holiday coming on Friday, 7th iiist.. the inonthlv meeting of the Board of lCducatioii will be held on Friday. 14th, at the usual time and place. By‘order.â€"J. H. SANDEiisox, Chairman. The Conservatives of \Vliitchurch township will hold a picnic at Lake \Vilcox toâ€"day iii honor of Mr. T. H. Lennox, the local member for North York. A cabinet minister and othrr M. R’s are expected to be present. FOR THE FALLS! Don‘t miss the trip to Niagara Falls to-iuorrow. A civic holiday should mean 2i. day of enjoyment. The ï¬remen like lots of company. Come; along with us. Remember that the. cars leave Richmond Hill at 6.30l sharp. It is knowing the little details of measuring,r arid making that insures the fit and style. of a suitâ€"our artists know them. \Ve can save you $4.30 on a stylish suit. Give us a trial. Money back if not satisï¬ed.~Atkinson & Switzcr. \Ve regret to learn of the death at Mel’hillips. senior, relict of the late George Mcl’hillips, Esquire, Provir- cial Laird Surveyor and Civil Engi- neer. The Mcl’hillips family were re:- Special value now here in Pl'llllt'§, F2145. Dates. Raisins. t‘uii'nats, pine Spices. Bat-.i l‘owiler, Baking Soda. Teas. ('oll'ce. ‘ricllow :iiid ('rruiiiilatcd Sugars arid Patterson'sliiiecliocolales. ~Atl§iir=oii «k Sivilzcr. Mr. and Mrs. l“. H. Kirkpatrick arid two children are spending part of the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gi'ilV. .\lr. Kirkpatrick. who had been leach- :er of elm irlioii iii \Vimslel' University. Ohio, has taken a rosiliou alongthe same lines in the Toronto L'onservii» tory of Music. Slllilflthtll). Rev. Alex. Maeliughlin of Millers- burg. Iltlliilllzl. who attended the ln. lei-national S. S. (‘onvenlioii iii Toron- to, Came up and spent a week with old friends ii. Vaughan township. Mr. Maclauglrlin who \\.‘is for eight years pastor-oi the li. l.. church at Sher- wood prearhwl Sunday irroriiing to l i the congregation who were pleased to i listen to lii-z \oice again and renew ac- quaintance. Mi. Maciaughliii was equally deliglili-d to meet with his many friends. He leaves for home Thursday or Friday. Special this week. 3 sptinls for lllc., 7 bars Eclipse Soap for 25c., (5 tablets Fairy Toilet Soap for 250, 6 packs 'l‘wiri Gold lhist \Vasliiiig l’owder for 251:. 1 pound genuine, May-picked Ja< pan Tea for 23c.â€"~.‘1tkinson & Switzer. PlrliASl‘lS S\\'El)lSli PEOPLE. The story. “Linnea Siiirdberg," by Mrs. A. M. Blakcly. which appeared in The. 'l‘i'legrain on May 23, has been translated into the Swedish language. and was published in last week‘s issue of (laiiada, llie Swedish journal. The story has brought forth considerable i-oiiririwndation from the residents of Sweden who have had the opportunity of reading it, on account of its excel- lent setting, and ilscoi rot-t portrayal of Swedish life. Anolherstory by Mrs. Blakely, " High Park Ghost," will ap- pear in The Telegram to-irioi'row.â€" \\' innipcg Telt’gl’illll. CELEBRATION AT AbRORA. The celebration at Aurora on Do. iniiiioir Day was held underthe aus- pices of the Sons of England. There Was a large crowd in the cricket field in lhc afternoon. notwithstanding the rain which came down at intervals, arid a good programme was presented. The ï¬rst number on the bill of fill'l" was a. football contest between Newâ€" market and Snowball iir which the latter were victorious. The foot i aces. sack races, boot races. etc., were iiiter~ eating, little girls as well as boys en teiiirg iirto the contests with spirit and determination. The races were followed by a lacrosse match between Newmarkct and llichmond Hill. The contestants give a goo] exhibition of the national game, but it ended, as matches too often do. in a disgraceful light, iii which outsiders took part with several of the players. Tire score stood 5 to 2 in favor of Newirrarkct. Seldom has a tng-of-war been wit- nessed more exciting than that be- tween teams from King against \Vhit- Church. "he men pulled for several minutes without apparent advantage to either side, but King linally drew their opponents over the scratch. In the evening a concert was given in the drill shed, Master Frank Klegg, a l'is- ing young; star vocalist from Toronto. being; one of the attractions. A very good days amusement concluded with a. creditable display of ï¬reworks after the concert. THE REV. DR. BOOTH. His many friends at Richmond Hill and Carr-ville will be pleased to learn thal‘thc Rev. \V. B. Booth, pastor of St.Cl.-ire.n’s Avenue Methodist Church. Toronto, has had conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Illinois \Vcsleyan University at Bloomington, Illinois. during the pres- ent riroirlh. This is a degree that is conferred after long years of study and attainment of ripe scholarship and after passing severe examinations during a Course of years and llt‘\‘(‘l'l ._' gi\eu as an honorary degree. After completing his course of lectures at Toronto University many years ago' Dr. Booth continued his studies and ‘ as a reward for his unliriiig energy he has had conferred upon him this well deserved honor. High School pupil of Richmond Hill and some years ago was one of the ministers on the. Richmond Hill cir- cuit. hiACLEANâ€"MCNEIL. Avery pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNeil, Velloie, on \Veduesdny, June 28, when their only daughter, Annie M.. was united in marriage to James B. McLean of Maple. clerk and treats- urer for Vaughan township. -The ceremony was performed by Rev. \V. G. llack of Maple, iii the presence of a large number of relatives and a. few very intimate friends. The bride w: s attired iii white chiffon taffeta, trim- med with ciribroidered and plaited llr. Booth is an old i chitl’on, with bridal veil and orange' blossoms, and carried a holltlU‘t of hi idal roses. The bridesmaid Miss Lot- tie Diuwoody of (lookSlown, was gowncd iii cream silk eolienne, trim~ iiied with all-over lace and rosu point ‘ hertlia, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Th:> groom was supported by a Mr. E. J. 8. Duncan, barrister, Tor-orn- ‘Vinnipeg, Man.. last week. of Mrs. :Tlie to. Miss Agnes McNeil of Maple, played Mciidelssohn's wedding marcli. Alter the ceremony all retired to a large marquee on the lawn. which was beautifully decorated with ferns. where a lniiiptiiig repast was served, table at which the bride and ‘ giooin Were seated was in the centre, ideiits of Richmond Hill many years _ ago, and were highly respected. Sev- eral years since they removed to “ ii:â€" nipeg, Man. and by a happy arrangement the other tables were grouped around it. A beautiful bed of pennies and orange blossoms bloomed directly in front of the. taut, and added to the decorations of the place. An interesting toast list followed, Rev. Mr. Back acting as ‘ Hill, by Rev. Mr. Morris, on \Vcdnes- i f; the deep, dark, rich color of toastiirasler. Toasts to the bride, +++++++4ua b the biidesuiaid, the parents. etc, were lroposcd, and eloquently res; o riled to by gentlemen present. The young couple left amid good wishes to lakn the St. Lawrence trip. On their return t|i« y will remove, to lhcir home in Maple. 'l‘lii-lri'iile's gt!lll;.{~1l\‘»'il)' dress \\‘as of champagne logo cloth. trini- med with all-over lace and piping; of bliii-paiiiic \elvet. black silk loill'ist Coat, with Tuscan straw toque. Married. CLIFFâ€"vnlfilxsm At Toronto, June. 30, lilllï¬, Violet, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Burns, to Samuel A. ()lift, both of Elgiii Mills. Gi..\ss w DIN\\'(H)I)Y H At the rest . dciice of the bride's mother. (.‘lovei‘ day. July 5, Dickson N. Dinwoody to i Reuben \V. Glass of (‘ookstmviL Village Council. The Council met. .1 uric 2“. 1903. The recvo and councillors Crosby, Glass, limes and Trench all present. The. clerk read the minutes ot'Juneliwhich \vere approvr-d The following coinniuiiications were read: From the chairman of the “sc- lect coiiriiiillce on telephone, systems." dated Ottawa, June 2. 1905. From Mr. A. J. Hume, dated 20th June, iir which he resigns the ofï¬ce of Village Auditor which is accepted. The. following accounts were. read: J. limes. lumber for sidewalks $2.6 40 Ontario Paving Brick (hunpany Ill 80 P. G. Savage, account of sundry expenses . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .. 5 20 Village tr-easur-er‘s account, dis- bursements. pastages &c. to .llliii' (i. “lib-l . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 6 (if; Tl‘olil‘liâ€"GlaSSâ€"4lizit the treasurer pay the foregoing accounts. ~-(‘:arricd. liiiicsirGlassAtliat a bv-law be pass- ed authorizing the Reeve and Treasur- er to borrow three hundred dollars from the. Standard Brink to meet the current expenses of this corporation. -Uarricd. Mr. limes introduced By-law No. lilll to authoriZc. the Reeve and Treas- urerto borrow the sum of three, hun- dred dollars required to meet the now current expenditure of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Richmond Hill. The By-law was read a first, second and third time and passed. Gl ‘sâ€"lnnesâ€"that the treasurer be hereby instructed to pay Mr. Hesse A. Nicholls the sum of $5 for his extra \voi-k under the new Assessment Act. â€"â€"(‘:irricd. lnnosâ€"Glassâ€"Tliat the resignation of M. ,Teefy. Esq, as (‘vlerk aiid Treas urcr of the Municipality of Richmond Hill. be and is hereby acccepted. the said resignation to take effect at the expiration of the present.â€"Oarried. Crosbyâ€"Trencliâ€"â€"lhat. this Council of the Village of Richmond Hill express- es its extreme regret that M. Tecfy, Esq†should. on account of advancing years and the pressureof other duties, feel desirous of being relieved of the heavy work and responsibilities of the oï¬ices of Clerk and Treasurer of this Municipality. which oflices he has so any and efï¬ciently filled for over thirty-two years, not only with credit to himself but with the greatest ad‘ vantage to the Villageâ€"(Jar ried. The Council adjourned. M. TEEFY, Clerk. ___._‘..____ .. -'£ '.~--i ' What are your friends saying : i about you? That your gray g; hair makes you look old? . And yet, you are not forty! if Postpone this looking old. 7; Use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and ‘: restore to your gray hair all E7 early life. Then be satisï¬ed. -- "Ayers Hair Vigor restored the natural " color- to my gray hair, and I run greatly ': leased. It. is all you claim for it." _ Ems. E. J. VANDBCAB, Mechanicsvtllo, 1‘. Y. J. C. AYEI‘. (‘0 Lowell._ Ma ï¬sh?†- , Mani-.20“...- .OOAbot‘tle. H - "y .,.r.:rji c0: .1».;:‘-‘_.~'-’- «wt-51:1 & Summer Course (MVA’I'M: The oldest and best equipped in Canada. Complete Shorthand, Commercial and Bank- ing courses. Get cata- logue today. Address R. A. FARQUHARSON, B. A. .l Y.M.C.A. Building, 413% Yonge St., TORONTO. yawn/am", . 4.. mum-awn» r: +++%¢+HH++%¢¢++++++++Q+++++++++$++++++++++++++++ intâ€?+++++++++++++++++++++H 'd‘é‘d‘é'd'd-‘h'l'd‘d‘d-d'd-é‘i ++++++++++ .5. is". l, 1.4. .g. 403.. ‘ . «.u ..< . ~i~ . r . . 9 . , . . .,..,.,..,..g “0,â€: a v o V J. up i r s r v “1“!‘4'4‘4‘4‘ .5 030;. n i a 'e+'+++++ a + 'i' um Do much to acquaint the voters with the im- portance of the burning questions ofa politâ€" ical and ï¬nancial nature. $1)er téboudt ourd Spea Groceries) \Vith a very convincing voice. There’s not much need of an argument either. V\e assure quality, quote prices and leave it to your good judgment to secure a bargain. {We hereby certify thel Guarantee lqual i ty is rightl Canada, Maple Leaf, best six-cord, ZOO-yd. spools. 350. doz. Ladies Print \Vrappcrs, regular $1.35 for $1.00. 32-inch line Fancy Striped Vesting. regular 250.. for 15c.yd. Red Sockeye Salmon. regular 150. lb. can, 2 cans for ‘ZSC. Seven bars Eclipse Soap for 25 cents. Five lb. Cleaned Currants for 25 cents. Extra Figs, 50.. lb. Carolina Rice, 10c. lb. Pearl Tapioca. 33c. lb. Special value in Mayâ€"picked Japan Tea, at 30c. lb. Millilgï¬ii it SWITZER. Richmond Hill, June 22, 1905. :§«§‘+-§-+~§'++'§"§"}"€'$++++++++r§ +Ԥ"§"§~+‘§‘+-§"§'4‘+'§‘+++'§"§'§'+Ԥ'++%++'§r ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +$++M+++++$+++++ -}+++++++ '1' ++++~r++++++++++++++s~~z~+++r+ ++++++y+++++~§°++++$+§°++++++ llirliiiiiiiil Elli: liaiiliiaie Sign A Dollar’s Worth For a Dollar 3/ Hot weather is here; so are our oil stoves and at right prices. \Ve have a full line of hard- ware, also of churns, washers, lawn mowers, oils, barb and annealed wire, screen doors and windows, hinges, and a full line of build« ers tools always in stock. Farmers Binder Twine. Tinsmithing a speciality. Charles Scales. ++++++++é+¢++++++++++++é+++++r++++++++++++++++++++++ ' ï¬ftï¬i’ the Edit?†. m .3. s- i .‘ , H 4' .g. Did you examine our high-grade piano and New \Villiams Sewrng Machine: it not you still have a good chance by calling at our ofï¬ce . . . .i. and ware room opposrte Methodist Church, Rich- :3: mond Hill. AG‘rEN'I‘. +++++++++++++++++++++++++e+++++++++++++++++++++++e+s.