Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jul 1905, p. 7

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q lT MUST BE WELL FOUNDED STEADY GROWTH IN POPULARâ€" ITY OF DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Made by Cures Like that of Simon V. Landryâ€"He Tells About it Himself. River Bourgois, Richmond 00., C. 11â€"July 3.â€"(Special).â€"Among the many men in this part of Canada whom Dodd’s Kidney Pills have reâ€" lieved of aches and pains and weak- ness and made strong and able to do a good day's work is Mr. Simon V. Landry. Mr. Landry has numeronls friends here who can vouch for the story he tells of his cure. "I was bothered for over a year." he says, "with lame back, Weak legs. palpitation of the heart, gen- eral weakness and shortness of breath; in fact I could not work‘ and was a total wreck. "I could not get anything to help lne till I tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills. But they (lid me good and no mis- take. I used three boxes and I'm back at work again." It is the cures they make that make Dodd’s Kidney Pills so popu- lar. Their popularity has grown steadily for thirteen years. It must, be well founded. .._.____+__._ RAILWAY COLLISIONS. The figures showing the number of fatalities in collisions alone on Unitâ€" ed States railways are appalling and show a. constant increase in recent years. They are given by the Inter~ State Commission, as follows: Passengers: Killed. Injured. 1899... ..... . 61. 815 i1900......... 65 1,263 1901 55 1,458 1902 ...... .. 133 2,360 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 2,975 Employes: Killed. Injured. 1899 187 1,368 1900 264 1,576 1901 . .. 348 2,089 1902.... . 424 2,759 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3,772 The record for the present year, as shown by the reports made to the commission under the requirements of the accident, law of March 3, 1901 shows no diminution of fatalities. For the first three months there were 221 killed and 2,797 injured in rail- way catastrophes. These are the only figures compiled for the curâ€" rent year by the commission. __ __+.. PRIZE MONEY OF OLD DAYS. Sea battles at the present time do not result in such great rewards of prize money as formerly. English sailors in times past have brought great fortunes home after their sucâ€" cessful cruises. In the war with Hol- land, 1651-54, English ships are. said to have taken 1,700 prizes, worth $30,00,000. In 1657 the Spaniards loaded British sailors with treasure. They seized two of the Spanish gal- leons so richly laden with gold and jewels that it took thirty-eight Wagons to carry the treasure from Portsmouth to London. In 1761 came the historic capture of the Her- SMOKE ALL THE TIME. The Dutch Get their Smoking Re- markably Cheap. The I-Iollandcrs are, perhaps, of all the Northern peoples, those who smoke the most. The humidity of their climate makes it almost a the very moderate renders it accessible necessity, and cost of tobacco to all. To show how deeply rooted is the habit, it is enough to say that the boatsmcn of the ll‘Oksllflil, the aquatic diligence of Holland, meas- ure distances by smoke. From here, they say, to such a place it is, not so many miles, but so many pipes. When you enter a house, after the first salutations, your host offers l . {you a Cigar; when you take leave, . he, hands you another, and often inâ€" sists upon filling your cigar case. In the. streets you sec persons lighting a. fresh cigar wifh the burn~ ing stump of the last one, without pausing in their walk, and with the busy air of people who do not wish to lose a moment of time or a mouthful of smoke. Many go to sleep with pipe in mouth, relight it in the morning before they step out of bed. . It really does appear that smoking is for the Dutchman a necessary vital function. Many people think that so much smoke dulls the intelligence Nev- ertheless, if there be a people, as Esquiroz justly observes, whose in- tOIICCt is of the clearest and highest precision, it is the Dutch people. “Smoke,” said a Hollander, "is our second breath.” Another defined the cigar as the sixth finger of the hand. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all .hard soft or callouscd lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifiles. sprains, sore and swollen throat. coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. LADY’S PIPE COLLECTION. One of the strangest cases of klepâ€". tomania ever brought to light was heard of in Paris. A certain lady had such a passion for smoking and for coloring meerchaum pipes of this description from shops. In the flat which she occupied there were found no fewer than 2,600 pipes, not one of which, it is believed, she paid for, Tested by Timeâ€"In his justlyâ€"celeâ€" brated I’ills Dr. Parmelec has given to the world one of the most unique incdl- cincs offered to the public in late years. Prepaer to meet the want for a pill which could be taken without nausea. and that would purge without pain it has met all requirements in that di- rection, and it is in general use not only because of these two qualities. but because it is known to possess altera- tivc and curative powers which place it in the front rank of medicines. _._+___ LIVE ON COCOA-NUTS. Fruitarian Empire Founded by a German. An International Fruitarian Einâ€" pire has just been founded in Gerâ€" man New ‘Guinea by l‘i'ot'essor Aug- ust lingelhardt, a disf'nguishcd Teuâ€" tonic authority on dietetics and Lonâ€" don is being diligently searched for recruits, says the London Express. The professor is firmly convinced mione, the Spanish treasure ship that the cocoaâ€"nut is the natural from Lima. The admiral and capâ€" food of man, and. declares that it tains received as their share $325,â€"‘lproduces elasticity 'of body and mind 000 apiece, the lieutenants $65,000, warrant oflieers about $20,000, petty officers nearly $10,000, and even the common seaman $2.500 each. On arriving at Portsmouth the seamen bought. up all the watchâ€" es in the place and fried them over the galley fire. ._____§_._. It is easy to wear a flag in your hat so as to leave both hands free to fleece Uncle Sam. _____.+__ WANTED TO SLEEP. Curious That a Tired Preacher Should Have Such Desire. A minister speaks of the curious effect of Grapeâ€"Nuts food on him and how it has relieved him. “You will doubtless understand how the sullcl‘ing with indigestion ,with which I used to be troubled made my work an almost unendur- able burden, and why it was that after my Sabbath duties had been performed, sleep was a stranger to my pillow till nearly daylight. “I had to be very careful as to what I ate, and even with all my care I experienced poignant physical distrer after meals, and my food never satisfied me. "Six months have elapsed since I began to use GrapeNuls food, and the benefits I have derived from it are very definite. from indigestion, improve from the time Grapeâ€"Nuts appofll‘oll on our table. I find that by eating a dish of it after my Sabâ€" bath work is done, (and I always do so now) my nerves are quieted and rest and refreshing sleep are ensured true. I feel that I could not possibly do without ("napeâ€"Nuts food, now that I know its value. It is invariably on our tableâ€"we feel that we need it to complete the mealâ€"and our childrcn will eat. Grape-Nuts when they cannot be persuaded to touch :myfh'ng 0190." Name given by Posâ€" tum. ('o,, 'llatfle Creek, Mich. There's a rcason. Read the famous little book, "The Road to Wellv’ille.” in each pkg. and I began I no longer suffer. to l l and purity of thought, and cures all diseases. Converts who are admitted into the “Order of the Sun,” which is the professor's name for his new colony, are required to live on cocoaâ€"nuts. In the beginning the cocoa-nut is eaten grated, with bananas and pa.â€" payas, later it is chewed, and finally the colonists must live exclusively on COCOa-nuts. The island of Kabaronmwhich he has purchasedâ€"belonging to the New Laucnburg group in the Bismarck archipelago has been selected by the professor for his (‘XDOl‘llll(lll. As yet the members of the ‘Ol‘dcr of the Sun" are “all Germans. Herr Max Luetzow, the violinist and conâ€" ductor, being one of them, but the founder is making efforts to secure English colonists, who will have to present high references before initi- ation. + THE BOOTMAKER IN CHINA. Boots are only worn in China by officials, Servants, soldiers, sailors, and special hobâ€"nailed boots, occa- sionally in wet weather, by the coniâ€" mon people. The universal form of footâ€"covering is a shoe, whilst coolâ€" ies and the poorest classes have to content themselves with straw (:r leather sandals, or go barefoot. Women‘s shoes are made at home and, except in isolated cases in Shanghai, are never exposed for sale in shops. This remark does not apâ€" ply t0 the peculiar form of shoe worn by Manchu women, which is perched on a sort of small stilt. In the north, during the winter months, the ordinary boot or shoe is often wadded or lined with sheepskin. and of late, years reproductions of f‘binâ€" ese boots and shoes in indiarubbcr have been imported from the United States and Germany, and found favor with Chinese at the Treaty ports. _...+___ Dolly was out for a walk and met an old friend of her father. "And how old are ~\‘ou. little one?" asked the old gentleman. llut Dolly “as indignant. "l'ni hardly old at all; I’m nearly new,’ she nnsweres, foss« ing her hca d. if they wake in the night, and again- A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. “3 rotect Your Property â€"â€"-\VlTHâ€"-â€" P , e e D‘AMo ‘ 1% FIRE NO EXTINGU iSHE‘R A dry piwdnr put up in metal tubes, 22 'nch-s long. I’. will insf'intly extincuish the most furloui flnm ‘9: of wonder oil. 151008.101) each, 50 0f.) dol Write for Al eacriptivc circular Af EN l8 WANTED m The Diamond Dry Powder Fir. Extlngulsher 00.. Toronto. Ont. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western lty. will sel‘. from Chicago. round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angclcs, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se~ attic, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice. favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full information can be obtained from ll. ll. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 CONSOLATION. The mun who has married the wrong girl may console himself with the thought that perhaps the right one wouldn't have had him. A Benefactor to All.â€"~Tho soldier, the sailor, the fisherman. the minor. the farmer, the mechanic, and all who live lives of toil and spend their existence in the dull routine of tedious tasks and who are exposed to injuries and ailments that those who foil not do not know, will find in Dr. "honins' Eclec- tric Oil an excellent friend and bone- factor in every time of need. Sudden deaths on the increase â€"I"eople apparently well and happy toâ€"day, toâ€"inorrow are striken down. and in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred the heart is the cause. The king of heart remedies, Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, is within reach of all. It rclicvcs iii 30 minutes, and cures most chronic casesâ€"91 Mrs. Wickwireâ€""Oh, Henry! And I told you so particularly before you chose a new house to be sure the chimney didn’t smoke." Mr. Wickâ€" w‘ii'eâ€"“Wcll. this one doesn't. Come outside and see for yourself.” M It is a Liver Pillâ€"Many of the nicnts that man has to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver which is a delicate organ jpurticularh susceptible to the disturbances that come from irregular habits or lack 1 care in eating and drinking. ’l‘liis ac- counts for the great many liver regu- lators now pressed on the attention or sufferers. Of these there is none super- ior to Parmelee's Vegetable I’ills. The” operation though gentle is effective, and all- thc most delicate can use them. Beggar (insinuatingly)â€"“I say, mister, have yer got any suggestion to make to a feller wot ain't able to raise a penny to git shaved with?" Old Gentleman (passing on.)â€"“Yes; grow a beard.” I'd rather be dead than suffer again the tortures of insomnia, palpitation and nervous twitching of my muscles induced by simple neglect of a little indigestion." These are the forceful and warning words of a. lady who pro- claims that her cure by South Ameri- can Nervine when everything else had failed was a modern miracle. A few (loses gives whetâ€"02 Deacomâ€""I wish that young Canon Mayberi'y weren't obliged to preach to such a small congregation." li‘rivâ€" olous \’\'id0\vâ€"â€"“So do 1. Every time he said ‘lleni'ly -bclovcd' this mornâ€" ing I felt as if I had received a proâ€" posal.” - MILLIONAIRE. ’ FOllTUNES . According to an estimate compiled by Mr. Elclll‘y Clewes, a financial authority, Mr. .I. D. Rockefeller, the Sfanhard Oil magnate, is the richest man in America, with a fortune of $500,000,000. Mr. A. Carnegie comes second with and Mr. W. W. $250,000,000. Astor third with -$200,000,000. TEA because it is tightly 5 like ordinary bulk teas. BLUE Rf EOPLE LEKE ealed in lead packets, not lying about loose BBON is carefully watched from PLANTATION TO IIOIIE and pleases all. ONLYoNE BEST TEAâ€"BLUE Libby’s ($133539 Soups. Corned Beef Address Libby LU C KY DOCTOR. In FranCe it is not only the unâ€" educated who plunge in the public lotteries. They are patronized by all classes, and a Calais doctor has just found Ilame Fortune more kilid than he was ever likely to find Aesculaâ€" pius: His name is Dr. lluc, and he took a whole ticket in the last issue of Panama lottery bonds, He, has just received notification that has drawn the grand priye of £20,- 000. Dr. line was chief surgeon to the hospitals of Calais. ' LARG EST NEWSPAPER OFFICE. "Which is the largest newspaper office in the world?” asks the I'rinâ€" ter's Engineer. America naturally claims that the New York Times building, with its thirtyâ€"one storeys and an area of 116.319 square feet, holds the record. This, however, is no longer the case. The magnificent edifice recently built for the produc- tion of the Scotsman (Edinburgh) puts the former building completely in the shade, for although it can only boast thirteen storeys, yet it possesses an area of 261,787 square feet. This building is more than twice the size of that of the New York Times. “What's become of that fellow Tweedles?" “011, he opened a shop!" "Doing well?“ “No; doing time. He was caught.” Rheumatism What's the Cause ?â€"Where’s the Cure?â€"Thenctiveir ritating cause of this most painful of diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South American Rheumatic Cure neutralizes the acid poison. Re- lieves in 6 hours and cures in 1 to 3 daysâ€"90 The harder a man can laugh at the mishaps of ofhcrs the harder he can get mad at the man who laughs at his. If attacked with cholera or summer complaint of any kind send at, once "i r a. bottle of Dr. J. l). Kellogg’s J'ys .. tery Cordial and use it according directions. It acts with wonder“: pidity in subdulng that dreadful case that weakens the strongest and that destroys the young and cute. Those who have used this cholera. lllllll "if: medicine say it acts promptly, and nev- ' or fails to effect a thorough cure. Jones asked his wife, husband like dough?" “Why is a He expected she would give it up, and he was going to tell her it was because a woman needs him; but she said it was because it was hard to get off her hands, Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes illâ€"health. One great cause of disease in children is worms. Re- move them with Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It never fails. RATS ON A WIRE. A graceful exhibition of wire-Walkâ€" illg was given by a number of rats at Slip-o, .ll‘t'lilnd, recently. An exâ€" cise officer, who was cycling by the town hall, happened to look up, and saw an enormous rat making its way along an overlich electric wire, He pointed out the lllondin rodent to the town hall officials, and they watched nearly 150 of the rats pass along. until they were hidden from sight by a loftv flour mill. The rats used their fails as the professional walker on the lofty wire uses his balancing rolc, and although they were watched for more than 200 yards there were no Casualties. CllOOWTHE WALL. Don't run into debt as long as you can find a stone wall to run into. Daintyâ€"Delicious~Attracflve to the Eye and satisfying to the appetite Food Products Ox Tongue. Potted Chicken. Deviled Ham. Dried Beef. Brisket Beef, Lunch Tongues. they are wholesome. The Booklet. "How to Make Good Things to Eat" sent free- , McNeill 6. Libby Chicago ‘BRH’ISH‘ A he , months meson TE u... Hashâ€"all as good as Easy to serve FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Glenn cleaned The. an be can: by post, lo pat on the but piece ll MERIGAN DYEINQ 09. MONTREAL KYRSHIRE CATTLE? run SALE 20 Ayrshire Bullsâ€"four to twenty old: Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to HON. W. OWENS, Monte Bello, Que. PROTE WILSON’S FL‘V PASS KILL THEM ALL AVOID PDDR‘lifi ITATIONS uik- .â€"n‘â€" - Benedictâ€"“Do you know, old man, I don't spend so much money now as I did before I was married?" lBachelorâ€"“How's that?" Benedictâ€"- "‘\\'ell, I don't have it to spend." You cannot be happy while you have coriis. Then do not delay in getting a. bottle of liolloway‘s Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. Young Husband (to wife)â€"”Didn't I telegraph to you not to bring your mother with you?” Young Wifcbâ€"“I know; that's what she wants to see you about. She read the telegram!“ Kidney Search Lights â€"IIave you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your the loins? llave you dizziness? Have liinbs feel heavy? Have you pains in you a tired dragging feeling in the re- gions of the kidneys? Any and all of Llicse indicate kidney troubles. South American Kidney Cure is a. liquid kid- ney specific and works wonderful cures in most complicated casesâ€"91 Everybody abuses a public man, but nobody abuses a private citizen except his best friend and his wife’s relations. Lover’s Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- facts. “It would be helpful to you," said the prison visitor, “if you could take some motto and try and live up to it.” “That’s right," replied the convict. “I‘d like to select, for inâ€" stance, ‘We are here to-day and n gone to-morrow,’ Worry wont cure a cough. When you find a cough holding onâ€" when everything else has failedâ€" tiy Shiloh’s fConsumption fleece is?“ ' It is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn’t, we’ll refund your money. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 304 25c. 50c. 51. LeRoy,N.Y..Toronto. Can. 'QOâ€"LG ‘ON EIIISSI

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