Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1905, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 00.118 by day and night, promptly at- tended to. NOTARY PUBLIC, issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. THURS Remodelledfimd newly furnished throur'hnnt 0 no 'el' me mos ouveuiont and cumfortgblp hot '5 on Yuugo Sweep. Every model-a 'ccu- “33m Sample rooms for ombm‘ercml zmvellers. Anidsalstopping place for tiling or driving pa.rties,bicyclists, or farmers going .tnorretuvuiug fro-n market. passthedcor Liver u-mnnection J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL W' i} JOHN R. CAMPBELL, PALM E R HO USE 3L. XXVIII. 5V. C. SAVAGE Want your moustache or heard a bsautifuj brown or rich black? Use goumsaloxmm ms HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c THE FR running wire absolutely St or crimping either 1h: S’oVoVoVa"oVon3VoVoVo‘ v-.--‘w “ _"-_____‘ (o " " ' - ' " 0' :2 CLUBINE .5: PEARSON. - Thomhlll :1} “M. oaeeeeexseerseesu-sees e, eesseaeeeseomeeeeeeemO VETERINARY SURGEON, T‘hornhiil. 3;. TEEFY. PJQH-MOND BUSEN (i I) new INC! M the np It Is the (i [£3 PU BLIS WOODARD 6: CROCKART. CLUBINE 6: PEARSON. Thornhill Every _Viednesday. er annum, 1n advance. TERMS SLOUPER DAY 3i! MDND EHLL. ONT DAY NCORNING H0 BI AH O N. weteriuary Not one pound of soft stire enters into the construgion of V THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked tothe running wires with TEE FROST “’EDGE-LOCK, making an absolutely Stock-proof Fence. The Locks bind without kinking 11g either the stays or laterul \Vires. \Yill not slip. and our had of cnamelling and baking p‘events rust. which adds greatly pearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. heaviest and the best. For sale by ESS CARDS. AI‘ THE fiental. & Pnovmmoa )1 iii-33mm} HED EVERY u t PUBLISHING H0 7 1' G A N nu W'iah large. stiff LAEADUL‘Q H ages 1 of Stand DERSUNMAS. N EWTON Toron t "plati: work Toron on W Lt H mne hold Mr. ( 5:337 \\'l:‘e~'-Tmakes a pertsd fence Licens e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attnuded on the shortest notion and an reasonabemtes. P.0.n.dd.ress King LENNOX & MORGAN, Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sa‘res‘mttendedto on shortestnntieesnd a rea- onablerates Patronagesolicibed LicensedAuctinneerfortbe Connues of York amIOntm-lo Allsales of farm stock, &c, at. tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgageaudbnilifl‘ sales attended to Residence .S toufl'ville Ont mm ISSUER M RRIAGE LICENSES, E §4{}I?Â¥ BKIIJLS G R G above A arge stock of Funeral FN‘rnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THQRNHILL Instructiun‘in the Art, ,uf Piano Plu ' ing. Full term opens September 5, 1905. (Lessons dm-mg July and August.) JIB (mam-takers & Embaggnoz-s, J. EARLE NEWTflN Pianist HHIU, CCl'lal constipation WRIGHT BROS, auctioneer for the County of York, [on consignment. (‘xenaral sales 01 promptly attended to at reasonable snieuce Unlonville ul‘llug, Newton Brook, agent for tho i). G. BLOUGH. m1 goon a; McEwcn. wars and golicliors. ENE 53 N. E. Smllh. )se is one, just one pill jzime. Sugar-coated, certain. The‘y‘ cure 1no:nn Ln -AUQ[CO.. ll. Plenaflcc. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905 ula 415 eâ€"Tbree deans south of the & JOHNSTON L Sis :9, Richmond Hill on Ltrm-davs. ‘In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Lawrence Into. It Maple 011 Thursday of each week. uhmacmmnuml Aurora Thomhlll LOAN AT \licitors, etc LG the old post ofljou I the entrance 7120 the IS, Hawks, Jcc. G STV MORGAN i c bathe] mortgages at (formerly Fre .n. Ademide & Toronto. {Hum Lfifljflfi hone Main (n. 33 Rich- Buildings, J K McEwen Weston Newmarket ['96 ay- whore \Ver [(5 Mr. Om smrcvs'sf Glgxlph. Ruwhothum B) file appearance (-1 ‘by the applicatk paint. The bridge in f] IS the trafldling Mrs. G. \\’e MI this 5 ing. the miLte at fil delay let's 0t Ureelnure spur noon last with Mrs. J( Miss E. Nichols of the guest, of Mrs. W Week. IS usunl ‘ made a gndm'tukc and an, \vm-kvd hkel‘r-njnns, and, as is usunl with war young people. they made a success of what thvy had gndm'tuken. The pl-oglmmuv, which was largely musi 'al, wusxendered in the church. Owing to a littlu (werâ€" sight the Vopcnmg exercisvs were omitted. “’9. would not wish the Visilnl-s to think our League is always openvd in such a manner. Thofirst on thv progl-mmne was a duvtt by Misses U. Jennings and P. Burnhzmn, which was quite appropriate furtho occasion. Mr. Harrv and M Mvrllv on the pmgmnmie was :L (hint by Miss‘s U. Jennings and P. Bin-nhzun, \Vhi was quite appropriate for the occasion. Mr. Harry and Miss Myrtle Klinttk delighted their hearers in the rendering of theil'dllett. The others who tank pm'tall (lid well. Ice cream, lemonade and lunch were served at the clnse 0f the entertainuwnt, out- side. The lemonade “as first-class, the supply of ice cream was abundant, and of excellent quality. 'l‘zd<i_l|g everything into Consideration the such-.1 was a grand success. The com- mittee intend holding another social next month. Miss J. Dennie is suffering from blood poisoning. A nhu'nber of our young people spent Sunday away from alanine. Among them were Miss L. Lnndy, Miss O. Jenningc, Mr. L. Rowhothzun, Mr. Ross Klinrk and Mr. Harry Klinck. (From Another Correspondent.) A young man from the Elgin ar- rived in town on Friday morning he- inre the natives had arisen flum their peaceful Sllllllllel'S, laid hold upon one of our bright young Indies and de- parted on the same day, evidently to the United States. Mrs. “". H. Land-y is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. H. F. \Vilsun, of Cusho}. md \Ye are sorry 10 rnpnrt that, Mr. R. Hopper is stiH :ulfering from a SUVEI'O attack of rheumatism. Mr. J. Tran, late of Duhlth. Minn., and his young lu-ide have gone to Tu- run“: where he has a pusiliun in the Central Business College. \V'e Wish him continued success and a happy future. Mrs. L. S. Klinck. who has been visiting relatives here, has gnne west on a holiday trip previous tn taking up her ulwde at Ste. Anne de Bullevue, Que. Miss Myrtle Khnck is yisfiting friends in King. Mr. Ralph Perkins has indefiniter postpused hi5 lung~contemplnLed trip ‘Lo Lnionville. - Mr. and Mrs. J. LunaugpenLSundny aftelruoun with their next dom- neigh- box; M r. C. Stoutenburgh and :1 few close friends made the cuhmzm feel rich on Friday. The basement of the church is being renovated and impruycd. All meet- ings in the meanLime are being heldin the body of the church. Miss L. Lundy left on Tuesday to visit friends dmv'n the St. anrence. Mr. Lambert Can't-r and wife of To- rnntn spent Sunday at the home of his parents. The funnel-s are into Lhe hayâ€"so is the min. ' \Ve wish all pun-boys success in their High School anminntions and hnpe their recent, vigorous wielding of the pen will fit them for the hay fork. A vex-y interesting sex-vice was held in the Eglinton Methodist, church last Sunday nnn-ning when L. O. L. 269 marched in for their annual sermon. The music by the choir was excellent. The sex-mun was preached by Re\. (Bx-o.) A. P. Brace, B. D.. of Newton Brook. um] the sum} Mr. Hurry K mution on tlu Mrs. Jase-uh )w‘Liskenrd ( more she inter a ks with rola A number fr (rm-sin” tn Th Miss Louise L >1- summer 2v.- Istern Ontark The first 19 first social of the Loagu season was held on Tuesday 1 The thunder storm lut aftornnon prevented the 99 carrying out, tlwir plans as 1'st intended. This caused a y at first, lrut the committee all, Worked like Trujnns, ur. snul with um- Voung neonle. :‘1 n \V dge in fmnt 0f lnt23has b ‘(An dangerous condition the last ks, :md npan-ntly no vfl'urt made to ensure the safety of Hing public. . Wellman of Elgm Mills and Hehnkuy and her twu daugh- reemure spunt Tuesday after- ctoria Square phrev has left 0111‘ m umme-r vucntiun. -y Klinnk is spendn‘ Klinck Nature Thu Fa] 3 Lundy xvucuth > Im-m. Burnhnm “E (m Thin-5d (HI) Us. have imprnv the Sabbath Svhr n of a. good cxvat to see tho name nj mmng those of thc Study students :11 here enjoyed to S ()H hn tends sp n itll fI-i njnns, and, as g people. they mt tlwy hud 'mnnu‘, which ls.rendel'e(1 in :1 little overâ€" \lortsnn. ry Sound is Nichols this 1d mu ltt U): litt 0TH 0f 0| ()l' .1]. The mun who first; proposed :1 civk holiday and an excursion to Ningam Falls last Friday is Worthy of a, vote 01 thanks. \Vhat everybody says is al- most sure to be tI-uP, ‘nnd 21.11 who took the trip unite- in saying thatthe day was most enjnyulfly spent, and the ex this dm had inn ever, LI dispusin va fo the mu HCI'OSS fmm ‘ Tcl‘son ronto yam St. Mel hum-(19d the Metropolitan cms till they arrived at their destination, and the same can he said about “14‘ return trip. Arriving at the Falls the first thought was the securing of refresh- ments. Some Visited the restaurants, while others formed themselves into little, groups :1 ml picnickml in Victoria. Park, a most delightful spot. Then the. various places ofuttruction were visited.“ Most of the excursionists soon found themsvlves on the American side of the river, visiting Luna. Island, Liorseshoe Falls, Three Sister Islands and other places of interest. The party and other planes of interest. The party started on lhe return trip at 5.15, an. iiving at the Port at 7, Toronto at, 9.30, and Rirhmond Hill at11.15, with- out an accidpnt 01' a. mishap of any kind to man the pleasure of the day. The trip going and returning was nut devoid (If interest, as a nmnlwr of prac- tical jokers were on hnaid who had a grind-natured joke to crack with al- most emry plSSt‘l‘vl)}’_. In fact the whole excursion party vas like one happy family, and Llnuhtless manv men and women got lwtteracqnainted with one another on that one day than they would in five years by ‘I'enugiuing at home. The committee who mam aged the day’s onl ing were Messrs. \V; H. Pugsley. P. G. Savage, J. H. Bry- don, T. H. Trench and G. Uowie. SPRAY FROM THE FALLS. The voice of the cataract seemed to say : “Come again.” The only person who seemed to take the rallies and jests seriously was “ The man With the whiskers.” The favorite song passing through Cunntnwn, Sr. Catharine-s, was “WV-(Ly anu Upon the Swzmee River.” An chursionist and friend were. so loath to leave the Figure Eight that it was feared they would miss their car. Thus says a cmnpnnion. but those who live in glass huusvs should not throw stones. Ye-s, the jokes were harmless. The nearest, approach to Indeness hap- pened when the woman lost 1101' store tevth out of the car window. The boys did express their sympathy in shouts of lunghtvr. But, who could re- tain a. sober countenance at such a. time? There is a. new amendment to the Municipr Act which comes into force this yvnr. It pmvidas that ever-y farmer shall cut- the thistles and noxi- ous wee-(ls along the roadside border- ing on his farm and halfway across the road. and nu time will he allowed on the Ruud List {m- such work. If the thistlvs are not cut by the 10th of July the paitlnnaster must notify all delinquents. All cases of default shall be reported to the Tuwnship Council by the pzithinnster and all work or- dered by them shall he L-harged against the propvrty in the next Collector’s Roll, and it Shall be collected, together with any costs, in the same manner as ordinary taxes. This is pretty hard on the men occupying corner farms. n d The Barn Party heid in Mr. George Robinson’s new burn Tuesday evening was a pleasing affair. The building was appropriately decorated, and over two hundred attended. McBride & Hem-iuk's orchestra, assisted by Mr. Bull, harper, from the city, furnished gnud music for the dancing whivh was indulged in till uhout3o’clnck. Unlike the burn-raising two weeks ago, the event was nut n. trile of strength and skill. Markham vs. Vaughan. hit a happy mingling of young men and women in the Inazy dance. The wish of many on their departure. was that, the prupl'ivtm' would have his new inn-n well filled with :1 golden harvest. lSlH'( day‘s outing. wk was not [31' lie-fnl'e the can dnnhtless kop intended join' ', the commit msing of 184 e for children PXCUI'SiUlIiStS >. but there i 11 Victoria Sql on, Elgin M to and other )33 the lake v City to Port, K) is am Cull] riton HARD ON SOME FARMERS HREMEN’S EXCURSION max-mes, m, Thu” rivng at Every (:0 '9-seckers d the Met i peach ups :1 nd picnickvd in Victoria. must delightful spot. Then ‘ms places of attraction were Most of the excursinnists soon :omlmttee were not, long in ')E 184 tiokets, 21 of which hildren. Naturally most of ionists were from the vil- bhere was a. fair sprinklil g ria Squzue, Bond Lake, Jvt- gin Mills, Tillil’nl’lll], T0- (mher places. The trip lake u as made in the Gar- ) Port, Dalhousie, thence by ilwuy through Vast vine- pmch orchards, touching at, fines, and passing through Thou-old and other places, ng at the Falls at, about. *ry courtesy was shown the x-kvrs from the time they .0 Metropolitan cms till they their destination, and the )e said aboutthv- return trip. ‘ at the Falls the first; in? the securing of refresh- )me visited the restaurants, *rs formrd themselves into BARN PARTY. opt: inin nnplcte In ( The \)isi 11g tell" ed I'll] the F were 1nd success from (191‘ that, no morning our 21' rung the that all had ‘. pxepm'e for veatner at 5 ; in fact rain 1 M1130, and at, home whu party. anv- e not, long in 21 of which 0k RV :In a recent interview with Mrs. Lil, Langtry, she very wisely said :A: "The fact that I believe in the superior force of mind over matter does not blind me to the truth that the foundation of every successful life is good health; that the key- ;toxie to physical beauty is perfect physical ea th. u sick woman cannot be a beautiful woman, nor can she be anything but what we English call a poor-spirited woman. "“To a reat extent a woman‘s beauty is measure by her vitalityâ€"by her health. "Work, Sunshine, Exercise, Water and Soap, Plain, Nourishing Food, Lots of Fresh Air, and a Happy, Contented Spirit ’â€"there, as you say, ‘honest and true.’ is my working'rule for youth, youthful spirits and youthful looks." One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her womanly syso tem and wellâ€"being. Ever woman, young or old, should know hersefji'and her phys- ical make-up. A good way to grive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book, such for instance as "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. " by RSV. Pierce, M. D., which Can readily be procured by sending thirty-one cents in one-cent stamps for paper-bound volume, or fifty cents for clothâ€"bound copy, and address- ing Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. (7)1169} =F.€\V management. Largest, and best farmers’ stable in Toronto. Special attention paid to wholesale- hutchers wnd farmers. Horses bought and 30161013 commission. "Dr. Pierce‘sPavorite Prescription can alwayl be ,relied upon to cm when everything else fails," writes Mrs Dr. Nielsen, of 4302 Langley Avenue, Chicago, llls. "It is a certain cure for female troubles, diseases in their worst forms. I suffered for years with ulceration, intense pains and a dreadful backache, which unfitted me for my work. Finally I grew so ill had to keep to my bed. In this extremity I used ‘Fa- write Prescription‘ for three months and then 'I was well. Only those who have passed through such a siege of sickness as I have will derstand how much I value Dr. Pierce‘s Faâ€" orite Prescription." Dr. Pierce offers $500 reward for any case of Leucorrhea. Female Weakness, Prolap- sus, or Falling of Womb which he cannot cure. All he asks is a fair and reasonable {trialrof his means of cure. No substitute for " Favorite Prescription ” offers so much. 50$. Doyle Why you should burn H. Winger 8c Son’s Kola. 2ndâ€"Being very dusty you ahvnys have a very convenient excuse for :m untidy house when your neighbors call. ls‘tâ€"Being mostly slate you yotuself \Vul'lll shaking it. 3rdâ€"Being very dull in shade you need not; fear lustre blindness. fillâ€"Being of the oorest, quality it, keeps you busy sent ing us oxders and us tu fill them. thus keeping us all delightfully employed. Try our coal and you will never In without it. (You will throw it, int; the back yard and always keep it.) Order early as our first orders always filled last and the last lutm Huping ynu will uut forget. us \vhm needing kole. To prove the pudding don’t chew the string. II. ‘V’iu 5101‘ 8.: SS0)“ LILIES OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY Fm-mor propriolnr Commercial Stables. 51 BLACK EGRSE Stables [Single copies, 3 cts. Promieéor CARRVILLE, ONT. \Ve remain yours No. 2 eat 5l-lm 9t

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