Administrator’s Noï¬ce to Grmï¬tors for any assets or any pzub Lllt‘l'Put to any pmsuu or persons of whose claims they shall nut, then have received HUIN‘P. \VILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St. \V., Toronto. solicitur fur the Ad- ministrators. the National TrustiCompauy.. Limited. 2-4 King St._E.. Tux-unto. . :lll pm-l-suns havng claims :1; estate of the said John A. S. died on m- ahnut the 21% d‘ gush, A. D. 1903. are required post. prvpaid. 01' duliVer lu t, i<ir2Ll 01's ceased. u lllt that uftvr the last- mvntioned dutv Administrators will proceed to ‘ tribute the assvts 0f the decea uniting the parties entitled thex having regard unly to the claim: which they shall than have recei of PURSUANT TO _R. S. O. 1597. N1)'I‘l(,’1£ IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inel‘lb according to marks ()hcainpd :â€" 1 Gladys Chmnler 2 Eva. \Vatsnn 23 Ada Calhoun 4 Herb. Kelly 5 George Hosliel (i Marjory Boyle 7 Roy Flook 8 Arthur Graingcr 9 Naomi “'invkier u10 Mabel Smith 11 Hilda Beynon 12 Annie Chantlei‘ 13 Alice Stal'tup 14 Harry Nzlugliton 15 Lam-eatm Bun-y 16 Hui-old Murphy “The law now is» that you must not sell to minors, order or no order. Do not forget; this. Do not sell to weak men, men who you know areI injuring themselves. and' beggaring their families through drink. You must know these men and you should refuse the-m drink and so instruct your. Lelpy. Do .nocvsuvffer any loafing about: youun' I‘rillfley outside or in. If 5c mantlisVseenn coming out of your pgancepr‘loaï¬ng in the neighborhood oï¬fypumï¬lzlce drunk, it gives yourl mace-away. Keep-the law strictly as; to Saturday nights and Sundays. Keep your premises tidy and allow me unseemly conduct about.†in The license commissioners for North Oxford have set a. good ex- ample for ofï¬cers holding similar pusitions. They have addressed a circular to license-holders, making certain sections clear, and advising hotel-keepers to observe the law not only in letter but; in spirit. The hotel-keeper that pays no attention to the warning should not expect sympathy if he gets into trouble. ‘We take the following from the circular:â€" @112 ï¬ibeml. 17 Eva Hill 18 \Vilfx-id Redditt 19 Beverley \Valker 21) Edna Gordon 21 Clax-ksnn McDonald 22 Bertha Mal-wood 23 May \Viltshil‘e 24 Maud lent: 25 Clam McBride 26 Oscar Smith 27 Alex. \Villiams 2% Inene Marsh 29 Alma Bouoock 3U Herschel Nixon Bl Maud SVaLson 32 Luella. Johnston 33 Louis Elliott 34 Cassie Hill 35 Norma Morgan 36 Olive Mmgan 37 Hazel Hanna 38 Ella Unsgrove 38 . .39 40 41 Frank Bru‘ 4‘2. Mabel Van 43 Edna “7004 44 Percy Hill 45 Frank Grzu 4li llny \Vice 47 Lucy Egan 475‘ (ivm-ge K91 IN 4‘.) it. prvpald. 01‘ ('1: Trust Company N THE ESTATE of John A.Stm‘ey, 1 of 1119 City of Lowell, in the State M‘nssuchusvtts. Esqnile, dk‘ceasod. ‘rust Cmnpuny. Tux-(mm. Admin alm's of ll)» estate (If the said (19â€" ;m1.unn1‘ befm‘e the lï¬lh deny of rust 1.00.3, their names and addrvss- nd a full stntenwnt‘ Of the particu- of their claims and the nutme of *Lxcurity. if any, held by thm. ND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Perl-y U1 ice Harold Boucock Frank Brown Mabel Vundox'burgh Edna \Vood Percy Hill ' Fran k Grady Roy \Yice RICHMOND HILL. July ivm-ge Km 1‘ :‘mnk Rumble. regard nnly t0 the claims of hey shall thpn have received and that they will not be liable ' 33595 (-1- any part thereof to sun or persons of whose claims will nut then have received Entrance Examination SOUND ADVICE. gainst the prey, who uy ut‘ An- tosendhy heNuLiUn- ), Admin 13, 1905 the disâ€" fregm-d only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. and the Administrator will not he liable for the assets 01‘ any part thereof. to any person, the untice of whose claims Shall not; him: been waived by him at the time of dishilmtinn. From lot 12. con. 2, Markham, 1 rnd and white steer, 1 yemznld. Any per- sUn giving infnnnwtiun that will lead to the recovery will be suitably re- warded. nature of the security if any held by them. that after such last 111entioned date the Administratnr will pI-owed to dis- tribute the assets of the Estate-among {she pitl'tiefs entjtled_ thereby, _h-:l_vi1_xg A red covered pocket note book. the property of J. H. Brillingm‘. The ï¬nder will please leave at Standard Bank and receive suitable reward. 2-1 THE - LIBER IN THE MATTER OF THE'ES’FATE OF JAMES RUMBLE. lute ()f the Towship uf Vaughan‘in the Gummy of York, Farmer, deer-nixed. ‘3 Pursuant to R. S. 0. Chap. 129, and Amending acts notice is herehy given that all parties having claims against the Estate of James Rumhlw, lute of the Township (if Vaughan, in the County of York. Farmer, who din ()u 91‘ about the 28th day of May 190.3, are required on 01- hefm-e the ï¬rst day of August, 1905.t0 send to “'m. Cook. Barrister, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, T0~ rontvo, Solicitnr for the Administrator, a statement of their claims and the The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him General Biacksméih w. H EW I so N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The residence immediaton south (if High School, Richmond Hill. Apply to PATRONS I $4 a day for teams to wmk on HM James Bay Railway at Riclmmnd Hi1} Apply to For Sale or A pine-mom house and large lot. Superlor fruit. Apply to R. E. LAW. P. O. Box 405, Richmond Hill. A good house in the village. > Apply Calls from a distance promptly ascended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL House and stable to rent on Y ;., in the centre hf the village. ADI-’13:“: AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Horse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. GEO. 00mg, All kinds of Blacksnxitlnng done. House Wanted Notice to Creditors Ilbsori ho tor Team's Wanted tf And hopes for a continuance of the same. \VILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto, Solicitor for Administrator. STRAYED FOR SALE '1‘() IIISS RICHMOND HILL. To Rent LO T ALBERT QUANTZ 3 AM ES NE‘VTON. M. RANSOM D. MCK E [L MISS BRO\VN. L21 nizstuff P. O. To Rent CKELLA R. Conn-m- [1 yr. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. )x' ) A I Ripans Tabu1es cure constipation. l, L Ripans Tabnles. w» 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired W. Eager, Prop. Steel Hog I‘rnughs z+¢¢¢§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§O§§¢666 § 1:- BARGAINS EVERY DAY z QO§O4§+§§§¢f§4§§§§90§§#QQQ $+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++4 Wmï¬@g Affm-ds u splendid opportunity for teachers and uthers to spend a pur- tion of the holiday season in a most, proï¬table mummy. \Vrite at once fm' particulars. During July and August in 0111 ourschnul, AfldI‘GSS \V. H. SHA\V, Principal Yunge & Gerrard Stan, Tux-unto. \Valtham jeweled watches, men’s size, in nickle cases, $5 75; full jeweled, $7.3o';'full jew- eled, adjusted, $10.65. Railroad grades, $16 85. \Vatches are on bar- gain every day at this store, and you will be- lieve it if you compare other deaier’s prices with mine. B931 this if you can and let mahezu- from you . JERRY SMITH One of the largest and host Commercial schools in the Don); inion. All of our gxtaduutes are absolutely sure of securing posi- tions. Strong stalf of teachers; modern courses; splendid equip- ment. Every student thorough ly satisfied. \Vrite for our mag- niï¬cent catalogue. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5. Summer 139mm Our stock of Paris Grovn. Hello- lmre IIISFCL Powder. Bunionnx Mixture. is complete and gumum- teed Government Standard of purity. w. a. Sandman DRUGGIST Look after your fruit, trees and ï¬nes. se Paris Green and Bordeaux Mixture fm‘ Blight nn Pow.- ttms and Tuumtoes. (Cor. Youge [Lad Alexander 8155.) GROEITO. ONT. Practical Watchmaker >Â¥+++$++++++§+é++ Madé to order at W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TORONTO, ++++++++++++++++ {‘4‘ ‘rv-r'r-r-r-r-wr + CLOUD LEXINGTON is an imported Kentucky-bred trotting stallion, 16 hands; and in stud cundilitm Weighs 1,300, and is one of the l-izimlsomest and l ï¬nest stock horses in Canada. MONDAY EVENINGâ€"He will he at Einpi-inglmm’s Hutel, East Toronto. \VBDNESDAY EVENINGâ€"vâ€"AL Bedfm'd Purl; Hutu], Yongu Sty. THURSDAY lÂ¥2\'Ex1Nu~‘L:unhtnn Mills Hutel. TUESDAYS. FRIDAYS AND SATURD-\Ysâ€"â€"He will be at the Blhck Horsc Hotel. Toronto. $10 to insurp a. living colt. payable ten days after mru-e fouls. If Cult cnnws deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will he made Groom‘s fee, 500. 47-8 R. Reynolds, Prop, - Standard and Registered Trotting Stallion Agricultural 'E,)1'lzg'gists. Opp. Clyde Iibtéi V For‘sule in Richmond Hill byk for sample toâ€" .l. A. Jï¬ï¬s’imé’é £5 Guarantee-dim cm-e C(mgh‘ which are. frequently mused by grand pI-epan'utiun and will st Makes all kinds of stuck thrive. Splomlixl fur milk cows: inrenses uhe flow of milk. fztttvns valve-s um] stall fm-(ling (‘utclv'uml hugs. Gives horses n slvek «out, fatu-ns lhvm. puriï¬es the lrlnnd, (-lmnrws (hr- ng5 and gives them a. healthy nppmmm-e. This Stnr-k Fond is Inunufactnrvd hy practicalstnckmen, and is gnzunntvt-d to give quicker, heLtm- and nme permanent results than :my othm' Stock fund. or money refunded. If ynn have hem: disuppnintefl in other sn-cnllml Stock Fonds. gt :1 smnplv of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD‘ and tho lesults will convince )7an that it, is premirr stock food in thv umrth. Yorkshire (laugh and Heave Cure Yorkah: All kinds of tinsmithing promptly attended to. Firstâ€"class workgguarm- 3114363301.. our PURE. PARIS} GREEN. Paints, oils, varnishes.- Everything in the harvest linezu Seythes,’Re¢kes, Cradles, etc. Sure death to all bugs if you use? 3&c0 0101101 Lexingmn flag $300k E‘Qod £5 Son. {3% £5 €3.33. m Kim St. E. TQRONTOL )lds, istemper- and ï¬rst stag nic coughing aftex: distempex fen. McDonald, Harness Maker. “‘rite Cut