A very interesting song service was held at Newton Brook church on Sun- day evening lust. Mr. Brace gave a. 29-minute sermon. Mra M. H. Mm-tson and bride, who Were mam ied Tuesday Lu Aurora, came down and had ten and spent the. even- ing with Mr. Matthew Mortson, father uf'the‘ former. Rev. 1‘. \Vellwoud, who had ofï¬- ciated at, the marriage of a. sister in the neighborhood of Tux-onto a- few days ago, spent Tuesday in the village calling at the parsonage and other places.â€- Mr. Goo. Buskin was in the village Thursday. distributing litei-utme mid m‘ukiilg'cullections for the Gulportage Mission. ~The uld genblmuan received about the usual sum in this place. For $16.50 we will make to your measure a. stylish genuine Scntch tWeed sacque suit. a regular $20.00 suit, and would be vexy pleased to have your urLler. ï¬loney back if not suitedâ€"Atkinson & SwiLzex-. It will be seen elsewhere in till Apex“ thztt the trustees of S. No. 4 Rial-khan). are advertising» for teacher.- A persmml application 0 the teacher is preferred. Mrs. C. G. Den-y and daughter Ger- trude start next, Saturday for a two months’ trip to the “’03:. They pur- pose spending most of the time with at sister. Mrs. J. Andrews, in Miami, Man. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rvdditt, Barrie, visivéd‘ the Misses Redditt, TllPsday. The former was on his way to Tot-nu- to as an examiner in connection with the Departmental exams. For best value in pure lm-(l, yellow and granulated sugars. Japan and Ceylon teas, raisins. cun'auts, ï¬gs, dates, sylups and all best quality gro- ceries go to Atkinson & Switzer's. Mr.’ Keith \Vules :md 51 M rs; S- Mr. John Hamilton, managvr of the \Vorkingmun’s Home, spent Tuesday with his mother, Mmrl-oh‘n Hamilton, at Elgiu Mills. Mrs. (Re\'.) A. P. Brace has gone With her son Llewell-yn‘ to spend the summer on Manitoulin, the North Shore and the Son. Mrs. Juun-s Hill“ufld huhy \Villiam and Misses Cassie and Mulwl Hill left ypstex‘day for a visit, in Moonstone, Elnwule and other plucus. A souvenir curd showing :1 scone in Munto Alto I’m-k states that; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Francis arrived in Denver :1 few-days ago. The store aremtisï¬ed. M‘iss Mabel Duthie, Toronto, and Miss‘ Gladys \Vilvy‘: Den-nit, spent from Satmdny till Monday evening with Mrs. C. G. Den-y. Mr. Fred Graham started this umrn~ mg to spenil u coupli- uf weuks‘ holi- days atrLake Simcnv. Mr. R. P. Lynd. eastern traveller f‘fr the John Muldl-ew & Mickk‘hur- uugh 00., spent Saturday with Mr. Douglas Den-y. ’Mr. Henry Glovtr‘l‘. Tux-unto. spent Saturday and Sundu ' with his pal- enls here. Mr. \Villkl’l‘ “all. bank clerk at Lindsay, wlm is spending his lunliduys here, player] with uul- lacrosse team ba'lurduy' against the Young Tm'ontus. (‘nnl (til hum-nu.â€" :Bvst. mac Ime‘Til at S( u‘x-s. Mies Sheppard;Tar-Unto. is spending n; week wnh her friend, Miss E\il \Vik-y. Miss Edith .SmiLh spent, from Sutur- dny till Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. P. You will do well indeed to be here to-nmrrow.â€"Atki“Sun & Switzex'. Miss Susie Blanchard has l‘vt‘unwd after spending two woeks with Mrs. K. E. Smellie, “'oodln-idge. Mnke this Shal't’ yum-stm-oâ€"fm-l at home in it.â€"A[kinson é; Swilzer. Cdnnï¬fmi-isiih‘ (if ‘i‘une-s djvbgts the Shopper beretâ€"Atkinson & SWiszla Miss Num Mulrrnhy‘. Orilliar.‘ is mak- ing a \ isit with her grmndpiu-outs, MI'. :md Mrs. Teefyu The new PnsLUï¬ice :lt T011th Junv- tinn was ï¬rst. npe‘ned to the public on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. F any in spend .1 week Dr. and Mrs. Husc Mrs. Savage eif Mun :11 Mrs. Shaw‘s. 51w Eiéhrm. Rev. \‘J‘. A: I" at \Villtm‘ï¬hlb'la 3. Sa\' .‘ and Mrs. A. S. Sewage and son 1 of Avlmel; and Mr. and Mrs. {S (If Markham drove over Sunday spent the day with Reeve and Savage. Ricxmmm HILL. Jx s UI‘OC'H, age. isn’t satisï¬ed withnut you ~â€"Atkinson & Swuzer. bl Wes whi Souk-s: tlxt ‘ntter. B Mont: 91'. B. A., preached Sunduy nmrniug. (HUI in 1pp'*l‘ Iv“ 11m Pl! rck lb \i’iï¬x-iqe‘iâ€"U. tlx f’l‘orq'n {0 and ‘sphxt' Friday Sun] last at n 1905 Mon- Geo. Warren, formerly of this place, died at his home in Maikham Village on \Vednesday nf last week. He had been in delicate health for several years past, but his sudden death was unexpected, be having chatted with friends the evening hefure as besat outside his shop dour. Mr. \Varren for the past ten years can ied 0n the business of a jewellery and for flu- years was librarian of the Public Library. He was a member of the Methudist church and a Freemasnn. The funeral took place on Friday and was conducted by the Mamnll: lad-g9. He leaves a widow and two children. Deceased,‘ who was 50 years of age. was a cousin of Mr. \Varren Hewison and Mrs. A. J. Hume. A clean and fast lacmsse nmtch was played in the Park Saturday after- noon, and though the visitors won by a score of 9 to 4 the game was ‘exciling fi am beginning to end, the home men never giving up the struggle till the whistle blow at the end of the match. Unfortunatelyth Hill- team weve dis.- zzppointenl in il, couple of players who did not CUBE!“ and as their places had to be filled by others who had no cer- tiï¬cates the league match was called off, and only an exhibition game was plnytd. “'ithout individualizing, the home men put up a ï¬ne game, hut‘ their imperfect catching in combina- tion play plzLinlv showin that snmo of Mï¬ï¬Â§9¢¢§§¢§§¢§¢9fl¢§f§091 _ Last Thursday morning Mr. P. Bus- singwuito’s driving mare, hitched to a cart and tied in frontof Eyer’s hard- ware slot-e, being fi-ightmwd by a newspaper blown by the wind, pulled her til-idle off and dashed down tho street at, a lively pace. She took to the sidewalk opposite the PalmPr House, where the cart caught the post. ‘and the mare free-d herself from the vehicle. A young lady going to the post ofï¬ce harer esoziped being run over. The mute was caught, and stopped a little south of the Standard Bank, and was led back as cool as if nothing had happened, No doubt Mr. Trench will gvt a. $5 bill for the xepair of the cart. ’ f¢¢§¢¢¢¢¢§§¢¢¢§§¢¢§¢¢¢§+¢O Mr. T. A. Lanmn. Principal ofnnr Public School, and his pupils are to I)» icongiululutud 0n the excellentshnw~ 7ing at the recvnt Entrance Examina- 2trinn. Eleven candidates presented thwmsolves and all passed credituhly. The fi-llmving is the- ï¬shâ€"Marjory Boyle, Alive Stni'tnp. Hurry Naugh- tun, Eva Hill. \Vilfrid leditt. Bever- ley \ankn'i', Clnrksnn McDonald. Irene Mai-sh. Cassie Hill, Mulwl Vundel‘» burgh; Percy Hill. The sud death of Norman Mussol- imzm. aged 20",yem-s. by druwningin the Humber has dveply impressed a great; vii-ole nf' Aéqutziinfu'ncos‘ and _fri+>nds. The burial tuuk place at the "nld huiying ground at Chum-hill. \Vhitchm-ch. near Mussvlman’s Luke, near which the young man Was hum. With his family he had fox-smneyears lived at qu'kdulv. His tom-her, Dr. Span-0w, and six of his (-nnipnninns accompanied the (-urpso to its lustrrest- iiug plum". The cortoge was met :47: the Union Station hy RPV. A. P. Bruce. B. D., of Newton Brnnk. u for- mer pastor, who pl'eaclwd the sm-mnn at Churchill. Revs. J. R. Aiké-nhpnd and Gen. \Vushington also took pant in the svrvicii. As a SUlltvhhhlil‘rd (*xc‘ursion car was passing along o'ppr‘isite the pusc Oï¬iCe uhont 9 o‘cluck Saturday ote‘n‘iiig‘su‘h'a’é ignnrnnt pex'sdn dushvd n pail 'uf Water through the up?“ windows, drenching several lmlies‘ (il‘O'ï¬F-f‘tlend wetting blw SF‘HLS. Mntm~m’:’nn ' Bt’anv stupped the carat once. and lm‘und the cnnductm- endenvured m ï¬nd'th’e culprit. but. the coward HM] and could nut he found. If the party can he diScm‘el-ed such meunues: should not gt: unpunishe‘l. E A FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITY. Our advertising; (‘ulax’hms (pf this week announce the sale uf lhul well-known ‘cuttagv ilr littlv south of Riclmnnd .Hill. H, van lw mndn .‘L very (:nnlfmt- able llnmv at \‘vl-y littlv expt‘nse. and will he suld on fawn-all]!- t'L-x-mstnrzlnse an estate. Mr. Alex. Mumlio will he plt‘ilSr’ll to give tho desire-d informa- tion to any persons intvrested. LATE AND The Mt-[J'hpulitel vertise un .1110th day night (gm- an morning cur. ’l‘h Toronto at 1] p.m‘ leave vamux-kett ing at, “.15. The improving. The prim is the quality Ch Atkinson & SW One of his \Vm. l’nlnwl remm ing the the member. \va'lk :u-mmd Hunt, strict nclnn; \VANTEDâ€"Ludivs to do plain Sewing at home, whole 01- spare time. 35 to $10 per week. \Vox-k sent any distance, L-hargés‘paid. Send stump for full particulars. THE LATE YOUNG TORONTOS ‘VON. HELP WANTED (FEMALE) L around so: Weeks llcfm't LUNA Mfg. 00‘, Montreal. THEY ALL PASSED is league match was called 11y an exhibition game was ,Vithout individualiziug, the I put: up a. ï¬ne game, but:i ~1‘t‘ect catching in combina- plzLinly showed that some of '5 had not lmd enough prac- Alex. Simsof \Vestunmiade ind (unpuble referee, IIEVPI‘ in‘sending players to the BROKE LOOSE. V ERY M EAN '5 uI-vnt me Hist Sunday, nail and luully mushng Ml‘. Psllllwl' is “hie tn souw, but it, will he sev- ‘ure he can \vmu' hisué‘flz‘zl GEO. \VARREN. um il/a am The n management ad- |' page a late Sutur- d nu mlrly Monday * flu-mvr will leave , uml the latter will vm-y Mnnduy morn- scn :e is gm'C-lunlly \HLY CAR half the uthct the oihex- half. on Mr. “ illiam Andrew Orr, futlwr of Dr. R. B. Orr. funnel-1y of Maple; and Dr. J. 0. Orr, manager and secretary of the Toronto National Exllihilinn. died at the family residence. Bcncmmï¬eld )‘Lve, last Sunday, in his 85th year. County Gnnstnble Tnmlinson of North Toronto will make the ï¬rst 101nm: on the county for the reward of $23 if he can secure a conviction against an :mtomobilist “‘110 did some swift. travelling on Sunday along Yonge street. A. record of the ma- chine between Eglinton and Aurora. as gauged by Constable Tnmllnsun and a confedexato, showed the time to he ‘35 minutes. The distance uuvm'ed was 411)}..le 20 miles, (1'1" at We rate of 35 Mon'rsoxâ€"Donsoxâ€"At the parson ago, Aurora. by Rev. J. H. Stone ‘zhl’vï¬e. mthuvHIny, July 11, Janv l‘I Dolmu’x‘Wn‘f 'I‘cmpcranceville to Mat thew H. Mmtson. miles an hour. Frmu Hi}? sta’l‘nlpiï¬â€™int (If fashiun the August Delinean is a lnustatti-acth e number, portraying the midsumva- stylvs in all their charm and variety. And it (:untains, hrsitlvs the fashinns, many features of interest to the gm]- eral lPHdt‘l‘ and practical householder. The first chapters uf :1 new serial story by Helen M. VVinsInw is-an itmnof note; it is called “Ab Spinster Farm" and relates the actual vxperience of a wriiile'trfz‘)1)[ti flu-smut the busy city for the cdi'u'iii'yside and found there rval pb-ace and happiness. “The Lucky- Piece" is (mntinuod, and there are also short stoiics, by Cyrus Townsend Brady and' Eynn Ruby Meokins. 0f ge‘lwl'al iutkrbst are articles ml “Old- Fashiuned Timepieces." and “ Old- Time Summér'Résfxrts,†and'mf'Marl tin Luther s famous hymn. “A Mighty Furtress ls Our Gnd.†Muthers will ï¬nd Dr. Murray‘s paper on “Feeding the Child" well worth reading. and for the children themselves the-re are (-u- Lv-l‘taining stories and pastimes. includ- ing an “Animal Fain Tale†by L. Frank Baum. and a “Son Riley Rab- bit†stm-y. Huuse plans and house- furnishing ideas and suggestions in cuukvry and other hmisewifoly mat- ters complete the number. which is of much interest throughout. Toronto City ‘Innncil is $200,0(K) towards a new Ce pita! without attaching any to the grant. A horse was stolen from Newmurket on Thursday and was I‘rCOVH‘Cd at, Auwrn Friday night. A mam wanted to $ell the animal to Gem-ge Lemon, hotel-keeper. and Mr. Lemon becom- ing suspicions, sent fora. cunsbubic and en rested the man. THE DELINEATOR'Y “ M hm faded until it wu about white. It took nut ouo bottle'ot A er'a Halt Vigor to rectors it to in fprmer dark, rich color. You: Halt Vigor cerium, doe. what you claim tor It."â€"A. M. 3006“, Rockmgham, N. 0. guns bottla. :. o. AYRR ‘co. flair Vigor 2m di’ug; fallingofthehair,also. There’s great'sitfsféétion in knowing you are not going to be disap» pointed. Isn’t that so? ' You. can depend on Ayer’s Hair-Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time; Follow directions and it never fails-to do this work. It stops Fading Hair N ews Noses. Married. for i1 is granting iv Cenu-nl Has- any conditions J. 0. Ann to Lowell. MM: G UST ++++++ï¬+++++~§ ++++++++MM+++++%++++++++ mï¬w+w+++++m+w+++++ +w+++++¢i4+m++++a Richmnnd Hill Hardware Stow Richmond Hill, my 13, 190.3. Men’s heavy bVl-c'lck'vdi-ill and mole writs; $1.00 p air Best Catalina rice, 10c. 1b.. best, Japan rice, 75c Rangoon rice, 5c. 1b., pear-l tapioca, ï¬e. lb. $1.00. to-day along with beauty, display, we put forward mucif‘of homely usefulness. Is n’t it worth while to be known far and near as the'practical store? We quote:'â€"' \Ve blend the artistic and the usefulâ€" make the useful as artistic as possible, but never slight usefulness for art. Our organization sees to it that we keep closely in touch with the fountain-head of stvle. The needs of the home are varied, and to-day along with beauty, display, we put fox-“73rd homelv "(pf-H‘nnce One cannot. exiSt solely on cake. A store cannot be widely useful if it lacks in the practical. Ladies Lace Ties, 40, 50 and 60c. each Best Black and White ZOO-yd. cotton Men’s ï¬ne soft bosom shirts, 75c.. $1: Men‘s blackoveralls. With or withnn “Money Well Spent is Money Well Earned.†Farmers’ Bmder Twine Peerless Machine Oii. Coal Oil stoves at low ï¬gures Paris Green. ~2~++++4~++++++j+§+ MMM .» SQULES wmte ZUU-yd. cotton spools. 350. doz 350m shirts, 750.. $1.00 and $1.25. 71115, Withor without bib. 75, 85 a AT THE '3‘ §"§ +++++++++++++++++§+++++++ ++++++++++++§++++++++ 85 a nd M+++WÂ¥ 1b.;