METROPOLITAN mcï¬txbued L The list, of stalliuns giwn below will l uvel through Ilw fl llmving plnrps: ‘l lsCOVERER â€" Imp. (‘lydesda like ' mperty of Blnugh & nggv, . $101119, rear lull 33, cnn 5,Vuugh:m Edgely, 'l'hmnhill. Richmond Hill. Headfm'd. Vivtorin Squaw, Aurora, King City. Terms. 812. ROYAL HATTONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the propelty of Blnugh & Leggy. Home King City. KoLLloby, Hewmm‘ket, B0gartbuwn, Aurora, Oak Ridges‘ Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill, Maple. Terms. $12. LAIRD MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale. the property of \V. J. \Volls. Home, Tempemnt'ovillv. “'llitclHu-ch, Au- 10ra,l{ettlehy, King, etc. Tel-ms, $10. CoLIN MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale. the property of \V. J. “70113. Hunw, la! 28, mm. .5, \Yhitz‘hurch. E. Gwil- limbln-y, Mt. Albert, Zephyr, Bald- win. Raye-11511119, Sharon, Newmarâ€" Rét‘. Te‘rmi‘SlU. " LAIRD 0F Anau~lmp. Clydesdulv, the [-uperty of l). (l. Steele. Home, Yiichnmml Hill. 021k Ridges. Vic- tm'in Square, Thumhill, Edgely, Maple. Terms, 551;. CNOCKALOE CHIEFLâ€"Elï¬pndslm' 5131“! m. Leave C P R ( mâ€"in'OBNING Bl} ENING N. B.â€"Registcre< t least Fifpeeu u} save Richmn} cave Riclu Hours for £7 lNOCKALOEUHIEU'qu‘UHIUSH'l'Slaullvll. the property ofLAVln. Birch, will stand at his own stable, Bedfnrd Park. Tex-[115,310. _ UREST BOYâ€" Trotting-bred stallion. the prupwty of '1‘. Reid, will dilnd at his own stuhle, Victoria iqunre, except Monday nouns at .{ichmond Hill, and \Vednesduy 100113 at Mr. Bmuk’s. lot 11, CHI]. 3. \Iarkham. Tex-ms. SQ, \PULEON4choml ’Purpme Fl‘fnch stallion, the property of Hem-y'Line. Home, Muplv, ' Nobletun, Pine Grove, Izownsview, Fisherville. To’rms. $8) .» . ..“~ LAN MACQUEEFâ€"Pure-hl'od Clydes- dale. tlie‘pl-opmty of Smith and \Vells‘ will §Land at his own stable, lot 22, 'rézu' lst con. East York. 'l‘er‘ms $9. iuxcE LOCHNAGAR â€" l’uro_-h1-9d .uve ‘ntil further 1101 hmond Bill 1‘0 MORNING EVENING POST OFF {ngvly mom Rinans Tabuios: at druggistx. Atipans 'I‘abgles cure dizziness. tobacco seed, clmtas, pecans. rice, cow peas, veiron Deans, puzuxuw. nun“ etc. This insures Highest, Market Price for crop sold. most productive {in crop sown. Special Screens for grading corn and special screens for mkin clover. We make our own screens for all sizes and kinds of grain, There is in trying to do Without a Chntbum, for it. is sold to '01: on time. and more before you are asked to pay for it. . Our terms are t 0 best. ever oï¬'cred. Vi Farming Mill to you. freight prepaid, and give you three years to pay for i 'oa‘rrioe our Five Yours Guarantee. u How to flake Dollars out of qud '_’_ is a. truthful book of facts interisive farming. It tells forethought and care than little brcqaqï¬o bc algood is a. truthful book of facts and inntruchve information that. is invaluable to the student or interisivo farming. It tells how others 3101: up hundreds of dollars on their places more by forethought. and care than by work. an gives names and letters of parties who have found a little breeze to be a good money~mnken It tells further how you can secure a. Chathztm Fanning Mill. use it to your proï¬t. and pay for it later on. Write for this book today, without fail. It will come back by return mail. Address all letters ï¬auénivi‘a-NSON CAMPBELL c0., Limited, chatham, Canada “995011 Dept. No. ‘s'i'aï¬ion iâ€"i‘égiscer, 1905 Sold on time, with Between OFFICE CLO 11 91's, property of A. lmhmel'. Home ‘ln'. Shorwnnd. Terms $10. : GOLDâ€"Celebrated trotting stal- I, the property of D. \V. Meguflln. rcn’s Hotel, \Vhithy. Home, Pal. r Hu‘usv, Richmond Hill. Goes Maple. King L‘viLy.mOak Ridges. mun er. 101116 stand all: 1’; u. Terms. $15. H‘Eâ€"Pm-e-hu‘d Trotting the property of M. smug. .vu stable, Lnnsiug.evex-y 1 ,4, $10. {in Sq name, etc Dm tale, ours f Distributing “'arehouses at Montreal, Que., Brandon, Mam. Calgary. Altm, New Westminster, B.C.. Halifax LOCHE’AGAR â€" Pure-bred .19. the pmperLy of J E. Home Thm-nhill, Sullivan‘s York Mills, Fisheyyillo, Tex-ms $10. ' MON] NO CASH REQUIRED GOIN EEN â€" Clydesdale, the \V. J. VVUHS. Hunw, Int \Vhitz‘hm-ch. E. Gwil- 2. Albm-t, Zephyr, Bald- d1 D 4â€" Pm'e-bred imp. the prnpvj-ty niJMm 'EY ORDERS Money Orders: Itas. pcczma, rice. cow peas. velvet beans 3 Highest, Market Price for crop sold. mos ‘cinl Screens for grading corn and special :e our own screens for all sizes and kinds c ithout a. Chnthmn. for it is sold to on on l ï¬xed to mw for it. Our terms are t _0 beat att‘ ure-hred Clydesdale. A. Lahmer. Home )(l. Terms $10. elu-atod trotting stal- HIE Lets must 7 be NORTH S AT 7.30 P. M. TEEFY. Postmaster st-uhd ELI: Palmer TIME TABLE 1 Ne'ï¬murkeb‘ or without the Bagging Attachment 690p ‘0 p. m TH NOTICE ill be closed at. the {oncws :â€" xst‘. be hand-d in 1‘ than the above loam .‘I‘IIIS, 1.30 8 00 0.15 rfniglxt. SIU‘ Stal- At 2 20‘ 3.15 Manufacturers of The Chatth Incubators and Brootlers and the Chnlham Farm Scale. You get more and better value when you buy a Chatham Fanning Mill than with ay other. We furnish Free with very Clmtlmm 17 Screens and Ridélea for every purpose and cnmï¬ination of purposes: for which the farmer or Beedï¬mnn. ranctlmngn 0r planter can poswlbly need them. Thus you secure in one machme a Separator, Grader, Tlmolhy Seed Save: and Fanning Mill, for taking out weed seeds, mustard and cocklc from seed wheat and all seed ain, cleaning and grad- 7 ug any kind of rain sown,’ Including w can. rye, timothy, clover, mil- . let, oats. barley. flax, ggmg Attachment ens. beans. corn. alfalfa, room corn. graqs seed, velvet beans. peanuts. Kafl‘lr corn. cotton. em. :rop sold. most productive and cleanest; yield of 1 and special screens for taking buckhorn out; of as and kinds of grain, There is no sense ur reason. ald to 'Ou on time. and more than pays for itself 5 are t _0 best. ever ofl‘ered‘. We ship a Chnthnm r“. :& H‘nnm th'ham AA.“ A» _-. Ceisbmieï¬ Mm ï¬am Endorsed by such leading musicians as Professors Ton-ingtqn, Yogt, Guamntepd for ten years. Fisher, Forsyth, etc. Manufacturodby THE D. \V. CO., \Voodstock, Out†the largvst munnfm-tm-H-s of musical instru- ments in Canada. at Prices right and terms to suit purchaser. METROPOLETAN GRQCERY, IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in cognectiqn. Good horses and rigs. U tired buggies. '1‘. B. IJUI)I*‘()IRI). l’rqprietqr Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill 17 Screens dï¬d Riddles FREE with a . a r ‘ Fanning Mm 60,000 Kara Instruments in use. [is Inéhluabierm ghe student‘of â€"TO-DATE GROCERIES Next Door North 01 \Vaiting Room. for it: E9517 Chatham ARMAND SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hill CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean, 505 Those who buy their hm ness here are thoroughly and prup‘rx-ly (‘quippvd fur all kinds uf work. for each harness is correct, in its particular line. And all the best ï¬nish. Every hm-se owner will be interest- ed in our stock. we†Eauiwed Our Harness other horse furnishings are quality, style, material and Rubbm- 100,000 People. There are a lot my have realized this year ern bicycling is. T1101 at least 100,000 who know, but who real? know, what bicycling day. El‘hese people rode or ten years ago: W17 INTERESTING! IN “6mm *ï¬my (‘om-su in Course in Pupil. How to Ilel‘CiIiC‘ Om-‘s Y The Art of Uonvorsqtion \Vould: How to Tth1. Pronunciations (Century Dictionary. Correct English in the “01119. Correct, English in the Schunl. \Vlmb to say and \tht Nut to Say. Course in Lemur \Vriting and Punctâ€" nation. Alphabetic List. of Al’iln’eviatinns. Business English fur the Business Man. {ionipnum} “"n‘uls: Huw to Them. Studies in English Literature. SLOO a Year. Send [0 cents for Sample A MONTHLY MAG EL) TO TH E US ’15 CO‘,‘ was in its infancy. They stopped because they thought it too hard work, that the bicycle was hard on the arms, or was uncomfort- able to ride on uneven roads, or was unreliable. It’s a diï¬erent proposition to-day. ,, ALAI- l""l"“""’ The fact of the matter is that the bicycle is as far ahead of its predecessor of 1895 in point of safety, reliability. comfort and easy riding as a Pullman is over a freight caboose. TEE COAS'I‘ER2 ERAKiEmhns ,A .‘N “a an RICHMOND HILL B!Vl$!3§% “ 35W} THURSDAY, OCT. The vit No. 3, C Qn each Saturday, gntil further notice, a. late car will leave Toronto at 11.00 p. m. for Newnmrket and inter- Invdiute points. On each Monday an early car will leave Nk’“‘lll:l1'kk‘t 4'. (3.15 1;. "in. "for Tux-onto and intermed- iatl" points, arriving in Toronto at 7.45“. Ill. P:l:jst;n"ex's '(m the Mom-0- pnlitan divisiun sï¬ould make a. none of this late and early car. and the company wuuld be pleased to 10c9ive any snggpstinns that \Vullld be for the beneï¬t (if its patrons. CHAS. L. \VILSON. 2-4 ’ Trafï¬c Manager. Eetropoli‘tan Late f Gar Service. We sell bicycles in many difâ€" ferent styles and at prices to suit any pocketbook. canada flycle & Motor 00., .1 LIHIYID TORONT O Makers of the World's Best Bicycies. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. T. F. Maï¬a/i Ky: 7cbizRECT ENGLISH, Evanston m. 4H: JOSEPHINE Cleveland Bicycles. Partial Contents RICHMOND HILL e are a lot of people who :alized this year What r'nod- ycling is. There are also t 100,000 who think they but who really do not what bicycling means to- xt Sitting uf Division Cmu‘t fox 1, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. ‘nmmencinq at 10 a. m T. F. MCMAHON Richmond Hiii. English fuz- Hw I Englirh fur the A 2:01! t9 Aapeclflc monthly medicine for ladies to restore and reguhte the menses.- produclnr; free, healthy an-I painlesl dhlhhuglL Ho aches or pans on up roach Now used by over 30,000 ladlea Suctzused wuluseagaju. lnvigorate. these organs. Buy of your druggisi only those with our signncura Across laceoflnbeL Avoiaaubamutee. Sealed umculam mulud be sunny. 1.00 per “:1†Aqgreas, EUlLRKRAWCB ACAL wflPiii; rode wheels ï¬ve 0, when bicycling “0N_ l'I tor thi Viï¬nï¬ï¬‚, ang: W 21:39 it†STBUUTI AZINE DEYO JF ENGLISH. xbul Month: Adv \V ri u- mo 1905 LERK }SPREN{} AND SUMMER i A. J. HUME, HEGHEST SEJBRE Mont-y Lon “re: on Sake Rages. Bin“ I chums Simpiiurd Eeneml Banking . “Er-wants mp1 is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twiï¬s. Scotch 'I‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices. at once for “ Canada’s Greatest Nut- series†for the town of Richmond Hill Lssaéégemwamed :md sun-nunding country, which will be reserved for the right man. STAR; N()\\' at the best selling season and handle our NEW SPECIALTIES on liberal tm'ms. \Vl-ite fm- particular-s and send 250. for our handsome Aluminum Pm:- lget Microsc¢~pe (a little gem) u‘seful to TIN farmers in examining snodsand grains. orchardists in examining trees for in- sects. gnrdinvrs in examining plants for insects. teachers and scholars in studying Botany, and everybody in a hundred different ways. TORONTO Pleasant Véew Farm l‘hm STONE 8: WELLINGTON June 11. 1903 Coal and “food Dehvered. Prices nght. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION, in Cottage For Sale York, containing about threeâ€"quartâ€: of an acre, house. 'shed and stah‘kl and being composed of part of lot 44. in the lst conr'e‘ssion of Vaughan. Ap- ply to ALEX. MOODTE. Richmnnr] Hill, or \VM. J. DICKSON, 21 BE» mzu'ck Ava, Torontm Threshors’ 00:11 on hand. LNER‘Y My Stock of VVoolens for THAT DESIRABLE PROPERT‘ = the Dicksma cottagp about: ’3. mile south of Rix-hmond 1 x the Township of Vaughan 'nrk, containing about three- Michael Bros... {U 50â€"4 mos. H (‘lsrt th Tailor, Richmond Hi“ (103- Can; FONTHILL NURSERIES, Rioï¬nnond Hill hhl H MOND DE POSITS Over 800 acres. On ea 53* thns COAL (It->1) in ébUlï¬N i". “WW†IN WOOD M HATES ROPEHTY knmvn P about :1 mmrtm‘ Mia H ILL )I Vii-2111 mine ONTARIO G iNT. armors Ham: hl Hill P. 0. XM. Bank (If