Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Jul 1905, p. 7

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ANOTHER VOICE ON THE PRAlRlES TELLS OF DIABETES CURED BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. W. G. Bartlenian Could Get No Relief Till He Tried the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wabella, Assa., N. W. '1‘. July 17â€" (Special).â€"'l'his thrhing town fu'râ€" nishes one of the most remarkable cures of Kidney Iliscase that. has ever been reported on the prairies. Mr. Win, G. Bartlenian, a wellâ€"known farmer, is the man cured and he makes the following statement:â€" "I had Kidney Trouble and it deâ€" veloped into Diabetes. 1' went to the doctor but his trealnirnt was of no use whatever to me. I began to take Dodd’s Kidney l’ills in Decemâ€" ber, 1902. I took them all winter and slimmer while 1 was unable to work my farm. I took. twelve boxes in all and in August I was able to work. “Now I am quite strong. I worked all winter without pains in my back 01‘ any part of~ my body. Ilodd's Kidney Pills cured me.” If the Kidney Disease is of standing it may take time to long cure it. But Dodd‘s Kidney Pills will do it. -_.___+____ OYAMA, THE SILENT. Commander of Jaganese Army Who Wastes No Words. In Moscow Military Hospital at present are 150 wounded Japanese soldiers, nearly all of whom fell into Russian hands during the early stage of the battle of Mukden. A correspondent who has interviewâ€" ed one through the medium of an iii- terpreter obtained the following iii- ;forrnation about Field Marshal .Oyama: "Unlike General Kuroki, who al- ways speaks encouragingly-to his officers before a battle, our Coniâ€" maiider-inâ€"Chicf says nothing. Nor does he say much after a Victory. At the battle of the Shaho a despatch rider named Hiroto did a brave act which was contrary to the instruc- tions he received. The Field Marshal sent. for him, questioned him, and sent him away without praise or blame. Hiroto thought the Com- mader-inâ€"Chief’s silence meant that he was about to order some punish- ment and killed himSelf with his bay- lonet. Almost before he was dead a ,stall‘ officer rode up with a hundred yen in money, which Marshal Oyama ‘had sent the suicide in reward for his courage. The reward arrived too late. "At the battle of Liaoyang the Marshal was slightly wounded in the left arm, He said nothing about it, and all the soldiers who knew also kept silence, fearing that if they spoke the news would spread in an exaggerated form and cause depresâ€" ‘ sion in the army. "The Field Marshal is the most re- ligious man in the whole army, and often complained that many officers when learning European methods al- so acquired European tendencies to unbelief. He believes in all the Japâ€" anese gods, and has a temple at his house in 'l‘okio.” __._...+._._. CHANGED HUSBAND. 7. Wife Made Wise Change in Food. Change of diet is the only way to really cure stomach and bowel trouble; A woman says: "My husband had dyspepsia when we were married and had suffered from it for several years. It was almost impossible to find anything he could eat without bad results. "I thought this was largely due to the use of coffee and persuaded him to discontinue it. He did so, and began to drink Postum Food Coffee. The change did him good from the beginning, his digestion improved; he suffered much less from his nervous- ness, and when he added Grapeâ€"Nuts food to his diet he was soon cntirch ly cured. “My friend, Mfrs. , of Vicksburg, (my former home) had become. a, nervous wreck also from dyspepsia. Medicines had no effect, neither did travel help her. On my last visit home, some months ago, T persuaded her to use Grape-Nuts food. She was in despair, and con- sented. She stuck to it until it reâ€" stored her health so completely that _ she is now the most enthusiastic ‘ friend of Grapeâ€"Nuts that. I ever She eats it with cream or kylth dry, just as it comes from the packâ€" ageâ€"keeps it in her room and it whenever she feels like it. “I began eating Grape-Nuts food. myself, when my baby was two months old, and I don't know what I should have done without it, amimile was gone I was weak ,rm'. nervous and afforded but very little nourishment for the Clill'l. 'l‘he Grapeâ€"Nuts food. of Whirl! I soon grew very fond, speedily set all this right again, and the baby grew healthful. rosy and beautiful as a mother could wish. He is two years old now and eats Grapeâ€"Nuts food himself. I wish every tired young mother knew of the good that Grape Nuts would do her.” , Names given by Postum C0,, lintâ€" tle (‘reek, Mich. There’s a reason. l BRIDEGROOM YAWNED. Hesitated at Altar and Got a. Thrashng From Bride. A young Belgian, named Ileneck, who repented a, promise, to marry as be performed, now lies in a hospital in a. battered condition, telephones (loii Express. He was engaged to Celeste Vols-in, the pretty daughter of u li-tb'me peasant, and the wedding was fixed at the. mayor’s ofliee. Relatives and guests were assembled, and the pair stood side by side before the mayor. When, however, the mayor was about. to pronounce the words which would have made them man and wife, ’lleiieck yawned. The, mayor had never Seen a wouldâ€"beâ€"bri(legroom yawn, and he stopped the s:ervi¢e. lleiieck yawiied again, and whispers were heard among the, rela- itives. Then Dencck relieved the tenâ€" sion. "I have thought better of if." lie said, making ready to lenie. "And 1 do not think I want to marry at all." But he had reckoned without the Voisin family. Celeste rushed after him, and smote him in the ear with all the force of her dimpled fists. Iler three brothers followed suit and puiiiinelled the recalcitrant lover until he cried for mercy, and pleadâ€" ed to be allowed to marry the girl. Finally he was rescued by the mayor and his clerk and removed to the hospital. He is now taking proâ€" ceedings against the Yoisin family. ,+_‘ ‘__ A lady writes: "I was enabled to re move the Corns, root. and branch. by the use of llolloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the same experience. A wise barber asks the very young man if he. wants a shave and the very old man it" he wants a haircut. " My Physlcian Told Me [Must Die. but South American Kidney Cure cured me of that awful Bright‘s Disease." This is a sentence {min a letter of a well-known business man in a western town who through overwork and worry had contracted this kidney pestilence. It will relieve instantly and cure all kid- ney diseasesâ€"102 Mr. lljonesâ€""How wonderfully Mrs. Robinson bears her age!" Mrsl. Bsmith (sweetly)â€"â€""Yesyâ€"cons‘idering how much there is of it!” Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea. and such com- plaints while teething and as this peri- od of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not be without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyscntery Cor- dial. This medicine is a Siecific for such complaints and is Mr .y spoken of by those who have use it. The proprietors claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint. ____.¢_..,_ ROTHS CHILD’ S SANITARIUM. Left Fortune to Found New Instiâ€" tution in Vienna. laron Nathaniel Rothschild, whose, death was announced a few days ago, has left the sum of $4,250,000 to found a sanitariuni on the latest sciâ€" entific lines for persons suffering from. nervous diseases. This sanitariiim will be erected in the neighborhood eats l lli' I of Vienna for the benefit of persons sullering from nervous ailments other than epilepsy, insanity and incurable spinal disorder. rThe late baron was subject during the greater part of his lifetime to a peculiar form of nervous complaint. It was this disease which induced him to spend his winters in the de- sert, far away from all society ex- cept that of his beloved Arabs. His sympathy for sufferers like him- self led him to make this magnificent bequest. In addition to this he left a sum of $400,000 for general chari- table purposes. His famous gardens at Holienwarte he bequeathed to his nephew Alâ€" phonse. The remainder of his proâ€" perty goes to his brother Albert. _As soon as Daron ltothschild's beâ€" quests to charity were known crowds of poor besieged the statthalter's ofâ€" fice, hoping for an immediate share. They were, however, disappointed. . +â€" A PERFECT UNDERSTAN DING. “Yes, I remember that little bill I owe youâ€"remember it perfectly well, and in fact, thought of it just as soon as I arrived in town," said amaii in reply to someone who had ,duiined him. “Let me see. Where will you he at four o'clock this nf~ teriioonâ€"at four sharp?” “At the hotel." harp." You know that you do not intend to pay that man." “Well, no: that's a fact." “Then why did you want to know where he would be at four o'clock?" "So that I could time myself acâ€" .cordingly. .If I know where, he is at lfour o'clock I will be somewhere else at that time. In this life. my dear boy, to have a perfect undo-standing, is to avoid many eiilbarrassing‘ >illlzle. tions." 7 ,, ‘fâ€"‘t‘f‘ 5.1 s “I have just been reading the ac- i?~ .. lcouiit of a railway “re ‘ in \vlii:li ‘ every occupant of the smoki ': riage was more or less injurel the rest of the passengers in the train escaped without harm," said old Hodge. "'l‘liere ‘fl. tn." cried Mrs. ’ * « llodge, triumphantly, “there is anâ€" i '05. e, other warning against the use of “filial-258% tobacco. "- “"‘ifizéarsausr‘ the wedding; ceremony was about io' tho, Paris correspondent of the Lon- ane'ry : i “All right; be at the hotel at fouri "Collins," said an ilCllHallltallCO,‘ "you are a very plausible fellow. l Shirt waists and dainty illnen are made delightfully ;clean and fresh with Sunâ€" }:liglit Soap. l)lt01‘l€lt'l‘\' RI? ll'lTS HAPPINESS, ' happiness begets health. llny a farm in the celebrated Noose. Mountain 613 Ilhll'lf'l, where eu'ryoni- 1:: prosperous. and crop failures unknown. (‘arlyle is four ylizzrs old; has five elevators. with ‘ capmit} or L‘oopoo bushels. The men l lwho built them knew their business. i‘l'liey are filled every season, The 1‘. itl. McFee Land (‘0. of (‘iirlylm Assiniâ€" bola, have 200,0H0 iwrws of iinproied: ‘ iind iiiiiibpr<i..ul i'drni lands for sale in i this distritt. 'l‘liev srflii if your rorrcsâ€" ‘ pondcnre. Further information and , par ticulnrs Cheri fully given. EARN ’l'lild-ZHIIAI‘HY & It. ll.’ Accounting. $50 to 8100 per. month salary assured our graduates uiiâ€" der bond. You don‘t pay us until you} have a position. Luigcst svsti-ni of t0ll)f;l'ftllll schools in Ameri ( . Fli- (lor::(:1l by lllll'nll\\'1ly Olllt'lill- Opera- tors always in demand. 1. \llCS also admitted. Write for catalogue. Morse School of ’l‘elegrzipliy, ('inrinnati, 0., Builalo, N.\'., Atlanta, Hm, In Crosse, Wis. ’l‘cxaikana, Tex, San Francisco, Cal. CLEANING h mg... LADIES’H. » OUTING SUITS Om be done perfectly by our French Process. Try it BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 00. “ONTBEU‘ TORONTO. OTTAWA a QUEBEC Avasuiaé CATTLE FOR SALE 20 Ayrshire Bullsâ€"four to twenty as LEAD PACKAGES. ONLY ' w n ,9: o. -~_- Libby. McNeil! months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to llON. W. OWENS, Monte llello, Que. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- REMEMBER THESE DATES. July 18, Aug. 1, 15 Atlantic City $10.00. Aug. York, $9.00 round trip from via Lackawanna. 2.“ and 5 New BulTalo NOVer judge a patent medicine by the almanac that goes with it. The Flagging Energies Revivedâ€"Con- stant application to business is a tax upon the energies. and if there be no relaxation, lassitude and depression are sure to intervene. These come from stoniaCh troubles. The want of exer- cise brings on nervous irregularities, and the stomach ceases to assimilate food properly. In this Condition Par- melee's Vegetable Pills will be found a. recuperatlvo of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful action, dispell- ing depression, and reviving the flagging energies. "I hear that Russia is putting anâ€" other large sum into a new navy." “Yesâ€"that's her sinking fund!" When Baby had Scam Headâ€"When Mother had Salt Rheumâ€"When Father had PilQSIâ€"Dr. Agiiew's Ointment gave the quickest relief and surest cure. These are gems of truth picked from tes- timony which is given everyday to this greatest of healers. it has never been matched in curative qualities in l~icze~ ma, 'l‘etter, Piles, etc. 35 centsâ€"103 Friendâ€"“What was the result of the consultation of doctors?" Iiiâ€" valid (glancing at the receiptcd bill) â€"“It left me in a. very poor condiâ€" tion.” Ignorance is a Curseâ€""Know thy- self" is a. good admonition, whether re- ferring to one's physical condition or liabitudes. The man who is acquainted with himself will known how to act when any disurrangemcnt in his con- dition manifests itself. Dr. ’l‘homas’ lu‘clectric Oil is a cheap and simple remedy for the, eradication of pain from the system and for the cure of all bronchial troubles. A young man imagines that he is engaged in a game of flirtation until he wakes up and finds himself marâ€" ried. ENGLISH SPAVIN llNlMENT Removes all hard soft or callouscd lumps and blemishes from horses, blood “l hea'r, my boy, that you have lately told your mother several false- hoods. ’l‘liis grieves me to the heart. Always tell the truth, even though it, may bring suffering upon you. Will you promise me?" “Yes father.” “Very well. Now go and see who :is knuckan at the door. If it's the taxâ€"collector say I'm not at home!" 7" "'7 . r» . (f...) . spavin, curbs, splints, ringbono, swecney, stifllcs. sprains, sore andl swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, September the July, August and Chicago and North Western Ry. will sell from Chicago. round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, I’mtland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke l'lx‘cul‘sloll), Seâ€" attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondineg cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders full information can be obtained from ll. P. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 31 HOW SHE KNEW. "Ellen, has George come home from school yet?” called Mrs. Shams to her servant. D “Yes, ma’am," answor. "Where is he?" “I haven’t seen him." "How do you know, then, that he's home?” "Because the dresser.” came back the the cat's aâ€"hidin’ under It is not every man who knows how to compliment a, woman graceâ€" fully_ The following dialogue took" place between a very pretty lady singer and a celebrated composer, who is by no means addicted to flatâ€" teryzâ€" “Tell me, my dear maestro which would you like the better, to be blind or deaf?” “Deaf, madam when I am looking at you. and blind when I hear you sing.” Sleeplessnessâ€"When the nerves are Unstrung and the whole body given up to wretcliedncss, when the mind is fill‘ ed with gloom and dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digâ€"es tive organs, sleeplessness romes to add to the distress If only the subject could sleep, there would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Parme- lee's Vegetable l’ills will not. only in- duce sleep, but will act so beiiencmiiy that the subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. "Well," complained the cranky wo- man, “I never met a man so hard to please, as my husband.” “How quickly men change!” remarked Miss Sly. “It was only a few years ago he proposed to you." " Ibelieve Itto be the most efi’cctlve remedy for the Stomach and Nerves on the market." is what Annie Pat- terson, of Sackville, N.B., says or South American Nervine, for, she says, Ln Grippe and the complications which followed it left her next to dead with Indigestion, Dyspepsia and General Ner- vous Shattering. 1t. cured henâ€"100 Mecks~â€"â€""’l‘lie man who tries to Change a womans views is a fool." Weeksâ€"“How do you know?” Meeks â€"â€""My wife told me so.” Lifcbuoy Soap â€" disinfectant -â€" is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 22 "AFTER YOU, SIR.” A French paper tells the little story of an old violinist who occaâ€" sionally played with his man servant who had been the best fiddler in his native village. “\\hy are you always one or two beats behind me?" demanded the violinist, impatiently, one day, when no tappings of his foot or frowns had served to make the valet realize his fault. “but, monsieur, it is that my old fiddle has the respect,” said the man, ineekly. New rules in the French postâ€"offices: "Sorters are forbidden to read postâ€" cards. and are requested to keep back any on which are insults or bad language." Lunch Tongues Boneless Chicken Dried Beef Brisket Beef Jellied flocks and. , __ Fresh violets TEA comes t3 the home FRESH AND PURE as when it left the plantation to he'manufzictured with special care, and closely sealed in ONE E58"? TEAâ€"BLUE RIBBON TEA W Natural Flavor, edllredude Don’t Be Without Them In Your Home lhey Are Always Ready to Serve Veal Loaf Soups Baked Beans Ark your Grocer The Booklet "How to Make Good Things to Eat" sent free. & Libby, Chicago __.W|THâ€"â€"- n; X :I 2 C) E ‘45 in fl A dry pwwder put up in metal tubes. 22 inches long. It will instantly extinguish tho moat furioiu flames of wood or oil. Price $3.00 each, $30 00 (107.. Write for d escri ptive circular The Dlamond Dry Powder Fir. ACENTB Extlngulshar 00., Toronto. Ont. WANTED FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE OF BITUTES .. 1 ‘ iLsoN' Bensonâ€""My wife never says 'I told you so' when any of my plans go wrong." Johnsonâ€"“She must be a remarkable woman!” Bensonâ€" “No; she isn't so positive as all that. She just says, 'Didn’t I say so?’ " Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It. only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. , "I trust you love your neighbor,’ ventured the visitor. “Hush!” warned old Rounder. “Our neighâ€" bor is a widow, and my wife might hear you!” Awful Experience with Heart Disease â€"-Mr. L. J. Law, Toronto, Cain, writeszâ€"“I was so sorely troubled with heart disease that 1 was unable for 18 months to lie down in bed lest I smother. After taking one dose of Dr. Agncw‘s Ileart Cure, I retired and slept soundly. 1 used one bottle and the trouble has not returned."â€"99 A poet says that a, baby is "a new wave on the ocean of life." It strikes us that “a fresh squall" ,would express the idea better. After. a man has lived in neighborhood forty years you tell him anything. **I "vsâ€" â€"--r\-*"~" M =r- one can’t When the little folks take colds and coughs, don’t neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs. Give them lanoa's , l Eonsumptiom The Lung Tonic It will cure them quickly and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take, Prkcs. 256.. 506.. and $1.00. ISSUE NO. 29â€"05.

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