Hours for issuing Mona MORNING . EVENING N. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed ix: at least Fifteen \Iinutes earlier than the above menï¬oneu hours for closmg. , OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. y Orders:â€" $10. COLIN MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale, the prop-city uf \V. J. “'vlls. Hume, 1m 28, con. 5. \Vliitchul'ch. E. Gwilr limlnu-y, Mt. Albert, Zephyr. Bald< win. Rave-“shoe. Sharon, Newman kvt. Terms, $10. LAIRD OF ARGOâ€"Imp. Clydesdale. the property uf D. G. Stet-lo. Home, Riclmmnd Hill. Oak Ridges, Vic- torian Square, Tlmrnhill, Edgely, Maple. Terms, $14. KNOCKALOE UHIEFâ€"-Rnadst91‘Slallinn. the pwperty of \Vm. Bin-h, will stand at. his own stable. Bedfonl Park. Terms, $10. 70REST BOYâ€" ’l‘l‘utling-ln'od stallion, the. property of ’1‘. Road. will stand at his own stable. Victoria Square, except Mnmlay nouns at Riclimtind Hill, and \‘i'mlnesday nouns at, Mr. Bl-(wk‘s, lot 11, con. 3. Markham. Terms. $9. .u'APULEUN#Geueral Purpose French stallion, the prupox-ty of Henry Line. Home, Maple, Nnblett-n, Pine Grow, Duwnsview, Fisherville. Terms. $9. ..'-LAN :\lACQUEExâ€"Pure-bred Clydes- dalv. L110 propelly of Smith and \Vells. will stand at. his own stable, lot. 2.2. rear 15!; con. East York. Terms $9. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Until further notice Mails will be closed at t] Richmond Biil Push Oï¬xcu as fmlows :â€" MORNING .... .. .. 8 00 Leave Newmarks Leave Richmond Hi1 RIME LOCHNAGAR â€" Purc-brnd Clydvsdulo. the propony of J E. Teeson. Hume Thornhill. Sullivan‘s Conwrs, Ym-k Mills, Fishervillv, Edgvly. Terms $10. ' RINCE DRUID â€" Purebred imp. RINCE DR-UID â€" Pure-bred imp. Clydesdale, the pl'npr’rty of Julm Palmer. Home stand at Palmer {{nuso. Terms. $15. lCK FYF!~1~â€"Pure-hred Trotting stal- Rinans Tabules: at drugglstï¬. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. POST OFFICE NOTICE CK b‘Xant’ure-m-eu 'L‘romng suu- iun. the property of M. Stung. At :23 nwn stable, Lunsiug,evcry night. l‘nrm“. $10. » ,RL. GREYâ€" Pure-bred Clydesdale, ‘w pmpertyuf A. Lulnnel‘. Home .mhlv. Sher-wood. Terms $10. 'uE GOLDâ€"Celebrated trotting stal- inn, the property of D. W. Megufï¬n, {-xeen’s Hotel. \Vhitby. Hume, Pill- uer House. Richmond Hill. Goes u Maple. King City. Oak Ridges, ficturiu Square, etc. Terms, $10. 'erms You get more and better value when you buy a Chatham Fanning Mill than with any other. “e furnish Free with every Chatlmm l7 Screens: and Riddles for 070†NIPPON? and oomblnation of purpose-u for which the former or mcgimon. ranch???“ 01' glantcr can posxilvly m-r‘rl them. Thus you me am one mac men e xix-atol- (i (l . I] I 111 .' s ' and Farming Mlll. for p ’ "l H’ n 0 Y sew 3‘“- taklng out. woed seeds, muelard and cockle from seed wheat and all seed grain. clennin and grad- " ng any kin of min sown. including w eat. NO rye. timothy. clover. mil- _ » let. outs, barley, flax. Sold on time, wlth or Without the Bagging Attachment ens. beans. corn. alfalfa. room corn. grins seed. tobacco seed. chums, ecana. rice. cow peas. velvet. beans. peanuts. Kallir corn. cotton. etc., etc. This insures Hig est Market Price for crop sold. most productive and cleanth yield of crop sown. Special Screens for grading corn and special screens for tnkinp; burkhorn out of clover. \Ve make our own screens for all sizes and kinds of grain. There is no sense or roman. in trying to do without a Chathum. for it is sold to you on time. and more than piys for itself before you are asked to pay for it. 'Our terms are the best ever oil‘ered. We ship in Chathnm Fanning Mill to you. freight prepaid. and give you three years to pay for it. Every Chatbum carries our Five Years Guarantee. ‘ H How to‘l‘lakc Dollars out of Wind " is a. truthful book of facts and instructive information that is invaluable to the student of intensivefarming. It tells how others pick up hundreds of dollars on their places more by forethought and care than by work. and gives names and letters of parties who have found a little breeze to be a good money-maker. It tells further how you can secure it Chathum Fanning Mill. use it to your proï¬t, and pay for it later on. “’rite for this book today. a __ A H without fail. It will come back by return mail. Address all letters on AT ’ MOI’I rnrul The MANSON CAMPBELL C0,, Limited, Chatham, Canada giafliairï¬egister, 1905 Dept. No. Between Toronto and Newmarkeh EVENLNG Montreal, Que. , Brandon h-ossing at 6,120,941 2.10. 3 ~15. 5.40. 8 00 p and 111118.10. 10.30. a. MONEY ORDERS :UEEN - Clydesdale, the f \V. J. “'vlls. Home, [at , \Vhitchul'ch. E. Gwil ILAert, Zephyr. Buld< “shoe. Sharon, Newman GOING NORTH 30156 SOUTH ,7; £3.12), 9.55. 11.55 a. m 5. 6.35. 8.101). m. 9.15. 11 s.) Lam. m.; 12.20 2.20‘ m Mnnlll'nflnrers of The Challmm Incubatorn and Broodcrs and the Clmumm Farm Scale. Distributing \Vnrehnuses at MAIL. Calgary" Alum, New \\'cstmin<ter, B C Halifax. NS‘ 505 1.30 a. .m 6.15 3.1 Ceï¬ebmted Ram Péam Endorsed by such leading musicians as Professors anrington, Vogt, Fisher, F01 syth, etc. Guaranteed for ten years. Manufactured by THE D. \V. KARN 00., \Voodstock, Ont-., the large-st ll):lnLlfa(‘tul'el's of musical instiu- ments in Canada. at Prices right and terms to suit purchaser. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. R tired buggies. METROPGLETAN GRGGERY, 'f. B. LUI)I*‘()IRI). 131-01):- UPâ€"TOâ€"DATE GROOERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. McDonach Richmond Hill 17 Screens and Riddles FREE with a 60,000 Kam Instruments in use. Next Door North of Waiting Room. Chatham Fanning Mill ARMANI) SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hill CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. Those who buy their hamess here are ihm‘uughly and properly equipped fur all kinds of work. for each harness is correct in its particular line. And all the best ï¬nish. Every horse owner will be interest- ed in our stock. ‘ . H AND I‘LLH u' l.’ IMSRE! " ' ‘ H20 9: Nos AN 2 ‘ .. ‘L‘WE 7“ 5E ‘ 5 h M wmâ€"z' l CK n 10 SR EA 9 r rL cYIoDLr. 9 l . __ no on UNRRD We“ Ema Our Harness other horse furnishings are‘ quality, style, material and ietor Epped Rubber. It is Back to Bicycles: Man. Compound “bl-<15: Hmv tc Them. Studles in English Literature. $1.00 aYcar. Send 10 cents for Sample copy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston Ill. Them. Pronunciations (Century Dictionary. Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. \Vllat to say and \Vlmt Not to Say. ()uul-se in Letter VVriLing and Punct- nation. Alphabetic List of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Partial Contents for this Month: Course in English for “)6 Bevinner. Course in English for the Enhanced Pupil. Han to Increase One’s Vocabulul y. The Art of Conversation. Should and \‘Vuuld: How [,0 I i ‘ A“ TRADE MARKS ‘ DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a skeich and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inventinn is probably pmentnhio. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest uzency for securing patents. Patents taken thruunh Munn 6: Co. receive 91;ch notice. without change in the “@usrett Qi'ugiiï¬h 35% ï¬g i353 it†lt should be back to Bicycles with everyone who ever rode a wheel «- for these particular wheels this year are so far ahead of their predecessors that it would be realizing new pleasures and new and luxurious comforts in the joy of living to ride any of them. A ï¬nndsomely illustrated weakly. Larges culation of any scientiï¬c 'ournn]. Terms “31' {no-11th:). $1. $041 by all-Pewude: “ Of the things that help to make life more good and agreeable and extend the range of its acti- vities, the Bicycle is among the foremost. lt quadruples the area that one may move in and makes it quick and pleasant to ‘ get there.’ †The Hon. J. T. Doyle could speak particularly of the new wheelâ€"the wheel that is equip- ped with the Hygienic Cushion Frame, the new Morrow Coaster Brake and the Sills Handle Bar-â€" improvements that makes wheel- ing an entirely different proposi- tion from that of four years ago. MU‘NN & 55.9553 B13Â¥5-~Â¥17N8w Y9; Branch Ofï¬ce. 62.? I“ St. \Vushinzmn. D. Hon. T. Doyle Secretary of the U. Service, Washington, matter in a nutshell bicycles generally, \x-hc A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOT- ED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, I NTERESTINGI INSTR U UTIV E! This is the exclusive wheel that has the big modern im- provements â€"- Cushion Frame, Coaster Brake, Sills Handle Bars. Above all, are made right and of the right materialâ€"and don’t cost any more than the other kind. By riding one of these wheels you save money in car fareâ€"save timeâ€"get the best exercise on the catalogueâ€"and get all the joy and all the comfort there is in modern wheeling. canada cycle a later 60., leltod, §t§é§i€§€icz ï¬mewimas, T. F. Mcï¬iahen, N0 breakdownsâ€"every road a smooth roadâ€"more speed and less workâ€"no jarring or vibrationâ€"better materialâ€"- better workmanship. CLEVELAND Richmond ï¬ill. A gout, L‘DITOI How to “Tim How to Use S. Clvn puts the regardingr n he says : L. L. M I.a meat pir- \doél'ers. Imprm‘ 29. ISL HIGHEST CURRE General Banking Eransacted Money Loan“! ml Farmers†Sake Nun-S. Blank Nun: I (“1516 Eupplivd I’m-c. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY known as the Dicksnn cottage :lbnntn quarter of a mile south of Rirhmnnd Hill P. O. in the Township (.f Vaughan, Co. of York, containing about. three-qnai'tm-s of an acre, house, sbvd and stable and being compOSPd of part; of lot, 44, in the lst cnnr'Pssinn of Vaughan. Ap- ply to ALEX. MOODIE. Richmond Bill, or \VM. J. DICKSON. 21 Bis- marck Ava, Toronto. SPRING AN!) SEJ'MMER at nm-e fm- “ Canada’s Greatest Nur- series" for the town (if Richmond Hill and sum-minding country. which will be reserved fur the right man. START Now at, the hast selling seasnn and handle our NEW SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. “Him for particulars and send 25C. fur our handsome Aluminum Poc- ket Microscnpe (a little gem) useful to farmers in examining seeds and grains, orchardists in examining trees fm' in- sects. gal-(liners in examining plants for insects. teachers and scholars in studying Butany, and everybody in 2|. hundred different, ways. TORONTO Black STON E & WELLINGTON June 11. 1903 Threshers’ Coal on b ‘. 19L (1011., 1' sale Same ; Thnmughlu nice on thy GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Cottage For Sale LEVERY OI Notice ¢ 3313'. Pieasant View Farm Reéx. ce i red Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. he My Stock oi \Noolens for lack and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best; quality. Low prices. Michael Bros... "It‘ll C7! is now complete comprisin Tailor, Richmond Hill FONT HI LL NU RSERIES, {)R C prop! Richnlond H ill PI' particulars call at t [DOS pm Over 800 acres. On easy tel-ms wit h draw: A†(Ir-posit on dwnmn HF GOAL )l Jnttle and til-mule (‘1‘ \Yhite Hogs. nghun ('J‘hm-nhill) d yuuug 51‘ [mil and In Kannada )ND BIL \t/tle 3 iii IHSI‘S HUME, i'rUODERI‘ $1,000 000 $1,000 000 WOOD ENT E"~'ATES. ill} “3qu 51315 nk ONTARIO. A G ENT. ‘ UH INC npt’iut 5111635 Bunk