olelled,»\nd newly furnished th‘ruughouc of the mo; nnvenient and comfortable Is on Yonge Street. Every modern con- axne Shula mums fur commercml allgrs. Anid lstuppmg 1125.08 for riding H. SANDERSDN, ETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL B. H. W. ANDERSON, Otï¬ce, nex oomnssxozmn xx Inn 16!! COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. .uer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. iRAL PRINTING 3: PUBLISHING HOUSE RIOHHOND HILL,ON1‘. .. v- r 7 v ï¬n wing parties,bioyu1ists, or farmer‘s gomg returning from market. ï¬lectrxczcars thedoor Liver nsonuectlun $1 per annum, ALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Want your mmstache or heard :beantiful brown or rich black? Use s by day and night; promptly atâ€" tended to. H)!“ . F. McMAHON, TERMS SLOOPER DAY C. SAVAGE - nut-mm†LXXVIII. VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. s by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Cur. C.u-ltnu;1nd Y HN R. CAMPBETL C. HAROLD CL ARE BUSH ll WOODARD 6: CROCKART. CLUBINE 6: PEARSON. fluting torch. also ropinting, at lowest prices. Guod work. TARY PUBLIC, URSDAY I/[ORNING be Thornhill Every Wednesday. 9.5 «an. (nut [S PUBLISHED EVERY 810ch and Hzm 1] 95d 1) en List, 1):,‘1211 AROLD CL ARKSON DE NTIS‘I‘. JITOR & 3§sttrinary my @H‘s AT THE ‘m‘un to hm!)th (If Paul) {mm toria St. Toronto. SS CARDS. Pnommros mk surge HUI‘ n3 .LL flu nu 1..- hr! 3mm! WWW Wake up your liver. Cure your constipanon. Get rid of your biliousncss. Sold -' for 60 Years. iib$exf§ggéf m. to {h of Stand 1n advance. “ts†o nuge Hill on \Ved week. '0 w u to Prop W o'c".“o'e‘o"o"c “0‘ review/6‘0 W‘ovovo‘ LicensedAuctioneerlorthe Cnuntim andOutarlo Allsales of farm stock tended to on the shortest notice and r rateï¬. Mortgagenmt hniIifl’ sales at: Residence.8toufl'vi11e Ont License Auctioneer for the County of York, 115‘ spectrully solicits your patronage and triendly influence sales attmded on the shortest notice and at reasonabemtes. P. 0.3110335 King A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. above Licensaa Auctioneer {or the 001: Goods sold on consignment, Gem stoc etc promptly rztcendedco z raheg {Lesideuce Unionville J T Saigeon. Maple Licensed .luctim saleswbeuded Ln onablerates Pr Instruction in [1153 Art uf Piano Play- mg. Fall term opens September 5, 1905. (Lessons dnrmg July and August.) Undertakets é: Embnlmt-rs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHJLL Barristers‘ :il Mouev 6010111: on land a. lowch vnvula LuUCb Aurora. oflice»Rem0\ ed to me old one door west of the Ontano Bunk. Newmarkut plaiceâ€"Three duors south of the. post 01?ch entrance to she TOR LENNOX Mr. Cook win bé 5&7 'M afternoon of r- Q WR ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, i ELGIN MlLLs' Home Life Building hold Luau Bldg.). C, Victoria. SIS“ i33§_§.§§,§5€ï¬?£’3 EYE rm: cm. or museum: on a. 223411; (2.0.. me?“ a. l. Undertakers & Hmhnmiwiéxxox, u 5 Aurora. Int) J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist AS. NE\VTON It will tnrn Stuck wifllout injuryâ€" beautify the Farm â€" does not need constant patching and with reasonablr: usage wi‘l last a life-time. BOOMe! and full pal ticulzus given on request. | FOR 5 £1.12 BY T, "'_ Aurora - Thornhill Frasi Wire Fenceii uacu mumuneer tor the County of York. is sold on consignment General sales 01 etc promptly attended to at reasonablt 5 Residence Unionville R Gouldmg. Newton Brook. agent for the ‘e IBERAL Ofï¬ce, Rh B. u‘risters, Solicitors, etc R3N'l‘0 OFFICE: N0. 3: U) 1d St. \VestAVvsIvy Build (Methodist Brmk Rman ’ MONEY TO LOAN AT 3% SLindsey.K C Lindsey. Lawrence w adsworth, Barristers WRIGHT BROS [36011. J B McEwen Maple Wesson Saigeon a: McEwcn. Has no equal as General Purpose Farm Fence 00K & JOHNSTON c Wadsworth J1 Ho Pl native, D. G. mlovcxl. meers for the County of York. 1 on shortosmntim and a tea.- atronagesolioited .E. Smnh. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1.905 ,Solicitors. Notaries, sac Lice, Richmond Saturdan's. & MORGAN and Solicitors. 300k unto and chattel more: Maple 011 Thursday each week. ST" Mon.ch (form (ll-1y Fro Nn. 3:: Ric-h. ‘3' Buildings, 10mm) T0- E‘sscntials, Unity,- huntiqy at york Phone Mai112984 stock, 51c, 9],; and reasonable as attended to u t, south of the hewmarket Hill on HQ 1: gets 3 '.ga, McDumlld â€"â€" Rt‘dditt -â€"â€" That Miss Bell’s salary be increased $25, making , $450.-â€"Can‘ied. As the result nf :1 cal-ousal in the construction camp on the extensinn of the Metropolitan Railway on Sun- day night, Guiseppe Paecliim,40 yi-ars old, and Fred Feldhein. 33 years old, two Italians. are in the. General Hos- itnl. suffering from knife wounds. oth are under arrest at the huspitul, charged with wounding. The two men are not serioust injured. Lakeview House. Luke. \Vilcox, is nmre popular, if possible, than fur- mr‘rly. Last Sunday it was crowded to its ntnu st, capneity. and in spite of a slight full of ruin in the-morning, everyone set-an delighled with the pleasures afl’m-dod by the lake-and sur- roundings. Amnng(liegm-stssmying for sumo time are: Mr. and Mrs. Pupe, Mr. and Mrs. Gun. Cl:ay.l\liss (71er and Mrs. John Clay, Mr. Brady. Mr. Awwy, Mr. and Mrs. Barker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bmmu‘s, Miss iBi-mvn, Mr. and Mrs. Howud and ifnmily. Mrs. Juhn Anglin and family, 3 Mr. and Mrs. \Vells and family, Miss Curtis. the Misses Bindtm. Mr. and Mrs. \Yzli-k and family. Mrs. Cnid- ingly and family, Mr. R. S. Bont‘neand daughter. Mrs. W. Spnrlin and ‘fnmily. Miss Anglin, Mr. anr Mrs. I Hill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tanner ‘ and family. and Miss Phyllis Taylor. ' Mr. and Mis. Knowles and family, . Mr. VVilsun. Mr. Zm-hm-st and seveinl lnLhers spent Sunday with friends at the Lake. The. main nttrm-lions are ï¬shing, rowing, sailing, bathing, walking, lu-rry-pirking and dnnring. Saturday night Mr. Hnward treated the guests tn :nu exliihitinn of file- wnrks. The hulcnny wns lighted with red Chinese lanterns. which made the place look very pretty. v Hillâ€"Switzerâ€"That the Committee of Mana ement he ius‘Lructed to have the Won work of the H. S. building w-painted.â€"C:u‘x-ied. A parent having laid a complaint against one of the H. S. teachers, but giving nu particulars, the Secretary was instructed to request that said ui‘ent formulate charge, when it, will )e investigated. McDonald â€" Naughton â€" That Union School Section be assessed $1450. the same as last year, for quflic Sch(ml.â€"Can-ied. McConaghyâ€"Mchnuldâ€" That this village he asseSScd for $300, the same is lefsti year. for the High School.â€" Carried. The Board of Education met F1 iday. Momlwls pro-smntzâ€"J. H. Sanderson, J. Switzer, M. Nuughton, G. McDon- hld, D. Hill, G. Rudditt, F. McConâ€" ‘Minutes of last meeting, June 16, read and adopted. The fullowing accounts were passed: -â€"G. McDonald. puLting felt on H. S. mnscx-s, $1.00; ’1‘. F. McMahon, High Sclmul supplies, $10.40; Departmva Exams, $6.25; Entrance Exams. $6.35; Public School, $5.78. L‘rmumunicatiuns wm-e read from the Principal and second assistant of the High School respectively, rncb re- questing an :xdvavpce in saliu‘y. vv-n .... _ . ‘Himâ€"11cm“mmâ€"Than ME." Shaw’s salary he raised $50, making it, $900.-â€"â€" Carried. _ , Struwlwrues were :L fullux'e. chvn it‘s were unï¬L for use in this mun of want: y. Farmers me busy harvesting. and crops prumize an abundant yield. The lmy crop has oxu'rdcd the farmers‘ Pxpvctulinn in quantity. The apple crop will not come up tn What was ex- pelcled at the time (If blossmuing. ï¬shy- Mi. J. J. Sudler was in the village on business last werk. . 1 . Canadians may very soon be in bondage as the Israelites were when in hondage in Egypt. The Grits prom- ised reducliun ut (-xpcnses and a law- erng of our debt}. but they have in- creased nur liabilities and added an an- nual expenditure of $573,237. both parties uniting in passing this meas- ure. The cuunlry fwels indignant uln-ut this nmltvr. “Touch the puck- 9t and you tum-h the 1mm.†This bur- dr-‘n levied un Canadians will be held in remembrance by Llll'll). Unto whum shall We lnuk fur help? Mr. and Mrs. Alhmt Mills. our fur- nwr Public svhunl lonelier. and family, nre Visiting their lrix-nds before leav- ing for Halihul Inn in the nurthvrn regions ofOntario. Helms purchas- ed a huuse thH-o. \Ve hope they will enjoy many happy days in their new hnme T. J. Clithme of the City of Peter- lum-o is making great, imprm‘mant in the appearance of the huildingsin this locality. He assisted the choir in the Methodist church Inst Suhhnth. The Boavrd adjourned. THEY US ED KNIVES 171 Mount Pleasan Lake. Wilcox School Meeting. Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Chafity.†and sec- the ful‘ the Ber of appropriate gifts were prest-nt- ed to the aged couple. and during the evening many friends called to offer their cungrntulutions. A toast list, followed an excellent supper and the hope was expressed that. Mr. and Mrs. Sliver would be spared t0 eujuy unmy more years of married life. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Sliver of Union- ville, celebrated the 50th anniversary uf lhvir marriage at, their home, Fair- view Farm, on Monday of this week. Their six suns, George, Charles, Frank, \Villium, Robert, Reuben. and three daughters, Mrs. D. Coulsnn, Mrs. F. Broadway and Mrs. \V. Mc- Tnme; also 35 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.“ A large num- British Columbia canned herring in l-lb. flat; tins, 4 [ins for25c. Canada. Flakes, a new breakfast food. the best yet. 15c. package. Good teaspoon in every package.â€"Alkinson & Switzer. The Aurora Banner complainsâ€"and with some reason â€" that while the rcrnrn fare from that town toNew- maxket is only 15 cents, the return fare from that town to Bond Lake is 25 cents, the distance being the same in each case, namely 4 miles. We may say that Richmond Hill, which is ractically the same distance from and Lake. has a similar grievance against. the Metropolitan, we having to pay a?5 cent, rate any day in the week. Toronto people, 17 miles away. geta 40 cent rate every \Vednesday and Saturday afternoon. Ourcitizens have long been puzzled in an endeavor to discover either the jnstness or the expediency of givingr so great a prefer- ence to the. city people. If the fare Were 15 cents from this place many of our citizens might. often be induced to take their families and visiting friends tn our nearest pleasure resort. but; they feel that 25 cents a head is un- reasonable. consequently they seldom go. However. as several necessary improvements have been made by the new management, we do not feel in- clined to seold. But when they have time. to look into the matterthe re- duction will be appreciated, and we have nu doubt it will mean greatly incrcasul patronage to the company. FANCY PRICES 1‘0 BOND LAKE. The Colulll't‘d illustrations in the August Canadian Magazine are fully equal to auvthing which this enter- prising pululivutiun has previously pro- dured. Tho Culmued reproduction of Mr. Brigde‘n's drawing is especially gaud, and it is pleasant to know that lmth the drawing and the plates were “Made in Canada.†The reproduc- tions of Turner‘s pictures are also ple-asing. The illustrated article on Malta wiil ï¬nd admirers as we seldom hear from this fortiï¬ed British nut- pust. The ï¬ction in this nnmln-ris ex- ceptionally gUUd, and every story is by a native writer. In fact this whale numbm- is packed full of interesting and delightful fgiatures such as the l'é‘illlPl' can secure in nu ntherof the perindicals which are fuund 0n the newsdealers’ counters in this country. Last Saturday the Young Canadians 0f \Vnndhi-idgp, defoutcd the Bmmp tun Excelsinrs by 5 goals to 2 in one of the most (-xciting lacrosse matches ever played in \Vnodbridgc. The Win- ncrs in last Saturday's match will play the Shaun-mks of Toronto Junction on the grounds uf the latter next Sut~ urdny, and this match will practically decide the championship of the dis- trict. Five horses were burned to death and seven leu'ge furniture vans were destroyedin :1 ï¬re which broke out, in the stn‘lfle‘s of the Lester Storage & Unl-tage Company, Toronto, about 11.30 U'Clmrk TUESdily night. Major .l. M. \ansh. a former com- missioner in the Yukon District. and for many years an 0H]cer.in the North \Vest Mounted Police Force, (lied at, his home in Broi-kville Tuesday morn- ing. He was 62 years of age. The \Vindsor Hotel at, Mimico. a brick building. was completely de- stroyed by ï¬re. Sunday morning about 1 o’clock, which is believed to he the Work of an incendiary. Five horses and a couch dog were burned to a crisp. Sixteen people were sleeping in the hotelat the time and these nur- rowly escaped in their night clothes. In order that; children may learn politeness, they must; be treated with courtesyâ€"thanked when they do lit- tle services,und spoken to in a con- trolled Voice. when reprinmnded. Above all else, parents and elders must treatl one. another with well-bred politeneSS before them, for children are Very imitative creaturesâ€"From Success. \Villiam “Tiddiï¬z‘ld ed in the ï¬nd. AUGUST CANADIAN MAGAZINE. GOLDEN \VEDDING. News Notes. Teacher wanted. male or female. for Uninn Schoul Section Nu. 4.Markhunl. and 2}. Vaughan. Applicants will state salary, qualiï¬cations. etc., on or before August 1. JAS. MURPHY, Fec'y-Txeas" r Teacher Wanted 011 and after Monday. the 21th July. the York Radial will sell regular 3U~ day tickets to Toronto. single {are 35 cents. and return 55 cents. The Stu- tion of the Company is always open before the departure of cars. with at Station Agent in charge who will fur- nish infmmatizm as to the time of cars, and will be pl'Ppul'l'd to sell tick» ets to any lequi ing them. That all passengers will take the car at the Station as much as pussihle, and se- cui-et-heir til-kets befnre doing so is the wish of the Company. A Richmond Hill Fare Reduced on the Metropolitan. To pmve the pudding don‘t eat it, chew the string. Order early as our ï¬rst orders are always ï¬lled last and. the last later. Milâ€"Being of the poorest quality it keeps you busy sending US 0| dlâ€"‘l‘S and use to ï¬ll them. thus keeping us all delightfully employed. Try our coal and you will never be Without it. (You will throw it. into the back yard and always keep it.) Hoping you will not forget us when needing kale. mudâ€"Being very dusty you nlways have a very convenient excuse for an untidy house when your neighbors cull. lst~Being mostly slate you ke youxself Wul'lll shaking it. 3rdâ€"Boing need not fem- Why you should burn H. Winger & Son’s Kola. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stipation, biliousngss md headache. A mother’e love starts a man or woman on the right path. The right remedy at the right time ï¬ts a mother for the ordeal. Motherhood is often looked forward to with feelings of great dread by most worn,- en. At such a time when she is nervous, dyspeptic, irritable and in need of a uterine tonicâ€"something which will calm the nerv- ous system through the special organs, and a strength builder, she will ï¬nd Dr. Pierce‘l Favorite Prescri tion just what is needed. Here is a medicme that has stood the test of a third of a century with a proval, in that time it ha: sold more large y than any other remedy put up specially for woman’s weaknesses. It is guaranteed by the pro. prietors not t3 contain a particle of alcohol â€"which coul only do harm to a. sensitive The World‘s Dls emry Medical Associa- tion, of Buï¬'alo, I? Y.. roprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, offer a $500 reward {or women who cannot be cured of LeucorrheaY Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. sygtpm. Vinger & Son, CARRVILLE. ONT. [Single copies, 3 cts. \Ve x-nmuin yours CHASIL. "WILSON, Traflic \Ianager. very dull in shade you lustre blindness. lifLiu Mina