Court Richmmfl, meet, Fndny owning Mias \V. PUHOCk making a Visit wth visiting with Mrs. friends. Mr. and Mn yesterday at Ni Miss Mnrivl Brydon has gmw to East Tux-unto to spend it week wile Mrs. (hm. Trench. ' Miss Levk anal her nei per. :u-c sgwmling n f1 relatives in Butmm'llle. Mr. \Varrvn I Ohio. spent a fl‘“ Mr. Cr. Snulus. Aux-om held thoii Civic Holiday yes- h-rdny. The chief business places alas-Id. Big reduction on n wrappers, regular $1 fur 65 cents each.“ Mr. Curl Stm'ey, Tul'unln, spent Sutâ€" ul'dny afternoon with Mr. Slat-1' Mc- Mahon, x-eLux-ning un the 10.30 (1111'. Miss Brown and Miss F. M. Brown, visited relatives in \leite Ruse and Yuudm'f this week. Miss Suslv Miss Snwtvl day with M: Mm. R. Evan: and dull mine, of Pul'tv Pe-ny, Spt With her hl‘ULht‘I‘F. Mvcm H. F. Hopper and other Muster Howuld and Rhoda Brown of Tm-nntn spent a, week with their grandparents. A our land of No. shingles and No. I sell at right prices. Miss Augusta M. Fierhelim- returned home last Saturday after spending a month wiLh friends in Toronto and St. Cathzu-ines. Rnspherricsâ€" Raspberries for the table or for cunningâ€"Mrs. \Vm. Hmu risnn, Richmond Hill. Eauly orde-xs solicited. 34 Evelyn (If (‘h M. Brown lusL Mrs. ‘Vm. Sliney and family of El- gin Mills, were visiting the fm'mel’s parents and other friends at, Tutu-n- hmu last; week. C(mkstown Advvcute. â€" Miss Ida Glass of Richmond Hill, 52mg :1 very beautiful solo in the Methodist Church last, Sunday evening. Extra value in Japan tea at 250. per pnund, in 5-pnnnd lan 22c. per pound. Ask fm' snrnple: this is very special.~ Atkinson & SwitZe-r. Mrs. E. J. Quzmtz nf Galt, spent a week with her sister, Miss L. Mc- Mahon, and returned to Aurora. on Tuesday. Mrs. R. “'ullior Nnn, and Russvl a making a two We Lives here. Mr. Clarksnn MrDonald spent a week with his uncle. Mr. John McDon- ald, postmaster at Concord, and re- turned hmm- yvsterday. Mrs. Boynttm. Torontospont Thurs- day night with Mr. and Mrs. Harding, and afterwards went to Victoria Square. to visit: for a few days with relatives. Rev. Thus. Fenwick, Presbyterian minister uf \Voudln-idge, died nu Fri- day last. Deceased was 75 years of ngemnd had been pastor of the chm-ch at, \Vuodhridge since the year 1884. Boots and Shoesâ€"Just arrived! large stock of men’s Working ho: Asuup in men’s slippers and lad shoes. Naughtun Bros, Elgin Mil Mr. and Mrs. E. Norris zmd two children, Toronto, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ludfol'd. Mr. G. Sivers and Mr. Rnwley also spent a day here this week. Mr. D. B. BlI‘I‘G‘ll of York Mills, who has been under the Dr’s. cure for the past month. is steadily improving though it, will he some time before he recovers his former strength. Special this week: â€"â€" 3 cans gond salmon, 259.; 2 lbs. ten. 250.; 2 pack- ages Vin), 25c.; 3 bottles pickles, 25c. Fruit jars at light prices. szghmn Bros., Elgin Mills. Fruit, juls in all siZGS, pure spices, XXX “7mm “"iuo, XXX \Vhite G mpe and English Malt, Vinegars, izu- rah- bors, the best value in the Lmde.â€"At- kinsou & Switzer. Special.â€"Frmu the issue of THE LIBERAL this week till tho store closes on Saturday night we will sell the Maple Leaf brand best 6-vnx'd ZOO-yard Spnnls black and white, 2 spools for 5C. ~Atkiuson & SWltZL‘l‘. Miss Cmvk ('f \V Lniic's’ dlil't w M l‘S. E. \V .zulzu RICHMUND HILL, July 27, IJ()(L‘ (k119i. 00‘ J CST ARRIVE! it! Kll renal), Dr. Culhm-neand I‘m-(mm, spe-ut last Sun~ Trench and family. 'ow ( Jennings and daughter Imam called on Mrs. S. week. nic: suits,1ight, CUIUI‘S. 1' $1.40. rvgulzu' $1.70 .snn & Swilzer. ihsrmi rneice. Miss Hop a? few days wit! and little daughter m1 Jean Savage le‘P cks’ visit with relu- nndstm-k has \Vouds a nd 4 n-lntives here 1 mill um and IX pine lath. \Vill H. A. Niuhulls. Int of lad ies‘ print 00am] $1.20 vm‘h, Atkinson 66 Swit- A. O. R. f this week laughter \Villha- spent the week ï¬rs. T1105. and 1- friends. Ills n( Ashiuhula, his uncle, 1905 bouts. ladies†Mills. been :thrr will )cnt lit phone aim-a tan. VViz't station hm Cuivel- will few days. A kth- (-f instructth s Shvppnvd. station agent he the follmving suntvnco “ lluped will be n-nwmhered gels must nnL ride in the any part of Rivhmnnd Hill the station and buy tickets MiSS Bf'ssit‘, Bran-kin of Chnthnm, who has been visiting rs-latives in To- ronto. Camp up with her cousin. Mr. Douglas Finley. and spvnl ave-r Sun- day will) tlwix- unclv, Mr. \V. Bl-Hckin, of Elgin Mills. Our made-tn-nwnsuw suits are out by artistic cuttm-s'. sowed by skilled tuihn-s. and ï¬nishvd as mnly good tail- m-s can ï¬nish garments. \Vv would be very pleased ln measure you and save you :1hnut$-LUU on n suitâ€"Atkin- save- yml uhuu son & Switzm tun Un‘lsénn, Turnnlh has Ct'lllSU ‘3 mm will lie {)5 Ct‘l' The new rate Monday. Why do yen im'ugino you have a. bar- gain in a pnm', half-(mummy suit that will look dingy and nut, of date within a month. when you can [my at our stow a lhm-oughiy wvll-made, well- ï¬tiing. all-“'unl Sum-h tweed suitof stylish pattern that will keep itsflmpe D. M. Boyle & .‘ have m-derod fmm t ufucturing Cmupul again. Mr. J. H. PM one of the most upâ€"l clmif-blowvrs, with pmwments. The 11 arid Cofmu for Only $15.00 & Switzer. pIIIVt-Il this SP! count-s during North York Consm-vntivvs held a monster picnic in the Agximltnrul Grounds, Néwumrkcn yesterday. \Ve have received a very creditable number of The Midland Free Press. which gives a description, illustrated, (if what the publishers claim to he "The best situated town on the Great Lakes.†Among the engravings shown are the elevators, the General and Marine hospital, Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist, churches, some of the largest stores, the High School, etc. The publishers refer with com- mendable pride to seveml of the. pub- lic institutions of the Town, and give special prmninenee to the High School, with its six acres of playground, which is said to he “classed hy the In- spector of High Schools as the best in the. province" \Ve might; here say that Mr. \V. A. Glass, B. A., one of our esteemed citizens, is a. teacher in the above named institution. The chairman was speakers were Hon‘ J. P. anney. M. I 1m“ Bug DHX VTh The saying that “news never loses anything by travelling,†is quite true. Two weeks ago the Victonia Square correspundrnt wrote to this paper conveying, in his own way, the infor- matinn that, on the previous Friday a. young gallant from Elgin Mills quite prnperly ruse early that murning, pro- cPeded [:0 Victoria Square, and took a lady friend on the Richmond Hill Fire- men‘s excursion to Niagara. Falls. The Newmarket Era evidently thinks that the above wasa sensational elopv- Inent. as that, paper last work said: “The people of Richmnnd Hill must he terribly slow to allow a man from annthcr cunnty to enter the munici- pality and carry off a young lady to the Unith States lwfnre- the authori- ties are, aware of it." Also that an ac- count hf the affair was given in “The Herald.†“'9. may say that the Era’s account, is partially correct. only the young lady docs not live in Richnmnd Hill. the young man was not from Elgin county, and our village.- paper is not called The Herald. §§¢§¢¢¢¢§9§§§§¢§¢§O¢¢§§Q§O '0 Q : HELPWANTED (FEMALE) 2 #99090¢¢§§¢§§H§§O4§§OQOQ+ 11am {t ve m-(lerod f1 om the \Vatvex-lmrMan- mturing Company, tln-nugh their But. Mr. J. H. Punitive, Uninnville, a of the most upâ€"ln-dnte cleaner and Alf-blowers, will) all the latest. im- uVe-ments. The harvest is heavy in 5 section of county. and by all ac- mt-s Mr. Buylv will have a large run ring the present season. ml) \VANTEDâ€"Ludies to (In plain sowing at home, whole or spare time. to $10 per week. \Vm-k sent any distaan (-hnrges paid. Send stump {’01-qu particulaxs. rTm-nntn and York Radial Buil- Cmupany are instuliing a tele~ .9 along f:-h(- line nf Lhe- Mvtmp'olh VViz'eshnn- ‘nc-en run into the In hwy-e, and it is lmpvdthvle- 0 regular Division. and in fm art, Town. ' E \V MACH I {IDLAND ILLUSTRATED. (on-s were Hon. \V. J. Hanna Duwney. M. L. A.. and the her fur the riding‘ Mr. T. H. In the sporting (:umests, guns defeated the Sunnysid 9 team by 8 to 3. the North 5 the South Sides by 12 to 3 in l and in fuutbull HUIL won 1 ! hPre, and it is lulpl'dthPl Will be ready for business In MR. LENNOX‘ PICNIC. NOT AN ELOPEM ENT. LUNA Mfg. 00.. Montreal. fare on the Metropoli- frmn Richmond Hill to been rmhuwd frnrn 40 Ms. and l-rtum tickets *nts insh-ud 0t 60cents. ,9 came intu force lust. 1rd and Mr. Startup are the :Lsphuhing for this last, sr‘(‘tiuns (vf'p;1\‘()|))l-l)t in frunt uf the \Vniting inns Sent to Mr. ‘e-nt. he! 0.. contains “(m which it, is nhered: “Passen- in UN) cm-s fmm ad Hill and go to ,‘II Mujn} (H) n umis1 3, Glass ndfurd’s stnrc, patch at the 0f All Atkimén Hun; Inna HTA mast Sides base- from the and local Len- The Further pm-ticulufs and conditions may be ascertained upon application to [he Executors, or their solicitors, ‘ and will also be made known at him of sale. ‘ Dated this 25th day of July, 1905. THOMAS \V. KLlNUK } I GEO. GEE i AUG Ub‘TA MAY FIERIIELLER Teacher Wanted Auctlon Sale OI Valuable Farm Property in The Township of Markham. The Executnrs of the Estate of the late Mary Cooke will offer fur sale by Public Auction, on \Vod- ncsduy the 23rd day of August 1905, at, the hulll‘ of 3o’c10ck in Llieafter- noun, zit Ireland’s Hotel, Victoria Square, by J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer, the \Vestelly 150 acres of Lot; Number “21,†Concession “4,†Township of “21,†Concession “4,†Township of Markham. This farm is a. good clay loam soil. all capable of being cultivat- ed or pastured, is watered by, a. living stream crossing the same. also by tWo wells. There is a ï¬rst-class fruit, or- churd npr‘n the. property, and the whole is well fenced. The buildings consist of :L good britk house, one barn 60x40, one barn 50x30, ample stabling for horses and cows, and a. new pig pen with cement floor. It; is situate convenian to Postoi‘flce, schools and churches, and is in every way a most; desirable property to se- cure. The farm will be sold subject to an existing lease. which terminates on the 1stof April 1905, and subject to a. reserve bid. 4-4 Executors and Execulrix. Lindsey. Lawrence 8: \Vudsworth, 60 Victoria Street. Tomntu, Solicitors for the Execulm-s. For S. S. No. 4, teacher preferred. tiun if convenient. Apply stating salm y. experience, and enclosing testimonials to A. E. W'illizuns, Elgin Millsl D. H. Doner, Gormley } W'. H. Cnsgmvo, Sec’y- , T1;eqs., Elgin Mile J Trustees 2â€"3 DEATHS. Mmkham. Male Personal applica- M++++++++++++++++++++++++ M +4-++++++++++++++++++++< §+++++++~§~++$+4~§++++++++++v} h? ++++++++++++++~§v+++++++++++ §u§, '3‘ ++++++++€~i~+++++++$++~§~++++++++$+++$++++++++++’§"{Ҥ"2<++++ ++++++++++++¢++++++++++++++++¢+++++4+++++++++++++++£ AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Association. A111 business promptly attended to. Literature mail- ed cn application. FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. ' Norwich Union. Western. York Mutual. P. G. Savage 65 Sea. 3mm One cannot exist solely on cake. A store cannot be widely useful if it lacks in the practical. We blend the artistic and the usefulâ€"â€" make the useful as artistic as possible, but never slight usefulness for art. Our organization sees to it that we keep closely in touch with the fountain-head of stvle. ' The needs of the home are varied, and to-day along with beauty, display, we put forward much of homely usefulness. Is n’t it worth while to be known far and near as the practical store? We quote:~â€"â€" $1.00. Men’s heavy black drill and mole pants. $1.00 pair. Best Catalina rice, 10c. 11).. best, Japan rice, 7:50. Rangoon rice, 50. 11)., pearl tapioca, 4%C. lb. Richmond Hill, July 13, 1905. E avetl'ou ghing‘ and gener- Richmand ï¬iii Hamwm Sim Ladies Lace Ties. 40, 50 and 600. each. Best Black and \Vhite ZOO-yd. cottnn spools, 350. (102. Men’s ï¬ne soft bosom shirts, 75c., $1.00 and $1.25. Men’s black overalls, with 01- without bib. 75, 85 and mmm &; SWETZER. Shelf and heavy hardware. Farmers’ Bmder Twine. Harvest mitts. Peerless Machine Oil. Paris Green. Coal Oil stoves at close prices. Furnace work. G. SQULES a1 tinsnlithing‘.