Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Aug 1905, p. 1

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ltlzings, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905 ., . ,2. ‘ 9? “ Lillie (gourd I ISPUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LlBEllllL PRINTING it PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. F. Mo MAHON. Emma dz Psormsros. ’1‘ . BUSIbiâ€"ESS CARDS. spinal. ll. Rial. iiiiéiii‘io, i) autism, Room 12, 11% Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting tooth, also rcplating, at lowest. prices. Good work. DR. H. W. ANDERSON, 1)entist, Cur. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on ‘Vedâ€" ucsday of each week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofllce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSON DENTLsr, Cor. Bloor and Youge, Toronto. Thornhill Every "dedv- .. .n iteriimry .KTllIHlTZAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ' 'Phornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Ualls by day and night promptly at- tended to. NOTARY PUBLIC. . oomussioxsnm 'rnn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL, Remodelled,en<l newly furnished throughout 0 no of the iuus hotels on Youge Street. Every modern con- vanieum Sivnple rooms for cu‘umUX'Ul-tl travellers. Ani-ioulstopping puico for riiing or driving parties,l)icyclists, or farmers going toorreturuing frovn market. Ezectrie;curs pass the door Liver no onuection TERMS $1.00PER DAY W. C. SAVAGE Prop Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of r THE FROST. The upriwhts are immovath locked to the 53' (3 running wires with THE FEEOST \VEDflE-LOZK, making an i absolutely Siock-proof Fence. The Locks hind without kinuirg 9.3 (a or crimpingr either the stay: or lateral Wires. \‘x'iil imt slip. and our 5: new method of contuclliug and baking prevents rust. which miils greatly 6? W the appearance of ihe fence. Mukc now. take. Tiny 'I'i‘lli FROST. '3 ‘2 It is the hwvlrst and 1ll:‘l1"st. r... 53‘... by f“? ; WOODARD s: CROCKART. -_ Aurora 8 CLUBiNE s: PEARSON. - Thornhill g, ' @s’eeeeeseessss 3833\99-3821 6 csccmceeemeseeeee Want your moustache or beard _ abcautiml brown or rich black? use~ on veuient and comfortable "ebie, ller pils. hat is what they are. They cure con stlpatlon, biliousness, sk-hadache. it... $153.? DYE mm 078. OF 935001813 ons. 2.11m. “maximum. Ei‘timi. G G S I.iuilsoy.K O A G F l. txrcncc W Riduut Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence £4 Phone Main 2984 i W adsworth. Ba:ri::ers,3oiicitors. Notaries, lac. Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold ]..oan Bldg. ), 00:. Adelaide 6:. Victoria Sts.. Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Satilrdavs. TOOK & JOHNSTON Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 lich- 1nond St. “'est.,\Veslev Buildinrrs, (Methodist Book Rbom,) To? rontn. Mr. Cook will he at Maple on Thursd afternoon of each Week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0%. IAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJGIN Billâ€".4145 LENDIle 6: MORGAN Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on landandchettel mor lowest rates tgagesag Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post Oflico one door west of th Ontario Bank 6 entrance to “he Newmarket ofliceâ€"Thre post oil-ice T HERBERT LENNOX, G STV MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket ay J9 H. Pi entice, Licensed Auctions er in Goads sold on cons rthe County of York. ignment General sales (A stoc etc promptly n ttended ' . to - rates Kosulence Unionville at reasonanlb G R ‘ ' above (touldmg' newton Bm°kifigeni for-the J T Saigeon J 1.1 - McEwen Maple Weston Saiseon a; McEwen, Licensed A ucti ‘ oneers forthe Count of Y rk. saleswtttendedtoonshortestnotiuâ€"ngd a. Sea.- onablemtes Patrbnagesolicited D. a. BLOUGH, License Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and at rensonubemtes. P.O.B.ddress King R N. E. Smith. Licéegsedductionearfor th an ntario All sales of farm stock 41c - tended to on the shortest notice and reasoiiafilfia ’“eq- MOrimseand bailiff sales ReSidence.Stoufivine Ont' “mud” ‘0 e Counties of York ‘:‘ _ ~ WRIGHT BROS, Uirdca'takers & Embalmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & T‘HORNHILL, kept at both places. “51%: Fly taxidv. vi-li’ Le‘i.'.:r.zn;,..:m.a ‘ a . EARLE Pianist Instruction in the Art of Piano Play- ing. - Fall term opens September 5, 1905. (Lessons during July and August.) 6 doors south of the‘ Mame A fatal accident occurred on the sixth concession last Friday by which Mr. \V. A. I'Iarvcy, l)i‘()thcr of Mr. B. 0. Harvey, lost his lil'c. He was ad- justinga pulley in the bum when he fell about. twenty-five feet. striking his head on a rack. Ilc never regwincd consciousness, and passed away on '8uiurday Honing. The funeral Look .pluce on ’I'ui-sday afternoon to King Ccnufcry. and was very hugely at- tended. Quai i‘ci ly services were held on Sun- ‘ (Ivy, and large congregations wcl-c pre- scni. moi-lung and evening. HOV. \V. G. Bark exchanged pulpiis l with Rev. Dr. Carmichael on Sunday last. Miss May “'illiams, of Toronto, Wlin Mct‘u-ilist church on Sunday evening. Mr. N. A. Um'ncil has ii-signcd his poshion as [cat-her in Hope school, and has been cngagvd as principal in the Markham villugc public school. Miss M. Jack, of Toronto. guest of Rev. \V. and Mrs. Back at the Manse. Miss Mabel Aycr. of Tornnlo. was visiting her friend, Miss Etta Richard- son, river Sunday. Mrs. Thus. Dilworth. of Torontn, the village rcncwing old :icipiainiuncc. Miss Ida Saigcun visited at tho home of her brother. Mr. J. T. Saigr‘un, from Saturday till Monday. "\lissi-s Eihcl and Edith Piukcrton, Miss Edith Plumb, and Miss IClhcl Bailey, of Toronto, are spending ihcir vacation at the home of Mr. \Vm. Thomas, of Hope. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".A*â€"â€" ‘Villiam Flcming of Markham, the - erl-known checki-r pluycr, dicd on Tuesday. the 8th inst. in hisb‘bth year. Funeral Friday at. 1.30 p. In. to St. An- di ew's Ceinctcrv. P-ublic Library Board. A meeting of the Public Library ‘ Board was held Friday evening, ‘August 4. Members presentâ€"d). (ii. Savage. \V. H. l’ugslvy, \V. A. San- T. F. McMahon. Minutes of last. meet- ing were read and adopled. was visiiing at Mr. T. H. Kcys‘ (Wl‘l' Sundrv, sang a beautiful solo in the. is the' spent from Saturday till Tucsduy in 1 1 New York. PERSONALS. Mr. Ilcisc, of Acton, spent Tuesday With his sister, Mrs. Jacob I‘Iyer. .Miss Barker is making :1 two woeks’ Visit with fricuds in Sioiil’fville. Mr. Hcrbcrt Smith, of Hcadford, Sprnt Sunday with his p-chnts hcrc. l‘IlS. Morris and Mr. Ltuuc Morris spcnl Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald. Mrs. C. Soulcs, Mr. L. Snub-s and Miss Dclla Sonics are spending the wc k at Lake Simone. Mr. Hnward Sloan, Toronto, is spending a wci-k’s holidays with his pai'cnls lici'c. Miss Augusta M. Fir-rhellcr spent OVt‘l‘ Sunday with friends at Victoria. Squarc. Mrs. L. Lehman and daughter Ida. (if Ncwmaikci. spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John McKt-nzie. of Cypress Stu-ct, (lity, spent over Sun- day with Mrs. I). MgKi-uzic. Mr. Clarence Skt't‘le has gone to make a two \vci-ks’ visit. with relatives at (‘-uii(lcrsport, I’a. Mr. Wyc Trcuch returned Thursday after a stay of three Wct'krs in Newark. Miss (‘vlniildc McGinnis, Toronto. is spendingr a. week at “The Elms," the guest of the Misses Marsh. Mr. Clarksnn McDonald went to the , cin 'I‘ucsday to spend a wcck with re- laiivcs. Mr. H. S. Rupert. of Toronto, spent from Suimduy until Monday with Mr. ' Georgc Smith. The trustees of Jefferson SChOUI have engaged for teacher l‘ii)S Robertson, (if ‘vVliilliy. Mis. (Din) Richardson, of Aurora, Spent. over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. l A. J. Campbell. derson, Ii. A. Niclmlls. A. 'J. Hume, ' Mr. R. E. Law handcd in his resignn- ‘ tiou as librarian and can-taker of the Public Library, asking,r to be relicvcd ' the. 81st of August. The rcsignation was accepted, and the secretary was ) authorized and instructed to advertiSe caretaker for the Library and Reading Room. «(>â€" A Letter From “Kicker.” ‘ To the Editor of THE LIBERAL : Dear Sir, In reference to a foo'b all math played on Richmond Hill bull grounds on Thursday. Aug. 3rd, he- twvcn Elgin Mills and Richmond Hil', I would llkl‘ to say that taken from .t standpoint of good rlcun playing was ihc worst exhibition of football I ever witnessed. But. ihc most flair, rant violation of the rulcs witneswd was in the number of men. Elgiu Mills plnycd the regulation eleven, while. Richmond Ilill, by apiece Ufl 1, sharpness, or, as lhopc. mistakcnncss. played twclvc men. In conclusion I ,minhi say that I hopi- if Richmond. l Hill buys intcnd to play football they. iwiil comply more rigidly with ihci , rulcs. Yours truly, Klf‘KER. Elgin Mills, Aug. 8, 190.3. ‘ooâ€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ Register the Births. , A arge stock (,f Funeral Furnishings To the Editor of Tun LiciinAL: PALMER. HOUSE ' i Dear Sir,â€"I am rcqucsi’cd by the Deputy Registrar-Gencrai to ask you (through thc columns of your valuable i paper) to call attention of the Pubiic to the following cxlracis from ilic ; “ Act for the Iicgislraiinn of Births, r Slat. Ont, (Hip. 41., Sun! etc, Rev. 1.3." . :kThc fulher of any child born in this I’rovincc. or in casc I horn.” . . . Scc. Iii. “Ii. shall bc the duty of every quahiii-d practiiimurxiii-ruling lo the Division Ilsl 'islrur of the. Divi- lsion in which lll('( llill was burn." Soc. 29. “Any ]N‘l:(ill i'cquircd by this Act l<)1'k‘]llil'i. Ilirl 115â€" in thc Ilivi- shall, on suummrv rumictinn [Iii-l"- i'or, be liablc for t'\‘l'l'_\' such (IITK’IIL'P in a penalty not (‘XUJL'tlIlig >31in l and costs." 1;)" \ing space to the above ynu will gi-i-aily nbiign- Yum-s very truly, A. 1. J. lll'llll. Division u- {ichnmud Ilill. I’legislru i- Richmond Hill, Aug. 9th, ll‘f‘fi. ‘ ihc parents shall \viihin thirty days“ from (he datc of the llll'lll, give notich 'thcl'cnf to the Division Ill-gistrar oi" l the Division in which lllu child wasi sion llcgistiar who icl'uscs or ncglcrls' to do so within ihc lllllC‘ l‘cquii‘cd.‘ in THE LIBERAL for a librarian and- it. of his death or ubscucc lili‘ mother, or‘ i-any person sluudinnr in tho placi- (\f‘ ,at ihc birth of any child born \‘x'iihiu‘ this Province to givi- notice l'uilhv.‘il il‘ Mrs. P. L. Grant. {1-, and Mis. R. XV. Glass of Cooks- town are spending a few days with Mrs. \V. Glass and family. Mr. \V. A. Glass left yesterday for n. Couple of weeks‘ stay at Jackson’s .I.)Ulllt. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. .T. Cable and little Miss Thelma spout Tuesday afternoon with friends at the Island. with their parents at [he parsonage. _l\'1s .cs F. Eyer and Lin-Ila Eyer and ‘I\. V. McLean spcut yesterday with , Mrs. James Acey, in Thornhill. mum. are spending a week with her ‘ moi hci‘, M 1'. H. F. Hopper. Mr. and Mis. Lever and son Wilford, , of \Vi-ston, spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Mr. and llIis.lI.S(viiles and two sons, of Toronto, spent nvei‘ Sunday with Mr. and M rs. H. F. Hopper. Misses Olive and Norma Morgan of Fairvicw Farm, \Villowdale. return today aftcr a visit of four or fivc days with thrirgramlmothci', Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. (I)l'.) Spanlding and little daughter. Marian \Vinii’red, Toronto, are spending a fcw holidays with Mr. :1. id Mrs. S. M. Blown. This is a very bright, happy week at the parsonage here, as all iihc (lump- hcll family, consisting of four girls and f yur hoys, arc at. home. , Mis. (lco. Sims and her little grand- (luughici‘, Miss Dorothy McKcnzic, Tumult), are spending a fcw chks r with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. b'. Sims. Mr. E. Barker took :ulvanL-Igeof the ('IN‘HP railway rates. and spcnt from Satiudziy till Monday with his son, Mr. l‘x'o ly Darker, in Mcafm-d. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, and son, of Clcvclund. ariivcd Tucsdziy cvcning in spcnd a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. I’. G. Savage. Miss Jessie D. Ililllllltfill, daughter of Mr. (loo. Hamilton,Tillsonburg. are Visiting with lll'l' grumlinothcr, Mrs. J. Hamilton, at the Elgin. Mr. L. Nichols has been engaged by I tha- ti usiccs of S. S. No. 4. Markham, ‘ duties to cumincncc after the sunnncr holidays. Mr. S. Snmiilcrs and Mr. and Mrs. Ali-x. Ilycr and two children, Toronto, spi-ut Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I‘Zvci'. . llr. (‘uullcr and Miss “'innifH-d ‘ (‘uu (. Ir, ()iinwa, spcut a day or two wii h Miss Coul‘icr and Mrs. Campbell 3 this \Vt't k. l l Among those who spent the civic holiday hrrc from the city are Messrs. ” " i'. Mcl‘cliugily, A. Iiii'k- i.. “Villki‘l'. land and I). Mclx'L-i.zic. l l Mrs. Kliuck and daughtcr of Eglin- ; , tun spent Sunday and Monday with Messrs. Arthur and \Vill Campbell, , both of Toledo, arc spending a week 1 Mr. ’I‘. \Villiams and family, of To. ' The Metropolitan :ippcarcd togivc :Iu oxccllcni railway service on Mon- day and the passenger traffic was very heavy. Mis. Henry McDonald and son. To- ronto, :u‘e‘ spcnding a. week with Mrs. B. McDonald. Mr. McDonald also spent Sunday here. Miss Bessie Rcdditt, Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday at her home. Mrs. Ernest Iicdditt also came up and spcnt thc holiday. Mr. J. F. Rowland of Brighton, for- mer iinliiugcr of thc Standard Bank lli‘l‘i‘, was on ‘Ve-dncsday of Inst wee-k mni-rird to Miss Mary Awe-nu North of l’ictim. Miss Campbell and Miss Emily Cniiiphell, who have been spending l flu-cc works with the Mickles of Gra â€" muhurst, returned home Tuesday night. Backed up by over a third of a centu of remarkable and un - form cures, a record such as no other remedy for the dis e as as a n d weaknesses pe- culiar to women ever attained, the proprietors andmakem of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. No other medicine than Dr. Pierce’s F51- vorite Prescription could possibly "Win out," as the saying goes, on such a propOSi- tion; but they know whereof they speak. They have the most remarkable record of cures made by this world-famed remedy ever placed to the credit of any prepara- tion especially designed for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments. This wonder- ful remedy, therefore, stands absolutely alone as the only one possessed of such unrivaled properties as to fully warrant its makers in publishing the remarkable offer above made in the utmost good faith. “A short time agoI was almost dead with nervous prostration, general debility and female weakness," writes Mrs. Loretto Webster of 317 Virginia Ave, Lexington, Ky., Worthy reasurâ€" er, Independent Orderof Good Templar-s, " Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was recommendâ€" , ed to me as a sure cure, and I found this tobe true, for I obtained splendid results, securing fine health. Women ought to be grateful to i think there is one safe and sure cure offered to them for their troubles. I advise every Sick and suffering woman to stop spending _m9ney and wasting time with doctors' prescriptions, when a few bottles of your remedy is sure to cure. I am the happy mother of two children, . boy aged sixteen, and girl, eight years." I Do not permit the dealer to insult your l intelligence by suggesting some other com- pound which he recommends.“ "Just as good," because he makes it himself. Dr. Picrce’s Favorite Prescription has stood i the test of time and experience. Thou- ‘ sands speak well of itâ€"because thousandl have been cured by it. .v ¢¢¢¢§¢ §§¢§éyy§§§§§§¢¢§§¢¢§ +0QQ¢¢¢¢Q+§§§§§§¢¢§¢¢¢§¢¢¢ ¢+§§§§¢¢§§¢¢¢§¢§9§+¢¢¢§+§§ l5 ilii PfiRllE‘ As our church has objectod to the .usc of the language expressed in our ad. of recent issues, we wish, through the same source, to offer our to offer - our apologies therefor, as we wish to do our business not only in a business- like, but also in a. christian-Ike way. l l “'9. also wish once more to bring to ‘ notice the fact that we are selling best. coal and Portland cement at Thornhill station. l “’0 also manufacture cement tile. for Culverts and cement stone oi brick and do all kinds of contracting. "Q: 'ingorfig 25.35011. l i CARllYILIE, ONT. I l ¢§¢¢$¢¢¢¢$¢4$¢§¢§¢+6¢§¢¢ Qt , 66¢ 96¢¢§¢¢¢¢9¢9§¢¢¢¢y¢4¢¢+ l l ¢¢¢¢ ¢¢¢¢9¢~9¢+¢§¢¢¢$~>¢¢9¢¢+ nted :rr‘hnr wantcd. male or f-vmnlc. for n School Him-lion No. i..\Iznl.hum. "1 "' 13h .\]l‘!ili1‘illl\ will sirfc s-ii iiu:Ili;ir-;1lii,-n.~.ctr on or brim-o- ,‘-.i|_u~‘f l. .l.‘."~‘. .‘dUliI’lIY. Src’y-Trvnsq , 15:531. 2.1m.- i Te acher We. Tc hi: i and ‘3

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