Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Aug 1905, p. 4

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strut Xuth 10, 1905 RICHMOND HILL. Mr. TV. F. Maclean, M. P. for South York, made two speeches in. the House of Commons favoring the salary bill when it was under discus- sion, but immediately on his return home he addressed his constituents at W'exford, declaring his opposition to the measure. In the course of his speech in South York Mr. Maclean said : _ “ The coercion of Saskatchewan and Alberta was to be bought with scnatorships and governorships, with grants, with eXtravagances in public money, with offices for thOSe mem- bers who were about to stultiiy them- selves and therefore dare not seek re- election, and above all, by the direct promise of an increased sessional in- demnity to members and a pension for ministers if they’d see coercron through.” lllr. Macl‘ean‘s constituents will probably wonder Why their member took one position at Ottawa, and one directly opposite at home. The member fOr South York is not ashamed of- his utterances, however, :6 he the speech reprinted in Tuesday’s World. __.__..__â€"- The plenipotentiaries in the in- ierests of peace between Russia and .Il'apan have already held several ses- sions at Portsmouth, N. E. It can- not be doubted that both sides are in good faith and sincerely desirous of bringing the war to a speedy ter- mination. The opinions expressed n the despatchesthis morning are not very encouraging as it is feared that Japan’s conditions, should they include a cash indemnity, will not be accepted by the already humiliated nation. It is to be hoped, however, that the plucky little people who have been victorious in almost every engagement may be generous to an almost conquered foe. For the good of humanity and the saving of human blood let the Christian world pray . that the murder and butchery may be stopped at once. _â€"â€"â€". Mr. W. F. Maclean and The World charges the Mail with having be- trayed Sir John Maedonald, Sir John Thompson and Sir William Meredith, and the Mail replies that “Mr. Mac- lean opposed all the leaders from Sir thn Macdonald to Mr. Borden, and was depreciating Mr. Whitney at the very moment when that gentleman was preparing for his great victory.” rline above are examples of the brotherly love that exists between ‘ members of the same family. â€"_ A LONG RIDE. Two brothers. Messrs. “’alter and Jack Milne, who left Cleveland, Ten- nessee, the early part of last week in their automobile, No. 220, passed through this place about noon yester- day bound for I\orth Buy. The indi- cator showed that they had travelled 975 miles. They had dinner at the Dominion House and called on their cousin, Dr. H. \V. Anderson, dentist, in his olfice here. News Notes. The Locust Hill Clippers have won the Intermediate Football Champion- ship of Ontario. This is an achieve- ment well worthy of mention. Elizabeth Jerman, wife of James Torrance, Markham, died at her home Monday, August 7, aged 3‘2. years. In- terment: in St. Andi-en’s church cem- etery \Vcdnesday afternoon. Etobicoke Township Council has passed a new agreement with the TO- routo Radial Railway for the exten- sion west ofLong Brunei). \Vork will commence at once. Between twenty and thirty people were killed and many others injured by store of the John G. Myers Company at Albany on Tuesday morning. The building was undergoing repairs and collapsed when a central iron pillar was removed. Most of those killed and injured were lndy clerks. Personals (Continued) Mrs. T. B. Ludford and Miss Ornia Ludford attended the 10th anniveu sar-y of the wedding of Mrs. Alex. \Vilson, )lrs. Ludford’s youngest sister, lush S: tin-de in Toronto. the collapse of the departmental. Miss Jessie Moodie left a. few do)“ ago to spend a month at Seniortb and St. Mary’s. She was accompanied by Mr. G. Mmidie and Mr. Murray Von- derbuigh, who will remain a Week. Mr. \V. H. Pugslcy started yester- day for a trip to Indian Head, Ass:t., to superintch the harvesting on the farm of the Pugsloy Bros. at. that place. Mr. Pugsley may be away a month or six weeks. Last Sunday‘s \Vnrld contained an engraving of “A Good Day‘s (latch of Black Bass,” and the information was givr-n that the font. was accomplished at Sparrow Lake by Mr. A. S. Savage and three friends from Toronto. Mr. Frank Dolun pluvcd his first. lacrosse match at Markham on Suturâ€" duy. and by all accounts gave it good account of himself. Frank is; an on- thusiast in lacrosse and is doubtless the making of a strong player. Mrs. A. J. \Vrigbt and Miss Lorine \Vright started Monday for Stunley Brae. Mnskoka. where they purpose spending about a. monkh with Mr. \Vright. They were accompanied by Mr. Osmond \Vr~ight‘.. who will spend a week with them before returning to Detroit». Sale Register. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 23â€"Auction sale of farm property at Ireland‘s Hotel, Victoria Square, being the westerly 150 acres of lot 24, con. 4, Markham. Sale at 3 o’clockâ€"J. 1‘1. Prentice Auc- tioneer. Girl Wanted A good general servant at the Dom- inion House at once, MRS. D. STONG. FGR same A nine-room house and large lot. Superior fruit. Apply to R. E. LA\V, P. O. Box 405, Richmond Hill. Notice to the Public. Notice is hereby given that we will not be responsible for the payment of any accounts contracted by the Sub- Contructors on the James Bay Ry., unless such accounts are covered by an order from this ofi‘lce. NORTHERN CONSTRUCTION 00., 4â€"3 LIMITED, Don P. O. Auctlon Sale oI Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Markham. The Executors of the Estate of the late Mary Cooke will offer for sale by Public Auction, on \Ved- nesday the 23rd day of August 1905, at the hour of 3 o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, at Ireland’s Hotel, Victoria Square, by J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer, the \Vesterly 150 acres of Lot Number “24,” Concession "-1," Township ,of Markham. This farm is a. good clay loam soil, all capable of being cultivut« ed or pastured, is watered by a living stream crossing the same. also by two wells. There is a first~class fruit or- chard upon the property, and the whole is well fenced. The buildings consist of a. good bri’:k house, one barn 60x40, one barn 50x30, ample stabling for horses and cows, and a new pig pen with cement floor. It is situate convenient to Postot‘flce, schools and churches, and is in every way a most desirable property to se- cure. The farm will be sold subject to an existing lease, which terminates on the lstof April 1906, and subject to reserve bid. Terms:--10% of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendors at the time of sale, the balance, with the excep- tion of $4000.00, to be paid within 30 days thereafter, and $1000.00 of the purchase money to be secured by a Ifirst mortgage over said premises, bearing interest at 57; per annum,pay- able half-yearly, or the whole of the purchase money may be paid in cash at the option of the purchaser. Further particulars and conditions may be ascertained upon application to the Executors, or their solicitors, and will also be made known at time of sale. Dated this 25th day of July, 1905. THOMAS \V. KLINL‘K GEO. GEE AUGUSTA MAY FIERIIELLER 4~4 Executors and Executrix. Lindsey, Lawrence (it \Vadsworth, 60 Victoria Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Executor-s. A Librarian and Caretaker for the Richmond Hill Public Library and Reading Room. Applicants to furnish suitable build- iing, keep the Room warm and well ‘ lighted, and act as Librarian and (lure- tnker. The above Room to be. open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. Applications, stating yearly salary, received by the Secretary on or before Tuesday, lSth inst. Duties to begin ls! of Septenillel. T. F. Mo)lAllt).\', Secretary. .’ fle‘ds are scarce. but those wnn write ‘ ; Sunson .‘iCo,,Porthnd, Maine,wrllrcc»;i13 free. full lufnrmauon about. work w} 1:?) i they cu: do. and live at homedhnt will ray them from $5 to $75 per day. Some have turned over $5.“ in a day. Either sex. you; or old. (‘npiml ad required. You are marked free. There wizm‘tm at one. an absolutely “11° of mu uxm from: A11 3 new. + .g. .g. d- 4. do 4- .g. 4. + + + a? + + 'i‘ .g. .§. + -!~ + + + '4‘ + 4.. a +4“? ' ‘n ‘ Look after your fruit trees and vines. Use Paris Green :nrd Bordeaux Mixture for Blight on Pota- toes and Tomatoes. Our stock of PM is Green. llellc- bore Insect Powder, Bordeaux Mixture is complete and guaran- teed Govermnent Standard: of purity. it. A. Shiatsu DRUGGIST ++++++++++~z~++++++~rmwc+ ++++++¢++$++++MW+H+é +4~++++++++~§°%+++%+ 'i- +++++++d°+++++++4t+a+++++++++ ++++4++++++++++++++++++~50!-J {"i' ONE SCHOOL E You should have information about i if you are thinking of attending5 any. You will get it by return: mail by sending a post card request ' to 3 ‘ TORONTO, i The Largest, Bestdfiquipped. Most Modern, and Thorouin Business l School in Canada. \Ve help sevcr- i i 211 hundred young men and women 3 into good positions every year. . Just write that postal, and you- Will 3 t never regret it. ESuunner term now on. Term from Sept. 5th. Address \V. H. SHA‘V, Principal, Yonge a: Gerrard Sts., Toronto. M E +++s++++++++e+++++++++++++ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5. 5, ELLZGT‘I‘ x744 ;_ , ,// CRCETO. ONT. One of the largest and best commercial schools in the Don)- inion. All of Our graduates are absolutely sure of securing pOsi- tions. Strong stnlf of teachers; modern courses; splendid equip- ment. Every student thorough. 1y satisfied. \Vrite for our mag- nificent catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) -§"§‘~§"§"§°+'§"§"§~§~+++++Ԥ"§"§"§"§0§'++'§"§‘ Steel ing Troughs Made to order at 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired W. Mager, Prop. TO IIIS PATRONSI The undersigned begs to, thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him general Blatant; And hopes for a continuance of the same. Mow-M +~z~+++ ++++ ++++++¢+4~+++ *fi‘éhtédfifi "* '+~§‘++~§' 4 All kinds of Blacksmithing done. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. i an SEQ. GO WEE, RICHMOND HILL. E's labsaori be tor THE LIBERAL' gives these resu'its every time. zinc, and linseed oil paint. to paint your house, he sure but the paint you use will do the job tor the l the same time give greatest satisfaction and longest wear. 1 east money, and at It’s a pure lcm It’s mixed thor- I onghly and ground very fine by powerful machinery. It covers most surface to gallon and wears for the longest time. It’s a paint you can depend on. Use it and you’ll be satisfied.’ Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cows: inreuscs the flow of milk, faltens calves and stall feeding cattle and hogs. Gives horses legs and gives them a healthy ui’ipenrvmco. by practical stockrnen, permanent results than any otlu have. been disappointed in other “YORKSHIRE STOth FOOD ’ an premier stock food in the market. Yorkshire Cough. and Eeave Care and is guaranteed ’r Stock food, or money refunded. so-cnllnd Stock Foods, get a. sumple of (l the results will Convince you thut it is a sleek coat, futtcns thcui. purities the blood, cleanses the. This Stock Food is manufactured to give quicker. better and more If you Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and first stages of heaven, For sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. for sample toâ€" i. i. ifiiiiiiitii it ii. iii has 3i. E. which are frequently caused by chronic coughing utter distemper. grand preparation and will stop :my cough. or ‘Is This is a. Silt-Donald, Harness Maker. “Vi-ite "TORONTO- A gr'icnltu ral [Pi-ruggist s. $l2 Going Opp. (Ilyde Ii otel Manitoba & . Assiniboia itii $18 Returnin 6 o GOING DATES AUGUST 29, 1905 SEPT. 2, 1905 Stations south of but not including main line To- ronto to Snrnia, (including Toronto). Main line Toronto to Snrniu and stations north (except north of (,‘ardwell J unc. and Toronto on North Bu y Section). SEPT. 4. 1905 _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Midland Div ONE WAY snot) ’I‘IFICATE extending tn points in Manitoba and Assimboia. If purchasers euguged as F Ens work not less than 30 days at will be returned to Original Starting TICKETS WILL Half Rate to Children. For further particulars apply to 11 [5â€"7-8 ,.._ “muâ€"W1 v- w. HEWlSGN,‘ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper-z Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL For Sale or r3“? 2 a 22.0 Rest BE ISSUED 'ro WOMEN as well as LS’TK‘KETS NHT anon ox lz-rrignmn Lim’rian EAR‘IU-ian‘ TRAINS. em‘ast t‘nnadmn l’ncilie Agent, or C. I}. FOSTER, U. P. A.. C. l'. R., TORONTO, ONT. The 1:'\i=l 311"“ iinmedinfr-iv South nf‘ Richmond Hid. .'\ lipiy lri JAM in TN” .. .‘f I. , I'll in Midst Stilt H ii, ‘ Th (I l From all points Toronto and cast, to and includ- in};r Shurbot Luke, and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Uni-dwell June. on North Bay and i. HHS. M) Crass ’L‘lc‘ltn'rs to \\INi\Il’riti only will no :oid, warn a. CER- e ttip before September 15th, without additionnlcost,to other Ath LXBORERS at Winnipeg (provide such FARM LAB tR- harvesting und produce a Certificate to tlmt effect) they point at rates shown above on or before Nov.30th,19l15. Men. but will not be issued a: Farm For Sale Township of Vaughan, part of lot 13, concession 4, 1.30 acres more or less. on which is erected a substantial brick dwelling and a large new bank burn. About It) acres of busb: \vcll watered by :t living stream; desirable for stock purposes: convenient to Schools and churches. For particulars upply to A. S. RUS~ SICL, ESQ, t‘arrville l). O.. GEORGE H IGll, ESQ” Blilllin‘ or Lindsey Lawrence & \Veidsworth, Solicitors, Home Lite Building, Toronto. For Sale :34 hold of lllliit’, inrluding Fresh “"v‘- t‘ows. i’leii'r-is, 35L ers, nil in good: .vo...v Nondition. l JOHN N.\l'Gll’l‘(>N, Elgin Mills. . r3 4.,»

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