‘VEGEf . Hair Rescuer " Always stores color to gray hair, all the dark,rich color it used '. ‘h . ir » s fallin-v more ion and hcav and all ’i .8 ha Clo? b, g.- gnngm£%?u:£:ߴhï¬d m. > - -,p~x:.»..:uxn.».~:.: _. 5:1» ' to have. ' dondruï¬ disappears. n elegant “ Ellis: gamut" l- .-,-E‘5I:“l:__ _ G (l S I.indsey.K G A G h‘ liruvrence W llidout Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 2. W adsworth, Barridersï¬olicitors. Notaries, 86c. [S PUBLISHEDEVERY 13H URSDAY MORNING AI‘ TIIE LIBLRAL PRINTING ii PUBLISHING HOUSE ' niouxiono HILL, our. l‘ . 14‘. Mi: MAHON, Phone Main 2984 Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold L-onn Bldg.). Um. Adcliiidc (k layman & PROPRIETOB. l Victoria Sis. 'l‘uiunru. Til“ ._ ..TT_::_::'____._____ I LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on T . S; ' a K. BUSENESS CARDS. “Mm illfllléil. 83. will iiiiiiiiiss, 010K 8} JEIHNSTON Bwrristcrs, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich‘ mund Sr. \\'eslv.\V<-slcv luildiiigs, E 3 ii‘iltist ’ (Methodist Book bloom.) To- ‘ ’ ' l‘nnto. R i v†13’ 1“ Victoria St. Toronto. Mr. Cook will be zit Maple on Thursday afternoon of micli wcck. MONEY TO LOAN AT h‘z. Good work. .7--. ,_A. L... H, , my I AS- N EW TON Dcntist, lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, l E 14(37ril‘ï¬l NEEIJLSQ‘ with, also repluting, atl ‘l: prices. Our. Cvtl'itilll :ind Yongc Sis. Toronto “’ill be in Richmond Hill on \Vcd- IT‘S-Lilly of each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Sb'llitl- iir.l Bunk. Office H bursâ€"{31) ii. in. to p. m. LENNOX & MORGAN, Barrislcrs :2 9:45 Solicilors. Monev to loan on land andcnawel mortgages-at ' luwosc laces Automaticsâ€"Removed to we old post OHIO.) My > one door west 01 chc entrance to the' Ontario Ilunk Dr. C. Newni’o'iiiegmocuéiceâ€"Tbree doors south of the DE. Lime, 1', T mâ€mâ€â€˜â€fi’f.'.-o.i" 5" “£232.â€... Cul‘. Bloni- and Yonge, Toronto. Thornhill Every Weincsday. 3 m2: J. ll. [’i cameo. Licensed Aucbioneer for the County of York, Goods sold on consignment Gemini] Halei» (.1 Mac etc proinptlv mtnanded no at. reasonabli ‘ rates Residence Unii-nvillo I G R Gouldiug, Newcon Brook, agenl for the above “‘Wlt‘l‘ilmry ‘ “*"*"*"“"“’ ’ “" " ' J T Saigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Saigcon & Mel: wen . Licensed Auctioneers fortha County-o! York. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, salesmtendodnnonshortesinntiriand a. tea- .. ,. F F VETERINARY SU..uEUi‘I, onublerates patronagmdicned 'Eiiiiornhill. ’ > D. G. BLOUGH, ‘. _, l s . ' balls by tclepdone fiom Richmond License Auctiouseum Hill charged to me. i. H. SINDERSDN] VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at- tended to. V theCounty of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence Sales uttr‘nded on the sLortest notice and 8.1: reiisongberiibea. P. 0.uduress King N. E. Smith. LicensedAuctioneeifnrthe (‘ountii-i -f York andOutario Allsalesof farm stock, A'c, nt- tended Lu on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Murmnpi 11nd bailiff sales attended to Residence.St0uï¬vlilo Ont' BI. 'EEEFSE. NOTA RY PUBLIC, ooumasxoxnnm run HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofMarriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. WRIGHT BROS, Underlakers d: Emlmlmcrs. i RICHMOND HILL & THORNI-llll| A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings I kept at, both places. ‘ WW ‘ rim/um HOUSE IfEARLEiNlâ€"EIITUN RICHMOND HILL, Roiuodellednuul newly furnisde throughout 0 no of the ILI'JS ouveuieiit 5nd comfortable I _ Instruction in the Art of PltlllU Pliiv- couiinerciul mg. ' hotels on dege Screen. Every modern con- i.leu.‘.stii_i>piugplme for riding ymieum Sin-do l‘).i'|_l$ for invaders. L ‘ x r or driving prides,bicyclists. or iii-mars going I‘Hll term npcns September 5, 190m. (.0 or I‘DSUL‘lll'): fr) n in lrkct. l-liactric ‘cnrs r H , . . _ v V l 93.53 the door Liv“. “Humeâ€,th “ u. ssons din mg, July and August.) TERMS $1.00 PER DAY RICHMONSHILL W» C. SAVAGE Wantei A Librarian and (lurctukei' for the Richmond Hill Public LilH'illy and Reading Room. Applicants In furnish suitable build- ing, kccp the Room “'itl'lll and well lighted, :in l iicl' :is Libim III“ and Care- tnkcr. The :ibm'c Roi-in t.“ be i‘pcn 'l‘ucsdiy and Saturday evcniiigs from 7 in 5) ii‘i‘liH-k, Applii'rliiulh‘. stud-ii: _\'t’"Ili}' “'ldl'Y. 7-7- l’=-i'ci\‘nd bv the Secretary iii: or lltflll‘l‘ 'i'iL-sdnv, lfiih ind. . s in lugiu ls.‘ of Hv‘ptcinlii'i‘. T. F. ML‘JA'J’JN, Sctl'JiHy. Prop I‘hc Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL ~ON‘. THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1905 Commcni-ing at 10 a. in. ’I‘. F. McMA‘dUN (Imam; Subsscribe tor 'l‘illi - LIBERAL Ilisli Lite-ruini'c, SlilSlï¬il ~ Ehiiï¬h “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-E Farm Laborers’ Excursions, l905 Lutcst :idvii-cs from \Vinnipi‘g slnlc‘ that, the \\'lii-:it (Ii-(up (If Mali tolni and UN t‘iiiuiiliiiii i‘liii‘thwi-sL will exceed ‘ all previous si-usims: .-i gamut numbcr‘ of linslcrii lilllnl'l'l'h‘ will be l't‘llllil‘t‘ll I-u iissist :ii. ll:ii\i~stiiig. .\ Farm Labor- crs’ Excursion will be 1 un il'l'lll points : GOING DATES AUiu's'i‘ 2!). IIIIJSâ€"Sliilions south of. but; not, including. niiiiii linc Toronto to S iriiiii. SEP'l‘lCMl’dil‘. 3, lslnï¬mMuiu line To» imitii lo Sill‘lliil and Slillllills imiili (ch’ rcpt iioith of (i?ll'(i\\'(’ll .liiizc. and 'l‘oâ€" , rimti» on North Buy Scctinn). Signi‘iibnziiii 4, lU(l3_l"i-iuin Elli points 'l‘uriniio and (3.1% l') and including Shin-but Lukc, iiiid Kingston, iinil norili of 'l‘iiiiunlo :iiid (,‘nrilwcll Junc. on North Buy and Midland Divisions. 'l‘icki'ts will be sold to fcmiilc :is wi II as to mulc liibin-cis. 'l‘ii-kcls will not, be sold ill iiiilf mic Io childrcn. Fin-llici- inl‘m mnliun will be supplicd on npplicniiun In t'. ll. Fivslcr. l).l’.l{., (I. l’. Railway, Tl Yiuigv 5L, 'I‘ivi'milu. lntv-niling cxvui-siiinists should notify nezii'csL tickct :igciit ill oncc. â€"â€"‘oo-â€"â€"â€"â€" Vegetable Growers Organizing The oï¬iccrs of thc rccciilly formed Ontario chctublc Growers†Associ- iition pinposc organizing brancle of the Association in conncciiun with ihc lvaddig citics and towns of the Pro. vincc. ()i-giinizi rs will be sent out (llll’dlg this monlh to towns and ('llll'S with the (Ill-it'll of forming lniini‘h :is- Sllclilllllllb‘. ’lliesc organizers will lH-l iiieiiilwrs of lhc ASsi i-iiilion who are lcnding liiiiikcL guidcneis in the vi- cinity of Toronto and Hamilton. ’llie Association will rcci-ivcu Gov- criiinciit grunt this your of $500. It, puiposcs iisiiig Ihis iimni-y to hold a large convention for vi-gctnblc grown-5 lit the time of the liorticnliuiiil Exhi- bition in Toronto ncxl Novemhi-r, and also “liming prizes for 2| liiige veget- iiblc cxliibii IIL this show. ’l‘lic prize list for the show hns bccn Elil‘L'ildy I complete-d. 'liie cinislilutiivn ixflhc Association pi-iividcs fur the formation of branch i Associations. The vcgcliiiile gl-iiwcis in the vicinity of iiiiy town ('1' city may organize ii briiiicli Assmtiiitiivn, for which the membership fee is $1.0“. 'I'he pi-i-sidciits of those- binnch Assn- ciiiiiuns bi comi- directors of thc Pro vinciiil Association and il:l\‘t-‘ tlii-ii- cx- pcnses pziid while attending meetings of its cxccuiivc. ’l‘hi- brunch Assmi minus iirc expccled to [my the Pro- viiicial Association 40 cents l'ui'cach (If their iiiciiibi-rs, which lllilkl‘S :ill llll'llllll‘l'S of the lociil Association lllI‘liilJi‘l'S of the. Provincial Associ- ation. The Provincial Association sends iill ils members i-opics of the- :lll» nuiil rcpinrt of its convention, 2i monthâ€" ly iziiigiizinc, which is the l'fï¬Cl‘ill organ of ilii- Association, and Illll' 1' priiilcil limiter. Vegetablegi-owcrs who would like Lin scP onc of thesi- brnui-h Associ- iitinils‘ flll'llll'tl in Ilii-ir vicinity ill‘t‘ iii- viliâ€"d ti: wriic to ii. I}. (Iowan, llcpzu'l- llll‘lll iil' Agiiculmrc, Tin-onto, who is: ihc scci Mary of the Outiii iii chctnble Giowci‘s' Association. ¢0pâ€"â€"â€"- Richmond Hill High School 'I'hc following are the SllPCl*Ssrlll cun- iliiliitcs ill the recent Departmental Examination : Scnior limziving. Part I. â€"--Elmore Ri-iiiiiiin, \Viiltcr Frisby. Junior Lcnviiig. Part II. -â€"~G:u*nct Dickinson, Fred '1‘. Gl’illlillll, Lnrnc I’m-kins, Fri-d 1.. Richardson. Junior Miiti'iitulntion~~Miiggiv (‘US grove, Gainct Dickinson, Fred ’1‘. (im- hum, Edward l\i-llvs, Alex. McCon- ngliy, Lorne Perkins, Fri-d L. Ricliiiid- Son. Georgie Brown and Clarence Kiiini-c passed in English Cmnposition, ling- l‘lnglid) Gi-iimiinir, British and Canadian History, .‘Xlll'il‘lli Histoiy, Algebra, (}«‘(lllll'll'}'. Arith- uictic and M nsnriiliiin. Physics. In! in Authors, Latin Colllpilsllill'll. ll‘l‘vlll'll Authois, Frcnch Composition, but failed in (lliciiiisII-y. Hurry Francis passed in English Composition, English tiriiiniiiur, Iii-il- ish and Cum-din!) llisti-ry, Aiii-icni Histnly, Algvbrzi, (it‘llllll'tl'y. Aiiili- nu-tic :ind Mcnsni-nlion. I’livsics, Chf‘llllsll y, Imliu Authors, Latin Unin- po~itinn, Frciich Authors, Ficuch Giviiipositiiiii, but fiiilcd in English Lil» cintuic. Hum-l Swilzcr pussi-d in English (ti-imposition. English lill(‘l‘iltlll‘(‘, Eng- lish (ii-:iiiinmr. British and Uniirldinn History, Ancient History. (il‘Ullll‘ll‘y. Aritliim-Licziiid Mi-ihiiiwiliiin, ‘liysics :iiid (Tiiciiiisii-y, but failed in Algi-bi-ii, Lilllll and FD'IN‘i‘. 'l‘liose who li;i\i- fiiilcd on only lllll‘ subject should writc on the Suppl.» iiiciiinl Examination in Scptcmhvr, :iiid llicy will i-cccive til“(ii‘-‘ltlllvlll(n| |“)iploin..s ill thc Upi'iiing Exciciscs this hill. The Hiin School re-opcnson Tucs- (lny, Skill. 5, I. SHAW, Principal. fling City King City will hold its fifth civic holiday on “'cdni‘sdny, lhc 23rd i-f Angusl’. Thu-re will be linisci'nciiig, fimL racing, fiiiilbiill mulch and iill kinds Hi :Ii lilclic Pports for which good pi-izi-s will ill" giwu. The, lb’ih High- l:iiiili'rs’ liiind will furnish music dur- ing “10 :il'Ii-i-noi-n and will :issist. at :L coin-cit to ho given in :i largo ti-nL in lllI‘OVI'llillQ'. 'l‘lici-nininitlci-snyslhiit iill Hinds lciid to King City on Ilic23id inst. W- . H,__. Victoria. Square Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson lcft for Kcswick to attend :i fumin withering. Mr. iiiid Mis. Sh‘phi-nsou of Button- ville s; ent. Sunday with Mrs. \V. Mindy. Miss Lunin has returned Rift-1‘ spending él fcw plvilSilllt weeks up the St. li:i\vi'i-nci-. Mrs. Jiii-kmiiu :ind daughtcr are visiting her brotlici'. Mr. \V. Boyiitmi. Miss Susie Martin of Roland. Minn, hiis been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. The MiSsi-s Mcyi-r :inii Prclty of Ih‘lrilt‘ï¬iiit visili-d His. (1. Ilcnnic. Mr. Hurry Klinck is taking his holi- diiys i n the Gcorgiim Buy. Among llllm'I‘ who win-c :ibsenti Sun- ilziy \VI'l'f‘Zd-dll‘. iind Mis. .l. Lnnnn, Mr. Ralph Perkins, Miss Liiniiu, Miss Jennings, Mr. 1.. Nichols, Mr. R. Iiliunk. Mr. E. McMiillcn and Mr. L. Rowlmtliau). Miss Short of Toronto is visiting ii 1' aunt, Mrs. llugci-innn. 4-.â€" Gormlcy Gleanings On Sunday lust. ii bus load of Siilvu- tion Army pcoplc visilcil tho l‘llli\\’ily camps and held sci'viccs fur the hem - ï¬t of thc men. At (linmlcy camp the meeting was hcld in ii pleasant. wvll- Silildl'll place on the fziim of Mr. Dorie-r. About ii hunili-cd pcoplc \Vci'e prcsciit. it. wins an inspiiiiig nnd llll< pri‘ssivr» scivicc and judging by the ipiicincss :Inil solciniiily of blicziudi- eucc it was highly :ipprcciiitcd. From tlici'e they proceeded to Vsiiidorf lump for cvcniiig serv ice. “'9 under- stand thuse \vnriliy workers hailed from Aurora. Mr. .loscpli Farmer had :i vnluuhle r‘rnv killi-d by lightning in the thundcr- Slnl'lll of Saturday lust. People in this vicinity :irc dcliglilel with thc miiny :idviiningi-s they derive from tlii-ii' ii-lcplioiies. Thri-sliing; hands (full be iiskcd, and many othcr iiiiiiutcs ‘ errnuds 'pliuning. â€".o-â€"-_â€" Movie saved by :i. few , I A thoroughbred innrc belonging to. \lr. J. \\'.~i1l<cr of 'l‘eslou was killed by lightning duriin the storm last) Sutur- diiy afternoon. vacrul mi-u while working in the hiii'vcst ï¬clds wr-re pi-osti‘utcd with the intense liczit lust. \Vt‘l‘k. Thi- public School llL‘l‘e will l'e-llpt‘ll on Monday next. Miss Einiiiii Bynln has secured zl position as tczichcr ill Siiiiitï¬cld, near Blackwntcr. Miss Margin-ct Johnston of Toronto visited zit the home of Mr. L. llii-hiii-ib son fioin Siilnrdiiy till Monday and czillcd cu ii number of friends in [he vill'igP. Mi-<. Vnn Every of Bulfzilu, N. Y., is visiting with hci- sister, Mis. (icc. l-ligzli. Mrs. Chas. Hudson and children of 'l‘iniuito :ii-i- spciidingii couple of \vccks 211' Mr. (li'ii. Uimk’s. Mr. Roy Sliisli'r of Biilfiilo is visiting his aunt. Mrs. M. Nixon. Mrs. N. Sliiink of Tin-onto Junction. with MT lil»tlc iliiuglitci-s 'l‘:i\ic and Minnie. are \" ‘ibiug relatives and l'rii-iids in the villzigc. Miss Ida Palmer of Chicagupublic school stuff was the gucst liis‘I. wink of Miss Ellicl Rupert and Mrs. Bert Jack- son, \\'ll(l were class-mules 21L Es‘six iligli School. Miss 1.. Clark of Toronto is visiting fricuds here. Mr. iiiid Mis. Iii-rt Jackson spout Sunday in Tori-nib. Mr. and Mrs. DiH'iS iiiid cliildicn and Miss 'l'mvnlcy of Toronto. who \Vi-rc boarding iii Mrs. P. Wade‘s, returned home Tucsdny. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen of Pontiac, M i'li.. and Mrs. H. Unify, Tin-unto, visiicd with Hugh mother, Mrs. Prest, ovci Sunday. Miss \Viiilc of Manitoulin Island is spending ii few chks with licr uncle, Ml‘. P. \Vadr‘. Mr. Hadwcn Ficlii‘r, whi left this vicinity ii. few yciiis :igu to zittcnil Lillllt'l'zlll collch in l’rlln†piisscd Iliiougli llL‘l‘L’ Iiile \vcck with his bi-Edc I'll l'Irllle to North Buy. \vlici'c his pur- cuts icsidc. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Toronto werc visitors ilt Mr. llciiry chi'cr‘s over Sunday. “. The Cimzidiiin yiiclit is one ilill'illi of it: l‘l\'ill. Anutilcr win “'lil. lillld the cup. I News Notes. l);infin-il Roche it Co, dry goods meiclmnts, have iiSsigned. i Ncwmnrkct had :1 Fliuver Show yos- tcrdiiy in tho Skating Rink, followed by H. conccrt in the evening. I The Allan Linc‘s new turbinor, the ’Vii'giiiiiln, has brokcn all records flil‘ jthc passage between Moville and Bi- nmnski, by making the trip in five days, twcnty hours. The cin of Torin/iii» will carry to the r-iiuits the question of whclhci‘ the. IMcIi-opolilun Rnilwiiy has cxi-Iusive {rights on Yonge str ctr, iiorili of the it}. l’. Ii. tiuclis. Two little girls, Annie and 1mm: O‘Connor, of Hamilton. who were stiiying iii Gi-iinsby Park, hiid their l'(l\V lllei sliovi'd out from the wharf . by a numbi-i- of foolish boys, and were with" mi-rcy of the waves in Lake Ontario for over twenty-four hours. ,’I‘lii~_v \Vé‘l'c pickrd up the following do y by the steamer Lakeside. l | | ACRO§S COUNTRY. " i The signs of the times point to an enor- mous increase of intelligent public interest in health: to a new generation with purer, stronger blood and therefore more active 1 braver brains and ‘ body. No phys- ically robust, healthy person ever succumbed to grip, consump. tion, malaria or any other germ disease. But with a. weakened sys- tem we all have to ï¬ght the germs o f d i s e a s e . Our blood is often in a fer- tile condition for the growth of bacteria~ the germs ' of disease ' â€"because our stom- ach is disordered or our liver is tor- pidâ€"in either case our blood does not get the proper nourishment. A torpid liver means a stagnation of . the blood and an 4 accumulation _of 5%, oisons which urnishes a weak spot for bacteria to enter. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, Dr. Pierce years ago found a vegetable compound, which he called Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discov- ery, that would quickly cure the bad symp- toms by increasing the red blood corpus- cles and thereby feeding the nerves on rich blood. This “ Medical Discovery†also acts upon the digestion and assimilation of food, 50 ‘n'viat the blood gets its proper elements from the products of digestion. Feed the lungs, stomach and heart on rich red blood and you have surely a. healthv body which will throw off the germs of disease which lurk everywhere. Get as near nature’s way as you can. A medicine made entirely from botanical extracts and which does not . contain alcohol is the safest. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Cenneut Stone The building material which is comâ€" ing into finor is concrete made in in - iiiilion of cut stone, which \vil I 8 found much superior to any other in; - tt‘l'lill for building purposes for the following reasons:â€" Fii'stâ€"Ucman block‘ are made of the most durable iniiberizil. Secondâ€"The blocks beiinr made hols low, ll0llw‘t'S are not (lump like illusi- (.‘Ullsll'llliU'tl of solid concrete, as the hollows in the blocks ovcrlap. Ihu~ milking ii (Ii-21d illl' spsice all around, ( 1' sm ci-iii iiichcs,ilcpeiidiiig on the lhicl.- “('85 of wall which can bc iiiudc eitlii r 8. III or 1.! inches in [liickni-ss. ' ’I liii-ilâ€"Jl‘he face being lllfllil‘ in exact imitiiiinn of cub stone [ll(‘_\' make the prettiest. building iiiiiiginiible. Fourthâ€"They can bc built. for about one third less than solid brick. These blocks Ciln be used with equal succcss and bi-iinty in any pliicc ciLlii-r for houses or lh'll'llS. vci-iiiidiih pilliiis. chimneys. Me. For further inform-u- tinu inquiri- or write to SI. V 'riug'er'tkt Non, CARRVILIE, ONT.