Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1905, p. 5

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1 Gun suit everybodyâ€"Atkinson & Switzer with their mmle-Lu-meusure suits. Mr. H. C. Bailey, of Maple, is dis- tributing a circular this week among his patrons making a spccial announce- ment to gentlemen that he has secured the agency for the Crown Tailoring 00., of Toronto. The circular states that: “ This firm are the acknowledged leaders in high-class ordered clothing in Canada, while their pllccs are from 20 to 30 percent. less tha n those usually charged for madc-to-oidcr clothing. Mr. Bailey guarantees fit and wear, and invites the gentlclncn in Maple and vicinity to Call and look ovei his hundreds of samples. THE CENTRAL BUSINESS COL- LEGE 0F TORONTO. No institution of learning in Canada. enjuys greater publicity or stronger fillhiic Confidence than the Central usiness College of 'l‘m-nntn. The Principal. h'. \V. H. Shaw, isu lie- lievei' in the use of the press. and by supporting his announcements by the most; thorough wnrk possible on he» half of his patrons, who are so uni- versally successful. he has iii-might his school into Well deserved pruniiancc. The Full sl-ssinu begins on Sept. 5th, as per card in this issue. Ask _fm- sample of n'ickedq J;}pan "1:951. The whole conduct of business hex-e i4 based on enlarging your good upm- iun of the store and bringing you twice as oftenâ€"Atkinson & Switzer. ivm from the Mt'n-Lhn ()hmnicle of 3.11 inst. :â€"" “V: were glad tn SP8 that (‘ullege Chum tank the red ticket, at “Winnipeg Fair in the standard bred 01:1 3 Jimmy Andrews certainly has a In- del. and as the judge stated he could umke guud money if imported back east. This is Lhe second Lime he has won at, \Vinnipeg." Judging frum press reports Mr. James Andrews, «21' Miami, Man” for- merly of this place, has a valuable roadster. “’9 clipde the following .Evangelislic meetmgs conducted by Mr. BI-ugdnn and Mr. vaun ambeng held in a tent, in lhe park every week en-uing. conmwncing at 7.45. and on Sunday aftermmns at 30’clouk. \Ve have no doubt the gentlemen me hate fur the saving nf souls. and it is hoped that good may result from the meetâ€" lugs. The committee of managmnenl are overhauling the public school building preparatory to the re-inning in Sepâ€" tvnllwr. Thu frnnL winduws an :- greatly imprnved in appearance hy having tlw frosting scraped off. \Vith new blinds the sclmol will preer-nt a much better appearance from thg‘v strevt, and the interior will certainly be more cheering for boLh teachers and pupils. ts ; 22c. Six-ffil-UHP(10”:Il'tivkl‘ts fur thP Tu- nmtu Exhibition may he pmchnmd from Mr. H. A. Nicholls who has [H‘E‘li fhl'lllllntP in Sl'l'lll‘ing :L limitvd num- lh‘l‘. Thu-w Lin-krm admit tn Grounds, Grand Stand in :«I'turn-mn ()l' Ahln-y’s Coronation PicLurv. Sacure at once. “'9, expect to (in hotter than nnymw rise in ordm- m hrng yuu hue past all the other stnl‘().<.â€"Atkinsnn & Swilz r. Mr. Sbl-phen St‘lwlil, who lived hon-(- fnrly years ago with his uncle. the lute Rnlwrt Metculfv‘. paid an \ isn't, wilh reluâ€" Iivus :Lud frie‘nds hvre lust, Wtrek, tho filst during that pt-riml. Mr. \‘Vlll. “unison vus among those called upon. Anniv Ilursvy, wife ’1‘. A. Gruingt" , dim] :xL hm- hnnw. 94 Birch Ava. '1‘”- nmtn, nu Sunday. Fullvl'nl [.0 Mount leum'l-HY. Conn-levy. ’l'uvsdny uftvr- noun. Douwnsml was a daughtUr-in- law nf Mrs. H. F. Harmer, EIGHT~FOOT SPINACH. Mr. S. M. BI-mvn has n 241:1”sz m-h nf IIIHX‘VI'HUIIs‘ growth. It, Slll'l‘S more than eight few-r, in Ivn Each nmv m-quuintmmv munns a new frivml hw'I-.~â€"â€"Al.kinsuu 8: Swilzer. “'3” the party who wnuwvd :1 lady's hut pin. staunde "V. ALH.“ hum Stung’s ice cwnm parlm m1 Sunday. Aug. 6th. kindly ru-tm-n sane to the Dominion llnuse and greatly oblige the owner. Le. 92- Qâ€"Q quantityâ€"7M1 All :lpprnufiuv Lu wanted at 'l‘hm-uhill Elie Ei‘bm BUSINESS EDUCATION RICHMOND HILL, August 17, 1905 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. A PRIZE WINNER. 1‘ sample of our 25c. Mav- tpan Tun. Special in 5-lb. 1b.â€"Atkin.sou 84 Switzer. TO GENTLE \1 EN. RH i U '1' AT H 0 N1 E â€"Quostiuns ktkinsnn & Hoppm In Sec uf quality and S \v i l 101'. millinel'y is mlv. tlk uf spin It, men n lvnglh. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Johnston went tn Grimsby Park an Saturday when-(- they will spend the balance of their j holidays- Mr. ElmerE. Lzuv, editor and pro- prietor (If The Progress. Qn‘AppeHP, is home to make a visit with his fath- er and mother. Mr. J. A. E. Switzex-spent the gm ut- vr part of 1:st week with his family at Grimshy Park. Mrs. Ed. Sautelle and Mrs. Lang. both of Turnnto. have returned after a. visit with the Misses Trench. Miss Lane and Miss M Toronto, are here to spem weeks with the Misses Tu Master Vernon Hpm v Miss Lane and Miss Maud Gallow, Toronto, are here to spend a couple of weeks with the Misses Trench. Master Vernon Hem y returned to his hmne in Poterhoru yesterday after visiting a mouth with his Cuusins, Lloyd and Karl Hi1}. Mr. Karl Storey and Mr. Starr Mc' Mnhon are spending this week at Lakeview House, Luke \Vilcnx. Miss F. M. Brown is making a visit with flit'llds at Hullund Landing. Miss Angiin is spending the latter part (If the. school vacatinn at Ottawa. Miss Mable Smith spent, over Sun- day with Miss Bi-mi 1y uL Heudfurd. Miss \Vnnd is visiting at Mrs. Green" Kew Beach, TUI'UHU’). Mrs. \Vax'ren Henimn has gone to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vil- liums, at Jackson’s Point. Miss Emma Shnvex' of Toronto is the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. D. Stung of the Dominion “muse. Miss Alice Storey. Toronto, is mak- ing a. two weeks" visit with her friend, Irene McMahon. Mrs. J. Mortson and Miss Olive Mm-tsml are spending :1 couple of weeks with relatives in Boston. FISCHERâ€"GORTNER-â€"On August 9, 1905. at Selingrm'e, Pm, by Rev. John B. FOL-ht, D. D.. nssistvd by Rev. S. J. Taylor, Rev. 1]. M. Fischer. minister (If Gmcv Lutheran Church, \Vilkes- bun-9, Pa., and Minnie Alice Gortnex- of Sellinsgrove, Pa. V - ' V (Hunger, a sun. GRAINGERâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Tucgday Aug. 15. to Mr. and Mls. F. V,_.V..r .H. . & Su'itzvr's advex tisemonts‘ smn, buf they finally engaged Capt. Lloyd Soules’ furnm-e wagon, \Vhll‘ll was supplied with snap boxes in the absence. of spring seals. They \venl by way (If Elgin Mills. where they were reinforced by u strung player or twu. and presented at fhl‘lllldéll)ll.’ilp~ pearanCe as they entered the eastern village. Had their opponents been ready tn take the field an the arrival of the, Western men they Would have bad halfnn-hour’s play before dark. but such was nut the case. It wus quite (lurk Define the players lined up. “new were no foulsâ€"at least nulmdy saw anyâ€"and the game was stupped after fifteen minutes, as they were afraid of lnsing the hull. As far as‘ could be seen no gmlls were scored. Mun should not spend all his time studying himself! He is nut “'01 th it! B *tler he. stlidying smne uf Atkinson n NlGllT FOOTBALL. The junim- funLhall loam harnesm‘d up Saturday evening and pruceedvd In Vich-ia Square lu play the I‘Ptmn um. (:11 with the team of that place. The Hi! team had smnvdifiiculty in procuring a van suitable to the mm. mm, but they finally engaged Capt. TIA...) u ...IA y 1- Pine Rangoon Japan Rice. tc. ll 10C. “7., I’PHI'I Tu“ sun & Switzcr. ()n Mnudav evening nf this week thv (-mplnyeos 01' L119 L. Innrs N Sons’ fuc- ltvx-y and mi”, lauded by thr- gvmul dusty miHm-, nwl in u lvn-m'n- field of wheat lwlnnging Ln Mr. (‘hus. Bnyn- ton (who has lwvu llll\\'(‘“ fur thu- lust fmv 1110111125,) ’i‘hc- whnuL lmd bm-n (rub and lmunrl ma Saturday, lhel'vfule wlm :ue (:mmvutvd family to attcx (1 Sun 1 ngn L’urk “our on hut-Induy. Sr'pt. 2. called "fur the purp1 and [he fuming I organization uf Lln Henry (ii-1111!), \th (: und st‘Lllcd nu Souivi ick TUWlNhip. Mum on out-many. UPPL. :5. Thu Inn-cling is called "fur the purpusn (.f a roâ€"uninn and [he fl-rming of :l pennuuent organization uf lln- (Ix-scomlnnts of Henry (iruhh, \th (:;un-- tn Ann-ricn and se-Lllvd nn Society Run. in Fredel- i('k 'l‘ou'nx‘hip. Mcmgmm-xy (fun I’m. in 1718." Those I'vtviving invitatinlls are request”! to tell other members Hf tho (1‘ruhh fumilv. The imitmiun cuncludvs with the fulhming sent.- encvzâ€"“Bring yum' (Hummuth lune u gnod uld-fushiuncd family gather- n Mr. Jeny Sn wutclnnukvr. “3'1: days agmu "ch wlm :ue (:mmvun in: Fl!” Stuck lit :1 HM S wi trzox: PERSON ALB. AN! THE Rangonn Rice '56. ML, best lice. tc. ll).. hast Carolina Rive l’val'l Tupiuca 4.3x. lb.~-Alkil1- \\'ill grind 1': ' culfve at, 31k MARRIAGES "ch im’iLin In H B0 R LY A CT. BIRTE S lRUBB PICNIC. Smith , erGUe-r nntl :1 by umilnfvw ELing him and all with the (iruhh a. met-ting at Puttstmvu, Pa., Th:- un-elimz is us in ngn and w ynu whilv ynu lh.â€"Atkinsun and 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple-‘ ments Repaired W. Mager, Propfl Steel Hag Tmughs 5110?? SSE The examination of our fine new catalogue. if you havP any idea of a. College coursa It explains all about. our mndvru methods, fine equipment and strong stuff. A postal will bring it. Address W. H. SHAW’, - Principal. FALL TERM from Sept. 5th. mis. Mr. J. \V. Oshm n9. manager of the Standard Bunk have. left, yesterday ful'u \vt‘ll-(wu‘ucd lll'lltluy at Pictml, Lillthe- t'lld (If the month. Mr. 05- lmmw has been mnnngu-r of the Richâ€" mond Hill branch for three yours, and this is his finsl lvuve of absence during that tlmc. His supply is Mr. G. H. LAH an: In a. r-IM Miss with 1 their 1 will :1 with H Mr. \V. J. Dickson. annntn,a former residunt of this \illnge, win]: his wife and family. are» spvnding u luivf holi- day with Mr. D. U. Steele. Palmyra Cull encu and Emma gart‘t, [ml]? Hf '1 n fmv d Divrs at; Bust. Palmyra Guux-ie-r: The Misses Flur- encu and Emma Ulubinu and Miss Mur- garrtv Imno uf 'l‘hurnhill :irvsprndinga few (luvs with Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vulls. Mr. A. Buer who is in the office of the U. P. R. at Montreal was hume {01- n fmv (hiya lust wka and visited relu- bivrs uL Owen Sound before his l'vtlll'n censc Unuunissinnurs for \Vest York, “as in [he \ illngv Tuesday afternoon and called on a numbel nf old friends. Mr. Boxt Sliney, “'hu was in the C. l), R. Ulfices at, \V'innipeg. return- («I a few days ugu and has taken at position in 'l‘nrnnw. Miss Viulet Gray, who has lwen a, guvst at. the Dunninion Hullse fur the pusL U'vn wet-ks, n-turued Lu Toronto (in Mnuday. mfié. J. H. iii-'Ei“6éxondo Spring-1,0010. 1100 I home. I. c. AYER 00.. AH drugFlnfs. ‘A- 13 7 Man. What a record of success! The courses of Shorblmnd, Type- writing and Book-keeping are first class. Our graduates do well always. New catalogue ready now. Beats all how many call or write {or it. Prin- cipul, R. A. FARQUHARSON, RA. " My hair and to be very Ihoh. But “to! unlnx Ayer': Hair V'l'ivor I Ihort time I! begin to row. and now It s fourteen lnchel long. Th 1 seems a aplenilld rolult tome after being almost wlth9uuny hair: u..- u v \Vill open the forty- sixth year of success in business training by the hair food you can buy. For 60 years i: has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. Yunge & Gen- Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only Mr. R. O. ‘. M. C. Building, TORONTO, CAN. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Sept. E‘irs s \Vilny is spending this woe-k Mrs. Switzer and daughters in cutbnge at Grimshy Park and lMEnd nwvtings in cunnnclion .he Duminion W'. U. T. U. Made to order at Harvoy. one of the Li- “rd Sts., Tux-onto. ~z~:~:«-ews-bwa-HMMHMW-xw:é+++++++++++++++++++++++¢ .;. +4-++~b++$*++++++++%++++++4-+++++++++++++$+++++++++++++ .2. All business promptly attended to. Literature mail- ed on application. AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Association FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. Norwich Union. Western, York Mutual. P. G. Savage & Son Richmanfl Hill Hardware Store 30¢. each. latest styles at 15, 25.11111 Big value in E Z and Cromptnn Corsets at 50, 750., $1 and $1.25 per pr. Fine Mack serge suit. made to for $13. regular $I6.59. Special line fine camhrio, open patterns. $1.00. regular $1.25. Black cashmere fi-lmso, 9%, 10. 25 cents pair. )udies’ Fancy Combs, in Good aids to comfort men:â€"â€"- E avetron gluing and g" mieresfing 1133 Sammie House ATKINSQN 8:. SWITZER. Farmers’ Bmder Twine. Harvest mitts. Peerless Machine Ofi. Paris Green. Coal Oil stoves at cIose prices Shelf and heavy hardware. Furnace work. Good size: Richmond Hill, August I7th, 1905. . SOULES l) RY GOOD S a1 tiusnlithiug. LOS and very special values at 25, 35. and Bath ’l‘oxvels Stare News 500. each. and 250. and lace stitched at 15 W G & R Brand, plain 30.50 and 550. each. Ladies' lace collars M 15, 20, 25 & 30c. each. Ladies’ fancy linen collars, black and navy silk Ladies' Girdle Belts measure in first order bosom shirts, splendid 10% and 11 inch sizes gener-

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