Week after week The Pioneer, a journal published in Toronto in the interest of temperance and moral re- form, contains columns of news about the success of local option in Texas and Utah and Dakota and many To us it does not seem an opporâ€" tune time to attack a man's business methods just when he is giving away millions to a worthy institution.- If a. man is dishonorable in his dealings with his employespr with those with whom he does business,he should not be free from severe criticism, but that should be kept separate ï¬i'om his generosity, Always give a man credit fun the good he does. Railways will agree to enter on zeasona‘bletenns. The railway has made propositions, but their terms have been rejected. So far, Town to has not made any proposition to the company. Mayor Urquhart, however, stated on Thursday that he had a scheme to propose for the ad- mission of the radial roads, and those plans ‘will be submitted to the City Council in September. That looks more like business. parts of the United States, but it; only occasionally refers to places much nearer home. It would be much more to the point to keep the citizens of this section of Ontario posted on the working of the Act in Toronto Junction. Everybody is anxious to know whether local option is a suc- cess in our neighboring town. To the Editor of THE LLBEBAL an.â€"â€"Allow me to expresss my ap- preciation of your insertion in last week’s issue of THE LIBERAL. the fol- lowing extl-uct from an address by Mr. Carnegie, th: well-known millionâ€" “The ï¬rst and most seductive peril, and the destroyer of most young men, is the drinking of liquor. I am no temperance lecturer in disguise, but a. man who knows and tells you what observation has proved to him; and I say to you that you are more likely to tail in your caree r from acquiring the habit of drinking liquor than from any or all the other temptations likely to assail you. You may yield to almost any other temptation and reformâ€"may brace up and if not re- cover lost ground. at least remain in the race, and secure and maintain a respectable position. But from the insane thirst for liquor escnpe is al- most impossible. I have known but few exceptions to this rule.†The quotation was entirely new to me, as l have. no doubt it was to many readers of THE LIBERAL. The words of the millionaire are so simple, so plain, and yet so true that they should be very valuable advice to every young man who reads them. \Vhatevermay he the, question in reference to the morality of accepting Mr. Carnegie‘s lihera-t offers to endow public institutions, there can he, no argument against the advisability of accepting his advice in respect to the. use of intoxicating drinks. After many years of observation. and hav- ing always taken an interest in the welfare of our young people, the writercan testify to the danger sur- rounding even the moderate use of in- toxicating liquors. Memory recalls the names of many active, ï¬ne young men who now oc- cupy ignominious graves in yonder cemetery and elsewhere, who. but for the curse might toâ€"day be filling use- ful and honorable positions in society. the centres of many useful and happy “It is rumored that John D. Rocke- feller proposes to make Chicago Uni- versity ‘the biggest thing on top of the earth,’ as they say in the States, by a tremendous donation to its funds. Well, he can do it, and yet have enough left to buy a second pair of shoes. But, if what is written about his business methods be true, his liberality will not go far to square matters.†Pcoplie‘ unweighan York county haveizeadifnm the City papers until they are: aimed 05 reading it, that To- auuto: willli mill‘ow the Radial Railways i111» (miter the City as soon as the uire‘ Last: week’s Christian Guardian contained the following paragraph : cemetery and the curse mig ï¬n] and humu- the centres of homes. There is a fearful impossibility, as Mr. Carnegie intimates. for those who have become veterans to the terrible habit ever returning again to ways of sobriety. They think they have powerto control until the power is gone. In this day of widespread knowledge on the temperance qne-stion u.nd every duy‘sierrible portrayals of RICHMOND HILL. August 24. Good Advice. 24. 1905 W. J. Devitt, for making con- crete Lile for 1904 . i . . . . . . . 116 530 Hart, & Ridden. stationery .. . 7 50 Jas. Thomas, putting in chl- vel-ts between lots 10 and 11. con. 10, and drawing pipe for same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 Robb. Meyers and John Dukes, ditching in Unionville.. . . . . . 8 00 Carson & Son, printing and advertising . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 32 00 H. \Vinger & Sou, concrete tile The following road accounts were ordered to be paid:â€" Div. No. 5 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 66 70 Unionville Div. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 110 75 Di\‘.No.3. ...._7. 5050 Mt. Joy Div. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 00 Div. No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 79 Div. No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ’72 The following stone accounts were ordered to he paid :â€" Peter Bnynton, 56 yards at 50 . .$28 00 Albert, Findlay, 6 yards at 50... 3 00 Thos. Hood, 30 yards at 50 . . . . . 15 00 Thos. Hum), 30 yards at 50 . . . . . 15 00 On motion of Messrs. Lapp and Eck- urdt. Ununcil expressed its approval of the principle that the councils should be composed of reeves and mayors of the various municipalities. Morrisonâ€"Lappâ€"Tlmt in consider- ation of Mr. Hughes huvmg built and kept the sidewalk in front uf his prem- ises in Thornhill at his mvn expense for many years. that he lionllnwed $10 extra for the constructinn of new cement sidewalk now being laid. The following genera). accemnts we) e m-dexed ta he [mid :â€" J no. Ruhsnn, npening 56 rods of ditch opposite lot 17, can. 8 O 30centsnmd. .. .. 17 20 S. H. Allen. repairs to crushur 5 )0 Padget & Hay, coal, cemvut», oil, nails, etc . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . . 46 89 Notice is hereby givun that» I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Eight and Nine of “ The Ontario Voters†ListAct†the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all per- sons appearing by the lust, Revised As- sessment. Roll of the said muniqipality Council met at, Victoria Hall on Tuesday, Aug. Shh. All the Inmnbers were present. On motion of Councillors Hagomnnn ~lickz11'dt, \Villiuln Fx-ishy wus puixl his account for a four-days‘ running of engine. Eckm-dtâ€"Hagermanâ€"Thnt $100 he paid Andrew \Videumn in uccmdunu- with resnlntiun of Cnvmcil, he having raised a like amount, by snhsrriptiun. Said money to be used in cnnstructing cenwnt walks in the village of Mt. Juv. to be entitled to vote in the said muni- cipality at Elections t‘or Members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Muni- cipal Elections; and that the said List was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce at the Village of Richmond Hill on the let day of August. 1905, and remains there for inspection. "It, cumetll in the mask of kindnc It whispers be merry-be social: But, at last, it, biteth like an adder And stingeth like: a. sepent.’ Tutu] abstinence from the use of in- tnxicnling diinks may nut sewn-e n colossal fortune 01' make yunng man a millionaire but it will help him tn climb that way and aid in making 11': life’s history om- wmty of imitation. \VM. HARRISON. the evils arising from the use of in' toxicating drinks in- the public pros-s. no sensxhle young man should ever al- low intoxicating liquors to pass be- tween hivlips. EckaI'dtâ€"‘Mm-risonâ€"Thnb Mr. Lapp be a cum. to exmninerthe sidewalks in Box Grove, and that he he authm ized to have removed any Walks that ht‘ should cunsidex dangm-nns. Elecfors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are fnund therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors currected according to law. Richmond Hill, Aug. 23,1905 VOTERS LIST, 1905 RICHMOND HILL Tuesday, Sept.'5; 1905; rates. 7 Pupils avg urgeé to be present (an the RE - OPENING Toronto, Aug. 28-SPpt. 9. Newmarkvt, Svpt. 19-21. Barrie, Sept. 25-27. ()wvn Suund, Sept. 12H. Orillia, Sept. 19â€"20. Ox-ungeville. Sept. 28-29. Meafm-d, Sept. 28-29. Midland, Sept. 28-29. Markham, Oct. 4â€"6. Bradford, Oct. 17-18. VVoodbl-idge, Oct. 18-19. ()uuncil adjourned/m Svpt. 12th. A. J. HUME, Clerk of the said Munimpality; Dated this let day of Augusg, A1905. 3‘90. for the coming term, $4. 300d board can be had at reasonable The Richmond Hill High. School will reâ€"open my/ HIGH SCHOOL Municipality of the Village of at opening Markham Township Council J. H. SANDERSON: Chairman Board of Education. County of York. Fall Fairs ROBT. SHAW, mask of kindness, ’, B. A.,_ Principal. {THE LIBERAL j to any address to January 1, 1906 é++++++~§+++é~++++++++++++++ ++~§~ ++++ww++++$w++++++++ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Exhibition Rates and Service on the Metropolitan “The. Metrnpolihm Division will sue return tick9ts at single fare gn going August, 26th up to Svptmni 9th, and returning till September 11 inclusive. FOR 250. EARLY CAR will leave Newmm-ket for Toronto, calling at intermediate points. at 6.15 each morning. LATE CAR will leave Toronto [mu minal at, 11.30 each evening for New- mm-ket and intermediate points. LATE CAR will leave Bnud Lake Junction on the Schombel‘g 8: Aurora. Railway (’01- Scbomlwrg, connecting with the I130 p. n). from Toronto on Labor Day, Monday. Sept. 4th, and Farmers’ Day, ‘Vodnesday. Sept. 6th. This rate good only for passengoxs to Toronto. FOR 250. To learn carpenter trade. Apply to L. INNES it SONS. Richmond Hill, Out. The examination of our ï¬ne new catalogue if you haVP any idea (If u Gnllege cnni'sv. It, explains all about. our mudern methods. ï¬ne equipmmit and strong; stuff. A postal will bring it. Addrqu \V. H. SHA\V, - I’rinci; FALL TERM from Sept. 5th. ï¬iiéï¬ï¬‚/éfl One of the largest and hest cnmmercial schools in She Dom- inim). AH of our graduates are absolutely sure of securing posi- tions. Strong staï¬of teachers; mudcrn courses; splendid equip- ment. Every student thnmugh ly Satisï¬vd. \Vrite for our mag- niï¬cent catafoglw. After you use it our believe in it two. It wi 25 cents to try it. Are; worth 25 cents 1’ Issuer Marriage Licenses W. A. Sandarsen “Your Money Back if You Want It." Then why 60 you cough all day ? \Vllllt' Pine and Tax will relieve ynu the first, day. It will stop that :‘Ollgl‘l in a few days more. “’0 knmv all about it. because we have sold it fm- yenys, and we knuw just what, is in it. Itis not a cum-all ; iL‘sjnst, a Cough Gum, and a good one at tint. IL‘s made to cure. That, is why we sell so much of it. It's not a put,- ent mediuin vithm'. \VP kvcp patent medicines, but, we do nut, recumnu-ml llwm. “'9. do re- Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? em: medmnw vithm'. \VP krop patent medicines, but, we do nut, recnmun-nd lhmn. “'9. do re- commend \Vhite Pine and Tar, and We lmlï¬eve in it, so much that we say +++++++++++++++++ unge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Boy Wanted Draggist, Richmond Hill (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) TORONTO. ONT. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. CHAS. L. WILSON, Traï¬â€˜ir; Manager t, 01109 ynt‘i will It will cusL you Are your lungs +++++++¢+++ ++++++++ Principal. good mbel‘ llLb. farmers in examining seeds and grains, orchardists in examining trees for in- sects. gal-diners in examining plants fur insects, teachers and scholars in studying Botany, and everybody in-u hundred ditferent- ways. {STONE & WELLINGTON Guaranteed tn cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and ï¬rst, stages of hpavesr, which are frvquvntly (-nuwd by chronic cnughing after distemper. This is a. grand prvparutinn :md will stop any cnug‘h. For sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. Mchnuld, Harness Maker. Write iflllégalégma & a†1?: King St. E. TQRONTO- at once for “Canada’s Greatesi Nur- series†for the town of Richmond Hill and surrounding country. which will be reserved for the rightman. STAR Now at the best selling season an handle mn- NE\\' SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. “Him for particulars and send 250. for our handsome Aluminum Poc- ket Microscope (it little gem) useful to Yerkshim Stock Food. Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splonrlid for milk cows: iureases the flow of milk, futtens calves and stall feeding cattle and hogs. Gives horses a sleek cunt, fattens ihem.‘pnriï¬es the blood, clennsvs the ngs and gives thrm a. healthy appearance. This Stock Fond is manufactured by practical stnrkmen, and is guaranteed to give quicker, better and more permanent rpsults than any other Stock food. or money refunded. If yen have been disappointed in other sn-culled Stock thds, get a. sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’ and the results will canvince you that it is premier stock food in the markvt. Yorkshire Gough a335, Heave Cure anamgamWameï¬ TORONTO ONE. WAY SECOND CLASS TICKETS TIFICATE exhending the ttip before Septex points in Manitoba and Assiniboia. I! purchnsexs engaged as FARM L ABORE 121‘s woxk not less than 30 days no harvesting will he rehurnad to Original Starting point at TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED T0 WOME Half llnte to Children. [STICKETH NUT 0001 For further unrtioulars apply to nearest. ( 6-7-8 C. 8., F05 AUGUST 29, SEPT. 4. SEPT. 2, 50-4 mos. gricuhaural Druggists. Opp. Clyde Hotel FONTHI LL NU RSERIESk Over 800 acres. $12 Going 1905 1905 1905 ONTARIO. GOING DATES Stations south of but not including mainline To- ronto to Sm 11in. (including Toronto). Main line Toronto to Sm-nia and stations north (ext-opt north of Caldwell June. and Toronto or; Nm'th Buy Section), 7» -.. .. 1“»1 Engii‘i-ï¬l’inninrté Tblrjnmo and east, to and includ- ingShuI-hot L;Lke,21ud Kingston, and north of Tut-onto and Gurdwell June. on North Bay and Midland Divisions. M LABORERS at Winnipeg (provided such FARM LABOR- harvestiug and produce a. certificate to that aï¬ech) they, ing point at rates shown above on or before Nov. 30th,1905. T0 WOMEN as Well as Men. but will not be issued at ms NUT GOOD 0N lawman. LIMITED EXPRESS TRAINS. to nearest Canadian Paciï¬c Agent, or EKBJOSTER. D. P. A‘ 121's 1‘0 \VINNIP EG only wm be sold. with a. CER- September 15th, without aldiuonal cost, to other Township of Vaughan, part of 1015 13, concession 4, 150 acres more or less. un which is erected a. substantial brick dwelling and a large new bank lm‘l’n. About Names of bush; well watered by a living stream; desirable for stock purposes; convenient to schools and churches. For particulais apply to A. S. RUS- SEL> ESQ, Cam'ville P. 0., GEORGE HIGH, ESQ, Maple, or Lindsey: Lawrence & \Vudswm-th, Solicitors, Home Life Building, Torontm Between Richmond Hill and Thm n~ hill, Monday evening Aug. 21. a hand- painted boart brooch, with gold back.. The ï¬ndoglvill oblige by leuvingAib at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Farm For Sale $18 Returning c. P‘i'kq' TORONTO, ONT. Lost Manitoba 8: Assiniboia