Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1905, p. 5

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l’x'ices lean your way ti-ms: A fnur-puuud (‘rlnss Starch fur 25c., fine Gloss Starch fut-2 brand Spuolsifi for 10( Switzex. H. A. Nicliolls has still a few six- fur-(me-dollar Exhibition tickets for sale. Secure one at. nime as it will be impossible to gel; annthcr supply. Rural schools re-oponed last. Mm]- dny. The High and Public Schools here will reâ€"opon Tuesday, Sept. 5. The Friday previous is the day fixe( by law, but as the following Monday is :1 statutory holidayâ€"Labor Dayâ€"it has been thought advisable not, to open until Tuesday. The holidays have been long. Let every student 1th in sis or her place on the 5th of Septem- er. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Dickson and family of Toronto have rrtnmed home after spvnding a very pleasant fol-t- night with old acquaintances and friends. Mr. Dickson regretted that he was not ahEO to remain longer, but was unexpectedly called home on im- portant. business matters. Beginning August 29th, to Sntmday Septemlwrmh, El. lute car will leave Toronto for vamnrkvt and intermed- iate. points at 11.30 p. H]. ouch evening. An early our will leave newnmrket beginning Monday. August 28th, tn September 9th. each morning at 6.15 for Toronto. On the Schotnhmg & Aurora. Division a. late trip will he run to connect with late car from To- l'unto. leaving Bond Lnkv Junction at 12.30 for Sclmmbvrg nn Mundny. Si-p- tomher 4th, and \Vednvsday Septem- bvr6tll. XXX \Vhito \Vine Vinegar, XXX “'hite Grape Vinegar. XXX Fruit Vinegar and English MnlL Vinegar, best Fruit; Jars in #gullon, quart and faint, sizes, and best pure Spices all at (:west pricrs.â€"Atkinson & Switzer. Try British Columbia Calmvd Horâ€" riug four l-lb. tins for 250.â€"Atkinsun & Switzer. Rev. J. A. Grant, M.A., officiated :11 the marriage of Malgaret M., dzmgh~ ter of Mr. and Mrs. .Julm Neilson. [(1 Mr. \Vm. “’I'ight, Parkdalo. The wedding tank place at. the residence of the bride’s parents. 138 Close avenuv. The married couple went on a trip to New York and thm- eastern cities. The coming of the Irish Gum-d3 Band to Canada has been hailed with sum-- prised satisfaction all over the coun. try. Excursions are. being arranged, under the auspices of the various Irish societies, to Toronto, (luring the Cuna- diun National Exhibition there. Aug- ust 29th to Septexnhei-ch, both days inclusive. Irish airs are to he given :1, prominem‘e in the programmes. and, providing orders are sent; in before August 26th, it is possible to get, 6 tickets for one dollar, that would 01-- dinzu'ily cost $1.50. The Band. it should be stated. is going to play twice daily on the grounds, and to take part every evening at (3 o’clock in. in concert. hy umssed [mods~ A right curd. 200 y 3 fur 10c.â€" ‘V. Magm‘, proprietor, advertises by bills that the Richmond Hill cidermill will reopen on the 5th of Svptmnhcr and he in operatiuu m1 Tuvsdnys and Thursdays until the first of ()vtulwr. and thvn every day until the 15Lh of havcmher. Your Full Suit will he inst whatyou want if you buy it here and let us make it to your1maura-Atkinson & Switzcr. \Vt-sl The Public and High of Aurora have uslu-(l II‘VV $3.900 fn‘.‘ the PH Ella. Brown. formerly of this place, died at tho hmue uf hm nwthvr. Mrs. M. l. Tyndall. 731'Iumiltnn street. I‘m- 1~untn, m1 Thursng last. Interment at, Mount Pleasant the fulluwing Sutâ€" urduy. @1112 giéhmal. lnvy $25.90!.) fn‘.‘ [he Puhli $7.30 for the High Schnol. The cash we need and the goods you can ll$9.-‘-Atkillflltu & SwiLzm-. Desirable cit‘izwns du nntappem-tn be, plvntiful for the pnsitirm of librar- iwn :md mu-vtukor uf tho. Puhlic Li- hrnry. The pusitiun is still open. $1?u()f$1.2: & Switzer. In buying he 511, Alk'hstm & Swilzm Mary A. Addison, wifv uf Rev. Peter Addiwn. a former supm-iut9ndvnt on the Methodist circuit, hex-9. died at the home of her son, Dr. W. Addison, Penetanguishone, on Tuesday Uflust Week. Markham dny doth-l1 Hf thv lath-1‘ mutt: min. Mr. \V RICHMUND HILL, August 24, 1905 livm 140(1A11 FOR THE EXHIBITION. EX HIBITION TICKETS. IRISH G BACK TO \VORK n lacrosse team lust, Sutur- tx-rl Aux-om. (m the grounds r-r by a score of 7 to 6. The s played in a downpour of article at :1 right price is 6- m] spauls Mule Leaf bmud Atkinson & Swims-r. R. Pructnr l)‘l“illl‘%s‘ of wmm-keb. u‘ch fur 200.. Muiwle Lekéf 3 for 10c.â€"Atkinson & U A R .Iue of the quality. IDS BAND ' pleasant fortâ€" ainmnces and regretth that uin longer, but in thpse quota- packnge fine :1 3-H). package lc.. Maple Leaf Schnnl Boards the Cuumzil tn nlic School and has purchased M 1‘. Norman )luy twice take part a concert Miss Genevieve Harris returned last Week, after a. pleasant two-\veeks’ visit with her brother, Mr. L. Han-is. in New Yul-k, and commenced duties as teacher of Headfm'd School lust Mrs. H. Keys and little daughter Marjorie of \Vestun and Miss May Williams of Toronto are visiting at Mr. ’1‘. Keys”. Miss Bertha Devlin, who leaves shortly for her home in British Columbia, spent; over Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rich- zu'dsun. Miss Ella Powers, Miss E. Richard- Sun and Miss E. Byzun leftnn Satur- day to resume work in their respective 86110019. Drs. Ralph and Lillian Lnngstui‘fan at Halifax attending a meeting (if the Canndian Medical Assm-i-atiun. They will be back in their office (m the 3151 of August. Toronto \Vm-ld: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bx-ydnn, Richmond Hill, announce the engagenwnb of their daughter. Orma R. Brydnn, to VVallche Gardner. both of Tnmnto. as [each Mondu y. Mnand Mrs. \Vm. Street of Toronto, visiud over Sunday with friends in the village. Sun. Miss cousin‘ DENNIEâ€"At Viumria Square. on the 15Lh insL.. the. wife 0f \Villimn Donnie, of u dnnghtm'. MCUONAGHY~0n Palmerston nve.. Turmzln. on Sunday, Aug. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McUunaghy, :1 sun. Mrs. P. Jones and children visith the furuwr’s mother in Dundas Inst week before guing to the Northwest. Mrs. Junes returned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C(msins were in T0- I‘mito over Sunday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gr. Zrid are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack- Mr. D. Bll‘l'('ll of York Mills is visit- ing at. Mr. F. Duck’s. The mnnthly meeting of the “'0â€" men‘s Auxiliary of St. Andrew's chm-ch Was held last, Wed: at the munse. Tea was served on the lawn and a pleasant, time spent. An ice cream social under the ans; pines 0f the \V. M. S. was hold 01) Mr. J. Martin’s lawn on Tuesday evening. “'9 have received Glasgow Evening N frivnd, Mr. E. Mason, the Old Country, h! Canada in a few days Miss A visiting Thomas, hm- sister, Mrs. Frank Gx-afifim of Markham. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Cuok are spend» mg n. few Weeks at, OLLuwu. Kingston and other puints east. “"e are pleased to hear that Mr.. Fred Gmbxuu LUIS been successful at Mr. and Mrs. Theo. hill, and Miss Rose E. to are spending a few parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. David McKenzie, an emplnye with Messrs. \Vickelt & Craig. lvulhm' hunt-hauls. anontn, is spcnding this Week at his home hem. Miss Margaret \Vood is visiting with friends at Hope. Mr. S. A. \Valker of Baltimore, was the guest of Mrs. Ellux-by at “The Llw \ ill.- “ numhe Canada in a few 'days. Mrs. .1110. N. Fawoett of Stanley Barracks; Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Mr. George Leek. of Spring Bank Ten-ace, Headfox'd, for some lune. Miss Ben-k of Edmuan is making a short visit, with Miss '1“ :efy. Miss Aline Ti-efy spent :1 week with her siStt'l', Mus. Mulcahy, in Orillin, and returned Tuesday. Miss Ella McLean has returned after Sanding a month with relatives m lenctm. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson are Vlslling f1 iends in Dunias. Mrs. Bowers, Toronto, and Mrs. Stevens und daughter. Gurmley. visit- ed at Mr. Jacob Eym-‘s this week. Mrs. Atkinson and Misc Trench spent over Sunday in anuntn with Mrs. J. M. L21 \vn-nce. Mr. D rt’CUYt’X‘E Mr. and Mrs. David Smlles of Ashtn hula. OhioY spent a few days with Mr Chas. Suulrs. Mrs. C. M 111-1 mg a. two \vt-ksl Mrs. G. Suules Inst, Miss Kyle and Miss Gertrude Kyle. Toronto. are [he gm'sts of Mrs. G. \\'ile_v fol :1 fuw weeks. “us 1‘ Miss M 1‘s. 1‘s. Wm. Smilh of this plucr‘has her health and has gone to Mus- -m where she intends to remain. st weel Minnie . Bin-ell, Yor? d from a sew :ge Tuesday, ?A' of UM frien BERSOIVALJD. Carrville ton of Bvlhm‘en, is mak- ka’ Visit with her sister, BIRTHS Mame York Mills, who has 1 severe. illness. was m sday, and culled on a lived a copy of the lg News from anold [SUI], “ho is now in 5', but, will leave for Aux-om is vxsiting her 0 ( : is visiting with ‘mnk Graham of G. Law of Font- Law of Trmm- days with their R. E. Luw. the revth Junior Leaving and Matricé ulutlou examinations. Congratula- tinnsn It will afim‘d us great pleasure to remember the work Hone by you and We consider ynnr activities in the Sun- day 8611001 and church life generally to have wrought, an incalculuble good in influencing the lives of many touch- ed by you and by your work. You will please accept this address and tth little gifts as a. token of our vsteem for you and as a remembrance of days guno by. Our earnest praver is that rich hless- ing and prosperity may he yours through lifw, and when we are done with all things here may we meet in [he Hmwenly Hume to part no more. Signed on behalf of the school, 9138. WM. (700K, Superintendent. Mrs‘ N. Line of Maple. with her lit- tle daughter Irenza. spent a few days recemlyat the home or her father, Mr. A. Patel-sun. \Ve dex-ply regret that the time has come when your llfPâ€"Wfil'k calls you to leave us. And. although we would not wish ynu to remain when duty calls. we wish to express to you how much we shall miss your presence and help. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mownt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Graham recent,- Lv. ' Misses Laura Brawn and Hazel Tyndall \ inited during the holidays at “Pilw View,” the residence, of Mr. John Tyndall. Mr. E. Bowen and family of Testnn, Spt'nL Sunday at the home of Mr. \Vm. Bnne. The friends and acquaintances of Miss Ella. Brown of Toronto, were DEAR. FRIENDS.â€"VVP, as members of Gan-ville Methodist, Sunday Sch ml. greet you on the eve of yuurdepart- um fmm among us, and desire hereby to assure you of the very kindly fieel- ing we entertain for you, and to place on record our sincere appreciation of your splendid services rendered. and the interest you have always shown in connection with our school. Messrs. \Vill Tyndall and Ernest. Baker. who have he-en taking a course at the Dominion SchoolufTengraphy. left recently to accept positions in the vicinity of VVinnipi-g. Previous to their departure, Carl-ville Methodist Sunday School presented thvir late organist. Mr. Tyndall, with a hand- some watch-chain and Mr. Baker \viLh cuff-links. The presentation was made at the Sunday Suhool. Miss Lily Reaman read the following ad- dress, and Miss Annie Wood present~ ed the gifts. To Mr. \V. Tyndall and Mr. E. Baker: saddened by the news of her death on Thursday last. Although she had been in poor hr-zlllh for some time. death came suddenly. Mr. John Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyndall attended the funeral on Saturday. LIZZIE SMITH. LAUR; Mane P. 0 AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Association. All business promptly attended to. Literature mail- * ed on application. FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. Norwich UniOn. Western. York Mutual P. G. Savage & Sm 30c. each. Big value in E T and 75c., $1 and $1.25 per pr. Crompton Corsets at 50, Ladies’ Fancy Combs. in latest styles at 15, 25am! The Sammie muse IE avetrou ghng and gener- Fine black svrge suit, made to for $13, regular $16.59. Special lino fine camhric. open patterns, $1.00. rvgulm' $1.25. Black cashmere a-lmse, 9%. 10. 25 cents pair. Good aids to comfort for men:â€" Richmund Hill Hardwam stare Enteresting ATKINSflN & SWHTZER. Good sizes and very special values at 25, 35, and Paris Green. Coa! Oil stoves at close prices. Shelf and heavy hardware. Furnace work. Farmers’ Bmder Twine. Peelless Machine Oii. Harvest mitts. Richmond Hill, August 17th, 1905. C. SOULES DRY? GOOI)S a1 tinsnlithiug'. Bath Toxvels r-z~:o+++~z~+~:~:- wwmww Store News 50¢. each. and lace stitched at 15 black and navy silk 30,50 and 550. pach. Ladies’ lace collars M 15, 20, 25 & 30c. each. Ladies” f‘ VV G & R Brand, plain and 25c. Ladies‘ Girdle Belts measure in first orer bosom shirts, splendid 10.5- and 11 inch sizes, 'zm y linen collars. 9++++++++++++++% at;

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