Roluo isllednud now! n as of we mos uuv hotels on Yonge Sm vaniente S L-u \19 r crave’lera. An ideal 51 or driving [)1rsies.bicv taker. The :‘ 'I‘lwsdny and 7 tn 9 u'cltwk Applicatinn row-rived by th Tndey. ISlh or drivqu [nu tn or mmmia pass the deer mg. ke lighted A Librarian :uid‘C Richmond Hill PM Reading Rnom. ‘ Applicants to Mini HIGH COURT OF Issuer ofMar 1a PA L M E \V. (7. SA "AG I NOTA RY PUBLIC Unlls VETERINARY SURGEON 'l‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Ric,th Hill charged to me. Duti JOHN R. CAMï¬Ã©ELL VETERI RICE Dr. C. HARGLT a. DEL uufl COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. I . . suer m Marrzage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIHE. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONI‘. ALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. THURS} \OL.XXVIII. Ofï¬ est; ï¬ttin MW}: Cur. BIO mm (( . F.1‘JcMAHON, tn begin lct nf Septemher. F. MCI-IAHON, Secrcmxy‘ Thornhill Every . Weinesdav. day imN, stating y ' the Secretary 3th inst, Wanted OHMIBSXONER IN THE unlcuv Eu RMS 3 per annum, in advance. IS PUBLISHED EVERY DENTIST I) (autism. NARY SURGEON MOND HILL u- and Yonge, T‘ and night promptly at tended to. Street. Every modem c 3 rooms for commerc nl stopping place for rid bicyclists, or tumors go ru market. Electric;cx Vu)‘ neonuecbiou SANDERSDN! DAY MORNING igental. w. was: u venienb and comfortable ._.. unï¬t-st, on & Paormnron ‘tl‘Carvtakm' fur thp Public Lihnuy and y furnishe r‘V. ANDERSU {urinary tutoria AT THE 1nd nbu (gate: Ind Hill on “71 «ch week. north of Stand- ulk. 11.130 replating Good work. DAY azu-ly salary, on or before St. Toronto ()1) § throughout Richmond “are n to‘ RKSOE RSON Prop a1 .m m1 THE IHCHMOND HHL _ON_.. THURSDAY.0CT.5,IQB The Next RICHMOND HILLw 3mm - mm. Instruction in Hm Art of Eng. Rpgistm- l Rudimwnis, uenaeu tn on tho shortestnt rateï¬. Harmanâ€"and bailiff Residenceflboufl'vmo Out‘ LicensedAuctioneerlnrche Counties of York andOntano AHsaLles nf farm stock, &c, at- bended tn an the shortastnutico and raaaonable rateï¬. Mortmpr-amtbailiï¬ sales attended to Residence Rhnnfl'ï¬nn IIhAI RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL License Aucpigmeer {0' spectfully 90110123 your infl‘muco sales numb Licensed Auctionec Salesmteudedm on ouabiemtes Pltth abcwe Licensqu Goods sold stoe etc 1 nines 'm THE Aurora Bum-makers -L‘gxs. N EWTON LEN J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Mr. Cook wii Barristersjolicitors. Notaries, 86c. Home Life Building (formerlv F‘ hold Luau Bldg). Cm. Adela‘ide Victoria 515.. Tul‘nnh) (,‘umnwnvinq at 10 .1. m. T. F. MCMAHON Gum}: a; ubscri be tor ISSUER M A u k‘ Inmvmuce W Ridout Wausw PORONTO O man St. “'5 (Methodist ‘u'ge 5 fwd-lane R Gouidmg Burris: etc nrom ‘- t...“ we sales Min-'1de on reasonabemtcs. PA] IBERAL Oï¬i MONK WRIGqu BROS Lindsey, Lawrence 24 W ac'isworth. COOK & t Sitting 0f Division Court for Unuuty nf York, will he held in the Court Room. max & MORGAN stnck of Funeral Fu kept at both places Mame Barrister In 1'9 5:90.13 (1' 1?: J, H. P u»me Sept. 5 for classes in Harmony, History, etc. «scribe tor - LIBERAL .G. BLOEGH, 1‘11 Rex - E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST :31 vL‘I‘S and Solicitors. n land andcbat/bel mortgages at lmvcs: races lumm'ou‘ to the old post (>ch mp†my .L . ARRIAGE LICENSES, KEV RIIFJLE tonagesolicited â€"Three duo; Nuwwz; A urom. 1 ‘1' MciL-‘won. rs fortbe Countyof York shortestuotiuand a tea- 1n . , _ A . _ . for the County of York, re- ur patronage and ï¬iendb? mieri on the sLorteat notice :a. P. (ladaress King L of the 33mm. rtb at Maple on Thursday of ezu-h week. ) LOAN AT 034. nonlice. In Essentials, Unity; in Emhalmors OHNSTDN Iiciiors, em WOOL agent {or ï¬t STV MORGAN (fm-mcrly Free. 0:. Adelaide (X: Tul‘nntu, hmoud Hill on . No. 33 Rirh~ {0y Buildings, 300111,) '1‘ - Pizmo Play- entrance to {he 8 south 0! the ‘urnishings J E 31012 wen West Phone Main 2984 Newmarket -- v. uuu uu.. duu Lul'. .L. b been appointed local agent. Mr. J. H. Kirby has taken the posi- tion of General Agent, for the Fl'Osb & \Vood Q0.) a‘n‘d Mr. T. Cousins has L‘5», , . uuuuié : Rev. J. and Mrs. \Vllson at the P211- , parsonage. Rev. Dr. Ockley and his son Kent of ' Barrie, are Visiting at Mr. J. Conmhs’. V Dr. Ocklev prenuth in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bur- gesx died on Friday lust and the fun« , m-ul Look place on Saturday afluxu mum. ‘ “If. N. A. CUFF)?“ and furnihr Lh- v here. Mr. ‘Vm. Knight is spending a. few days with friends in Artemcsia. Miss Myrtle McCullum (If Luskay, is visiting her friend, Miss MyrUe Saugeon. Mr. Elmore Reaman of Concord. spent a few days last; week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ml's.1‘. H. Keys. ’ Kai. -7â€" _-â€"\'- l‘AA‘AIII \ll) .lllL‘DLllL"! Mrs. G. and Miss Ella Baker of Davenport, visited at Mr. T. Coucins’ over Sunday. Mr. (1. Ham and daughter Vet'nie of zl‘urontu Junction, are visiting friends .. ...n for Men-khan: (m luesdny l . he spoke of the excellent Wnl'k dune A large company, representing the ; families of this suctiun, met. in the, MaStvnic Hall (in Monday evening to} show their :1;n-eciutinn Of Mr. \V. Thorhurn’s services as atoacher and a citizen, previuus to his leaving fm‘i Peuetnng, where he has been engaged to teach in the Pnileslnnt Separate School. After a bounteuus repnst hurl been paxtnlmn of. Rev. “J. G. Back, nschai’rnmn, made a spa-ch in which by Mr. Thor-hum in the SChOul, and nf ‘ the interest he had taken in all mat- tors pertaining to the Welfare of the village. He then C'lllt’d upon a num- ber at others present, all of whom spoke in the highest terms (if Mr.) Thorhurn, expressing regret that he ls “ leaving the village. and wishing for, him and Mrs. ’l‘hurhuru prusmriby and happiness in their new huuw. The Chulr'llmn then presented Mr. Thor-burn with a. purse as a slight ‘ tnkvn of regard from the peuple Hf} S. S. No. 6. Mr. Thorlmrn was taken by surprise and replied in well-chosen wnrds, thanking all fur the giftand the many kind words that hm] hem! , spoken. The'pmceedlugs closed with ' "He‘s a Jhlly Gnud Felluw†and “God Save the King." Sheriff Carney, Mr. R. H. and Miss Carney of Sault Ste. Marie, Out, and Mrs. \Vilson uf Barrie. are visiting:- 1).‘A, 1’ ‘ " “> ’ l . . ~ . u . . . ‘ , uu us“ urn , MAI :. Wells. The building recently rmcupiod by the Public Lilnmy will, in future, be- cc -upied by :1 hmnnh (If the OuLan-io Bank. Business will begin soon. A number from here tank advantage of the Hal-vasters’ Excursion to the West this Week. ' Mr. David Blongh left on Sunday fur Dakota to visit his daughter, Mrs. “v u Rev. Mr. A} llnld mviml I ix‘t churches month. .m- “£150â€. umwrom’s ankle was badly broken and Mr. Ma. 'Dunald has hrwn quite in in consequence of the severe shaking up. Rev. Mr. McCumhe of Tumnto, will han {swim} meetings in the Mrthod- The citizpns of King; City cvlvlurated their fourth annual Civic Holiday on ‘ \Vednesdny, Aug. 23. The day was in ‘ every Way a success. The :xftym'nonn I was occupied with sports of all kinds. { An interesting football match was I played between Newmnrkvt and Maple. Newmau‘kct, wan Hm game,‘ the score being I tn 0. The 18th High- l lauder’s Band of I'ornntr), furnished an excellent programme during the afternoon and the concert at night was given emiu-ly by them to the saLisfactiou of all. A sad accident uccured (m “’mlnesâ€" , day mnrnmg when M1~..l.’.\.lacDonald‘s " hUI'SG hccume frightened at the hand ‘ and ran :m'uv thl-nwing Mr, Man-nun, l A sad accident uccured (m “’ednesâ€" day mnmmg when M1~.J.’.\lau1’)omxld‘s horse hccume frightened at the hand and ran away chm-wing Mr. MacDun- :de and Master mefmd \Vvlls from the wagon. Crawford’s ankle was badly broken and Mr. Ma. 'Dunald has how) unite ill in (EnhClAnnunnu “e um Gordon M honth slow] v Improvements are the ordpr of the day at the fmlndry in MonnL Pleasant. Jamiesnn Bros. are repairing the old Elliott building. along with other changes going on thsz will improve the appearance of the \‘lllflge‘. Mrs. J. McLean has wtm nod from a trip to Stoney Lake and a visit to her son at PetPi-bom. The outing has had a good effect on her, and will Very likely in the course of time prompt lll'l' to take a, run into \Vostm'n Canada. where a more moderate climate exists ful‘ invalids. Miss Alma Going and 1)(‘l‘:\llntfl'( m the City of Toronto weie visiting at Mr. Joseph Fees’ for some time past. Many barns and this season‘s (twp have been dosh-oyin by lightning dur- ing the month of August in this locality. Mr. A. P. McLean at the old home for cxgiting their health. Mount Pleasant McLean is regaining his 5orpeil and family ltftf Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in King 018? on this circuit, for n. â€"â€" ‘Qv’â€"â€"~ Ma me McLean and family were mn has i-vtm nvd from :1 Lake and a visit. to hL'l' m. The outing hashad on her, and will \‘PI'V a short time re cf the ,uI-io George Ai-ksey of North Gwillim- bux-V, was committed for trial at the next Criminal Sessions by Mr. Peter Ellis, on a charge of attempting tu wreck Mr. S. Frank VVilson‘s Hutu- mohilo. on Sunday, 13th August. by placing a rail across the mud. t For (1" u u n u l n (R G( .n “ Sr) 6‘ Ki L'. , .. . Nuanw um (mum 01' l of Arthur Studgill for daumgos to l garden. f MaoMnrchyâ€"â€" Phillips ~ Thai: G. A. i Phillips be appninted pound-keeper ,' fur Pulling Sub-Div. No. 3. in lieu of ‘ of Andy Lloyd, remove-d. Phillips“VVellsâ€"Jl‘hat Ed ward Mar- shall be appointed Shva Valuntm' fur , Pulling Sub-Div. NU. 3, in place (If 3 Gen. Lawson, who refused to :ul. 3 le following hy~l:1WS I'ecviwd their , several readings and were pnssml:â€"â€"~ f By-lnw No. 154. "Tu Raise Curtain Sums fur Special Schonl Purposes." l By-lzuv N0. 164-, “To Raise the Fol~ ‘ lowing Mentioned Sulnsz" ‘ For General Cunnly Purposes.$4267 75 “ Industrial Home . . .. . .. 1123 09 “ Court-house Debenture .. 544 “ General School . . .. .. .. 360“ ()D “ Township Schoul . , . . . . . . 07w ()0 “ Srluunlwrg Police Village. 359 00 “ King City Spmrial . . . . . . . , 1U?) 00 ' " Kattlvhy Special . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 Bylaw N0. 186, “Appmnting Cni- lectnrs of Rates.†“2 J. \V'ells fur? Snntlxvrn Div. and A. Hztuibletun for Hip Nnrfhorn Divisinn. l By-law No. 167, “To Levy :1 Certain Rntein the Village of Kettlehy for! Local Impmrenwnts." 1 On motion of J. \Vells council ad- journed tn meet at Geo. A. Phillips} Hotel, King City, uu Saturday. Sept. I 30, 1905. ; John Dunk, mad wmk ‘ John Tminrn', gravy} . . . . . . \Vm. Sharp, mud wm-k . . . . . J. T. Aikin, building bridge. .. , \Vm. Ulzlrksun, ha). on mud m ‘ J. McGinnis, mud work . . . . . ‘ Thus. Burden, road Wul'k ‘ . V . ; Mnrlm,’ Px-uctm, reps. to bridg ‘ Jr-s. Benny. gravel acct. .. . . Fred \Vutsuu. lumber and ced , T. Gray, lumber . . . . . . . A . . . { (3. F. Donn, road work A. . . . . ’ ‘Vm. \Villiums, building bridg ' Fred Graham. 6 Ivan] ï¬rva . % \Vesley Proctor, road work .. Thus. Bm-dpu, mud wuz'k Jo II" A , _._‘,., JI}!(KI “Ul‘h Thus. Bm-dPu, mud Wui'k S. W. Armilnge, cedar fur vex-t . V V . . . . .. . , . . . . . . . Rhiilips â€"-â€" Arrnitnge ~ Th lowing sheep claim he paid Kerr, $8. PhillipSâ€"MncMm'chyâ€"Th; [(uwing persons be. paid as fl creation of wire fences, the: ing been inspwtmlz~ John Elliott, 40 rods . . . . , . . James T. Davis, 49 rods ... Phillips ~ MacMurchy - 1~eoveand Councillm- AI-mit Committee tn im'vstigztte rh. counts “‘6‘! Jus. Billing. John (Junk. John Train ‘ the all him In me KHtlvl Ineth Extra v softy felt 1) Shirts, Col S‘V tar-1 - tmmnt»(h)\'m'n(»r and tux-in Government ha ideal, and on no subje there occurred or all‘iS m- shadmv of difft-rmn ‘Il is ton bad pying the pmit the (‘1-mvn. am rod from (Is-fem dragged before I’H‘l‘. Th9 H‘Inf “I have socn “'ol‘ld headed missal is ï¬at of Tho paragraph hing to (1nd. 'I whatever for m gosl inn thatmn Premier to article and ing Staten) that there tentim) anm Tux-unto \Voz missuls for p. ical of‘fk-e 1m! by His Honn nnr, afï¬dnvit Avutenun t-Gm‘ex-nc 111k “H .m- pummn 0t representative of (‘l-mvn. and who is thereby dvhar- from (Is-fending himself, should he ggvd IH-fm-e Llw public in this man- : The rolations between the Lieu- :mtlr‘lm'm'nnr and the present On- in Government have been simply \I. and on no subject whatever has . « 7 ‘l ' l-a‘ h; romier cil met, at; ’V. Saturn-,1 rs presvnt. V Theufolléwing were m-dmed to he paid :‘» llings, mgnth’s Salary. . . $33 News Notes. er for rmv s that; app-Par ~tun bad that he pmition of r‘éprese wn. and who is there and HM mopt at Geo. A. Phillip‘s yCity, nu Saturday. S95â€:- value in men‘s cups, hard and mts, white and culm-Pd dress liars and cuffs at Atkinson & all things, Charity King Councilâ€" lluu in me écn the paragraph in The led ‘Af‘ï¬duvib or no Dis- tuf Lieutenant-Govemor. lph is untrue from begin- Thu'u is no fmmdnï¬nn et at; Temperance H turdayLAug. 26. All 1 g": C(‘dnl' fur cul acMurchy - Thut the noillm- AI-mitnge be :1 n\'estigute the claim of ‘dgill for damages to . “ qul/t :- mld workr . . . . . . . IO so mad Wul'k ‘ . V . . . 4 50 1, reps. to bridge. (3 00 ..,,I r r l any stutmnent 01' ppfmrs in it. Murphyâ€"That the nitnge ~ That the fa lim be p-‘(hhhAhnu . 1905 is In zmydiffE-renrte nee, heLWeen the 1 and his zxdxrisens.’ as follows for the same haw gentleman occu- Edward Mar. Vahmtm- f“;- in place uf fnundution an. 125 ilI‘ Abram All thé $33 G 00 ' 26 0() 114 36 23 0.3 1 0: Mn II 145 6 (JO 2! 00 21 00 14 60 45 00 17 81 IO 00 f« )l- Guing Sept. 26th, returning 1 Nov. 27th. I Full particulars frnm Canadian ‘ ciï¬c AgunL or write C. B. Foster. ; A., Toronto. 9-10-1142 {IC‘ x11, ‘ Winnipeg. ...; Mowbray .. 1 Delorain .. » Souris .... J Brandon . . . . Lyleton ..‘ ] Lenore w Miniota Binscarth Moosomin Arceia . _ , , , , Estevan .. ] Yorktcn Kamsuck .. f Going Sept Nnv. 3(1). Harvest Excursion Tickets TOTHE , my Hummuw. Thirdâ€"Jl‘he face being made in exact imitation of (cut, stone they make the pl'E’t tiest building imaginable. Fourthâ€"They can he built, for about oml third less than sulid brick. These Mucks can he used with equal success and beauty in any placa either fur houses 01' barns. Vermidah pillars. chimneys, etc. For flu‘Lher informa- tion inquire 01- write to H. “’5 l The building muterml which is comâ€" Ving into favor is Concrete mudp in im- ilmlnn of cut stone, which will be fuund much snpel for to any (‘lhm' um. tk‘llitl for buileiLQr purposes for the folluwing reasons;‘ ‘ Flt-stâ€"4Jtment blocks are made of the must durable material. Secondâ€"The hlncks being made lml~ low, houses are not dump like those cunslructvd of Solid concwu’, as the hollows in the blocks overlap, thus making a. dead air space all around, of several inchesflvpemling on the mil-k- mess of wall which can lw made either. 8, 9. 10 01‘ 13 inches in thick mace For constipation, the true, scientiï¬c cure is Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. Mild, harmle‘ss, yet sure. No other pill can com- pare thh them. The cost ofmailing only. “The People‘s Common Sense Medical Adviser," x008 Xarge pages, is sent/reg on receipt of thirtyâ€"(me one-cent stamps, for the paper- covered book, or ï¬fty stamps for the cloth- bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Tonics consiminsl of large portions of alcohol, iron or co liver oil, do not bring the desired changes in the blood, because they do not enter the s stem and are not absorbed into the bloo . with the excep- tion of the alcohol, which shrivels up the red blood corpuscles when it due: come in Contact with them. Therefore do not allow the dealer to insult your intelligence by telling you he has something better than Dr. Pxerce's [Golds]? Medical Discovery. any, ,,,. Keep the nerves nourished. the heart strong, the head cool, the stomach vigorous, the hver active with a tonic which has stood the test of time and has a wide repu- tation, such as Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Difcoxjery. ‘ Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of the blood, or anemia. is common in men and young women, and all those who work indoors, who do not get enough good ox- ygen in their lungs, conse uently have too many white blood corpuso es. A It takes 10ts of vitaiity, nervous force and Itrength to win a race, Blood must be pure_ _and good: BLOOg WILL TELL. Cenlent Stone N ORTH WEST Y i n ge :- «k- $230111, CARRVILLE. ONT. $39. 00 [Single copies, 3 cts. 32 -) .1 12th, returuin :00 gheho . . . . . ‘ $33 5 eginw... . - 50 Lipton 3'; ‘ Mosejaw .. 34 M 55 Humboldt .. 35 (h Saskatoon .. 35 2; 00 Prince Mixer! 0,; (N Meltort . .. " 25 Battleford .. 37 0 20 MacLeod 33 (w 50 Calgary 35' it Red Deer 39 34 00 Strathconh'lefw 9â€"10-1142 111 “(I ()0