Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1905, p. 2

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CO] The corrcsm credited spo Ollice 011 '1‘1' "1 can stau ernment’s d erumc Denny uxcnt, it, in "The free now £12.: 000 or £1. the bunks thus croati Russia with a further loans. ‘ to £20,000,0UU State Bank po: issue about £31 against the pres Russia Win Not 000 .V ceipt thori it In the 1 vest The COI'lCSpOlldL‘nt adds that the present inteinal conditions could hardly be worse. .1me 30 to 40 wounded persons are taken to the hospitals in Riga daily. rJ‘he citizens have taken matters into their own hands. All curry arms, and :3. miliâ€" tia has been organized by means of which a state 01‘ complete anarchy is still averted. Every State throughâ€" out the Baltic district has a guard of armed rifles. Nevertheless, it, must be remembered that the last mobilization was attended by far fewer disturbances than the former. Gen. inevitch's forces are now probably 100,000 stronger than Kouyopatkin's were. Russia Indifferent to Fate of Re- turned Soldiers. The corlespondcnt of the Times at St. I’ctex‘sburg says:â€""Thursday has A‘despatch to the London Daily Mail from~ St. I’ctersburg says that there is growing indignation in St. Pctersburg‘ over the unpardonahle in- difi‘ercnce of the Government towards soldiers who have returned from the Fur‘ East. 011 nearly every strest one sees soldiers with an arm or leg, or both limbs missing, stretching forth their hands in a pitiable ap- peal for aims. Some wear on their breast the Cross of St. George, which is only given in case of great personal brax'ery. All have a right to he fed by the State and receive a. small pension, and if you ask why they hog. the. answer invariably is the old story of wholesale pecula- tions by officials. Lions by officials. “There have hi'Cn lmrrif‘ing in- stances related 10 um," says the cor- respondent, “direct by soldiers wounded in battle. They, lay for months in liospiiulb‘ and tlicn sufi‘vrod incredible privations on the long journey home, the nutney approâ€" priated for their Food having been stolen by ollicials. For weeks they starved on a diet of water and a. little bread given by charitable peo- ple at stations on the Siberian Builâ€" way. When Lhavy airh'cd at their na- tive villagxs they reported themâ€" selves to the local HUL‘I‘AUZ‘iUO“? and claimed the pensions p d to The claimed the {u them, but after no more was It wounded and u have dragged t ershurg‘. of sh; ed th HEAVIE to taxes crop on t 11 Wt mu iti WOUNDED MEN STARVE. in an m with that of th lllt not far orlcspm intel na STILL HAS IIOPES 11111 report ‘hursda 1)(3 intelnal conditions could e worse. From 30 to 40 persons are taken to the : in Riga daily. The citizens (CH matters into their own All carry arms, and a mili- beon organized by means of state of complete anarchy is rted. Every State throughâ€" spc ti01 EST CROP IN 20 YE 190 HY ul ocsevclt's messagc which are still unl- It 0,000,000 more paper; . “"1 ' res-gut gold 1‘osé1‘\‘c, Inowlsaturaay b o £80,400,000, besidcslgl‘i‘ms~ but abroad. Additional warfto I’l‘Uroun .ch the regular military ,bl‘OliL‘I‘S bCC are about £80,008,-1erhof would It, is admitted that the! The corn- 'tain to reduce the reâ€"[Standm‘d 5 and 1906, but the au-iPrivy Conn less to be hopeful, and‘istcr of Fir dmitted that in spite oil "If Japar 1m llLV )n Thu are about £80,008,- is admitted that the n to reduce the reâ€" nd 1906, but the au- to be hopeful, and itted that in spite of ivory State throughâ€" district has a guard Nevertheless, it Ad in correspondent at mys that United f Meyer still mainâ€" silunce regarding of fifteen ' that the Czar desire to discuss 's message. the in Not Pay One Penny as indemnity. the total bar the average." )rrifying in- suj~,.s the cor- hy soldiers 1);. lay for then sun‘vrod hcl minutes Reports e Czar 1‘1 0 \‘l 11 munts long pproâ€" boeu they nd a. Cz‘ fur est further 11 ed that I termined men who act warli Times at St. I‘etersburg says:â€" “From the best information there is little doubt, that President Roose velt’s cfl'orts for peace have failed. An important meeting of the Board of Foreign Affairs was held on Friâ€" day afternoon, at which Count Lamsdurfi conferred with the memâ€" bers with regard to the latest dcâ€" velopments. After the conference count Lamsdorff’s representative said:â€" mont tl‘em‘ ion ‘ A‘despatch from Tokio séys: Count Katsura, the Prime Minister, is re- c iving hundreds of telegrams, letâ€" ters and memorials urging the Govâ€" ernment to insist, on the peace terms as originally proposed. It is underâ€" stood lbat the Government adheres to the demand for an indemnity. Serious Charge Against a Cape Breton Woman. A dospatch from Hahfax suysz~ Katio, the txvolveycarâ€"uld daughter of John McPherson, Cape Breton, is seriously ill as the result of a gunâ€" shut wound at the hands it, is al- lvm-d, of a woman named Adams. ttlc on of the rai hom Russia 5 value. 1 I‘hc VJ ho ‘Tho B011 turday b1 ods FOOTWEAR WILI Japan the CL ould not give w torrcspondent of like counsel YOUNG GIRL SHOT )ut the buoyancy gave mind depression whcr became convinced that EFFOR Roosevelt and the Czar. 11 ed as significant that th( not closed the avenue u- :gotiutions. It is whisper resident Roosevelt, has a. dc- uily among the Czar's kins is striving hard to counter rrespor inal cilor Kokovts wantse- as foil at St utloo} 1‘} Shoe As ,0 Advan dent. of the London I’etorsburg says:â€" information there is the hands it, is al- oman named Adams. rking blueberries when ‘aised a. window and e bullet. lodging in the The woman, on heâ€" the girl's father of t, raised her hands as if to take down a e the door, but made ‘ m-cusaliun. Mr. Mc- 1‘c\'oh'<>r to check 11w of optimi HAS FAILED \'0l\'(’!' 1 RING 1h of the ‘Lersburg‘ in )ciation fl'i GO UP reimbu ‘un ht Chet Ute Min 3 n )n thc |f( LEADING MARKETS TORONTO MARKETS Wheatâ€"Ontarioâ€"New, No. and white, 750 to 76c; 01d, 78c, at outside points. Goc cent. pat. buyers' 5 toba pric patents, tents, $5 86c out: point points. Rolled Oat quoted a9 8 54c, Cha at 62c lake and Dairy lb. ru choice do mediur do tubs, g< do inferit bags at $4.50; 25c mor lots here and 40c outsidt on track I ed at 3 lots on wheat paton strong bakers’ wheat patents straight roller wood. in bags wood oats, pearl pearl hominy, $1.85 to $1 bags of 98 pounds; cornmeal, to $1.50 per bag. Millfcedâ€"Ontario bran in bu $14.50 to $15; shorts, $19 t Manitoba bran in bags, $17 t shorts, $20 to $21. . id( Hayâ€"N0. 1, $8.50 to $39 per ton on the track; No. 2. 37.50 to $8; clover, $6 to $6.225; clover mixed, $6.50 to $7. Oatsâ€"No. 2, 42c to 43c per bushel, No. 3, 410 old crop. Beansâ€"Choice primes, $1.65 to 31,70 per bushel. Peasâ€"Boiling, none; No. 2 in car lots, 84c to 85c. Potatoesâ€"Now potatoes in bags of 80 pounds, 50c to 556. Honeyâ€"White clover in comb. 120 to 130 per section in one pound sections; extract in )0â€"pnund tins, Sc to 90; in (SOâ€"pound tins, 7c to 80. PrOVisionsâ€"I‘lcavy Canadian short cut. pork, $20 to $21; light short cut, $18 to $19; American cut clem- fat back, $19.50 to $220.75; com- pound lard, 5%c to (Sac; Canadian pure lard, 1020 to 110; kettle renâ€" ‘Llored, 110 according to quality iliums, 12c to 130 to 14c, according lto size; bacon, 130. to 140' fresh killâ€" Lnd abattoir hogs, $10; alive, $7.25 ash dairy, .180 to 200. Oatsâ€"~Prices show little changc Rolled Oatsâ€"Are in only a r nal demand and the feeling on market is easier. C ormnoulâ€"' crate request Hayâ€"A fair}; Iirm undertone baled hay. Butt Flourâ€"Quiet, and Winter firm; N0. ‘2 white, 836. Corn 1"! GOéc; N0 2 curn,‘ Barley, Ohio, settlcd; No. 1 heights stcady No Balod hE CXI id $10 0 86 pater canes ; outsi< nomina hathum f EC to 62 nd rail f1 BUFFALO GRAIN MARKET MON TREAL MARK} COUNTRY I’RODUCI DUI Dull nts sacks, east or we: ccs are unchang $5.30 to $5.40; : 3 to $5.10: bakers ‘Olit whit M Quotations uncl‘ , Dl‘ints ........... In tra \Vâ€"Qui 11 40 to 11' 11ers Flour it ed to tations are 01‘ old at 90c no firm at 1 Jtations an bushel. u‘io bran in bulk shorts, $19 to in bags, $17 to $21. 5 290; No sold at 2. 62c ights 660 t 900, lake P0“ areZâ€"NO. 1 nort 3 northern casie ports. best bid for 90 D ). ‘2 1‘04 rn firm rm. 59.1. 00d to brisk demand gives a to the market for 1 hominy is cream (3 F)! for lots in barrels 11 track here, Manitoba MAI to 37 on 38c to 430. at ling to quality. 586 at. outside imothy '5 to $4.90 1:} to $2.35; rolled 2.112; per bag; i to $1.90 in nd id for 90 ON. is $1 inal, 53c to American firm No. 3 yellow, 1nd unchan 1 nortlu : offered 11 lake por Goosc at bran 1nd lied ang< $174” to 206. $11.50 18 1t 84c; No ( here, in for broken Oats : mixed, c. RM 20nd pa- $4.90 to 1 to unc} 16c changc is quot outsick in mod spring $5.40; winter 3. ant.‘ yellow stron; Wheat and new out- nomiâ€" x the 1m a 1' ll \H t0 HMS WERE DRIVEN BACK ‘Gen- Linevitch Reports Three Ag: leafed Victories. 2' 10 Kl whcnct in}: in A despatch to St Guntzuling, the he Russian army in that the Japanese at Litzatai, in th Van CC th( th( puls Jan 1011, in throughout the army, even a] the higher officers. This is Gen. Linevitch will probably as the ofl‘ensive. There are skim between rival scouts daily, the tween 11 Numbc ally sun 'l‘he )Win do rough to com... Bulls .................. Milch cows, each ........ Export ewes, per cwt do bucks, per cwt .. do culls, each ........ Spring lambs, each Calves, per 1b do each . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Hogs, selects, per cwt do lights ................ do fats A Nm'Wood, Ont., dcspatch says:~ Thos. E. Hill, about 12 years old, son of llobcrt Hill, a farmer, was shot and instantly killed about 12 o’clock on Thursday night at his father’s residence, north hall“ of lot L4 in the 7th can. of Dummer, about 8 mich north of Norwuod, and his sister Mabel Hill was shot in the .wm hv n mob 511000th U) be the .do medium do bulls Stockers, good sister Mabel Hill was shot in the arm by a mob supposed to be the mighhm‘s of the Hill family. Bad blood has been existing in the locality {or some years. The county authorities have been communicated with and the affair Will be investiâ€" gated at once. l‘lnqmry at Potol‘boro. 20mi1<>s from Norwood. shows that L‘Ullfillilcl“ able bud bloed has existed in thc noig‘hbm‘hood for some time. thcre havng hut-n numerous cases of catâ€" (lc poismxing and born burning. Ml'. l‘lill himself is said to have declared that he knew who did the shooting, and that the shot was fire»! 1hrough the house from Um ‘(ulsidcn On the other hand. Several ineighbors: say that. Hill has been Evely unpopular and that if a shot Iwas mm: by any of the other farmâ€" mrs Lhcv say it was only (lune to .‘z’IOB SLAYS FARMERS SON A startling climax occ Saturday morning in the ‘cdy in Dummer tOWI:Ԥ]\ip, young man named (‘hm'les tarin surrendered himself Constable Cochrane at Wax fncsing' that he was the y very mm»: was fired 1 ers they I; frightvn H JAPS ARE CONCENTRATIN 2-Year-01d Lad Shot Dead Sister Wounded. oluti: >, Empercr has received the fol- ig from Gen. Linevitch: "Ad- :(1 Russian detachments on Sunâ€" drove back the Japanese from positions. One detachment in I‘zino Valley occupied the Vil- of Lagovtmakzy; another operâ€" in the direction of Schiminrizy, a third dislodged the Japanese their position on the southâ€" [ of Mopeyschan. The three ian columns drove the Japanese to their position near Sendâ€" PLANS OF LI NEVITCH spatch 1;)h 1'1‘ mai, in the Valley of Him. Khoun, and Gour 10,000 of them are adv L northerly direction. g“, the headquarters of army in Manchuria. : Japanese are concentra that he was 1m crime, which, he ass, and intended evitch also reports [he re detachment of Japanesw 1 advancing on Kiaujorou Hill. A CONFESSION. bin 1(101‘ THEIR as om from Tokio says: The osvict, which was sunk of Port Arthur, and lised by the Japanese, sebo on Wednesday un- stcum. The Cruiser to the Rt ing vitch >me ' to d g of the 1 1nd Vladi dev 21m. The Cruise also raised by th Sascbo on Thurs. OWN us are continu outcome of th in t} tche: 3000 4.00 3.00 3.00 i, and co: mily. IIe burg fr t1 an urred Hill tr when Gow v< COX! A ;\I among a n Daily ctrator s, was 1pm con 50.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i an ars an 1m vails the men and I” i L‘l’h 1m is an to {comp-08mg t'ne run IS causmg lmuch anxiety. I less Lhan sixty on1vesscls and m 1g-ireach of their a; number no 105: Ill-'snid to have 4 'Lgh ship. rear ROJI A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Viceâ€"Admiral Rojcstvensky, in a. letter to his family, says be ex- pects to have fully recovered from the Wounds received in the Battle of the Sea. of Japan by the middle of September, when he will start for Russia With the permission of the Japanese Government. Mail from Ham' Krupps haveq rot Japan for sheet the fleet of the A dospatch fr Russian torped ny, sunk in the thur during tln floated‘ EGcorgc Gallighcr and Stewart, and gJamcs Murphy, the mob who it was .allcged attacked the Hill residence. ‘He fired the shots responsible for the ifatality merely as a prank. l The jury returned a verdict of ac- ;cidentul death, and did not condemn lGoW for the shooting. Mrsi Hill, mother of the dvad boy, iwus furious when she heard lhe ver- ldict, and, pointing her finger at ‘ Stewart Murphy, cried: “You grinned at me. You laughed at me and my dead boy lying in the house." Murphy denied to those about him that he had mocked the woman. A dcspatc churia, say rail: with drinki] machh are be amon A dcspatn-h from Toronto says:â€" HOD. Nelson Moutcith. Minister of Agriculture, expressed his belief on Thursday that the present would prove‘t-o be a. balms-r year for the farmer, crcps being good and prices high. Wheat is better than last year; fruit is good; apples fairly plentiful in some districts, though poor ‘in others. ' The grunt, problem, he thought, was getting the crop moved. The United Hitatvs railways afl’m‘d greater facili- itivs than the Canadian. They really gtry to move the crop. Though 'they Echurge IQWcr rates, they get a much lllll‘gu freightage and are thus recom- Zharex‘ and bank of thc had recently BANNER YEAR FOR FARMERS. Gow sta the tl‘aged William, J Minister of Agriculture Speaks Highly of Prospects. 1pan< A dospatch pc :sed Sixty Men Said to Have Left the British Haval Squadron. A dospatch [rum Quebec sayszâ€"A largo (IvSCl‘timl from the warships composing the second cruiser squad- ron is causing the naval authorities much anxiety. It is said that no much anxiety. It is said that less than sixty seamen have left I, vessels and made their way out wash of their officers. Out of number 110 less than twenty men said to have deserted from the 1 )PI TYPHOID IN MANCHURIA 1111’ 11 1t JUDGE ELLIOT. DE SERTIONS AT QUEBEC Mi Adl tl' VESSI TAPAN ORDERS GUNS to within fifty The most adv: V ENSKY NEARLY WELL iv 11103 that on the night of rdy he was in company with James and Edward Dewar-t, §a11ighor and Stewart, and iurphy, the mob who it was Lttacked the Elm residence. the shots responsible for the There mpc from Tokio says: The Odoâ€"boat destroyer Sil- .he harbor of Port Arâ€" tho siege, has been re- L REFLO ATED 1d lrom 'l‘o'nlo Katgloka has ial Navy De; Idlers have been are some cases, Me of health in :nt. As typhoid through the sc Jiled Water. mt angles that each menace the enemy’s -iron an value of m Liudiapudzc. oports telling :‘ typhoid fever liers have been (1i the Loud Nearly Fifty Years xe London Daily 9; says that the ed an order from )n and guns for ale of $2,250,000. city of health in the 'As typhoid gon- ugh the soldiers water, movable am These stations forced. Ends of each :ed lines on u‘ and make along the They have AMUR art water c.1508 Man- south but ted this 2110

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