Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1905, p. 4

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Provincial Superintendent of Agri- cultural Societies II. B. Cowan has been gathering in I‘u‘mation in regard to a number of fairs which hold horse races at: their fall exhibitions. Charles Gow, who confessed that he tired the ‘shot that killed young Hill, twelve years of age, near the village of Norwood, was exonerated by a coroner's jury.~ The verdict is the cause of much surprise, and an investigation will surely take place before the proper authorizics. Go“! claims that he fired at random, though he knew well that the house was in- habited. In the face of the clearest evidence the jury contended that the shooting was accidental. It would seem that the jury allowed their good judgment to be carried away by pub- lic opinion in the neighborhood. There must be something wrong in a community that looks so lightly uptn taking the life of an innocent youth. As a result of a series of questions sent out to societies it has been found that 144 societies are in favor of horse racing. and 126 against; it. The following editorial paragraph taken from the Era last week is ap- plicible to some other Canadian towns as well as Newmarket: “Don‘t get the idea into your head that be cause some Ncwmarket merchants are not advertising, they have quit business. It's hot weather you know, and it is just possible that they do not care to do much business during the hot weather. If you will notice the City papers, however, you will see that it is just the season of the year when the City merchants are making a push for trade.” horse racing. and 126 against it. Many of the societies'in favor of horse racing believe that the value of the purses should be limited. One hundred and forty societies report that they believe horse racing to be necessary for the success of their ,ex- hibitions, while 130 are not ofth's opinion. Hon. Nelsm: Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, has expressed his belief that the present would prove to be a banner year for the farmer, crops being good and the prices high. The Minister saidzâ€"“Wheat is better than last year; fruit is good; apples fairly plentiful in some districts, though poor in others. The great problem was getting the crop moved. The United States railways afi'ord greater facilities than the Canadiém They really try to move the crop. Though they charge lower rates, they get a much larger freightage and are thus recompensed.” Resident Roosevelt and those who did what they could for the cause of hum-.mity. in the interests of peace. Russia has suffered humiliation in the eycggf the world. Japan emerges from hm. swan conflict strong! 1' than when the b“: H, g'c hogan. She can afford to be generous towards her once povmrful enemy. All credit; to Let every one rejoice that the war is over. Let no one say that Japan has coneeded too much. Let the World say that Japan has been maga nanimous in her hour of victory, Owing to Silllll' milk in the printâ€" ing ofllce which requires our imme- diate attention we haw, decided not to publish THE LIBERAL next week. Many county papers haVe a. rule to suspend puhl'cu' « one week every ye: 1'. It is several - since THE LIBERAL has missed an issue. Cor- respondents will please bear in mind not to send in news items next wcek, but to forward in good time for the week following. In reply to a question RICHMOND HILL. RACING AT FALL FAIRS August, 31. lk in the print- sked the rm! 1905 Notice is hereby gchn that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections Eight and Nine of “The Ontario Votm-s’ List Act” the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted ()I' delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all pen-- sons appearing by the last Revised As« sessmcnt Roll of the said [municipality to be entitled to Vote in the said muni- cipalily at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Muni- cipal Elections ; and that the said List was first posted up at, my office at the Village of Richmond Hill on the 21st, day of August, 1905, and remains theie ful' inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or Best fruit jars in half-gallon, quart and pint sizes. jar rubbers, whole mix- ed pickling spice, turmeric, curry pow- der. UanL‘SJlIllStal‘d seed. celery seedâ€" everything needed for pickling pur- poses, at Atkinson S; Switzer‘s. The Reeve and memheis of the Coum-il referred to the efficient 591'- vices of Mr. Mac-Lean. who had donr his work with the greatest mt isfaction to all concerned from tlwdutc of his appointment to the present time. Mr. MucLum replied in appropriateterms. thanking the Council in behalf of him- Sr” and his wife for the gift and the kind words of the Reeve and Council lors, and assuring them that he appre- rtinted the kindness and courtesy shown him hy‘the members. Supper was served during the evening, Mrs. MacLezm being assisth by her sister- in-luw, Mrs. A. L. McNeil. of Vellme. The hope was expressed that. the cor- dial relations between the Council and the Clerk would long exist. RICHMOND HILL Elecfnrs are called upon to examine the. said List, and if any omissions or ally other errors are found thvrein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to luw. VOTERS’ LIST, 1905. W'e therefore ask you to accept, not as any recognition of your sen-vices, but as a. small token of Olll'Pstet‘lD, this couch. accompanied by the very best, wishes of the Rueve and Council- lors of Vaughan Township. (Signed), JOHN N. BOYLE, Roovo; I). C. LONGHOUSE, Councillor; { ISAAC DEVINS, “ I J. S. MCNAIR. “ DEAR FRIENDs,â€"\\’e. the members of Vaughan Township Council, which you, Mr. MacLenn, in the capacity of Clerk and Tleasurer. have served well and faithfully for a. number of years. have met togetherthis evening to wish you and your wife all happiness and prosperity in the career which you are starting together. Our wishs-s are that our relations with you and yours with the Township which you are serving shall prove as smooth and as pleasant in the future as it has in the pa‘ i. and treasurer of the township, and the various members of the Cuuncil. and the lutLer chose Tuesday evening as a suitable time fur expressing theirap- predation of his valuable sm-vices by presenting Mr. and Mrs. BIacLean with a handsome pin-0e of furniture in the form of a couch. The presentation was accompanied by the following ad- dress, which was read by Reeve J. N. Boyle:â€" Maple. Augact Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MacLe The Reeve and Councillors of Vaughan Township. and their Wives. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MacLoun, Maple, Tuesday evening, when :1 very pleasant time was spent together. The best of feeling has long existed between Mr. Mm-me, us (:19: k Quite a number of the societies are in favor of resnricLing the value of the purses for horse 'aces to a sum not; to exeeed one-third of the value of the total amount paid in prizes for i all agricultural purposes. J ~++++M+M+%-l there fcu‘ul' (:X.’:l-‘.~il-i-'m~ 1;; their nun- ity, 118 sumo-lira l‘t'plix-u that, Hwy would, wlnlc l5: smmcl than they would not. The Véalllu or Lllc purses offered an the e-xhihlmons lustyeal‘ amounted to comidcrahly over $25,. 000. One hundred and twemy-tive societies are in favor of restricting the races to horses owned by men living within 20 miles of the fair, while 142 soeiezies stated that they would not be in favor ol'sach u re‘ striction. cieLies as Toronto, Aug. 28-SPpt. 9. Newmarket, Sept. 19-21. Barrie. Sept. 25â€"27. ()wvn Sound, Sept. 12-14. Orillia. Sept. 19-20. Orzuugeville, Sept. 28â€"29 Meaford, Sept. 28-29. Midland, Sept. 28-29. Markham, Oct. 4-6. Bradford, Oct. 17-18. “’oodbl-idgv, Oct. 18-19. 01011; of the said Munimbulity. Dated this let day of August, 1905 89 Municipality of the Village of LJAS Address and Presentation County uf York Fall Fairs AJIERON, A. J. HUM E, 29th. 1905. ‘1 n WCI'E COD- l‘PSi “The Metropolitan Division will is- sue 1'etum tickets at, single fare gond gning August, 26th up to Septmnher 9th, and returning LillSeptemberlltli. inclusive. The east part of Int 19, Markham. is to rent for ‘ years. The farm contains the estate of the late John I Apply tn A Sale on Exhibition Rates and Service on the Metropolitan EARLY GAR will leaveNewnMI-ket for Toronto, calling at intermediate points. at 6.15 each nmrning. LATE CAR will leive 'l‘nrnntn ter- minal at 11.30 each evening for New- mm-ke-t and intermediate pnints. LATE CAR will leave Bund Lake Junction on the Schmuberg & Aux-0m, Railway for Sclmmhe-rg, connecting with thP 11.3!) p. m. frnrn Toronto on Labor Day. Monday. Sept. 4th. and Furnwrs’ Day, \Vednesday, Sept. 6th. This rate good only for passangors to Toronto. To do gonm'nl housv work. Good wages paid to competent person. N0 washing. 9-tf MRS. J. SWITZER. of cow House Suigec é++++++++++++++++++++é¢++e GIRL WAE'TED ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The examination of mu- fim‘ nmv catalogue if you have any kile of a Uollvge course. It; explains all about our mudex‘n methods, fine equipment, and strong stnlf. A postal will bring it. Address W’. H. SHAW, The examination catalogue if you I Uollvge course. +++Â¥++++++++++++++++4 \VEDNESDAY. Sept. 6â€"Auct cattle. etc. at the Palmer lle at, 1 o’clock. Terms 3 m ~on & McEwen, Auctioneers \VEDNESDAY. Sept. Gâ€"Auct ‘cmx‘s and stews. at. the modem: cnul‘ses; splenmu equrp- ment. Every student thorough- ly sn Lisfied. \Vrite [or our mag- nificent catalogue. W. .l. ELLIOTT, Principal. One of the largest, and best commercial schools in the Dom- inion. All of our graduates are absolutely sure of securing posi- tions. Strong staff of teachers; FALL TERM 0P1: W. a. Safifiazgan Issuer Marriage Licenses After you use it mm» yvn will believe in itton. It will (1er you 25 CPIItS1|)tI'y it. Are ynur lungs Worth 25 cents P “ Your Money Back if You Want It." \Ve- know all :th WC have sold it fur knmv just what is i a cut Gâ€"zl”: iL’sjust, 2' and a good nm- 2 nmdr to cure. Th sell so much uf it. ant mmlicint- oilhr patent, medicines, h recmmm-nd tlwm. commend \Vhite I commend \Vhite Pine and and we believe in in so much we 9an 'eon (VD FALL TERM from Sept. 5th. Are Your Lungs We Farm to Rent nnze & Gerrard Sts., Tux-onto (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) Druggist, Richmond Hill I .' g (I I, / SORGNTO. ONT. V WHIGOSGROVE E. J. FAHEY Sale Register. McEwon, ant-tin: @afiw CHAS. L. \VILSON, Traffic Manager. splendid equip- EN S SEPT. 5‘ hut Kelly. uction Principal. Executors p. h (1 con. Win of acres, n sale )nlmer 3 mos. iuuse. Sai- TORONTO Between Richmond Hill and Thom hill. Mnnday evening Aug. 21. :1 hand painted hem-t hxuuch, with gold back The finder will be rewarded by Ieav Township of Vaughan, part of lot 13, cnncessiun 4, 150:1(‘1’95 more or less. nu which is erected a substantial brick dwelling and 21 large new bank barn. About 10 norm of bush; well watered by a living stream; desirable for stock purposes: convenient to schools and churches. For particulzus apply to A. S. RUS- SEL. ESQ. Cari-ville P. 0., GEORGE HIGH, ESQ. Maple, or Lindsey Lawrence & \Vndswnrth, Solicitors, Home Life Building, Toronto. at once for “ Canada’s Greatest Nur- series” for the town of Richniund Hill and surrounding country. which will be reserved for the right man. STAR Now at the best selling season an handle mirNEW SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. \V'rite for particulars and send 250. for our handsome Aluminum Poc- ket Microscope (a little gem) useful to farmers in exaunining seeds and grains, orchardists in examining trees for in- sects. gzirdiners in examining plants for insects. teachers and scholars in studying Botany, and everybody in a hundred different way ‘ ing it: at, THE LIBERAL OI L. INNES 85 SONS Out. STONE & WELLINGTON V Guaranteed to curv Cnughs, voMs, Dishwan and first strum-s nf henves, which are frequently cansml by chronic rmughing after distt'mpe‘r. This is a grand preparatinn and will stop any cnugh. Fm- sale in Richmund Hill by Geo. McDonald. Harness Maker. \Vl-ite for sample toâ€" J. A. lfifiéémafi $4. $9” Fifi Kim‘s: Si. E. TQRQNTO. premier stock food in the murkvt. Lecamggmmmgé Yorkshire Gaugh and Eeave Gare Agricultura} {)1'ug‘gists. Opp. Clyde Hotel Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for mjlk cmvs; inreases the flow of milk. fattens calves and stall feeding cattle and hugs. Gives horses a sleek emit, fattens them. purifies the blond, cleans” the legs and gives them a, healihy uppezil'nncv. This Stock Fund is nmnnfactm-od by practical stuckmen, and is gunrnntwd to give quickpr, better and more permanent results than anyothm- Stuck food, 01' money rvfnndvd. If you have been disappointml in othm- {so-culled Stock Funds. gut a sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’Hde the results will convince you that. it. is Yorkshim Eamgk Fwd Farm For Saie ’0 19:1 rn carpe 50-4 mos. Boy Wame d FONTHILL NU RSERIES, Over 800 acres. Lost ONTARIO ICE. 8-2 Hi 9-10 FARM Ti) RENT AND TAKE FURT {ER NOTICE that, after the last mentioned date the Executars will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the par- ties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall have then received notice. Dated the 26th day of August, 1905. Lots 51 and 52. lst (301).. Vaughan. on Yonge street, Elgin Mills. One hundred and ninety acres, more or less. to rent for a. term of years. IN THE ESTATE OF DANIEL QUANTZ, late of the Townshlp of Markâ€" ham in the County of YorK, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant; to R. S. 0.. Chapter 129, that all pal-hes having claims against the said Dzmivl Quuntz, who died on or about the 24th day of July, 1905, are required on m- be-fm-e the 27th day of September, 1905. to send to Geurge Kefler, Maple P. 0.. or to Arthur lentz, Langstaif P. 0., a statement of their claim and the security, if any. held by them. From Elia. one large 1* Information leading to Ulilnkfuny I-eCejved by Notice to Creditors Strayed er Stolen Stray£ undersig 33 Richmond St., \V. 'l‘urdnto. 9-12 Solicitor for the Executors. d from the premises of the ned, Lot 27. Con. 4, Vaughan, bonythe first of August, a. \VILLIAM COOK, LfiST the first of August, : be sow. knowing of her Where age notify ). LAUH, Maple P. O. J. M. PETE RMANN‘ NAUGH'X‘ON BROS., ‘lueq'oan cow. her recovery August, 1905. gin Mills.

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