bid 1906. Fun on the day Upon the farm are a large seven- rmnned ln-ick hnuso. a seven-mound (-nnm-ote lmusv, one ver large lmrn with stone stahling. one lmi'n‘sztiU, concrete pig pm) and hen house. and other outbuildings. with a never-fail- ing spring creek. and n never-failing well; soil clay loam; fruit (Il'(‘ll:ll'(l2 farm frontng on :\ mumudum and gravel road 10 miles finln Tux-onto. (-unvenient to P. 0.. Sfrllunls and rhum-lws; on» and nneâ€"lmlffllj) miles frum Tlun'nliill station, G.T.R. Sale will be subie-ct to n lesex-ved Administrator's Sale of Valuable Farm FRIDAY, Svpt. 22â€"Autrtinn sale of house and lot. furniture, et(-., at his 1 osidence. Richmond Hill, the pn-perty of H. E. Law. Sale at,_2 p. m. ’l‘u-nxs for real estate made knmvn nn day of sale. Furniture cash. â€" Saigon†6' MCEWeu, Auctiom 01s. I‘HUA Y. THE. 231m DAY OF SEP- TEMBER. 1905, atlhe hum ano’L-lurk in the uftvrnunn. parts of Lots One and Two in the 3rd (‘rnucessinn of the Township of Vaughan. cmntnining 13†acres. mow m- h-ss, heng the farm cf the late Smme TI-uyer. TUESDAY. Sept. lQâ€"Auctiun sale of farm pI-opm'ty in King. the estate of \he late Michael \VinLer. at Phillipa" Hotel, King City. Sale at 20’c1uck.â€"~ Suigenn & McEwen, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, Sept. 23â€"Administ1'u- tux-'5 sale of farm of [he late Samuel Troyer, Vaughan, at Chm-ry's Hutu]. Slle at 2 p.1n.â€"â€"-J. T. Suigeun, Auc- {inns-er. SATURDAY. Sept. 16â€"01141“; sale of horses, cattle. harness, etc., at Queen’s Mute]. Aurora. the prnperty of Charles Nut-man. Sale at l ifclnck. Terms, 3 m<>11th.â€"Saigeon & McEwen, Auc- tinnenl's. (fhm-ry's Hotvfv I‘RDAY. THE TEMBER, 1905. The General Sessions Court, npened in Toronto on Tuesday. \Varden Alexander Baird of York County is foreman of the Grand Jury. sion. the Province interested in this mat- ter, the Ontario Vegetable Growers’ Association intends to present as strong a case as possible before the Commission. It is probable that a lawyer will be engaged by the grow- ers to present their case. The secre- tary of the Association, Mr. H. B. Cowan, of the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, will be pleased to hear frim regetable growers in any part of the Province who would like to furnish the committee with information that should be laid before the Commis- TL 1 the day nf sale. or by applying to “'ILLIAM (700K, 33 Richmnnd SL, \Y. Tumntn. 11-12 Solicitor for the \lndms‘ The vegetable growers feel that they have a grievance, and that something should be done to improve existing conditions. As there are thousands of vegetable growers in sold at prices below the cost of pro- duction at the centres where they are disposed of. The United States tariff prevents Canadian growers shipping their vegetables to the leading cities in the United States when their mar: kcts are favorable. There will he sold by public auction J. T. Suigvnn. Aluztivnecr. at wry-y‘s Hotel, Fishervillv. (m SAT~ The ofï¬cers of the Ontario Veget- able Growers‘ Association have in- structed the secretary to make ar- rangements for a committee repreâ€" senting the vegetable growers of the Province to appear before the Tarifl" Cmimission when it meets in To- 1'onto, to give evidence on behalf of the vegetable growers. Every year great quantities of vegetables are shipped to the leading cities in Can- ada. from the United States, and often Newman-ket, Sept. 19-21. Barrie, Sept. 25-27. Owen Sound, Sept. 1244. Orillia, Sept. 19-20. Orangeville. Sept. 28-29. Menford, Sept. Midland, Sept. 28-29. Markham, Oct. 4-6. Bradford, Oct. 17-18. \Vnodbridgp, Oct. 18-19. Bolton, October 24-25. RiCHMOND HILL. September 14, 1905 “Me “ï¬ibsrnl :MSâ€"Ten pm' cent. on the‘ day of lmlunt‘v on the lst day of Apxil. Furthvr pal'tlc'ululs mud» known 3 day of sale. or hygmplyiug to VEGETABLE GROWERS Sale Register. N ews .N ones. Fall Fairs suhjl'ct to u lesel-ved DA 3‘ (m SAT~ OF SEP- ()1 part, at the west 11th nt Lot, nu. 22 in the 4111 Cuncessiuu uf the Township of Markham. There is (m the lot a comfortable frame house 20x30 and a gund frame stable 203130, with three horse stalls and room for a. buggy and miller: alsnu goo} well. It is cun- veuientlysitunud heng not qLite a mile frnm Church and 1’. O. and only quarter of at mile. fx-nm a tell-phone uf- lire and abnut ten 1-013 from schoo'. The house and Int will be sold subject tun rvswrve hfd, all of the purchase Lu :1 rosr-rve bid, money to he paid the exception (:1 thin ly-ï¬ve dollars in the property a n :1 1mm ply to per :mnum. Also house and lot, being 1 0f part of the west lmlf of L( in the 4th Cuncvssiuu nf the' of Markham. There is (m 1 comfortable frame housv 20x $2,000. whk grngv for 21 LL per :Innum. phone ofï¬ce, and school house is just ncxoss the mud. The fzmn will Le sold subject t-n a reserve hid. Ten p: 1‘ cent. of purchase money to be paid uu day of sale and the balance in ten days thereafter wit-h the exception nf $2,000. which may remain on mart,~ grlgv fm‘ 21 tom: nf years at, 5 per cent. Of Farm Stack, Implements. Farm. and House and Lot. on the. 26th day of Sept“, 1905, at 1 o‘clock. There will he offered for sale ï¬fty acres, being cmmposed of the not-(h half uf lot No. 2], in the third ounces- slun of the Township of Mzukhmu} The farm has on it, a good Bunk Bum 48x50, gnnd 11ml, house and slnne pfg pen. ulsongund driving shed and is conveniently situated on a ï¬rstâ€"class mall, only one mile. from church and P. 0., qnnl'ter cf 3. mile from telr- phone ofï¬ce. and school house is ju>t nexuss the mud. The farm will Le AUCTION SALE AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the Executm-s will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the par- ties entitled then-tn. having regard only tn the. claims of which they shall have then received notice. Dated the 26th day of August, 1905. WILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St, \V. Toronto, 9-12 Solicitor fol the Execubul-s. slliult In R. S. 0., Chapter 129, that n“ parues having claims against. the said Daniel metz. who :lwd (m 01- about Lhe 24th day (If July, 190‘, are requii ed on 01" before the 271 h day of September, 1905. to send tn Gm rge Kefl'er, Maple P. 0., or to Arthur Quantz, Langstufl' P. 0., a statement of their claim and the security, if any. held by them. Notice to Sreditors THE LIBERAL to any address to J anuary 1, 1906 [N THE ESTATE OF DANIEL QUANTZ, lat: of the Townshlp or Mark- ham in the County 01 York, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE 11‘s AHEEEBY GWEN pur- FOR 256. 100 acre-s, being the estate of the late Thomas Bret-‘1), Y('l‘k Mills. lst Cum. East York : beautifully situated on old Ynnge street, within ï¬ve min~ utes’ walk of schoul, post nfliceund street cars. Apply on premises. One hundred acres. Lot 22. 5th Con- cession, Township of Vaughan. Al‘- ply to FOR 250. FARM TO RENT T0 d0 general house work. Good wages paid to competent person. N0 washing. 9-tf MRS. J. S\VITZER. To learn carpenter trade. Apply to L. INNES & SONS. Richmond Hill, Out. GIRL WANTED An apprentice to learn millinm-y. MRS. S. SHUTER, JOSEPH S. B! Farm for Sale Boy Wanted WANTED nllul-S, Ly at ‘ furt T. A. NOBLE. Maple, iL'[( In day of sale ' L\\o hundred which "My nâ€"‘l ï¬ve per cent. 191- particulzus RNHAM, composel l't‘ .10 with Thm'nhill and main 11-1-1 up TORONTO I utn pw Carp -L W ness and ,soixci'vd. at once for “ lunadu’s GreatestNur- series†for the town of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, which will he reserved for the right man. START NOW at, the best selling" season and handle mu- NE“’ SPECIALTIES 0n liberal forms. \Vrite fï¬l'1):!1‘IlC111211‘Sillld send 2.30. ful' our handsome Aluminum Puc- ket Microscope (a little gem) useful to farmers in exmnining seeds and grains, orchardists in examining trees fur inâ€" sects. gnrdinurs in examining plants for insects. teachers and schulnrs in studying Bunny, and everybody in a. hundred different wa ys. STUN E & WELLINGTON On the Metrnpolitan Division during the North Ym-k County Fail which is held at Newmarket, tit'kvtsnt sinng fax-e fur the return trip good gning September 19. 20 and 215k, and good to return up to and (in the 22nd, will he is.~u 4d to passengers whuse destiimtiun is Nt‘“’lll2ll'kt’t. nut for passvnge-rs com- ing 501111). Special service will be pm- vidml, and n late Car lvm‘ing Newâ€" mun-'th at and Thursd On the 5 way the ill SING-LE FARE ++++++++ ++++~F+MM++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++§ Two Remarkable Records Made by the P0pular m ELLIOTT m M Hi" .{. -§‘ \V. H. SHA\V, The examination of (my fine new catnlnguu if you have any idea (If a College com-s». It explains all uleL (-nr mndu-u methods, ï¬ne vquipment and strong stuff. A postal will bring it. Address ++M++++++++++++H++++++++ .g. I; Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? Hui-4» Rag Carpet: Weaving The attendance at the open- ing of nur Fall Tenn was ï¬ve “HIPS us grout as that of H year ago. Last month we had ten times as many mulls for lmokvep- ers, Stenngl'upllt‘l's. etc, as we could ï¬ll. This undnuhtmlly in- dicates plngresaiveness and shows that this is the best schnnl to patronize. Enlernuw. Mug- niï¬cenc catalogue free. Yunge & Ge'x-rzu-d Stan, Tux-unto. '04 mos. JOQ‘H Issuer Marriage Licenses w. A. Samï¬ersnn “Your Money Back If You Want After ynu use it, mmD you will believe in ittnn. It will cost, ynn 25(-e-nts to try it. Are your lungs worth 25 cents 1’ FONTHILL NURSERIES, Them why do you cough all day ? White Pine and Tm will relieve you the ï¬lsb day. It will stup that cough in a few dnvs more. We know all almnt'it because we have Shid it fur years, and we knmv just whatis in it. Ibis not a. cure-all ; iL’sjust a Cnugh Cure, and a. good one at that. It’s made to cure. That is why we $911 so much of it. It‘s nut n pat- ent medicine wither. \VP ke-ep patent nwdicim-s, but wv do not recomuwml thm. \Ve Llu I‘e- cmumt-nrl \Vhite Pine and Tar, zmd we believe in it. so mach that we say FALL TERM from Sept. 5th. TORONTO. ONT. (Cor. Yonge {Lad Alexander Sta.) Druggist, Richmond Hill +>S~~§~ UA LEIâ€"{31.35}. G. 11-2 Over 800 acre {red to do all kinds of Rag wing to order with neat- .‘Spntch. Your nation-age W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CHAS. L. “’1 LSON, Trafï¬c Manager. ONTARIO. Principal. Mule; 1n J5 I on X'unge sH‘eet. Elgin Mills. ' hundred and ninety "mes, more or {to 1' At for u tm-m nf w a -<. 910 From Elia. one lm-g< Information lending thankfully received I FARM T9 RE The Liberal and Daily Star Strayed or Stolen The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Daily Glebe The Liberal and Daiiy Ma}. and Empire The Liberal and Daily World ' The Liberal and Weekly Globe Guaranteed tn (-m-o Cnnghs. Culds. Distemper and first stag which are frequently (caused by chronic enlighng after distemper grand preparation and will stop any cough. Fur sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, Harness M2 for sample tuâ€" J. A. jï¬Ã©ï¬SMé & ï¬g" W #55332 Si. E. , TORQNTG. Makes all kinds of stock thrivp. Splenrli~l for milk cows: inn-uses the flow milk. fnltens calves and stall fH-(ling mtclc- and hugs. Gives llursvs :1 sleek ('nnt. fslttens tlwm, purifies the l)ln(ld, (-19.111305 1 legs and gives tlwm a healthy nmwurnm-v. This Stm-k Fund is munufuctm by practical stm-kmt-n, and is guarantle In giw quivkér, better and 1m pm-mnnent results than zmy other Stock fundym- money refunded. If y haw hem disuppnintotl in other sn-cullml Stuck Funds. gvt a sampleI “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’ and the results will convince you that. it px-vmicr stock food in the: marks-t. Yorkshire Cough and Eeave Care Lots Yorkshire gawk. F8903; If you have a few minutes to spare and are interested in stoves call and see our display of Heaters and Ranges; all kinds and prices. One of our leaders WHEN gricultul-al Drug ï¬sts. Opp. (Ilyde Hotel (Balance of the year free to new subscribers) {HM J. M. PET ERMANN. ‘ge blue-roan cow. 5,; to her recovery Ist Gnu. Vaughan, Elgin Mills. One EON BROS Elgiu Mi & Sen. fl? Tï¬â€˜ï¬iN on which is ere brick dwelling and burn. About 10 a watered by n. Iivin for stock purpose SEL. [£3an U; HIGH. ESQ L-uu'ence Hun»; L;L huhls 'andi chin-ch: s. For n u~ticulms apply to A. S. RU! EL. E5Q.. Unrrviile P. 0.. GEORG Tuwnship of Farm For Sale for milk cmvs: inn-uses the flow of evding thIt- and hugs. m, puriï¬es the hlnod, cleansvs tho This Stock Fund is manufactured In give quickt‘t, better and IllOl't‘ SSIOH , Harness Maker. “’rite Jl u-rvnle :- ,. Maph ‘xughnn, part of lot .30 acres more or less, vcted a. substantial d a large new bank acres of bush: “'9†ug stream; desirable :05; convenient, to £85 3.5% 3.5% 3.25 3.0% J’AUHLU. Ul‘ *s of halves. Tlus is a. LEurLse Sollcltur Ill-l