AT CLABK’S CHURCH A I{:l.l‘\‘(‘SC Hume Anniversary and Supper will he held in the Metlmdist ClHll'Ch. East, Yul-k, on 'l‘uvsdny. Svpt. 19. Supper served from (i In 8. after which an entertuimnent 0f unusuiil merit. will be given. Admissiun tn supper and ente-i-tnimiwnt 25 mints. On Sunday, 17th inst†St‘l'lllulls will be. preached by 21 anum 5v missionary at d and 7 n. In. Sncuiul lllilolc. \Ve have invoice now of direct im- port of Scotch tweed suitiugs, fancy worsted suitiugs, and would like yuu tn see these lwfm'e ordering yourfull suit. \Ve can please you with style and save you money. Atkinson & (V ,‘1 ‘ In order that those (if our 511!» scl'ihers who have hum) rendng the continued stux-y should nut miss any of the chapters. we have had inserted this week the chapters which should have appeared last week had the paper been published. It will lwscon that chapu-r III. and chapter IV. are. in- serted on different pages. For the past, your or two farmers nnd othvr citizens Outside of Richâ€" nmud Hill l‘GL‘PiVOd The Toronto Daily Slur ful‘ $1.00 :1 year. In future that paper will be 32.50 a year. \Ve under- stand the chenp rate will not he giyeu In any place where The Slnl'arrivvs the evening of the day (If publication. A full attendance of the mmnbors of the Camera Club is x'oquesU-d at a meeting in the Tempmzmce Hall on Saturday evening (If this week at 8 o'clock. Businvss nf importance. Bring a good exhibit of summer‘s Work. and save Switzcr. i1 and 7 p. m. Spuma No z1d\ eI-Lisemeut Voice as gi\ iubr a gun m-e SOIhll‘ulls uucesz- IIESL \Vhite Gloss SI 11).; best \VI 1 box Dr. 5‘ The Metropolitan gave an 0: our sex-vi;e during the two w the Canadian National Exl) Lute and early cars were ge well ï¬lled, and the passenger done by the company was elm All credit to the mzumzeuu-nt. The vamm-kcb Em states that the Dltetropnlitan are extending their line nurthwul-(l to Jackson's l’uint with rummendablc energy. The steel 11:12! lam-n lnid a considerable distance and all haste will be made to complete the line us far as possible this full. It. is of interest to know that; the vi]- klge of SVik-ox Luke can now he rem:th by telephone. the Bell Tele- phone Cumpnny having recently opened an ofï¬ce there. Full stock of best Canadian-reï¬ned sugars, Paris lump sugar, pndele or fruit sugar, extra granulated sugar. vollmv sugar, 191bs fur $1. Atkinson & Swiszn RiCHMOND HILL, Sl-ptember Mr. Hustler Orr. rcpt-ovang I‘hv Toronto Daily Star. made :1 (mums of the village. Tuesday and \Vednesda)‘ and secured 2!. number of new sub- :ism'lill‘wx-s for their agent, Muster Lloyd 1i THE LIBERAL and the \Veekly Globe will he sent Lo any address for $1.75. The balance of this yesu'wiil ln-sunt free to now subwriburs. Send orders to this ofï¬ce. Hat pin found ERA]. uflicv. We proï¬t if ynn :n-v plvusvd. and \VP an pleased if you pmï¬t. Atkinson & Switzer. Count, Richmguvl, A.O.F., will hnld “.3 next Qum-(mly Meeting on Friday evcniug. llw 22nd inst. The BUill'll 1 tiscd for an : High Schunli h ls 21c: egted School 21L her Mr. Jerry Smil h. jewellur, has placed 11 hundsnnm Cluck in the MNI'upuliLan Waiting mum fur the mm'euivnce of the (:flicials and {rzu‘oliiug public. \Ve sc-IIEnLdsiglieupT hut, we don‘t 5011 cheap goods. Atkinson & Swit- zm‘. E112 Efï¬iiamal. nf M rs. DC: 13' next Tuesday evening at 7.3“. You are not hm'e to please us. but we are here Lu please you. Atkinson & Switzur. Asnmll pmï¬t. with public fuvm- is lu-cm- than :1 large nnc withuut. it. Atkinson ck Swimmx All unpaid ::ccunnts owing Dr. Luw- lusun, luLely (-1" this plum}. may be handed to Mr. 11. A. Nichulls. The Richmond Hill Juniors dvfented (hull-ville in a fuuleIl nmivh in the pa! k Saturday Ivy :1 score. (If 1-0. Mr. \V. Trench refereed tlw match. lh‘ Mr. Fusinr Orr. 11 The \\'.( NEW TELEPHONE I; (‘9 (3‘ “ M ARIAN MA YFIELD.†SUBSCRIBE NOW; AISED THE past your ' citizens on 111 of Educatiun have advm- 1n assistant, teacher in the ml in place ut' Miss Bell.wlm rtvd :1. position in the Public her hnme in Allishm. )AMERA CLUB. ‘zarkct, Em states that the u are extending their line to Jackson's Puint with Xe energy. The steel has entertainnwnt 25 ce'nts. 7th inst, son-mulls will be 1 anum sv missionary at Special lllllalC. L ulceszâ€"A ‘rluss Stan: “'hite G1†Lda NOTICE your or two farmers Ins outside of Rich- vd The Tortan Dailv an gave an excellent mg the two wz-oks nf Jammle Exhibition. cars were generally L. will Illt‘l't at 1119 home Lumh'y 53;; 5 Starch. Cull at, THE LIB- ~)assenger trafï¬c I was enormous. geulcnt. 1m RICE OFFICE publication. Stm so lulu ain. H XI“ 14, 1905 kage after a parts of land. Mr. Arthur Cnnk of \Voodstonk. made :1 short Visit here during Exhibi- [inn work. and called on a number of uld friends. hmther in the Inland Revenue Depart- mvnt. at Kingstun, called on old friends here. “ ednesduy of last, week. Mr. Fl :1 nk McDunald. a clerk in the Standard Bank at Stouffville, is home for ten duys’ holidays. Mr. Frank Hall, Stratfm-d, IS here nn a. visit to his brother, Mr. Joseph HJJL Master \Villmer Daniels of Toronto Junctinn spent a few days with his aunt, Miss Kinnee. last; week. Mrs. A. J. Paul and two children of Elmmle spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Mason and leturned Monday. Dr. anrnsnn removed a fmv day? ago to the Village uf B: amsvillo. a. (1 his successor, Dr. Dem) occupies Dr. Luwmsml's residence here. physician n! H<NpitaL F0 with Dr. Lil! Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Hamilton and family of Am; Out, were visiting his sister, Mrs. 51mm, fur a few days. Miss Irena Cusgmve left yesterday for a visit to ()reemore, Uullingwund and Penetzmg. Miss Gertrude Grunt, Principal of Fort Erie Public School. left on Mun- day (If lust Week Lu resume her dutia thew. Mrs. 16 the pzls‘ ENDS, M 1‘s Edith JuncL \\'lthe Mrs. \Vilhur H. Skew-Io and baby of \VatH-lun, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. A. L. Skeele. St. John‘s Church, Oak Ridgns. pur- pose holding a Harvest, Home: Festival at Bund Lnkn l’mk on Saturday. Svpt. 10‘. Addrosm-s will he given by Mr. T. H. Lemmx, M. l’. P“ and Mr. H. \V. Fleury. Hummwlliv’s Orchestra, Tn- ront.u. will he in attendance. 'l‘va served from 4 to 7. Adults‘ 25c.; Chil- dren, 15c. Deceased 01“!ny hf U CLUBINEâ€" day, Supt. Mrs. “’illinm V. Brace of Dammit, Mich, spent; last, Week with Mrs. A. L. Skeele. M's Lorine \Vrighb is attending the- Modci SclH-Ul at, Newmarket. An intvrcinng Thanksgivin service was held in the Church of ‘nghmd last evvning. The church was 'upprnâ€" priatvly deurmtwd with \arious kinds uf grain, fruit. flnwvl's, vines. r-tc. The- I-ecxul', RAW. J. Gihsnn. cnnductmd the ï¬rst p‘u-t- uf the sm-vicv. and an im- prussiw sm-umn \Vns pmuchn-d hy Rrv. .l. Hl‘ullghni uf'St. Stephme Chum-h. Tmnutn. \vhu lmsod his l'rmmrks on the Wold; tnkvn fmm JH'. 5. verse 24. " He u-sm \vth unto us [he uppoinn-d weeks (if the harvest.†MiSS Kerswill presided “L the organ. and the choir was :lssistt-(l by Miss A. Mmtsnn. who :11st contributed a solo. Mr. Earle Newâ€" ton playing the accompaniment. SHEARD()\\'N â€" BEAMISH â€"â€" By Rev. Mr. Fish. on Monday, 4th Sppt., Miss Eulin Louisa Bunmish uf Klvinhurg, tn Mr. John Sheardmvu of Richmond Hill. Judge Morgan has mum his award in Llwmfl'utmtinn arising out of dis- putes and di'nfkur-ws lwnvw-n Nir'nl Bro-.5. and their lut- ten 11 8. G12: 8 Bras. 1119 .1“ng nus (lmluissml Gluss’ Olafâ€) against Nicnk. and the lam-:- Bro-.5. and their lut- ten 11 8. G12: 8 Bras. 1119 .1“ng nus (lmluissml Gluss’ I Olafâ€) against Nicnk. and the Intu'l'l are allmwd $1501) Lm-ir claim against Glass’, th les Bros. to pay all costs and lll'bill‘flhW’S fee. LE POEâ€"At Maple. on Sund Sept†the wife (If C. F. Leece‘ umnd Hill, of a (Inughï¬r. L‘ \‘i' M 1'. (“HES lli Mr. Mrs. R 3115 JUDGE MORGAN‘S A\VARD. Edith ST. MAP. Y’S C IIURCH . M thn 3:0. Kaist‘ and chi me spvndiug two “'1 hx-r. Mls. F. Cusxgun kin Huh-l. . Bx-udlvy (sf Huntville spent a 3 last, week with her sistmy Kinuee, who has been ill for three. years. PERSONALS. nd HARVEST HOME. spcnt L and Mrs \\ ho J. Dick :Aey am unl the A Kline SUI] -At 0:1'k Ridges. on Sun- ]U, 190:), Jul)†Minx. only Clulxiue, agwd 10 years. lSUll I'vtm-ned lust wevk e nmnths‘ stay in variuus gland, Ixelzuld and Scut- MARRIAGES A. E. Bmtty, resident the Roan Alexandra, 'gm. spent over Sunday Ln Langstuflt‘. DEATHS. the Mines ( have been BIRTHS and little daughter Stetqu of Toronto ridny with 1101- par- R. Kinnee. son. Tot-unto. and a. and children of qu weeks wth Cusrguu'e. ul Lb: m Sunday. 10th ‘. Leece of Rich~ .er. Unmmr \ Billing Rev. F. Elliott and Mrs. Elliutb lt-ft yvstvrday fur Steve-"swine where they will spend a. \vm'k at special services in Connection with the Brethren in Christ. Mr. and Mrs. GPO. \Vallucp of VVnnd- liridge and their little granddaughter. Miss Murihln Orr. of Chicugu, spent last. Friday with Mrs. Julm Hamilton at I‘lgin Mills. Mr. S. A. Rittm‘. tl'nvvllrr for the AIL-m Line Stoanuhip<. Chicago. ac- cmupnnied by his ymlng Wife). \isited friends at. Riuhnmnd Hill and Head- ford during the past, Week. Mr. R. Trick and Mr. Muiculm of Uniunville. were in the \illugu some time ago spljciging _suh§(:ript_,iqnsfur “Thf' Pknple's Pldlving Mut'ch.†The. [match will he held at, or near Mark- hmn Village. Mrs. Jamvs ngg of \andstock spent, 1 wn wee-ks with her sistvr, Mus. John IIm-rix‘. Mls. James Huger-s, an- ntlu-r Histvl' from the same plucv. \\ ith hm- huï¬hund 21nd twudnughu-rs, :Ilsu span a few days with Mrs. Han-is. Mr. Bain, editor and proprietor of “The 'l‘elegrnm.†Null‘ll, Scotland, and 11 s sister. who have been twwelling in Canada since June, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray lust, woe-k. They have visited all pnints hf interest frnlu At- lantic tn Pm-iï¬c and spvuk in glowing terms nf tho lwmlfivs of Canada. 98» pvcially the \Vest. They sail from Monuvnl ml the 15th. Mr. Ashton 000th of BI-acehl-idge and Mrs. \Vm. memn of Severn Blillgt’, son and daughter of Mr. Juhn )nnmlvs, visited at “ Fair Vimv Place" with Mr. and Mrs. (‘00th fora fe-w Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Snidor. Miss Mable Snider and Mr. E. Straight, all of Rochester. N. Y., Mi. and Mrs. \V. Daniels of Ornngewille. also Mr. J. Smith and two sons of Brantfnrd spent a few days with MI. and Mrs. T. Hopper. Mr. Morley Barke'r, son nf Mr. E. Ben-km; has purchased the harness linking husim-ss {mm Mr. Bmwn~ lwrger «1f Stnuï¬â€™ville. \Ve Wish our funne-r Young citizen every success in his new undertaking. Mr. Chal'lvs \Viloy, lwad honk- Kevper fur the Victor Heating Cum- pnny. Broadway. New York, spent,“ wen-k with his relatives her? and with his hunt-r. Mr. \V. E. \Viley.‘NeW- market. and starts on his return jour- ney tin-day. This is Charlie’s ï¬rst visit, hume since h? lvft ï¬ve years ago. dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. 13's Ayer’s Cherry Pectora] quicts tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. I: tclieves congestion, sub- ghemw ?ec€orafl Mr. and Mrs. Coomhs fun-u ust week. , lwad honk- Heating Cum- ank, spent :1 hPl'P and with All business promptly attended to. Literature mail- ed on application. AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Associati FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. Norwich Union. Western. York Mutual. P. G. mirage ésSen Not contented to rest on the record of advancement in the past, we look forward-â€" planning and aspiring to do better in the future, an expectation based on the business principles that have made this store a place where you instinctively 100k for your needs. The keystone of this reputation is conï¬dence -â€"â€"a mutual feeling; your conï¬dence in our methods and merchandise; our conï¬dence in your appreciation and approval. September 14, 1905. No advertisement has so loud a V0196 as glvmg a. good bargam. ]91hs1wst Extra Granulated Sugar for $1. The host. XXX Pirkling Vinegar, 300. gal. Seedless Valencia. Raisins, 3 lbs. for 250. 18 inch Hygienic Crash Toweling, regular 126. yd. fmt IO. 16 inch Heavy Pure Linen Barnsley, regular 10c. yd. fur 9. Heavy 23 inch Loch Lumond Shix‘ting, regular 150. yd. fur 12. Heavy 36 inch Navy Stripe Drill. régulm- 17c. yd. for 15. Oxford Shirting, choice patterns. regular 120. for 10. The high quality of our goods will con- vince the most exacting buyer. We are well stocked with the best Vinegars, pure spices, fruit jars, sugars. We quote:â€" For Pickling Purposes Richmond Hm Hardware Stare “ Progress ATKINSW & SWITZER. Coal Oil stoves at close prices. Shelf and heavy hardware. Furnace work. Paris Green. Peexless Machine Oil. We quotc:~â€"- Farmers’ Bmder Twine. Harvest mitts. G. SGULES tro u ghing and gener- al tinsnlithiug'. ~:‘+~:~:. ++~z~+++++++++++~z~+++++++++i é?