Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1905, p. 1

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Remodelled,and newly f 0 no of me mos onvou hotels on Ynuge Street venience Samgle mu: travellers. An ideal stop or driving parties, bicyclil to or resuming :11 mt pm”. u... ;,7 Cails by conmsswxnn IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Ualls by day and nig _«.«\...u5 I paéi the door 1: 1‘1. TEEF Y. NOTA RY PUBLIC - The find ing it, a; '1‘ PALMER, HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Between RI hill. Monduyt painted heart; Ont. To learn carpenter trad.3 {1. INNES & SONS. Rich w.c. suns}; I. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. C. HAROLD VVill he in AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. DR. H. W. ANEERSON, VOL. XXVIII. "' J?‘ .V n “ @112 (37wer [8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING est fitti low Raoul 1 Office Hnu Cor. Bloor and ill be in Richmrm nesday of em. Office, next (lo/w "a RICHMOND BIL; VETERINARY SURGEON '1‘11 ornhill. Bay Wanted BUSINESS CARDS ur. Carlton and ficuta}. W [13. W531. RGGERS lheutist. Thornhill Every Wednesdav. THE LIBERA’II‘GE‘E r telephone from I Hill charged to me and newly furnished throuabout nos onveuient and comfortable nuge Street. Every modern con- mxnple rooms for commercial \nideefl stopping place for riding .rties,bicyclists, or farmers going 11g from market. Emctriczcal‘s 1' Liver nconnection FIRMS SLOOPER DAY EDITOR (it PROPRIETOB ly ovenil 1H; bumc ’1' will hg l)eutisst, 12L Victoria. St. Toronto * teeth, also replating, 4 L prices. Good work. Sfltterinam and night promptly at- tended to. lkost ENTL‘SI‘, ll ‘ol‘un 1H ‘3: Aug. 21 1. thh g1 rewarded 1 Hill on "I radp. Apply to Richmond Hill, ll] Hill ()U ARKSON an of Stand to 5 p. m Town to Richmond [ Thorn a band Ild back by Ieav ICE. 8-2 Prop \Ved 21V- Licensed Auctioneerfor the Count 195 a! York nndOntano All sales of (arm stock &c, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reuouobie rateq. Mortgageflnd bailifi sales attended to Residencefitouflfville Ont‘ THE - LIBERAL Licens e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits yolk patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLox-tefl not!“ and at reasonaberates. P. 0. address King RICHMOND HILL _ON__ THURSDAY, OCT. 5, I905 The Next. Sitting of Division Court to! N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court; Room, saigeon & McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for th 6 County a Sales uttendedtn on shortestuotiuâ€"nnd onablerates Pntronngesnlinimd Instruction in tth Art of Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, History, etc. J ’1‘ Saigenn, Maple VJRIGHT BROS, linden-takers a: Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL RICHMOND HILL fiifilgififié - 69W} G R Gould; above Licensed A Licensed Auctioneer for the COunty of York. Goods sold on consignment General sales a: stoc etc promptly attendedto at reasonable rates Residence Uuionvilie G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook.agenl for the nhnvn puss olfice ’1‘ HERBERT LENNOX Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on land andchatbel mortgage lowest rates Automofficeâ€"Removed no the old post ofl one door west of the euuauca tn LENNOX & MORGAN TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. mnnd St. W'estJVosley B(Mebhodisb Book Room A runtn. Mr. Cook will ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJGIN EIIIJLS IIU RFM iiR GAW 00 IA . NEWTON awmurket o J, EARLE NEWTON Pianist urge stnc Earristersfiolicibors, Notaries, ice. ome Life Building (formerly Free- hold L‘Qim BMgJ, Um; Adelaide & LIBERAL Ofiice Cummencinq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMABON. CLERK Subscribe tor Barrister MONEY TO LOAN AT 3% Lind Sal r~v~ Ban-is ‘e 00K & JOHNSTON afternoon of Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil- ious or dizzy. Thev act di- rectly on the livenifififie'cm' Mus. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1.905 stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at; both places. D. G. BLOL‘GH, ictoria. N. E. Smith. 5837. Lawrence & Wadsworth, Ii. PI entice. wonahortestuotiu-hnd a tea ntronngesolicited ‘eâ€"Three doors south of the l'iH, SLs.. Ton-unto. flee, Richmond Hill on Saturday's. A uroru. £12m: Solicitors. etc. G STV MORGAN ) the old post 011104 the entrance to the 3: N0. 33 Bit-h- slgy Buildings, be] mortgages at Phone Main 2984 J IS McE‘en Weston Newmarket 0! York. IS either present. Mr. F. Graham suspended duties for a few days on account; of a severe cold. At, time of writing Mr. \Vm. Boyn- ton is in much the same condition. Mr. Chester Bi-umwell is contem- plating an extended trip to Georgia. “’9 wish him a. pleasant sojourn. Mr. \V. F. Nichols has purchasvd the ISO-acre farm of the late. ‘ Min-y Cooke. Much property in this lnmllity Is either for sale or changing hands at Longhousa â€" McNair ~ That the Treasurer pay the following accounts : H.‘Vinger & Sun, building arch.$25 00 I “ “ tile. . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 ‘ J. Winger, repairing culvert . . 25 G. Sutton. teaming and repairs. 3 60 John Curd, material and \Vol‘k.. 23 86 I A. Dalziel. matcrialand tomninglUD 15 Yonge St. Account, Half to be paid by Markham. H. Hooper, sharpening picks .. 2 50 ‘V. Chatlerly, 25 days at, $1.25.. 31 25 , J. S. Studdcrs. 2 days with team 7 00 D. James, 1 toise stone . . . . . . . . . 6 50 I w. Chatterley, 3 days at $1.50.. 4 50 I Statute Labor Accounts. i Thm-nhill, '1‘. Lane, Overseer ..$16 ()0 Kifinburg. R. \Vutson. Overseer 10 31 Miss Eliza Love; eiitiértained Mr. F. 'Rowbollmm at tea. on Sunday even- mg Sunday evening’s services were cam- celled on account cf the rain. The auction sale of the property of Mr. J. Bui'nham takes place on Tues- day next. Clifford contemplates an immediate return to his farm in New Ontaiin. Quite a, number from here. includ- ing both old and young, enjoyed the splendid Harvest Home Supper and Entertainment in the Brown’s Corners Presbyterian church on Thursday last. The ladies of the Auxiliary intend having it supper and entertainment in the church in the near- future. Miss Anna Kerswill offiElgin Mills and hex- cousin, Miss C(mkey of Lon- don, \‘iSited in town on Saturday with Miss Myrtle Klinck. Mr. P. BOVillI', wife and family of Tcmperanceville spent, a few days with old friends in this place. Since Sunday’s softening and re- freshing min thp farmers no longer talk of “ the stubborn glehe.” The elderbon-y patch is during these days being raided by Wonmnkind from far and near. The crop is heavy and the size and quality of the fruit un- usually good. No. 801. â€" Assessing the several schools in the Township in accordance with the lcquisitiuus of the various Boards of Trustees representing same. Council ndjum-ned to meet at; the Town Hall, Vellnre, on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at; 10 o’clock u. m. ’l‘ho fulluwing lay-laws were then passed:â€" N0. 799. â€" Appointing Messrs. R. S. Thomson of Maple and Dugnld McDonald of Vellum, Collectors of taxes for the year 1905. No. 800. â€"' A‘ssésgi-llg the several schools in the Township in accordance with statute. Dminsâ€"McNuirâ€"â€" That the Clerk make application to the Lieutenant- Governm-, requesting him to cuusea survey to he made and marde by permanent stone or iron hnundnries for the puipuse of locating the correct line at the rear of the 4th concession and also at the front of the 5th con~ ccssion in the township of Vaughan from lots 21 to 25, inclusive, said sur- vey to he in accordance with the pro- visions contained in sections 14, 15 and the Surveys Actcâ€"Cari‘ie-d. ed to the Count-i1, asking them to take steps to have the refuse from the cider milldumped elsewhere than in the creek, as lhe water is becmning polluted thereby. The Clerk laid on the table a state- mcut of sut-vuy of the 5th com. lots 21 to 25, by P. S. Gibson. lngineer, to the effect that, he, hud done all in his power to effel t a settlement. and stated that the Council would have to make application to the Lieutenant- Guvernoruf Ontario and ask fur an official survey by the Government in accm-dnncc with the Surveys Act of Ontario. Devinsâ€"Cnmemnâ€" That the Treas- urer is authorized to pay \Vm. \Vnod $17.00 for 2 sheep and 3 lambs killed. â€"â€"Carried. Longimmeâ€"Cameronâ€" noufy Messrs. “'ingm- & refuse from the cider mil must not be dumped in Curried. The Council (if Vaughan Township met ut, the Town Hall, Vellm'e, on Tuesday. Sept. 12, at 1 o‘clock. Members all present; reeve in chair. Minutes of last meeting l-euu unu approved. A sheep claim was presented by Mr. \Vm. \Vnod of Maple for 2 sheep and 3 lambs killed by dogs. A petition from J. VV. Dalziel and 9 ether-s south of Edgely, was present- Vaughan Townhth Council Victoria Square J. B. MACLEAN. Clerk. \irâ€"â€" That the Clerk )1) to the Lieutenant- ‘sting him to cuusea mde and marde by ‘e 01' iron bnunduries of locating the correct of the 4th concession e, Overseer ..$16 ()0 Itson. Overseer 10 31 by-laws were then nâ€" That Clerk ' & Son that the mill at} Edgely in the creek.â€" Liberty; in all things, Charity.” ! Moved by Lupp, seconded by Morri- 50 ‘ sonâ€"That: Mr. Hugm'mzm be commis- 25 , sinner to repair bridge, 10: 17, con. 4, ()0 amount payable on his order when 50 work is completed. 50 Moved by Morrison, seconded by Lampâ€"That; Mr. Eckzu'dt be :1 commis- 00 sionol' to have culvert, between lots 10 i and 11, con. 6, rens‘wed by putting in ' cement pipe and having same faced on u | ‘ [ each side. Miss Dingtuan has a Senior Leaving Certificate. is an undergraduate of the University of Toronto. has taken hon- ors in English and History, and is a graduate of the Ontario Normal Col- lege. She has had several years’ ex- perience, and supplied successfully in the Collegiate Institutes at Clinton and London. As it was stated at the Board meet- ing that scholars entering the schools are frequently subjected to abusive or- deals by the senior students, the fol- lowing resolution Was carried :â€" Hillâ€"Newtonâ€"That the Head Mas- ter of the High School and the Prin- cipnl of the Public School he requested to forbid all hazing in and about their schools. Mr. J. Bates and a. friend from T0- ronto, wm-e visiting at; Mr. G.qu-r0w’s on Saturday. Hillâ€"McDonaldâ€"That the applica- tion of Miss Millie Dingmun of Actou be_%_19cep_tgd.â€"Can~ied. The Bo 1rd of Education met Fiidziy aftornuun. Members present, Messrs. Sanderson, Switzer. Naughton, Mc- Donald, McNair, Hill, Newton. Nine applications were read for the position of second assistant; for the High School. The monthly meeting of the ‘Vomen’s Auxiliary was held this week at the home of Mrs. T. Cousins. A programme has been prepared for the monthly meetings of the \Vomen‘s Institute. It is hoped there will he a good attendance in the future, as no doubt the meetings will be quite interesting. Rev. \V. G. Back has returned from a. Week’s visit to friends in Ottawa. Mr. D. Brown of CHI-stairs, Alberta, is visiting at Mr. H. O. Bailey’s. Mr. Brown met with a painful accident re- cently, having his foot severely crush- ed, by his team runnng away, and the wagon wheel passing over it. Mi~s Adele Lloyd and Miss Myrtle Suig< on took part in the programme ntu garden party at Kleinbui-g last Week. A specialharvest home sex-vice will be held in St. Stephen‘s Chm-ch next Stmday evening. Council adjourned to meet on the 11th day of October next. Moved by Morrison. seconded by Hagermzmâ€"Tlmt Mr. Eckardb and Mr. Lapp be a, committee to confer with Pickering Council in regard to fence being placed on the east townline at con; 4, Piykering. Moved by Lapp, seconded by Morri- sonâ€"That \anter Chatterly be paid $54.37, half amount of putting down cement, walk in Thm‘nhill. The Board adjourned. Moved by Ecknrdt, seconded by Morrisonâ€"That the mover be commis- sioner to have ditch cleaned out np- posite lot 18, con. 6, amount payable on his order when completed. N--." °\<uv $203.33, Scarhom $416.67, Xm-k $323.33, Markham Village $80, Rich- mond Hill $188.84, East. Toronto $140. A large number of accounts were presented and ordered to be paid. Moved by Eckzu'dt. seconded by Lapp â€"'I‘bab the Reeve, Mr. Hagerman and Mr. Morrison be a cmnmittee to inves- tigate claim of Albert, Helmkny, and also the complaint of John Duncan, with powers to deal with the same as they may deem in the interest. of the Inunicipjtlifiy. 7 The Reeve laid on the tableasum- mons from Albert Helmkay against Markham Township Council, claiming damages of $50 to his barley crop caused by the water being backed up by an improperly placed culvert on road between lots 15 and 16, con. 2. The claim is entered in the Third Division Court; and will be heard at Richmond Hill. From Provincial Secretary ’s Depart- ment. shOwing recaipts and expendi- ture on account of License Fund for East York. Markham township gets man!) 00 0A,,I 151.1) Aâ€" - Council met at, Victoria Hall, Union- ville, on Tuesday, Sept. 12th, with all the members present, Reeve Slater in the chuir. Cummunicntions received : From D. R. Benton, clmk (\f Picker- ing, claiming that with refmence to the account of 1905 and 1904, the greater part had been settled, the work having been pex‘fm'luvd ly rate- payers of both townships. A so call~ ing attention to $146.18 of this account not, settled, Pickering having paid out that amount on tmvnline grunts. From Good Roads Machineiy 00., re account, agreeing to allow $11.90 off same. Markham Township Council Baard of Education Mame \2 A r 77-": -~~-«~--ua “ """ NOV. 13Lh. Going Sept. 26th, Ietuming until Nov. 27th. Full particulars from Canadian PIP cific Agent or write C.‘ B. Foster. DE A., Toronto. 9419-11-12; Winnipeg Mowbray Delorain Souris .. Brandon Lyleton . Lenore . Miniota . Binscarth Moosomin Arcola Estevan Yorkton . . Kamsack . Harvest Excursion Tickets TO THE Thanking Ehe generall rpiibii‘é-for past favoxs, we solicit a continuance of the same in the future. II. ‘V inger & Son \Ve hope to see all our old custom- ers back again this season as usual with as many more as possjlflen n“ \Ve expect to buy a quantity of cider apples. As we have now a. capacity of about: 3000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter per day. we hope to give our customers quicker work and bet- ter satisfaction than ever. Customers are respectfully request- ed to do business on the above men- tioned days as we live a distance from the factory and customers coming any other day would find it very incon- veuient. Parties wishing apble butter should keep their peeling apples separate from the cider apples. 1'7 As is Well known we make raw cider, bailed cider, apple butter, and jelly all from your own apples. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apples should be well ripenei and two-thirds sweet. Monday Sept. 25, and Will run first three days oI each week during October and November up to and inâ€" cluding Nov. 15, 1905. fiifier and Jeliy Efiili Will run on custom work during Sep- tember one day only, namely: ,. _ --._....‘....u... . A medicine which has outsold all others (or women 'in the past third of a century and being recommended by all those who have used it, is a good remedy to tie to. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion is purely vegetable and does not con- tain a. particle of alcohol to destroy the blood corpuscles and weaken the system. Do not permit the dealer to insult your intelligence by suggesting some other com-r pound which he recommends as "just as good,” because he makes it himself. III was a gram sum er {or 5 years and doc- tored all the tim wit a num er of physic nu but did not recs ve an be aflt " writes r5. orge Bogden, of 641 on Sfreet, Saginaw South). Mlchigan. "I had veu up 3“ h of ever getting better. Thong t I woul n e to you. When I received your letter tel lug me hat to do I commenced to take yorr ' avofite rescrlption‘ and follow your adv ca. 1 have taken ten bottles in all, also live vial: of the ‘Pleasant Pellets.‘ Am now regular, afler hav- lu missed' two years and sufl'ered with pain in [.11 head and back. I was so nervous Could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank yéu for my recovery." Don’t hesitate to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical jlnati‘tpteJ a} fluffalo. n! ‘7 :r_-..~ r u v” â€"~*v-~-'-1 ‘0 UIH‘HVI N.Y., if you want good medical advice from a fully qualified physician as to your per- sonal good health. Such letters re always answered free of charge and con, dentially. A .._...:x_:.‘_ _L:u1u 1, Backed u by ver a third of a centu of remarkab e an uniform cures, zrecog Ouch as no other remedy for the {seam} And Weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the pro detdrs and makers of Dr. Plerce‘s Favo te Preset-i 21cm now feel fully warranted in ogerln o ay 509 in legal money of the hits: Sta ea or any éase of Leuconhea, Female Weaknesn, Prolapsus, or Falling of Woml}, which th '17 cannot cure. All hey ask 19 a fair 3 d reasonable trial of their means of cure. ‘ng‘Sept. WHO CANNOT BE CURED NGRTH WEST [Single copies, 3 cts. $30.00 Sheho . . . . . . $83 Regina.... 33 31 50 Lipton. . .. Mosejaw .. 34 31 55 Humboldt .. 35 Saskatoon .. 35 32 00 Prince Albert 36 Melfort . .. 32 25 Battleford .. 37 32 20 MacLeod 38 32 50 Calgary 38 Red Deer.... 39 33 00 Strathcoua. .340 \VILL SELL Edger 12th, returning until No, I: 00 ()0 50 00 00 00

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