[HEY MADE THIS DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS DOING GOOD WORK AROUND PORT ARTHUR. Port Arthur, Onti, Sept. 18.â€" (Special).â€"’l‘hat Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure Kidney ills of men and women alike has been proved time and again in this neighborhood, but it is only ocaasionally they’ got a :h=1nce to do double work in the same house. This has happened in the case of Mr. and M‘rs. Diok Souvey, a farmer and his wife, living about seven miles from. here. In an interview Mr. Souvey said: ‘ VII "My wife and myself have 11520 Dodd’s Kidney I‘ills and have fom'd them a big beneï¬t to our health. We had La Grippe two winters and were exposed to much frost and cold. Our sleep was broken on account of urinary troubles and pain in the kin!- neys. We each took six boxes of Dodd’s Kidney l’ills and now enjoy good health." American trillionaires have been as thick as blackâ€"berries in London, England, recently. For instance ï¬ve multi-millionaires slept. at Claridge's Hotel recently. Practical- ly the Whole of the first floor was given over to these American repre- sentatives of the House of Mam'non. The millionaires who inscribed their Men Who Owned 250 Millions Be- \tween Them. names on the hotel register were: Mr. William Rockefeller, viceâ€"presi- dent of the Standard Oil Company, and railway magnate, whose fortune is estimated at $100,000,000. Mr. George Westinghouse, ;the inâ€" ventor and proprietor of the famous Westinghouse air brake, who is Worth $50,000,000. Mr. George Jay Gould. banker and railway owner, worth $30,000,000. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, railway magnate and inventor, worth $10,â€" 000,000. Mr. Harry Payne Whitney, banker and ï¬nancier, $10,000,000. A very simple sum in addition wili‘ demonstrate that the eievator boy at Claridge's has enjoyed the novel sensation of hoisting a quin- tet, of capitalists representing about $250,000,000. Though they occupied the entire ï¬rst floor the members of this mil- lionaire quintet, a word from whom would shake the bourses of the World, led the simplest of lives at Claridge’s. They entertained litâ€" tle, had few visitors, and paid few calls. So exclusive, so terribly se- lect, was this little coterie of Croes- uses that except for a daily drive In the park and a little shopping their days passed without event. These millionaires made no attempt at a lavish display. Apparently they went to the other extreme and beâ€" came adopts in the ï¬ne art of cutâ€" ting down expenses. The wives of these mighty millionaires passed through the stately corridors of Claridge's wearing the plaiuest of gowns, while the simplest of menus were adopted by the millionaires themselves. Twice a day they met at the table d’hote. A simple little dinner of a few courses was their favorite mealâ€"clear soup, a sole, a little game, and sweets. No Ameriâ€" can dishes were served. Little wine was taken, Mr. Rockefeller’s beverâ€" age being milk. Conversation at these meals was limited to discussions regarding the weather. Never by any chance did they touch upon the money market. Ir. Dick Souvey and Wife Both Had Kidney Troubles and the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Cured Them Everybody has heard of the small feet of the Indies of China. But it is not so generally known that they commonly have but one toe. This Is, however, the fact. The great too of the females of the ï¬rst rank, and of some of the inferior classes also, is the only one left; to act with any freedom; the rest are doubled down under the foot in their tenderest in- izmcy, and retained by compresses and light bandages till they unite with and are buried in the sole. The lower we stoop to do a kind ness the higher we rism OF WEALTH IN LONDON ONEâ€"TOED WOMEN. COUPLE HAPPY The Barrow guardians ed that, one shave a W sufï¬cient for paupers. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND Madame Albani is said to contem- plate retirement after singing at the forthcoming Norwich musical festiâ€" val. NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land. Reigns Supreme in the ‘ mercial World. Insurances for death, accident or disablcment are being provided by pcnnyâ€"in-theâ€"slot, machines at Bradâ€" ford. An unemployed workman injured on Bootle Fell lay days and nights before hel] him. The rapidity with W motorâ€"omnibus movement oping in England has led 1 mation of a Society of M bus Engineers. At Portsmouth County Court a servant was awarded twenty pounds damages because her mistress‘s daughter had cut off several lengths of her long, dark hair. u. up- .-.Va, Large posters, signed by the mayor, the town clerk, and the medical ofï¬cer of health at Camberâ€" well appx-ar on the hoartlings of the borough warning passerSâ€"by against the evil consequences of drunkenness. At, Grimsby County Court a claim by Isaac Solomon, jeweller and genâ€" eral dealer, against Ernest Daniels, ï¬sherman, included money lent at in- terest which worked out at over 1,- 000 per cent. per annum. Daniels deâ€" nied having box-rowed any money at all A slight ï¬re, which occurred at a private house at Silver street, Edâ€" monton, was attributed by the ï¬re brigade to spontaneous combustion caused by 1he heat of the sun acting on a. number of birds' nests which had been built under the eaves. Shipowners are agitating for a re» duction of the port, charges at Liver- pool, which they complain is the dearest port in the world. The liner Pretorinn was charged- £90 the other day for occupying a berth at the landing siage for one hour, dur- ing which time only three hundred sheep were landed. As a thirteenâ€"months-old child named Christina Emma Eason was running across Little Exmouth named Christina Emma Eason was running across Little Exmouth street, St. Pancras, she was knocked down and run over by a water cart. Just then her father a coal porter, turned the corner of the street, and, learning that a child had been run over, picked it up Without knowing it was his own child, and run with it to the Lon- don Temperance Hospital, Where it was found to be dead. A Birmingham girl named Jennie 1Jones, took a. child in her arms to in tap in the yard for the purpose [of ï¬lling a large jug with Water. lWithout any warning. the bricks on )which she was standing fell in with a crash, disclosing a well fully ï¬fty feet deep. The girl managed to push the child into safety, and she herself clung to the Water tap till rescued. Owing to a mistake in the delivery of a telegram a full military band travelled from Reading to Hook, in Hampshire, one Saturday, and furâ€" nished music at a cricket match. Major Barker was playing cricket, at Hook and wanted another man. He wired to Lieut. Ball at the bar- racks in Reading: “Come and play." The telegram was addressed simply, ‘kI-Iall, Barracks, Reading,†and was delivered to Drummer Hall. Hall took a. band of twenty pieces, and Went to play; but it that he played. The new Wesleyan Methodist Church house to be erected in West- minstor on the site of the old Royal Aquarium, which was acquired in 1902 at a cost of £330,000, will he a magniï¬cent hu:;ding of the Renaisâ€" sance style. The large hall, which is: in’fnndnd to seat 2.500 persons, is intended to seat 2,500 persons, will have a domed roof surmounted by cupola. Adjoining the central hall will be the various rooms and ofï¬ces- needed for carrying on the Organizing work of the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion, which will make the new church house its head- quarters The facade of 1he new building with its pillars and flanking towers on each side of the main en- trance, looks not unlike a. miniature St. Paul’s. A statue of John Wes- ley Will occupy a prominent position on the frontage The cost of build- ing the ediï¬ce is estimated at £140,â€" 000. paimin noticed ol lat had improved We owe th to Italy, was tells Wiseâ€"That's easy. laugh when he does Ell such of Ian you ‘is wife were throwr ‘10. I\T1‘.Mc\\’hirter oken thigh, which ing Cross Hospital tells ons.†111 with which the workman Who was Fell lay for four afore help reached mns have decid- a week is quite ‘mcnt is develâ€" led to the for- 05 Motorâ€"omniâ€" of music- otus havi) h movabl was not cricket just to laugh. wait and That of E will be aid b 95’90 Lever Baotherysl -.imited, Toronto, to any person who :an prove that ‘his soap contains my form of adulteraï¬on whatsoever, tr contains any injurious chemicals IIeâ€"Tmerds no doubt man is known by the keeps." 11 Sheâ€"Not always. If the average man Were really known by his com- pany she’d shake him right away. “Thought it meant death Sure. â€" Mrs. James MCKim, of Dunnville, 0nt., says of‘hcr almost miraculous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart: “Until I began taking this remedy I dospairod of my life I had heart failure and extreme p-rostration. One dose gave me quick relief and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled like magic."â€"3 Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one o! the principal causes of suffering in children and should be expelled from the system. The immigrant who was the ï¬rst in Australia to receive a grant of land was a German named Schan'cr. He was given ï¬fty acres fn the city of Sydney, and sold them in 1807 for twenty gallons of rum. Shortly afterwards the land was valued at $500,000. Some men think that grace groWs by grumbling. Most doubts would die if we did not, dodge them. Happiness rests on thoughts more than on things. Only those who love the world can live above it. Care calls to prayer. Waiting works Wonders. Love and laws rule the world. Many of our crosses come from our crooked ways. The ï¬nnicky man always thinks he alone is faithful. Giving with grunting may be worse than withholding. Holiness without heart is but a hindrance to humanity. A man can lie with his tone While his tongue tells the truth. The man who jumps at conclusions seldom lands on facts. The rbbe of righteousness is not the same as the cloth of the clergy. Some churches that claim to be working for men are only working men. Never put off to toâ€"morrow the meanness you might as well give up toâ€"day. Not‘hing hurts the {ceiings of the stuffed martyr Worse than letting him alone. n Too many sermons are attempts to feed the people on cool; books in- stead of on bread. ’l‘hc pessimist dips his head in an antique bog and then begins to dis- course on the weather. Many a preacher thinks the world is wicked for lack of his sermons when it is only weary because of them. There may be as much religion in a little asphalt here as in a whole lot of auriferous pavement over there. The man who leaves his head in the ofl‘ice when he goes to church will be ï¬rst. to complain about the preacher’s intellect. If we get power from food, Why not strive to got all the poxver we can. That; is only possible by use of skilfully selected food that exact.- ly ï¬ts the requiremean of the body. Poor fuel makes a poor ï¬re and a. poor lire is not a good steam pro- ducnx‘. The Supply Comes From Food “From not knowing" how to seâ€" lect the right food to ï¬t my needs. I sullered grievously for a long time from stomach troubles,†writes a lady from a little town in Missouri. “It seemed as if I would never be able to ï¬nd out the sort of food that was best for me. Hardly anyâ€" thing that I could eat would stay on my stomach. Every attempt g‘zivo me heartâ€"burn and ï¬lled my stomach with gas. I got thinner and ihin- nox' until I literally became a living skeleton and in time was compelled to keep to my bud. ed to tn had such beginning Mirh Ask for the Octagon Bar. I‘hvre's a STEADY COMPANY SENTENCE SERMONS. )p to my be few months try Grape- '1 months ago I was persuad- ‘y Grape-Nuts food, and it 1 good en'ect from tho. very 3 that I have kept up its since. I was surprised at with which I digested it. 'd to be just what I needed. unpleaFant symptoms, the 1‘11, the inflated feeling ave me so much pain disap- My worn-I, gradually in- from 98 to 116 pounds, my rounded out: my strength GET POWER. I could eat would stay on ch. Every attempt gave n‘n and ï¬lled my stomach I got thinner and thin- rial will Show anyone ut food. as )n about it. "a, company he DOW moy l‘hc TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO R AILWAY COMMISSION. The ’1‘. & N. 0, Ry., running, at Your oney’s Worth ‘JUST TRY THE RE LAEL The ’1‘. & N. O. Ry., running, at, present, from North Bay to New Liskeard, has opened up one of the richest mineral belts of iron, nickel. cobalt and silver ruincs known. L1. runs through a district heavily timâ€" bercd with birch, red and white pine, tamarac, and spruce, and has ‘also Opened up the paradise for ‘spnrtsmenâ€"’ \magami. Makes close ‘conncction at North Bay with all trains of the Grand Trunk, and pine, tamarac, and spruce, mm nas also Opened up the paradise for spnrtsmenâ€"’ \magami. Makes close connection at North Bay with all trains of the Grand Trunk, and Canadian Paciï¬c Railways to and from all points East, West and South. Mrs. Gushingtonâ€" that you have been ; your own views ‘ Mrs. Newrichâ€"“No, views. We didn’t it’s so common." has taken your citadel of health, the stomach. and is torturing you with indigxrstion, '(lyspvpsia and nervous prostration, South American Ner- vine is the Weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold "at the ipoint of the bayonet," trench by 1trench, but swift and sure, it always twinsâ€"4 A modern wsaoon in the battle for health â€"â€" If tiinvaso has taken your ciiadvl of health, the stomach. and is tnriuring you with intligx-stion, ‘(lyspvpsia and norvous pl‘ostrution, South American Ner- vine is the weapon to drive the saâ€""But iod would if knew how you dance." Clm-issaâ€""Of course I love you, Clarence. Haven't I just danced eight times with you?" Clarenceâ€"“I don’t see any proof m that.†Claris- A Magic Pill.â€"Dyspepsia is a foe with which men are constantly grap- pling but cannot exterminate. Subduetl, and to all appearances vanquished in one, it lnakcs‘ its appearance in an- other direction. In many the divestive apparatus is as delicate as the mechanâ€" ism 01‘ a watch or scientiï¬c instru- ment in \vhiCli even a breath of air will make a variation With such per- sons disorders of the stomach ensue from the most trivial causes and cause much suffering. To these Parmclee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as mild and surc. “I love my work because I starv- ed for it,†said the artist, dramatiâ€" cally. "Well, I love mine because I starved before I got, it," was her companion’s inartistic reply. Lever’s Yâ€"Z (Wise Head) Disinlect- ant. Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Miss Dashlorâ€"“I have a secret for you, my dear; young Wrigglesby called me his dearest love 111% evenâ€" ing.†Miss Bitingâ€"“Yes? Well, I knew it Wouldn’t be your fault if you didn’t cost him more than any of his others!" A Magic P1ll.-â€"Dyspepsia is a toe with which men are constantly,grappling but cannot exterminate. Subdued, and to all appearances vanquished in one, it makes its appearance in another di- rection‘ In many the digestive. appara- tus is as delicate us the mechanism of a Watch or scientiï¬c instrument in which even a. breath of air will make a. variation. With such persons dis- orders 01‘ the stomach ensue from the most trivial causes and cause much sullcring. To these l’urinelee's Vege- xuble Pills are recommended as mild and sure. The last great panic in Great I at the time of crash. 80-52» ']â€EAI Kept there by proper handling from plantation to store. Ana,“ 3 . .<-“‘..:'--"' - A Linimenx {or the Logger.â€"-Loggers lend a. We which ex JOSQS them to many perils. Wounds, cults and bruises can- not be alto rether avoided in preparing timber for he drive and in river work, where wet und cold comblned are. of daily experience. coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but, ensue. D12 'J‘honum' l‘lclccuic ()il. when applied to the injured or administered to the ail- ing, Works wonders The young man was evidently honâ€" est in his intentions, but three years of constant courting had failed to overcome his excessive bashfulness. ness. They were sitting in chairs at a respectable distance apart. Said the young man, having spent ï¬ve minutes in search of a subject, "How do you get along with your cooking?†“Nicely,†replied the young miss; "I’m improving wonderfully. I. can make splendid Cake now." "Can you?" said the young man, in a pleased manner. "What kind do you like best?†“I like one made with flour, and sugar, 2 lots of frosting ycung mjss. "Why, that’s a. wedding cake!†ex- claimed the 501mg man, nervously. “I meant wedding,†said the yonng miss, shyly. They are off on their honeymoon now. The which era] SHOULD LADIES MAKE LOVE? Ike a business of letterâ€"carryi Igland, except as authorized nts of the King’s Postmastm :0 one made with flour, and and Citron, and raisins, and those things, and beautiful on top," responded the of fragrance and full rich flavor in every pound of great national ï¬nancial Heat Britain was in 1866, no of the Overend Gurney 1637 was the last in gers were permitted to -"I suppose, abroad, you have of foreign life?†We ain't got take no camera; now i you only ‘iaaamn muzch ovamc on; KOXTIIAL l9 $12 ’I‘ailorevl Sui 5 84.50 we E ï¬g and up. Evnd Ior tree I samples and styles No. 14. SOUTHCOTT SUIT CO‘. Logdon, (Int. Cleanan and Curling And KM Glan- cleuml Thug can he sent by post. 10 pot on. the belt plan In _ FEATHER DYEING "What we want,†remarked the man who comments on things, “is reform." "Yes," said Senator. Badger, “and after you get it you're always clamoring for the good old days!’ Catarrh for twenty years and cured In afew daysâ€"Hon. George James, of Scranton, Pa... says: "I have been a martyr to Ca.- tarrh for twenty years, constant hawking. dropping in the throat and pain in the head. very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Ag'new's Catar- rhal Powder. The ï¬rst, application gave instant relief. After using a. few bottles I was cured. 50 cents“ An old Woman met a wellâ€"to-do and hllmOI‘OUS Irishman, and said: “Kind sir, could you give a coppcn to a poor old Woman who is short: of breath?" The Irishman gave her 9 mmrtpr. with the remarkâ€""There “Kind sir, could you give a coppen to a poor old Woman who is short of breath?" The Irishman gave her a quarter, with the remarkâ€"“There you are, my good woman. Now,: don't, take any more, for, begon‘ ‘ 'What , ’ ' asked the dreamer,- "would you do if you could be a. king for a. day?" “Me!†answered the practical man. “I'd horroW. enough money to live on for the rcsï¬ of my life." be shoft of breath, but Whaï¬x ye have of it is moighty strong." If attacked with cholera. or summer complaint of any kind send at on“: :‘ur a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's l‘ysu... tery Cordial and use it according to directions. It acts with wonder‘hi 1‘- pidity in subdumg that dreadful -lIS- case that weakens the strongest man and that. destroys the young and Pt". Cate. Those who have used this cholera. medicine say it. acts promptly, and nev- er fails to cfl'ect a thorough cure. Visitorâ€"“Have you nothing better to do than sit on the fence and watch the train go by?†Nativeâ€"- “Wal, stranger, it’s better'n to siï¬ on the train and watch the fence go by." Two years abed. â€" “For eight. years I suffered as no one ever did with rheumatism; for two years I lay in bed; could not so much as feed myself. A friend recommended South American Rheumatic Cure. After three (10885 I could sit up. To- dav I am as strong as ever I was." â€"-Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street, Toronto.â€"-2 DESIRE FOR. ALCOHOL KILLED, Mr. Wilson, the junior surgeon on the Discovery (luring Captain Scott’s Antarctic expedition, states that the taste for alcoholic drinks dropped suddenly when he and his colleagues entered the ice region. and that the disinclination increased as time went Hullaway's Corn Cure is a. spectic for the reluovul of corns and warts‘ We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst. kind. on WMWW Shiï¬mhï¬ Camsumpï¬ani gurg CENTRAL TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL TOAOTJTO. Free 0 Laloguo T :enn (n request, Write. T. J. Johnston, W. H. SHAW. M-nnzvr. Prexidon Is a ï¬ne buciness for a young man. $40.00 to $60.00 a mouth to start. Best place (0 learn is in The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. ‘ The Lung Tonic is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn’t beneï¬t you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. as: 25c. 50c. 91 LeRoy. N. Y.. Toronto, Can, FARM ACCOUNTS Practical Everyday Lessons on For 750. post pald‘ FARM PUB. HOUSE. Box Q5. (Ihntham, 03b. WWW¢O+OO+O ISSUE NO. 38â€"05.