. 1 better way canno‘; be found than the I, +++++H+++++++++++++++++++ i N I? g N , . + E g E E; ' 1h .. I oneoccasronally resorted to. Shoulda‘ Are Yur Lung;worth 2):? £2 1 collision occur in which lives are lost Then why do you cough all day ? \Vhilc Pine and Tar will relieve you the ï¬rst day. It willstop that cough in a low days more. \Vc know all about it because wc have sold it for years, and we know just what is in Itis not a cure-all: it’sjust. a Cough (hire, and a good one at. tint. It's ~ â€", â€"_: ,r 7' 9â€"; i there is great danger that interna- RICHMOND Him“ September 21' 1'00 tionai complications may arise. 1‘ may never be know“ Just how LOCAL oonsrasLns BE‘i ’ARE much President Roosevelt did in _ bringing about peace between Russia A warning is being sent out to the and Japan. One thing is certain, local constables throughout the Prov- ‘If you have a few minutes to spare and are interested in stoves call and see our display of Heaters and Ranges; all kinds and prices. One of our leaders soil so much of it. It‘s not u put- however, he did what he could to ince by Mr. H. B. Cowan, Provincial : Stop the spilling of human blood. Another prominent American a few days ago in the person of W. J. Brian, a former candidate for the presidency, addressed a letter to Mr. Roosevelt, congratulating the latter on his success in bringing Russia and Japan together, and suggests that all international questions of importance shall be submitted to an impartial board of arbitrators for investigation. Mr. Bryan, in the closing paragraph of his letter, points out the peculiar position of the United States, and urges the President to improve the opportunity in the interest of hu- manity. His closing words are as Ellen’s: - " It was a glorious thing to end the War between the Russians and the Japanese, but it would have been more glorious to have prevented the War and saved the frightful loss of _:life. The moral prestige which our .vnation now enjoys would in all prob- ability enablc it to lead a successful peace movement. The congratula- tions which you have received from ithc hands of European Governments .~strengthen the chances of success. If rthe leading nations of the world *Would enter into an agreement to join in the creation of such aboard and pledge themselves to submit all disputes to the board for investigation .bcfore declaring war, the danger of war would be reduced to a minimum Few men have it in their power to do so much for humanity. Will you improve the opportunity ‘9†E It would seem that the Public Schools of Ontario are soon to be al- most wholly under the control of the ladies. At the opening of the three Provincial Normal Schools 301 stud- ents registered, and of that number only 15 'were gentlemen. If higher salaries were paid more male teach- ers would be found in the profession. % The Ontario Government has an- nounced an intention to change the County Councils Act so that the Councils will be composed of the township Reeves, some of the Deputy Reeves, and the representatives of towns not separated from their coun- ties. The amendment of 1897 had the desired effect of reducing the membership in unwieldy Councils, and it is proposed to restore the con meetiJn between Township and County Councils without unduly aug- menting numbers. -â€"-â€"â€"_. Thanksgiving Day has been fixed for the fourth Thursday in October, the 26th of next month. The sug- gestion was made some time ago that it would be better to have Thanks- giving fixed for a Monday, so as to allow of family reunions. But there were many protests against convert- ing a day for thanksgiving into a day for excursions. The October date is selected in preference to one in November because the chances are in favor of Letter weather in the former month. we There is great danger that trouble will yet arise between Canada and the United States owing to American ï¬shing vessels poaching in Canadian waters. Only a few months ago a cruiser of the Canadian Government lired on and damaged a poacher, and again a few days ago the Vigilant riddled the upper works of a similar intruder in the waters of Lake Erie, S‘o far no lives have been lost, but' 'his may be owing to good luck more ban to good management. As the aw now stands Canada is quitel vithin her rights in firing on foreign esseis poaching in Canadian waters. Tevertheless it is a pity that somel Superintendent of Agricultural So- cieties, stating that any local con- stable who accepts a bribe from the 1 people who operate gambinig outfits and games of chance at fail exhibi- tions to permit them to operate on the fair grounds, is liable on convic- tion of such action to be sent to jail for 14 years. The detecrives who have been sent out by the Provincial Department of Agriculture have found that many of the local constables throughout the Province work in with these sharp- ers. It has sometimes happened that when the detectives have asked for assistance from the local constable in arresting the sharpers the constables have quietly warned the sharpers and enabled them to escape. An ef- fort will be made this year to detect constables at this work, and where convictions can be secured the of- fenders will be prosecuted with the utmost vigour. W in the Gold Fields The Yukon \Vorld thus refers to Mr. J. F. Goode, son of Mr. Jesse (J‘roode of this village :â€" “J. F. Goode came in in a. row boat yesterday from Hialt Creek. He is one of those who have stood by the creek for four years, and before that he served eleven years and a half with the mounted police. Mr. GuUdESlIOWl'd some pretty nuggets that ho had takcn out of his claim, and says that Hiatt, with the number of boilers that have been taken in there during the past few weeks, will possrbly astonisii some pcople by its output next season. lie says that two men during this season cleaned up about $125.1 duy.’ â€" on“ A BOLD YOUNG TIIIEF. James Diminy, 17 years of age, has been causing trouble again. It will be remembered [but early last winter he took a horse and rig from his em- ployer, Simon Baker, a short distance east of Elgiu Mills, for which he was sent to the Children‘s Shoitcr. On leaving the Shelter he stole a bicyclc. rode out to Baker’s and stole the same horse. He was arrested. found guilty and sent to the Mimico Industiizil School. He was relcuscd from that institution on parole loss than a month ago, and was given a situation at the home of Courin Constable O‘ Ilonnrli. On the night of the (5th inst he disap- peared from the home oi’his last emâ€" ployer, taking with him two shotguns. A horse and buggy disappeared the same night from the house of a neigh- bor named Anderson. A few morn- ings afterwards Mi. Baker, above rc- lerred to, also reported to High Con- stable Ramsdcn that his horse, buggy and harness were again taken. The belief is that Diminy is connected with all the missing articles. 0% Sale Register. SATURDAY, Sept. 23â€"Administra- tor’s sale of farm of thelaie Samucl Troyer, Vaughan, at Clicrr'y’s Hotel. Sale at 2 p. m.â€"J. T. Saigcon. Auc- tioneer. FRIDAY, Sept. 22â€"Auction sale of house and lot, furniture, etc., at his residence, Richmond Hill, the property of R. E. Law. Sale at 2 p. in. Terms for real estate made known on day of sale. Furniture cash. â€" Suigcon 8: McEwen, Auctioneers. A first-class Jersey Cow and Calf, thoroughbred ; cow (5 years old. \Vili sell right. 1241' H. F. HOPPER. ent medicine either. \Vc kccp patent mcdicincs, but. we do not rccommcnd them. \Vc do rcâ€" coinmond \Viiitc Pine and Tar, and we bcliovc in it so much that we say +++++++4-M+++++++ “Your Money Back if You Want it." After you usc it. once you will bclicvc in ittoo. It‘Vllltnstyhll 25ccntstoti‘y ii. Ai‘cyouriuiigs Farm for Sale A 100 acres, being the estate of the late Thomas Brcon. York Mills, lst Con., East York ; beautifully situated on old Yonge street, within live min- uics‘ walk of school, post of‘liceand street cars. Apply on premises. 11-14 Farm to Rent The cast part of lot 19, 3rd con. Markhsnn. is to rent for a. term of years. The farm contains 72. acres the estate of the late John Kelly. Apply to “WI. COSGROVE E. J. FAIIEY v } Executoxs 9-4 Ripans Tabules cure flatulence Rinans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Rinans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. +++++++++++M+++++++++M++ 444-4"? ++e++++++++++++++++++++++ I O t O ‘ 1 .. 4.4.4. .94 4.4.3.}. 5.“. 4..“ .‘. . .. Two Remarkable Records Made by the Popular 7) ELLIGTW J ' / / / 0. . '2': 'ROI‘lT . ONT. ' The attendance at the open- ingr of our Fall Town was live times as great as that of a your ago. Last month we had tcn timcs as many calls for books-cp- ers, slcnographcis. etc, as we could fill. This undoubtedly iii- (licatcs progressivoncss and shows that this is the best school topalronizo. Enlcr now. Magâ€" nificent catalogue frcc. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. (Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts.) ’o vi-vi‘I-‘b'b-i 1» 'Ioï¬'++b++‘f‘~1% semi-+4: +4..§..;..;..;.. ++++++++++++++++++++e+++++ i -» e: g ' 3 an fittest I The (‘Xflllllniiliflll of our lino new .5 catalogue if you have any idea of a. i College com-so. It cxplains i l ’ about our modcrn iiictliods, ï¬ne cquipmcnt and strong stall". A postal will bring it. Address .._..... ...-._._.__......<. .. Yonge 8: Gerrard Sts., Toronto. “3 H. SHAW, - FALL TERM from Sept. 5th. M. Principal. nulls-n“ Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Vaughan. The Executors of the Estate of the late John Campbell will offer for sale by public auction on Saturday, the llth (lin of Octobcr 1005, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, at Hughcs’ Hotel, Thornhill, by J. T. Saigcon, Auctioneer, 150 acres, more or loss, part of Lot Number “13" in the 4th concession of the Township of Vaughan. The farm consists of good clay loam soil, well watered by a. liv- ing stream crossing the same anda good well. On it is cioctcd a sub- stantial brick dwelling, a large new bank barn and oliicr outbuildings. There are about 10 acres of bush land and a good orchard. This farm is weliadaptcd for stock purposes. and is convenient to schools and churches. The property will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Terms, 10?; of purchase money to he paid to the Vendors" Solicitors at the time of sale, and the balance within 30 days thereafter, or, if tho. purchas- cr desires,$5tll)0 of the pin chase money may remain on mortgage at 57/, intL-r- cst, payable halfâ€"ycariy. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be ascertained upon appli- cation to the Executors or their So- licitors, and will also be made known at time of sale. Andrew S. Russell, Carrville Execu- (ieorgc High, Maple tors Lindsey, Lawrence & \Vadswoi th, 60 Victoria. St., Toronto, Solicitors for the executors. Dated 20th day of September, 1905. Fall Fairs Barrie. Sept. 25-27. Owen Sound, Sept. 12â€"14. Orilliu. Sept. 19-20. Orangcviiic, Sept. 2"-29. Meaford, Sept. 28-29. Midland, Sept. 2829. Markham, Oct. 4-6. “lesion, Oct. 7. Bradford, Oct. 17-18. \Voodbridgo, Oct. 1849. Bolton, October 25-26. '1' 4- 'i' 4* 4. '1' g: + '5' '3' ‘1' ‘l‘ 4' '5' 'l‘ , . 'i- made to cure. 'lhal is why we! 1 + 'l' v I; + + 'l‘ E ‘3' .g. r!" 2 worth 2.3 cents i‘ 4, I issuer Marriage Licenses i __ i- + ' l W h Shillit’thil “i I l E 3 ~i~ Druggist, Richmond Hill g: .g. to ‘0 F‘ . +++++. ‘ +‘2‘++~2~++’2~2-M +++~z~+ -M-++ l i i l The lsiberal and Weekly Globe lilifi (Balance of the year free to new subscribers) The Liberal. and hlail and Empire (Balance of year free to new subscribers. Liberal and Baily Glob-e (Yorh County) The Liberal and Daily lilail and Empire (York Co.) and Daily 3 The The Liberal World lileekly 75 6% 8.5% The Liberal and may 3 25 Star The Liberal and Daily 5 Administrator’s Sale of Valuable Farm There will be sold by public auction by J. T. Saigcon, Auctioncer, at (‘rlieri-y’s IIotcl, Fisher-ville, on SAT- URDAY, THE 23M) DAY 0i“:~'I€l’~ TLCMBER. 1905, attire hour Oon‘chu'k in the afternoon, parts of Lois an and Two in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan, Containing 130 acres, more or loss, bcing the farm of the late Samuel Troyer. Upon the farm are a large soren- roomcd brick house, a seven-rooiiicd concrch house, one \‘ciy largo barn with stone stubling, one baran’xGU, concrete pig pen and hen house, and other outbuildings, with a i‘ic\'ei'~f;iii- ing spring creek, and a never-failing well; soil clay loam: fruit. orchard; farm fronting on a macadani and gravel road 10 miles from Toronto. convenient to P. 0., schools and churchcs; one and one-half (1.5) miles from Thornhill station, G.T.It. Sale will be subject to a reserved bid. TERMSâ€"~Ten per cent. on the day of sale, balance on the let day of A prii, 1906. Further particulars made known on the day of sale. or by applying to \VlLLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St., 1V. Toronto. 11-12 Solicitor for the Vendors. rash To RENT Lots 51 and 52, Ist Con.. Vaughan, on Yongc sir-cot, Elgiu Mills. One hundred and ninety acres, more or loss, to rent for a term of years. I NAI'GHTON BROS†Elgin Mills. Fifty-one acres and a quarter, being the. south-east quarter of Lot 22 in the 4lii Concession of the Township of Markham. Good buildings and fruit. Soil the best. For further particulars inquire of ED. BRO1VN, ll-Il Cashel P. 0 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF DANIEL QUANTZ, late of the Township 01: Marl:- ham in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to R. S. 0.. Chapter 129, that all p.11-tics having claims against the said Daniol Quanlz, who dicd on or about the 24th day of July, 1905, are required on or before the 27th day of September, 190.â€). to send to George Kefl'cr, Maplc P. 0.. or to Arthur Quantz, Langstal‘f P. 0., a. statement of their claim and the sccuritv, if any. hold by them. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after the last nicntiolicd date the Executors will piocecd to distribute the assets of the estate among tho par- ties cntitlcd thcrctc. having regard only to the claims of which they shall have then reccivcd notice. Duth the 26th day of August, 1905. “’IILIAM COOK, 3‘; Richmond Sr., \V. Toronto. 9-12 Solicitor for the Executor-s.