Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1905, p. 5

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7 Miss SHHLh. Tux-unto Sunday with the Missils Ynu can’t thing in th( tkiuson & M r. Pprciv the hoapitn] : This 13 the Newnlnrketj ‘m-unto spent Saturday and Sundu}; t‘iLh Mrs. T. B. Ludfm-d. iss Bell, second assiatant in th: 11 School. will close lmx- engage lt with the Board here on Friday 1 inst. Her succvswr, Mis+ Ding 1, will commence duties on the ful iug Monday. Those persons who live to be one nndred years old are mndomte enters fgnod fund. Atkinson 8; Switzer’s x-ucerios tend to preserve long life. r. and Mrs. Ewuld of Marshall- ), Iowa. who were married 0:: nesdny of last week, spent from 11-day till Monday with Mr. and John Harris. The bride, for- y Miss Mabel Olivu \Volff, is a of Mrs. Hun-is. nm-ning for :1 L “stings, whore mission work. Next Sunday is Builv Day M the 'ethndist Church Sabbath Ruininl. n interesting programme is being i-epared. All are invited. ev. J. G. Shearer, B. A., a very ha and attractive speaker. agent, of Lord‘s Day Allianoo, will deliver address in the Methodist chm-ch (Thursday) evening. Chair taken 0’c10ck. . Iv. ‘Irs. T. B. L n the village. 11'. Matthew Boyle and Mr. nyle returned Saturday am boat to the city of Montreal ited with Mr. Alex. Boyle :n ativcs and friends. t the \V. U. T. U. meeting hold on sdny evening, Mrs. Paulin and . J. H. Sanderson were appointed gates to the County Convention, ch will meet in Tux-onto Junction uesday and \Vednesduy of next e best Canada laundry and com has this week at wholesale prices. Canada laundry starch, 4&0. 11).; 1:8 Gloss starch, 6c. 11).; Royal 3 in 1 1h. cartuns, 7c.; No. 1 corn -h. 7&0; No. 2 corn starch, 6c. uson & Switzer. 0. annual convnntiun of York ty \V. (J. T. U. will he held in the ttc Street Methodist Clnuch, Toâ€" Junction. on Tuesday and nesdny. the 26th and 27th inst. uesduy evening‘s meeting an :u!~ will be given by Mr. F. S. Spence, f the city aklel-mon. You can't [mark the 5 mm. but Atkinson & Sx he spots 011’ competition. Mrs. \Vill Duncan (nee Shaw) will ceive at the lmmv of Mrs. John Dun- n, “Levellzmds,” Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, from 4 to 6 [(1 8 to 10 o‘clock. Mr. F. McCumlghy's many friends “e pleased to See him back in his thp gain after an absence of twu weeks in e village hospital. D'Il'fi. Lloyd Joyd, Tmunu Sloan this \VL‘E‘li ‘uhscrihers, 01- those Wishing to their present subscriptions, can 25 cents by handing in their 9 within the next week 01‘ twu. lX‘tGI‘ saved is a. quarter gained. RICHMOND HILL, September 21, 1905 yVhy don‘t you join the procession i move on Atkinson & Switzm’s. 9 demand these days is for fruit 9, spices, vinegms and sugars. The t is here in good supply. : \Veekly Mail and Empire, with 10w premium zu-tngruvm-e en- ’l‘ho Star of Bethlehem, will he to any address in Canada, Great in 01' the Unith States fur $1.00. 19 above paper will he soul: will) LIBERAL for $1.75. To new snh- »rs both papers will he sentfur Iulance of the year free. This good :1 chance to miss. y Ladies’ Home Journal is to he 109d in price. commencing 0cm- from $1 to $1.25 a year. Intend- uhscrihers, 01- those wishing to v their presont Suhsf‘l'infinnu The motive-poWer of trade is pl-it-o Id quality. Atkinson & Swflzur‘s Ade-mill is muving fast. I cannot always tell hy a man‘s ‘ what kind of a. heart he has under ll a. neat looking suit, bought of son & Switzer m-uves g1 eatly to ldvantnge and just nmv we have genuine Scotch tweeds and color- rsted suitings that we will make 11‘ measure in first order and fur $12.75 and $13.50 per suit. 1- $19 and $20 suits. Just try [one-y back if not suited. Mrs. Sin-rs. sx'. Mrs. E. Norris and two children r SUBSCRIBE ldies’ Home . YORK \V. C. T Ivr-I-s. s13, Tmonto. is visiting B. Ludfoxd and other friends 'ge-t too much lino of reusnma SwitZe! have a. Sit third and last day of the 'air. £0er and Mr. Arthur Saturday after a trip y of Montreal. Ther Alex. Boyle and other Gnnde of Toronto is L with typhoid fever. ( 1 1d are NOW will be ($11 the spots off the & Switzer knock M s for $1.00. 9 sent with ’ new $111)â€" he sent, for free. This M [EISU‘I‘ Chm-19$ guests of Mrs. urison. of a good hle prices. big supply. 11ft fh58 - Nor-L11 [£011 in ll] the A chat ming Wedding took place yes- terday afternoon. \Vednesday, Sept. 20.;1tv "Spruce Lawn.” when Miss Orum, third (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brydon, became the bride of “'nl- lace B. Gardner of Scranton, Pu. Rev. J. A. Grant. M. A.. officiated and Mr. Earle Newton played \Vagner’s “'edding March. The bridP. who was unattended. was given away by her futhor, and was dressed in pale green silk colienne and carried a lnuquot of bridal roses. Her travelling dress was of dark green. At the clnse of the ceremony all assembled in the tastefully decorated dining room and partnok of the wedding supper. The newly married couple left the same evening for the east. and on their re- turn Will reside in Toronto. OVGI‘ HELP YOUR PAPER \Ve are sometimes asked why a cer- tain article of news did not appear in our paper. The. probable reason was that the editor did not know ahout the occurrence. If om friends Would take the trouble they could often help us by handing in items or telling us about them in good time. \Ve Wish to give, all the local news pOSs‘ilIk', but many an inteiesting event will escape if we. do not get, assistance. By helping others we often help ourselves. \Vhether you are. a subscriber or not, we shall be pleased to get news items from you. If yon give us some news this week it may interest others, who in turn may possibly interest you an- other time. Don’t stand on ceremony. Let the people know what is going on mound. Your lnc plopcrn'wdimn. Sm in Harvest Home Services will be held at Zion Methodist church, East York on Sunday and Monday, the 241th and 25d) inst. On Sunday Rev. A. T. In- gram will preach afternoon and eve- ning at 3 and 7 o’clock. Mr. Charles Newton, Toronto, will sing at each service. On Monday Dinner will he served from 6 to 8 o’clock. An enter- tainment will folluw consisting of se- lections hy the Stonflfi ille String Or- chestra. the Fletcher Vncal Quartette, Miss Ethel Stock. elucutionist; and Mr. (Thus, Leslie, lmritnne. Adrrsses by Revs. ’1‘. Campbell, G. McKinley and H. Lee. Usual admission. Those ‘ who attend may expect a rare treat. Powdered sugar, Paris lump sugar, oxtm granulated suga’r. icing sugar. yellow sugar in stock. The market is weakening; from the issue of THE LIBERAL today to the close of busi- ness Ito-night we will give 20 lbs. of ('xu‘zL granulated sugar for $I. At- kinson & Switzer. her Mrs. John Folkmu'd, who strays-d from her home in King, near Temper- anceviile, Satuxday night. was 1-9- stru-vd to lu-x- husband uml children the follnwing Thursday. He!‘ mind bud been smnowhat dvmng‘rd for some years. but; she new-1' hcfm'? lofL her home. She was fnund near the Golds-n Linn Hun-l. Lansing. The family are (106pr grateful to those who aided in KILLED BY TRAIN Ellis Campbell, a ymmg man 20 years (if ago, was driving over the rail- way crossing near Lhesmtinn at Uni0n~ ville Friday when he was struck and instantly killvd hy the Poterlmrn flyel‘ -â€"-Lhe Grand Trunk train due in Tu- mnto nt 10.10. The hnrse was killed and the wagnn pretty well demolished. The victim of the accident was the son of Robert Campbell, a farmer uezu‘ Unionville. Money is safer in AtkinsUn S: Swit- zor’s clothing outfits than in your vest pocket. A genuine heavy Scotch tweed suit, made to your measure, worth $19.00 fol-$12.75, is a. good in- \‘estmeut. ply gmu recuvew Lâ€"\I€l)Nl£Râ€"BRYDON. VISITI? HARVEST HOME ANDERED FROM HOME \IARKHAM FAIR BOND LAKE ED A SISTER the”, a ymmg man 20 was driving over the rail- neaz' theslntinn at Union- \yhen he was struck and give us some news tmest others, who \y interest you an- tand on ceremony. v what is going On 3:11 paper is the nd us the news. near the Golds-n The family are ‘se who aided in SAVAGEâ€"TRENCHâ€"At Cen trul M eth- odist Church, Bloor strvet, Toronto, by Rev. Dr. Smith, September 18, Armand Gould Savage to Susy Hilda, rlanghtvr of the late \Villium Trench, both of Richmond Hill. GARDNER-â€"BRYDONâ€"~At tho resi- dence oflhe bride’s parents, Richmond Hill, \Vednusday, Sept. 20. by Rev. J. A. Grant, M. A., \Vaane B. Gardner, of Scranton. Pen, 10 01-11121, daughtL-r of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brvdon. travelling dress c with hat to ma wings and green' couple were arcnm by most. of the fri the ceremony. and lmneymm n in An Savage will he at and fourth Th m sd: village. The Ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Dr. Smith, pastor of the church, only the relatives of the con- tracting parties and a few particular- friends being present. The bride, who Was given away by her eldest hl'OUleI, Mr. T. H. Trench. was mm-ripd in hm ‘ ~ ~~-.,v ‘7 ' took plum in the Cefitl'al Me Church, Bloor $13., Tnmntu, 1‘ afternoon, when Miss Susy Trench. youngest daughter u Wm. Trench. was united in m to Mr. Armand Gould Savage, est, son of Reeve Savage, both Village. The ceremnnv \vuc m i Once more we. draw the attention of certain parents to the fact that they are. doing their little children a grave injustice by allowing them tohe in the streets late at night. Night after night little hoysâ€"-yes, and little girlsâ€"- may be seen and heard around the Metropolitan \Vaiting Room long after they should he. in their beds. The lives of the children are endan- gered by the many cars switching and passing by. Not only that. they are forming habits which their parents in after years may find it difiicult to change. Parents me the proper per- sons to keep their children home after dark, but as a number of them fail to do so, some other means should be sought. The children are to he pitied, the parents are to he hlzuned for their carelessness, or lack of parental authority. The Magazine section of the Weekly Globe and Canada. Runner is happily unique in its pictnrial and literary qualities. Nu ntherpuper going into the homes of the farmers of Cnnndn is able to keep its readers so closeli‘y in touch With, and so well infurmet re= garding people. and events of national and international interest. The illus- trations and articles published each week help to widen the knmvledge and increase the culture and refine.- ment of those who are privileged to receive the Weekly Globe and Canada. Farmer. This splendid Family news: paper enables those. even furthest re- moved from the centres of population to enjoy and profit by the best that art and talent have to offer. CHILDREN RUB NING WILD quiet but, very ILLUSTRATED H OME PA PER News Notes. fly the relatives of the con- mrties and a few particular- ng present. The bride, who away by her eldest brothel, Trench. was married in hex dress of new blue voile, to match trimmed with MARRIAGES green roses. The married accompapied to the tram 5 friends who witnessed 1nd are spending their American citivs. Mrs. a at home on the third Isdnys in October. , Sept. 20. by Rev. J. \Vaane B. Gardner, ., 10 01-11121, daughtL-r f. H. Brydon. ’I-y pretty wedding Central Methodist; ., 'l‘nrunto, Monday Miss Susy Hilda. daughter of Mrs. united in marriage young- of this J- . § All business promptly attended to. ed on application. A GENTS FOR Confederation Life Association FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. Norwich Union. Western. York Mutual. '5"!-+H+++++++++M++++++~i+é++§+++++++°§+++++++++++fl r+++++++++++++++++++++ 3% P. G. Smagée & $011 All the above below City prices, set up practical men;- Stove pipes and elbows all prices. Hot air furnaces put in and repair- ed. Tinsmithing. Paints and oils and all kinds of Hard‘vare. Happy Thought I mperial Oxford Pandora .- .kuv.. 1.: Alhlb, auu \VC are prepared for it, having now in stock a full line of ail the best and leading stoves and ranges for orr customers. mm fiéii fiaifiware Stare September 14, 1905. 191hs best Extra C The best XXX Pic Seedless Valencia. , n . Vince the mbsi exacting buyer. stocked with the best Vinegars, fruit jars, sugars. We quote:â€" 18 inch Hygienic Crash TI 16 inch Heavy Pure Liner Heavy 28 inch Loch L01 for 12. Heavy 36 inch Navy Strip Oxford Shirting, choice pi N 0 advertisement has so loud a voice as giving a good bargain. Not contented to rest on the record of advancement in the past, we look forWardâ€"~ planning and aspiring to do better in the future, an expectation based on the business principles that have made this store a place where you instinctively 100k for your needs. The keystone of this reputation is confidence â€"a mutual feeling; your confidence in our methods and merchandise; our confidence in your appreciation and approval. 66 nga‘ess ’9 Mkifiégflfi & SWETZER Now the stove season is here, and The high quality of our We quotaâ€"â€" . an“. u). w“ CXX Pickling Vitirvgar, 300. gal alencia. Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25c. - xtm Granulated Sugar for $1 'v h:,u ‘- v” avy Stripe Drill, regular 17c. yd. for 15‘ choice patterns. regular 12c. for 10. Md“?++++++$++++++++++++++++++é 'oweling. regular Crown Huron Oxford Laurel Heaters & Parlor Cooks approval. goods will con- r- We are well .rs, pure spices, Literature mail- 121 yd. for IO‘ WC 11] wary

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