LEASING Toronto Scpt. 19.â€"thatâ€"â€"Ontario -â€"A special inquiry for No. 2 white has made that quality a little ï¬rmer ,nd sales are reported at 74m with 75¢ asked. No. 2 red and mixed are 73§c to 74c, outside; goose and spring are about, 70c. Whoatâ€"Manitobaâ€"Cash quotations, lake ports, are 950 for No. 1 northâ€" ern and 92c for No. 2 northern. Flourâ€"Ontarioâ€"Zï¬s bid for 90 per cnt. patents for export, buyex’s' bags. and some ofl'uring‘ at $3.05. Manitobaâ€"first patents quoted at $520 to 5 .30, second patents $4.- .0 $12.50 per tun fur hran in lots outside; shorts, $16.50 10 3 according to quality. Manitol Bran: $.16 to $17. and shorts, ‘ to $20. a» Toronto and equal [mil Cat'sâ€"Firm; No 2, -‘ï¬gc to Ede, outside points. Barleyâ€"370 to 43¢, necording’ quality, at outside points. Ryeâ€"Firm at 56c to 57c outsii Peasâ€"New crop is quoted at to 666, with (56c to 68¢ for $110 quality, outside. Cornâ€"Canadian nominal. American GIAC for No. 3 yvlluw and (3110 for No. 2 yellow, lake and rall heights. Rolled Oatsâ€"$41.75 {or barrels in car 1013 on track here. and $4.50 for bags; 2-56 more [or broken lots here and 40c outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butterâ€"The market is easy in tone and quoted unchanged. Cremnréry, prints ...... ....22c 230 do solids ............ .........21c 217§c Dairy, lb. rolls, good to choice . . . . . o . ...... 180 20c do medium ............... 17c 18c do tubs, good to choice..17c 19c do inferior ......... 150 16c Choose-Quotations are unchanged at. lléc to 120 per lb. Eggsâ€"Coming forward well and are unchanged at 18c to 19c. Potatoesâ€"Unchanged at 40c to 500 per bushel. éo'to assjnmke'rs' $4.80 to $4.90 Milll'oeLlâ€"OntaI‘mâ€"Unchanged at S Poultryâ€"Fat hens, 71: to Sc; thin, 60‘ to 70; {at chickens, BC to 10c; thin, 7c to Sc; ducks, 8c, all lix'e weights. Billed tone at lots on BEIOd Hayâ€"Car lots on track here. $7.50 per ton for N0. 1 timothy and $6 for No. 2. BUFFALO MARKETS. Buflalo, Sept. 19.-â€"I’lour-â€"Firm. Wheatâ€"Spring unsettled; No. 1 Nor- thern, new, 842C; Winter, firm; No. 2 rod, 850. Cornâ€"Strong; R0. 2 yellow, 5840; No 2 com, 5723c. Oats uâ€"Strong; N0. 2 white 3036; No. 1‘. mixed, 29c. Barleyâ€"Ohio, 43 10 47c on track. Ryeâ€"Stronger; No. 1. 66c asked. Toronto, Sept. 19,â€"The run of cattle at the Western Market to-day was heavy, but the demand for lines and grades was more or good, and everything was sold prices about steady with those ready quoted. Export cattle, choiCC . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 40 to $4 do good to medium 4 10 4 do others 3 90 4 Bulls ..................... 3 75 4 Cows ..................... 3 00 3 Butchers’ picked .. . 4 10 4 good to choice 3 7O 4 {air to good . . . . . . . .' 30 8 do common ......... 2 00 3 do cows . . . . . . . . 50 1 Bulls ............... .. 50 : Feeders ................... ll (30 4 do medium .......... 3 30 3 do bulls ............... 2 50 2 Stockei's, good 1-: 50 4 all less at al- 85 3O 10 25 75 50 00 60 00 50 50 or -a 60 75 00 do rough to com Bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milch cows, each Export ewes, cwt. (10 bucks, per ch do culls. each Spring lambs ......... Calves, per 11). .. do each . . . . . . . . . . . hogs, selects, cwt 'do hem‘ies ..... do lights . . . . . . ‘ . ‘ Hunter Wanders Across Vancouver Island. says: News or a remarkable case in sullering‘ and perseverance comes from a settlement in the Alberni valley. Antonio Delponte, a miner residing at Cumberland, had left home on the ï¬rst day of the hunting season for the almost unexplored Wilderness in the interior of the isâ€" land. He lost his bearings on the. second day, after having consumed. such food as he had with him. He hurried frantically on, only to beâ€" come more hopelissly entangled in the virgin forcstl For three days :10 was quite Without food. A few rotten p( mm and t( day fc ï¬rst 5 no the ml the A111 LIVE STOCK MARKET LOST IN THE WOODS Strawâ€"Quiet, and easy in 8.).50 to $6 per ton for car track here. )atch from Vancouver. B. 0., :WS of a remarkable case of and perseverance comes L settlement in the Alberni Antonio Delponte, a miner BR} I‘UFI MARKETS for bran in car $16.50 to 5.18, V. Manitobaâ€" 30 d in (30 50 mrts, $1.9 ual paints. to 20c, at, w h 50 250 100 ~20 $50 700 ab _ nt‘makc their position more secure, had slartod to get farther away, so ’t'nr-re would be no doubt of their being in American waters. kg. The Amoriran ï¬shm'mon were badâ€" 65c ly scared. but managed to get away. cial knowing that surrender meant the loss of their boat. ican Reports have horn circulated that for two other fish tugs have been capâ€" hts. tnrorl. the Harry ll. Boyd and anâ€" in other vessel, but, at f) p.m. the Keyâ€" IOK‘ stone Fish Company reported that here all of their vvssels, including the Harry H. Boyd, had arrived safely to A dcspatch from Eric, Pa., says: The fish tug W. GA McCarter, of the Keystone Fish Company’s fleet, limped into port on Thursday afterâ€" 113611 with a big hole stove in her side by a. shot from the Canadian cruiser Vigilant. Capt. Frank Handy, of the McCartcr, stated that he was going after his nuts, and was of the opinion that he was in Ameri- Struck Twice by.‘Shots From Crui- ser Vigilant. Handy, 1 he was g of the 01 can wntc Iant swc he wa after shell lino, hastily put for s a leaking conditi aged to reach pox Handy said they waters when ï¬r make their posit in port A despntch from Morrislown, N.J., says: For the third time in her life Many Scally, nineteen years old, has relapsed into the mental state of an infant. She is as helpless during these periods as though she were only a few months old. The last attack has now lasted ten (lays. She is incapable of thought, speech or action. Her aunt has to attend her constantly, giving food and drink to her at inâ€" tervals, and generally care for her as though she Wore a baby. If she is stood facing the Wall and told not 10 move she will stand there until called, Peculiar Mental State of a New Jersey Girl. Before she was graduated from the parochial school here she had a similar attack, but soon recovered. Eighteen months later she had an- other attack, which lasted for sevâ€" eral months. The excitement of a big ï¬re close to her home ï¬nally reâ€" stored her to a. normal condition. Since that time she has acted as her father’s housekeeper until ten days ago, when she had her latest attack. Seven Persons Killed and Many Injured in a. Fire Panic. A despatch from Avon, Conn., says: Seven persons were killed and 15 or more injured as the result of an explosion in one of the buildings of the Climax Fuse Company on Fri- day afteri.oon. Four of the dead were. men and three wonun. There were about 35 people at Work at the plant. In the ï¬nishing room, when: the explosion occurred, about ‘25 Were employed. James Joyce was trying to remove an obstruction in om.- of the machines in this room, and had a very hot iron in his hand. He. tried to burn out Whatâ€" ever was obstructing the machine, mean-(ling to the statement of those who were in the room, when his iron came in contact with a fuse, an explosion resulting. 'l‘he flames from the explosion at once spread to inflmnable material, and the room was instantly ablaze. A panic among the employcs followed, and the score or more operatives made a. rush through the flames [or the doors. The loss of life occurred during this rush. A o‘cspatch from Ottawa says: Survey parties in northern Quebec. ‘cngaged in exploration Work in conâ€" ‘nection with the route of the transâ€" ‘continental ~ailway, have encounterâ€" ed in the i‘ogion north and east of Lake Abittibi good indications of petroleum, of cobalt, and of copper. 'The ï¬nders were not experienced enough to pronounce an expert opin- ion as to the economic value of their discoveries, but have brought dan ore specimens from Wllit'h an Petroleum Discovered in Lake in Abittibi District. DEATH IN FUSE EXPLOSION their discc down ore idea can b their discoveries, but have brought doWn ore specimens from which an idea can be gathered of the deposit. The petroleum was found bubbling through the Waters of a ‘mke of conâ€" siderable size. If the pressure of 50 fset dcmh u: \Vatl‘l‘ had been reâ€" shooting IS IN HER THIRD INFANCY statistics pul amount. to 51' FISHING TUG FIRED ON. ith ] atior pulli BUBBLING UP IN LAKE. in whethcl a 1'1 ‘ockm; aware dialing: Itck Lh AVY LOSSES IN Arthul )O ing. ï¬red upon him. The the tug near the waterâ€" ng the machinery used the nets. The McCarth for shore. Although in condition. the tug man- LCh port in safety. Capt. they were in American on ï¬red upon, and t0 nosition more secure, obably ‘bout noon th< m‘n upon him )[ her prosencc 8.1K water would 11$ $113 toyed SHIPS fleet, afterâ€" in her 1adian Frank d that MI was “HB‘C‘CL’H H before and The inV the ked White Flags Will Wave Before Rus- sian and Japanese Armies. 'A despatch from God7ydani, Man- churia, sayszâ€"An order by Gen. Linevitch, putting into effect the sti- pulations of the armistic, has been distributed to the army. The ordn‘ directs the immediate cessation of hostilities, the retirement of pickets from the neutral zone and the est-ah- lishment of a post of communion.- tion. It forbids all other commuu.- tion. It forbids all other 0 cations between the armies. As a result of the armistit is now effective, the outposts main positions on both 5i: move back about twoâ€"third mile and hereafter will displz {la The natives welcome peace an] hope that the Pekin Government wn: send a strong man to Manclmria lg reestablish nutch authority and [.0 prevent anarchy. The people fear the. outlaws, who, in large numbers, are armed with Russian and Japan- ese rifles. THREATS AGAINST KOMURA Postcards Intimate That He Will be Assassinated. A despatch from Victoria. B. C., says: Advices received on Thursday frmn 'l‘okio say that incendiary postcards are received at the Tokio Foreign Ofï¬ce thi'eamnin'p; that 3aron Komura will be assassinatâ€" ed on his return from America. The Tokio Yomiuri publishes the text of one, which says:â€" "Bax'on Komura, our plenipotenâ€" Liary in Amc'ica, hearing Russia’s blun', has made concession on conâ€" cession, so that the victory of the war is to the vanquished. If this is true we shall take on‘ the heads of Count Katsura and Baron Komura and take suitable steps against their coadjutors.†Francis Riley Was Caught in a. Colliery Chain. A despatch from Wilkesbarre, Pa , saySIâ€"By a desperate burst of strength, which was as that of three or fuur men, Seventeenâ€"yearâ€"old Fran- cis Riley of Sugar Notch managed to save his life on Saturday. He Was caUght in the shaker chain at the Hadleigh colliery while cleaning the machinery and drawn toward a big cog wheel. Fellowâ€"workers tried in vain to pull him loose or to bar off the Chain in the few brief seconds. Foroig'n 3310.1 1 3d on 11 I‘okio S Just as he was about to be ground to death on the cog wheel he braced himself, seized the big chain with both hands and tore at it with su- perhuman strength. A link snapped, the chain broke and he was freed. CAPTURING ENGLISH TRADE . Canadian Bacon Filling the Needs of London Meat Market. A despatch from London says: Mr. Elcquy, secretary of the Irish Catâ€" tle Traders’ and Stock-owners’ Asâ€" sociation, has been directed to write, regarding inducing the Gov- ernmcnt to introduce a meat markâ€" ing bill, that the committee considâ€" ered such a measure had become an urgent necessity, as the native subplies for the London meat mar- ket had dropped considerably, Whilst the importation of Canadian and other bacon was forging ahead at an enormous rate. Rumored That Tartars Contemp- late a General Onslaught. The London Mail’s correspondent at Baku says the situation there is becoming critical again. Five murâ€" ders were committed on 1he busiest streets Thursday. The police, who Monte Leone Was Visited by Earthquake. A despatch from Rome says:â€" There was another earthquake shocn at Monte Leone at 1.40 o’clock on Sunday afternoon. The inhahitams were panic-stricken, and rushed Wildâ€" ly from the huts they were occupying which threatened to collagse. The ccumryside is dotted with white tents, giving it the appearance of a. military camp. Oflicial returns show that the earthâ€" quakes were experienced in live pr.)- vinces. Four thousand six hundred buildings were destroyed, including {our castles and ninety churches. Four thousand persons were killztl .and seventy thousand rendered home‘- are mainly Tartars, are indifl'erent. It is rumored that the Tartars con- template a. general onslaught on the Armenians. This and the murders have caused a panic among the pubâ€" lic. Shops were closed, and the people deserted the streets. DRAWN SLOWLY TO DEATH Monarchs to Again Confer at the End of Next Week. BAKU SITUATION CRITICAL. OUTPOSTS WITHDRAWN. CZAR TO MEET KAISER ITALY STILL QUAKING . 0f is I! ‘espondr many he! to which have been 11- will In m The n dent \vhi the will mee will but The the the Heavy Deliveries of the Canadian Paciï¬c. A Winnipeg dcspatch ies of wheat to the Ca] on Thursday were some on Wednesday, owing In the ï¬rst two weeks last season there were 000 bushelsf‘up to the mess on ’l‘hursaay then 000 bushels;"up to the close of busi- ness on Thursday there had been re- ceived 1,346,000 bushels. Last year 58 cars had been shipped at the close of the 1-1th. This ycar950 cars were shipped in the corresponding period. A Portage la Prairie despatch says: â€""The Wheat is turning out much better than expected, and the aver- age for the Plains will be between 25 and 30 bushels. Between four and ï¬ve thousand bushels are being marketed here daily, and there are side track loading platforms every few miles around here, so that the daily shipments of Wheat passing through will amount to about 15.- side track h few milos are daily shipme through will 000 bushels.’! Peace Brings Them Joy and They Are Returning to Their Homes. A Lidziapndza, Manchuria, aespatch saysrâ€"Whatevcr 1113) be the {enlings of the Russian or Japanese soldiers regarding the conclusion of peace, one man welcomes it, Unrescrvedly, and with beaming smiles. This is the Chinaman, on who‘se land the war was fought for nearly 18 months. To-day the roads around here are ï¬lled with happy, smiling war was {ought for nearly 18 months. 'I‘o-day the roads around here are filled with happy, smiling Chinamcn, and women, old and young. who, occupying clumsy carts loaded with their household goods are proceeding in long lines back to their old homes. The Chinese greet the Russian soldiers with the one word, “peace,†which is repeated over and over again. Many of their homes have been devastated, but, notwithstanding this, they express their joy at getting back to peaceful and industrious occupations. Furthâ€" ermore. the game of neutrality to eaCh side, which the Chinese have been obliged to play for so many. months, has been a. hard one, and peace has brouEht relief from this strain. It is no exaggeration to say that the Chinese are now the hapâ€" piest people in Manchuria. It is reâ€" ported here that the Japanese have disbanded the Chinese bandit organ- ization with which they operated during the war. ONTARIO’S RAILWAY PLANS Government Line Made Excellent Proï¬t in August. A Toronto despatch sayszâ€"The gross earnings of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway for the month of August totalled $28,019, and the expenses $14,795, only 5.". per cent., leaving net earnings of $13,224. In July the net earnings were $9,619. There was naturally a large amount of tourist trafï¬c in Angust, the great holiday month, hm. the growth in freight traffic was also marked. It is not to be expectel that the remaining months of the year will show to the same adTanâ€" tage as last month, but. fair profit is anticipated in each. The commis- sion has only been running the com- pleted portion of the line Since Janâ€" uary. MARKETING T HE WHEAT. Hon. Mr. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer, sails for England this week to arrange for a direct issue of Provincial bonds of $7,000,000. Of this $6,000,000 will be applied to the meeting _of the original Tomisâ€" kaming & Northern Ontario Railway loan, and $1,000,000 toward the cost of completing the line to the present terminus. a point one hun- dred miles north of New Liskearrl. The issue will be floated in London. Budget Shows Fifty Million Yen on the Right Side. The correspondent of the London Times at Tokio Cal)les:â€"Accounts for the year ended March 81, 1905, pub- lished in the Ofï¬cial Gazette, Show a surplus of ï¬fty million yen, resultâ€" ing from administrative economies and the growth of revenue. 'l‘his sur- plus will be employed in war and other extraordinary expenditures. The Japanese press is now abunâ€" doning the resentful tone in reference to the peace terms, and discusses the economic situation Very hopefully. ‘Several journals, however, insist on the resignation of the Ministry as the only efl'eetive way of restoring complete national unity. JAPAN HAS GOOD SURPLUS ‘A Marlboro, Mass, despatch says: â€"With his left foot caught in a switch and with a passenger train bearing down on him, Frank Spell- isy, a ten~yearâ€"old newsboy, exhibit- ed remarkable selfâ€"possession on Thursday night and thereby saved his life. The boy’s foot was caught in a switch as he Was crossing the railroad tracks, and he was unable to release himself. Hearing the rum- ble of an approaching train, young Spellisy calmly stretched himself on the ground at right angle to the rails. The train severed his foot a: the ankle. The boy's leg was later amputated at the knee, but the phy Laid Down and Allowed Train to Run Over His Ankle. NERVY TEN-YEAR-OLD BOY sicians said on Friday undoubtedly rr‘covcr. CHINAMEN ARE HAPPY. tch says:â€" Canadian mcwh ian Paci'ic xt less than the rain. September ipped 56,â€" U 1t Deliver Lee, was a fly, bullets is and I the Lhom, 18 battle, An Erie, Pa., despatch says: An- other international shooting affair that might have resulted fatally for the Americans took place on Lake Erie, near the boundary line, on Sunday afternoon, when the Canadiâ€" an cruiser Vigilant sent 30 shots in- to the big ï¬sh tug Harry G. Barn- hurst, of Erie. Fifteen of the shots landed with telling effect on the ï¬sh boat, which is the largest sailing- ont of this harbor. and the entire upper part of the boat was shot FIRED ON A FISH PIRATE. Cruiser Vigilant Pours Shot Into- Flying Tug. upper away Early reports of the aï¬air said that one man had been killed. The truth is told by Capt. Nick Fasel, of the Bai'nlnn‘st, who says that the Vigilant might have sunk the Ameri- can boat had she so desired, by di- recting the guns to the Barnhurst’s- Waterline, but the Canadian gunners refrained from shooting to low. One American, the ï¬reman, Lagnus John- son, Was laid out from overâ€"exero tion. The tug ran more than eight miles in 35 minutes under full steam in order to escape, and Johnson, who was in the hold, was overcome by the heat. Two of the ï¬shermen had their faces cut by flying- splinters. The mun on the boat said that the sight that on truth is the Bar Vig‘ilant and maim them Thc St. Petersburg correspondent. of the London Times says the situaâ€" tion at Baku hw again assumed a. highly critical phase. The feeling between the Christians and Tartars is so intense that the slightest in- cident may provoke a. repetition of the massacres. The Tartars, in or- der to starve the Christians, refuse to open their shops. Many Armeni- ans are reported to have died from eating poisoned fruit. The situation Will be critical until the arrival of strong reinforcements. Fifteen thousand troops are expected Tues- Tartars Attempt to Starve the Christians at Baku. thousand troops are expected Tues- day. Until then no Work will be done in the oil ï¬elds. The Viceroy himself is going; to Baku. The Tar-/ tars and Armenians persist in laying the blame for the recent outrages on each other, but, curious enough, all Mussulinan property in the oil ï¬elds has been found intact, Whereas the Armenian property is all destroyed. The Russians suffered less heavily and foreigners still less. The report. of Prince Napoleon, the new Gover- nor 0’ the Caucasus, on the massa- cres around Erivan, atTords strong evidence that the Tartars were guilty of deliberate aggression. KILL ALL WHO INTERFERE. A despatch to the Exchange Tele- graph Company says the situation at Baku is becoming hopeless. The Tartars continue to destroy the re- maining oil derricks. They merci- lessly kill those Who try to prevent. them. Enraged Because He Broke His Promise to Pay Her $4 a Week. A New York despatch sayszâ€"Enâ€" raged because he would not pay her $4 weekly for her support, to which he had agreed in a police court, Mrs. Elizabeth Wllson shot and probably ‘fntall3 injured her husband, Edwari H. Wilson, a. compositor, in Centre street on Thursday. Mrs. Wilson made no attempt to escape and ad- mitted the shooting. Mrs. Wilson told the police that Wilson wanted her to continue to work as a stenâ€" og‘rapher after their marriage and that he ï¬nally left her. She then caused his arrest on a charge of non- support. REFUSES TO SELL FOOD. Turbiner Victorian More Seriously Damaged Than Supposed. A Quebec (lespatch saystâ€"The dam- age sustained by the Allan turbine steamer Victorian is much more ser- ious than at ï¬rst supposed: The divers have cmnpleted their investi- gation of the ship’s bottom and reâ€" port that besides the starting of the third strengthening row of her plates there is a hole in her bottom fully thirty inches in circumference. The surveyors in charge of the Work claim that there will be no (lifliculty in making the. Victorian waterâ€"tight, and able to cross the Atlantic in safety in about ten days. 000 ver $400,000 Spent in Erection of New Buildings. PETERBORO’S GROWTH. SHOT HER HUSBAND. mufactur BIG HOLE IN HULL. terboro cturing establishments. T11: in 1905 represents over $400, ‘Sl( 3 Victorian waterâ€"tight, II‘USS the Atlantic in ut ten days. )atch 52 two hur (1r I‘he