Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1905, p. 8

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HOUSE PA IN TER Glazier, Grainer and Pa} Hanger. June 11. 1905 '1‘ ‘4) Threshers’ 00:11 on hand. Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION LEVERY COAL Calls MORNING ....8.30 EVENING .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 N. B.â€"Registorel letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofiice as follows:â€" MORNING . 800 EVENING. Michael Bros., FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. Leave Newmm-IA Leave Ricbmoi. We send e97- free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoo.‘ life and recreation Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for 51x months. Leave C P R Crossing at6,,11.30 1.3b, 2.40. 3.45. 5.40, 8.0011. In. Leave Richnmnd Hill 8.10. 10.30, a. m.; 12. 3.30, 4.35, 6.80, 8.50 D. m. Home and it's surroundmgs. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE new dep ment has do with peliences ofanglers, ers and campers, or Adventure ‘ wit “FOREST A G STREAM," 0 us twenty-five for four weeks trial t1 an large illustrated v Hours for issuing Money Ordenzâ€" MORNING EVENING POST OFFICE NOTICE HEWESON: Richnnond EIill The MANSON CAMPBELL (20., Limited, Chatham, Canada is a. truthful book of facts and instructive information that is invaluable to the student of intensive fanning. It tells how others 810k up hundreds of dollars on their places more by forethought and care than by work. on gives names and letters of parties who have found a little breeze to be a good money-maker. It tells further how you can secure at Chatham Fanning Mill, use. it to your profit. and pay for it later on. Write for this book toâ€"day, without fail. It W111 come back by return mail. Address all letters Dept. No. ..__V -‘_ V . -.... .V. _.. w...“ u..- ........, v. an“... . uvu. .a uv avuau u; Acorn)”. {nitriring Lord?)- without afihHiham, for it is sold to on on time. and more than pays for itself before yuu are asked to pa for it. . Our terms are t 9 best ever offered. \Ve ship a. Chntham Fanning Mill to you, frexg tprepald. and give you three years to pay for 1t. Every Chatham carries our Five Years Guarantee. H How to Make Dollars out of Wind " Fanning Mill than w every purpose and comb aeedamnn. mnchman or secure in one machine a El and Fanning Hill, for taking out weed seeds, mustard and cookie from seed wheat and all seed grain, cleaning and mad- ing any kind of ain sown, including w eat, rye. timothy, clover. mil- let, oats, barley. flax, eas. henna, com, alfalfa. room corn. grass seed, N0 CASH REQUIRED Sold on time, with or without the Bagging Attachment tobacco seed, chums. ecann, rice. cow peas, velvet; beans, peanutan Kaflir corn. cotton. etc.. etc. This insures Hi East Market Price for crop sold. inost productive and cleanest yield of crop sown. Special ‘creens for grading corn and afiecial screens for taking buckhorn out, of do “'9 make our own sci-pens for 1311 sizegs‘nnd iuds qt gram. There is no sense or reaaon. “11“ You get more and better 1116 LVllll value when you buy a Chatham ith any other. We furnish Free with every Chathnm 17 Screens and Riddles for ination of purposes for which the farmer or planter can possibly need them. Thus you eparawr, Grader, Timothy Seed Saver OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Pustmnster from a. distance promptly attended to. Between Toronto and Newmm‘keh “FOREST AND 9 _ STREAJVI,” or send ‘ us twenty-five cents _ for four weeks trial trip. A 1 large iliustrated weekly journal of shooting, an fishing, natural his- tory andyachting. A‘ 4,15. 0.15. 7.30 [9.111. ' bmond Hill. 7. 8.10. 9.55, 11.55 a. m.; 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.55,:640 p. m. 0A9. [CL art- N0 Manufacturers of The Clmtlmm Incubators and ' Brooders and the Chaumm Farm Scale. Distributing “’arehousfi at Montreal, Que.. BrandonI Mam, Calgary. Alta, New Westminster, BC, Halifax. N.S. 505 MONEY ORDERS was wlcaaatz'éhmaai, Fa} In is sold to {0335 215137356 35;:5133333 ‘ro‘: 31:31} ‘u are asked to pa for it. Our terms are t 9 best ever‘qfi‘cred; VYe §_hip a. 9pm:th nun 5‘ _.-._ 1--.... ; _____:_‘ -___‘ .4.“ .0” AL~_A 7,, , GOING NORTH WT" ,et at 7.30, 9.15‘ G OING SOUTH terested in country life, ask your newsdealer {ox QWI ‘13)“) SILT. WOOD 11.15 a raper- 2. 3.15 20 2.20, Prices right? and terms to suit purchaser Fisher, Fm‘syth, etcfwm r'uwnwn’ ' "6”, Guaranteed for ten years. Manufactured by THE D. \V. KARN CO., at \Voodstock, Out, the largest [manufacturers of musical instru- ments in Canada. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DR A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and 1 Livery in connection. Good horses and rig tired buggies. Cefiebmted Mm Piam ill Fanning M METRDPOLITAN GRGCERY, Best R’Iateliéiiidaefid Properly Geo. McDonald, Richmond H111 UPâ€"TOâ€"DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Endorsed by such leading musicians as 60,000 Kam Instruments in use. 17 Screens and Riddles FREE with a . LUDFORD. Next Door North of Waiting Room Chatham ARMANI) SAVAGE, Local Agent CANDIES Choice variety of ‘resh and Clean, We also have a. complete line of knee rugs of different qualities, every one of which is a. bargain. Our harness is always of the Your horse has a great; deal of sense when it comes to nets. etc. He will very much appreciate one of our fly nets durmg this season. HORSE SENSE Professors Tm-rington, Vogt s and Shoes. and rigs. Rubber- ’l'oprietor RINKS s CLWER gCREEN ‘, Richmond Hill A nine-room house and large lot. Superior fruit. Apply to R. E. LAW, P. 0. Box 405, Richmond Hill I am prepared to do all kinds of Rag Carpet ‘Veuving to order with neat:- ness and despatch. Your patronage sollcited. From Elia, one large blue-roan cow. Information leading to her recovery thankfully received by 9 10 J. M. PETERMANN. One hundred acres, Lot 22, 5th Con- cession, Township of Vaughan. Ap- ply to Strayed or Stolen FARM TO RENT I Also house and lot, being composwl of part of the. west. half of Lot No. 23 in the 4th Concession of‘the Township of Markham. There is on the lot 21, comfortable frame houso 20x30 and a good frame stable 20x30, with three horse stalls and room for a buggy and cutter; also a. good well. It is com veniently situated being not quite :1 mile- from Church and P. O. and only quarter of :1 mile from a. telephone of- fice and about ten rods from school. The house and lot, will he sold subject toa reserve hid, all of the purchase money to he paid on day of sale with the exception of two hundred and thirty-fiye dollars, which may l't‘nmin in the property at five per cent. per annum. For further particulars upâ€" ply to JOSEPH S. BURNHAM. sold subject to a reserve bid. Ten per cent. of purchase money to be paid on day of sale and the balance in ten days thereafter with the exception of $2,000. which may Miami!) on moi-t- gage for a term of yours at 5 per cent. per annum. Of Farm Stock, Implements. Farm. and House and Lot, on the 2&1) (lay of Sept, 1905, at 1 o’clock. There will be offered for sale fifty acres. being composed of the north half of lot No. 2], in the third conces- sion of the Township of Mmkhzun The farm has on it :1 good Bunk Burn 48x50, good root house and stone pig pen, ulsoa good driving shed and is conveniently situated on a first-class road, only one mile from church and P. 0., quarter of a mile from tele- phone office, and school house is just across the road. The farm will be AUCTION SALE TORONTO at once for “ Canada’s Greatest Nur- series" for the town of Richnmnd Hill and surruunding country, which will be reserved for the right man. START NOW at the best selling season and handle our NE\\' SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. \Vx‘ito for particulars and send 25c. fur our handsome Aluminum Poc- ket Microscope (a. little‘ gem) useful to farmers in exzuniningseodsnnd grains, orchai-dists in exmnining trees for in« sects, gal-diners in examining plants for insects, teachers and Schnian in studying Botany, and everybody in a hundred different ways. STONE & WELLINGTON The'm. Pronunciations (Century Dictionary. Correct English in the Home. Gnrrpct English in the School. What to say and \Vhat Not tn Say. Course in Letter Writing and Punch nation. Alphabetic List of Abbreviatinns. Business English fur the Business Man. Compound ‘Vords: Huw to Write Them. Studies in English Literature. $1.00 a Year. Send l0 cents for Sample copy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanssou Ill. Pupil. How to Increase One’s Vocabulzu y. The Art of Unn‘versntion. Should and “'ould : How L0 I Laaaiégemwaafiefi An apprentice to learn millinex-y. MRS. S. SHUTER Course in English for the Beginner. Gour_se i}; English for the Advanced A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOT- ED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER. “@m‘rert (E’szglifili 33W in 1152 it” INTERESTING! IN STRUUTE VE Rag Carpet Weaving 11-2 JOSHUA LEI-LEAN, Gormley. 50-4 mos. FOR SALE Partial Contents for this Month: FONTHILL NURSERIES, WANTED Over 800 acre T. A. NOBLE, Maple. Victoria Square P. CDITOR. 11-2 mos ONTARIO Thornhill SPRHNG AND SUMME Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Senegal Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank Money Loanod on Farmers” Sake Nate-s. Blank New l-‘oyms Supplied Free. Received in Savings” Bank Depur went and interest allowed at fiEGHEST GURREET EATES. Im A. J. HUME, The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him Best quality 403. per Feat. Plow Points rang- ing fram 20 t0 25c. cmmfimw TUi SDLYS and THURSDAYS dnr My Stock of VVoolens for PATRONS I Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. PLEASANT VIEW FARM Capital Bess ing He-1,;tmnlwrnndnftcrthut week day up tn the end of \ ember. Horse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. GEO All kinds of Black is now complete comprising Tailor, Richmond Hill The proprietor of Pleasan 9rd Holstein Cattle and Br an-oved Chester \Vhile H( 1' Sale somd Thoroughlzx knee on the! Galvanizefi Egg Traugha ()t (/anada RICHMOND HILL pyov And hopes for a continuance of the same. J'. W. OSBORNE. RICHMOND HILL ’1‘0 1111583 Pramietor a1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPBEITS Made to Ol‘dt . CQWIE, Ema? ll In vii] smitln Low prices. EOODEI 1mg stm and 1102 AG E} am-nhill) l want done. HAM, vpuuu NT.

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