Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Sep 1905, p. 1

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VOL. XXVIII. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHKOND HILL. ONT. Rumn 12, I‘ll Victoria. St. Tm'onto. Best fitting teeth, also replntiug, at IOWess prices. Good work. Uztlls by day and night promptly at tended to. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. '1‘. F. McMAHON, R-svno‘lelled and new} 0 ue of the mos on‘ howls on Ynnge Sm vanience Si. ugle :- travellers. An i km] s or driving partiesfiio) Morrecu-‘uinq fro-n pass the door Liver M. 'K‘EEL‘g" NOTARY PUBLIC ts PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Will be JOHN R. CAMPBELL, PALMER HO USE RICHMOND HILL. 0n? bun Céssinr), Tl ply to DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSOE Ont. FARM T0 T To learn cm-pentm trudo. Apply to INNES 8:, SONS. Richmond Hill, \V. C. SA "AG l3 ‘alls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. I. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON $I per annum, in advance. Office Hoursâ€"3.30 a To learn ( (6 ill be in Richumnd Hill‘ nesday of each week Office, next dmn' north of at"! B-mk. Cur. Blom‘ and Y Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores goingitoinggy hair. So!_d for fifty years. "wmwm‘mmmvm VETERINARY SURGEON 'l‘ilornhill. RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS CARDS. 1Ul‘. BR. RQEERS H)enti:â€"5L, M2 @ihm Thom EDITOR & Paornmron 0y Wan‘se (lulme :1 OOMMXSBIONER I N THE Ibentist, lornhill Every Wednesday. VEGETABLE. SlClLIAN ' Hair Reamer DENTIST wtterizmry {MS $1.00 PER DAY M St ywly furnished throughout onvepiegt and comfortable AT THE 1mm. :1 Yonge Sts. , Ito onuection nge, Toronto. m. to very Hill on Wed mrmer Stand- )mmerc Prop ;cm‘s LicensedAuctioneax-forthe Counties of York and Ontarm A11 sales of farm stock &0, at- tended to on the shortest. notice and reasonable rates. Mortgageandbailifi‘ sales attended to ResidenceStouflville Ont‘ Bwrristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. Rich- mond St. \VestJVesley Buildings, (Methodist Book Room,) Toâ€" runtu. Mr. 0001: will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. License Auetioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabemtes. P.O.uddress King Mouev to loan on [and andchnttel mortgageaut lowest rates Aurora officeâ€"Removed to the old post omen one door west of the entrance to the Gamma Bank Newmarket adiosâ€"Three doors south of the ,_ pasboxfice T HEhBEm: LENNOX G P. above J T Saigeon, Maple Licensed A notionoers for th e County of York. Salesattonded to on shortest antic ( and a. ren- onablerates Patronageaolicited .\ G- F 11 W Ride LENNOX & MORGAN Berristersfiolicitors. Notaries, 86c. Hume Life Building (formerly Free~ hold Loan Bldg). Um. Adelaide 6; Victoria SLs.. Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Siwurduvs. SS ubscribe 101‘ THE - LIBERAL RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Instmctiun in the Art uf Piano Play- ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN DIIIJLS RHHiMUND EHLL _0N_ THURSDAY,UCT.5»IWB Classes in Rudiments, Harmony. HIStnry, etc. RICHMOND HILL 3mm - am. IAS. NEWTON The Next Sitting of Division Com-tint No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Undm'takers & Emhalmt-rs J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist Lindsey. Lawreme & W adsworth, Barristers and solicitors. MONEY TO LOAN AT b‘Z COOK & JOHNSTON Lindsey.K C hawronce out. Wadsworth RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905 Guuldmg, NewcbuwBrrook, agent for tho WRIGHT BROS Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON C eon. J K McEwen Maple Weston ‘aigcou a: McEwcn. J. H. P| entice. D. G. an)me N. L. Smith. A urom In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” mg. G STY MORGAN Ge: Phone Main 2984 Newmurkel LERK A very suceessful Hui-Vest Home Festival was held at Zinn Methodist Uhm-vh nn Mnnduy of this week. The l'lt‘ll delicacies wilh which lung tables in the shml grnaued, were heartily en- joyed by an immense crowd of people whose uppntites appeared sharpean by the cool atumsphm-o. This was fol- lowed by :1 program 01" unusual inter- est. consisting 0f finely rendered reci- tatinns by Rev. H. Lee of Uninnvilkj Friday was a half-holiday at, our school. The parents and friends we: e invited to come and bring their hus- ketys and spend the afternoon with the children. About, sixty took tea, anda. ve_ry pleasan_t tirpcj was spent. money witlmut selling intoxieants: larger bank deposits, and so prosper- ous is the town that the C. N. R. and C. P. R. both enter Neepawa, while MinnedOSa has only one railway. The inhabitants of Neepauva simply will not allow intoxicants sold in the town, and they are wise. Towns in Ontario need not fear the result if they vote “ no license ” on next election day. C. GORDOX. Toronto. and Miss Stock of Tux-unto, sweet and thrilling songs by Mr. Rnhsnn and M r. Fletchvr nf Toronto, uccompunivd by Miss Flk'tPhE’l‘: sweetest of music by five young men from Stnufi‘villo, and addresses by RestcKinley hf Thorn- hill, and Campbell of Richlmmd Hill. Rev. Mr. Brace. the gifted and genial superintendent. presided gracefully as usual. Rev. Mr. Ingram nf Toronto. preached excellent sermons on Sun- day. M'rs'. \Vebb of Torontb Junction is spending a few days with Mrs. Alfred Rumble. Misus Ann-i9 Rumble (3f “ Elmhurst " has returned after a. three weeks’ visit wi_t_h f1-ienfls_:_1t Millesing1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mm-tson spent SllqdazatMSt. Cathal-il]e§,_ Mr. T. Thomson and Miss Thmnsnn of Headfm-d visited at “Cedar Hill.” the home of Mr. \Villium Rumble. on Sunday afternoon. The following letter appeared in The Globe of 19th inst. under the heading “ Local Option ” :â€" As the first of January is drawing near, when many municipalities in Ontario will. no doubt, be submitting the question of local option to the electors, allow me to say a, few Words on the subject. There is a. general feeling that if there is a. local option law in force in a. town, and a license law in it neighboring town, business will be drawn to the latter, to the in- jury of the former. This theory is completely exploded. I have just re- turned from Manitoba, where such a state of affairs might exist, if any- where. I will give one instance: I visited two towns, Minnedosa and Neepmva, eighteen miles apart. These two towns started up about the szune time. Minnedosa is under license, and has a population of about 1.200. Nee- pawzt has a population of over 2,000, and has been under prohibition for nearly a score of years, is much the better business town, better buildings, larger stores, better hotels, making money without selling},r inloxicants, larger bank deposits. and so piosperâ€" ous is the town that the C. N. R. and “’e are sorry to see that smoking is becoming very common aumng the young men of our neighborhood. \Vhere half a dozen are met tngethvr it resembles a bush fire. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bassingthwaite at- tended the fiftieth anniversary of his sister’s wedding, Mrs. Daniels of Ogangeville, on Monday lust. The Sunday School Lessons Review was ably takvn up by Mr. L. Nithlvlb and Mr. \V. Frishy. Not, many attended the chm-ivari on \Vtadnesday night. The buys were glad to have Mr. Burnhum help them out. Mr. F. Nichols has purchased a val_ uable farm. The horticultural gardens of Slab- town wexe visited last week by the boys and considerable damage result- ed. The gardener is now using (H'E‘ly means to make the boys “keep off the flowels.” The house and Ict now occupied by Mr. J. Burnham, was sold on Tuesday MAI 1's._'V_\_/_.‘_Lundy. _ Mr. \Villie and Miss Hattie \Vvll- Iuan spent Sunday with friends in this locality. Miss'M. Goodyear returned home on Sunday after spending a. week with Miss L. Rmvhntham. Mr. L. Stuntexflnu-gh attended the wedding of his sister-inâ€"law in York last wwk. Mr. E. J. Hitchcock is enjm’ing the company of his sister, Mrs. Mills of Manitoulin. Mr. Hurry Klinck is suffering at present from a sore neck. Mr. McKenzie lost ;‘ last week. Mr. Is not ma n. Bnynton. we are sorry to say. improving. and 15 a very Slck Newton Brook. V ictorié.‘ Square W. C. T. U. Column Babberson. v alnable 1101 so [king rants, zsper- L. and After holding sway for more than eighteen umntlisâ€"~u)onths of horror, months of gruesome, corroding suffer- ings and of gnawing heartache and luinentationâ€"the dread, grim-visuged spectre of war has at length happily winged his flight to those. nethei regions of darkness and of woe whence he came forth, and the, bright angel of peace now stretches her silvery wings uverthOse rust levies of fierce coun- hatants. Now are their spears chang- ed into pruning hooks and theii swordsinto ploughshures; now those mighty, deadly weapons, instead of discharging their death-dealing bolts into the serlied ranks of the enemy, overwhelming huge masses in des- truction as though a discharge of hot thunderbolts from high heaven had been launched against them, now belch forth in resounding tones a hoarse acclaim in honor of peace; and those who the day before were flying at each other’s tlnoats in deadly con- flict. each in 0. wild paroxysni of rage and fury engaged in a. frenzied life and death struggle with the foe, now sink their animOSity deep down in oblivion, and offer each to the other, the hand of frientisliip and esteem. The total assessed value of property in the village is $176,767, and the rate is a. trifle over 19 and 7-10 mills in the dollar. For Public Library . , . . . . . . . . . “ reduction H. S. Deben- tures . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . For High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ James Bay R. R. Deben- tm'e . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . The villagp taxes will be consider- ably higer this year than usual. This is principally owing to the debenture debt, for the James Bay Railway, which will all he paid this year. The amounts required a re placed under the followingr headings :â€" For County, Industrial Home, etc........ .$ 299.85 For Village, ordinary expendi- ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000.00 Aye, but while that livid angel of death was hovering over those strick- en fields, or was flapping his ink-black wings over the wild ocean where those crapulous incompetents \vere fleeing. madly panic struck, before their val- orous, splendid conquerors, who with their We” aimed missiles were sinking their mailed vessels, one after the other, right down to the dark cham- bers of the deep, what scenes of fiery horror. what, spectacles of direst, tor- menting agony, and of writhing tor- ture and pain were continuously being enacted. And, too, not only on these szmguinnry fields and on that incarna- dined ocean did human misery and anguish hold sway. For hundreds of thousands of widows bereft of their loved helpmeet, or of mothers whose sons were struck down, or of maidens left to mourn the loss of th0se to whom they had plighted their troth, and who had joyfully looked forward down the long vista of life in the hope of a halcyon, blithesome destiny hand in hand with those who had claimed their young heartsâ€"all these were crushed down with a gnawing, corrod- ing grief, a grief so plteous and so woeful thth even time itself, with all its healing hand, will oft-times scarce stunch or unnul. Rev. Dr. Langtry has been appointed Archdeacon of York in succession to the late Archdeacon Buddy. Two men who were arrested in T0- l'onto, With revolvers and a. burglar’s outfit, “'ele remanded in the police com-t. Mr. Thomas Lloyd, Aurora, one day last week, received .1 teiegx-zun, con- veying the sad news that his only son, Oscar, had suddenly died in the state of Georgia. Tl“- 1~em21ins were brought home and interred in the family plot in the Aurora. cmnetel'y. But now, peace is assured, the angry combatants no lungcr go forth to slaughter and to (1(‘SLI‘0y; no more wives, and mothers, and maidens will be left desolate and disconsnlate, and the valiant cnnquerers no longer fear [hat their hem-the and homes will be destroyed by a cruel and sanguineu‘y l- , But thore are multitudes who cry Peace, when there is no peace;whu famously think they can attain 1m in- hei-ituuce in the Paradise 015 God in their own way, which they consider more Sensible than the only way indi- cated by the \Vurd of God, viz.. hy cunning to Him \th is the \Vuy, the T1 uth. and the Life, and Who suffers-d, the Just, fur the unjust. Bubil’they resolutely will not do so, they will in- evitably find those gates of Paradise barred by a flaming swou’l. foe. The Angel of Peace. News Notes. BY A BANKER. Village Rates 1015‘ 1000.00 105.00 H'O 9'9»: COD O «I 483.41 porty June 11. 190. Threshers’ Coal on hand. cider and Jeliy Mill \Vill run on custom Wm-k tember one day only, As is well known we make raw cider. boiled cider, apple butter, and jolly all from your own apples. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apple-s should be well l‘ipent'd, and qu-[hirds sweet. Parties wishing apple butter should keep their peeling applt-s separate from the cider apples. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION, Monday Sept. 25, and will run first three days 01 each week during October and November up to and inâ€" cluding Nov. 15, 1905. We Expect; LJIbuy a, quantity of cidjsr apples. As we have now a capacity of about 3000 gals. of cider- boiled into jelly and apple butter per day. we hope to give our customers quicker work and bet- ter satisfaction than ever. Custmuers are respectfully request- ed to do business on the above men- tioned days as we live a distance from the factory and customers coming any uthr-r day would find it very incon- vmlient. 100 acres, being the estate of the late Thomas Bx-em), York Mills, 1st Com. East York ; beautifully situated on old Yunge street. within five min- utes’ walk of SChOUl, post office and street cars. Apply on premises. Fifty-one acres and a quarter. being the south-east quarter of Lot 22 in the 4th Concession of the Township of Markham. Good buildings and fruit. Soil the best. For further particulth inquire (If We hope to see all our old custom< as back again this season as usual with as many more as possible. Thanking the general public forpusb favms, we solicit a continuance of the same in the fu Lure. The cast part of Int 19, 3rd con. Markham, is to rent for a term of years. The farm contains 72 acres, the estate of the late John Kelly. Apply tp_ A A first-class Jersz Cow and Calf, thoroughbred ; cow 6 years old. Will sell right. IZâ€"tf H. F. HOPPER. I am prepared to do all kinds of Rag ‘rru-pet, XVeaviug to order with neat~ ness and desputch. Your patronage SOIlCitIâ€"‘d. JOSHUA LEHMAN, Gormley. 11-2 mos A good second-hand Bicycle, 23inch frame, Dunlap tires, run only one sea- son. Will sell at a. bargain. Apply LIBERAL office. t-f II. ‘Vinger 8h: Son LIVERY COAL. Coal and \Vood Dellvered. Michael Bros", 11-14 Farm for Sale Rag Carpet Weaving Farm to Rent Bichnlond Hill FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE [Single copies, 3 cts. \VNL'UOSGROVE E. J. FAHEY Prices Right. '0 Edger WQOD ED. BROW‘N, during Sep namely: Cushel P. () Executors 13 11-14

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