51w gibwnl. (fl RICHMOND All the agricultural societies in the Province, including those in this county have been written to by Mr. H. B. Cowan, Provincial Superin- tendent of Agricultural Societies and urged to appoint delegates to attend either the Beachburg exhibition in North Renfrew, on October 5 and 6, or the Simcoe exhibition in Norfolk County, October 18th and 19th. These are two of the very best These are two of the very Desnl agricultural societies in the Province. 1 They have both splendid grounds and buildings, the equal of any in the Province, and the grounds and buildings are practically all paid for. The annual report of the North Ren- frew society for 1904 showed that its buildings are worth $13,000, its lands 83,000, total $16,900, with liabilities of only $400. The report of the Norfolk Union Society showed that its lands are worth $3,000, its build- ings $6,500, total $9,500, with a mMgzige of only $600. The Ontar- Io Department of Agriculture is ar~ ranging for a convention of rep- resentatives from the other agricul- tural societies in the Province at each of the exhibitions. Reduced rates are being secured over the railroads, particulars of which will be mailed your society later. It is expected that delegates will be able to attend at half rates. Tuesday's Mail and Empire blames Quebec for the Separate School clauses recently passed for the West- ern Provinces, and insinuates that the Quebec members voth for them on the understanding that their ses- sional allowances would be increased. The Mail says :â€"“ The machine ma- jority (from Quebec) would have en- dorsed any amount of coerdon at the price that was paidâ€"$1,000 extra.†The Mail could have truthfully added :â€"â€"“And Mr. Borden, the leader of the Opposition, and every Conservative member in the House voted for the extra $1,000.†But with The Mail 'Lwas ever thus: “ The Tories can do no \vron g." Mr. II. B. Cowan, Provim périntendcnt of Agricultural ties, has received letters sug‘ that an efl‘ort should be made the bars of all hotels within M of the place where an exhil bein ILLUSTRATION FAIRS. USE lmld on the day It is contended HILL. September natul .ved letter‘ suggesting should be made to close hotels within ï¬ve miles where an exhibilion is l the day of the exhibio mtendcd that a certa‘n le go to the exhibition Mom of getting drunk, canes around hotels the 11bitlon, particularly in often rovineial Su 23, 1905 the m the Would be struck fo" the puriï¬cation of the Agricultural Societies. It; is probable that; the matter will be dis- cussed at the next convention of the Ontario Association of Fairs and Ex- hibitions. (Ernest, Neal Lyon i zine \Vhatever your ambition, land, Huwavcr high the prize, Its mastery may yet, be had By him who always tl ies. Dues Fortuneâ€"with n roseul view,â€" Fnretokeu fair e-mprise ? The dwanwr’s fancy may pm'sue,â€"- The pludder Wins whn tries. ‘Would you attain to Leurning’s lore, And he esteemed wise? By patient lnl’ml' grows the store 0f him who always tries. If Fancy straw the flowers of hope In beauty ’nonth your eyes, The summit, of hm- shining slope Remains for him who t1 ies. Though Truth appear in homely gray, Her counsel ne'er despise ; She will he clad in light. one day, To honor him who tries l Lost A sterling silver Hat Pin, with em- blvm of Coat, of Arms, Saturday, Sept. 23, between Elgin Mills and Sander- son’s d111,; storgz _ 1 1 LA. I, ,,._ ak'iï¬euï¬ï¬ï¬e? be rewarded by 1c ing at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. \VEDNESDAY, Oct. 4~Auctiun sale of cattle &c. at the Palmer House. Sale at; 1 o’clock. Terms 3 months. Saigeun & McEwen, auctioncers. THURSDAY, Oct. 12â€"Alchi0n sale of farm stock and impleufnts, the prop‘ FRIDAY, Sept. 29â€"Cl-edib sale of 73 head of cattle at, King City Hotel, the property of H. F. Hopper and J. H. Brillingex'. Sale at, 1 o‘clock. Terms, 6 months.â€"â€"Sa1geon 8: MUEWeD, Auc- tiuneers. $17£33'()}.Aii211-ew Mifler, Thm-nhill. ’ Sah- at 1 o’cloek. Terms, 3 months.â€".]. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, Oct. 14â€"Auctinn sale of farm pl-Jperty, consisting of 150ac1'es of lot 13, con. 4, Vaughan. the prop- erty of the late John Ualnphell. Sale at 2 o’clock at, Hughes’ Hotel, Thorn- hill.â€"J. T. Suigeou. Auctioneer. ONTARIO SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSO- OIATIUN. The 40th Annual Cnnventiun of the Ontario Sunday School Association. to be held in the City of London. 0c- tober 2,4, 25 and 26, promises tn he of more than usual interest. SituuLed in the heart of a district exceptibnully strong in Sunday School activity, in a city of handsome churches, model Sunday Schools, huspimhle homes, more than usual interest. Situated in the heart of a district exceptionally strong in Sunday School activity, in a city of handsome churches, model Sunday Schools, hospitable homes, and excellent railroad facilities, the prospects Were never more hopeful. The program, which is now being is- sued. includes the names of a number of Canadian specialists, in addition to Mrs. Lamoreaux, a. noted primary Worker from Chicago, and Marion Lawrence, the International Secretary ft on) Toledo,0hio. Seven open parlia- ments and conferences have been ar- ranged and will undoubtedly prove an attractive feature, and Will embrace Primary work, Home Department, House to House Visitation, Parents’ Responsibility. and Decision Da-y. House to House Visitation will no doubt receive special Consideration, in View of the interest connected with the movement. During this present year, Visitations have taken [:lace in Hamilton, London, Belleville, Sarina, Dund: ‘ and Deseronto, with the most gratifying iesults, and it is expected that similar movements will be under- taken in Kingston. \Voodstock. Eg- linton. Pembroke, Port Hope, Berlin, \Vaterloo, the township of \Vinghaln, in Norfolk County and Toronto, in the near future. Teacher Training will also receive special attention. in View ,of the fact that this is the ï¬rst year the department has had a secretary. He has already Visited some 35 conu- tics, organized 40 classes with an en< rollment approximating nearly 700 students. Orangeville. Sept. 23-29. Menford, Sl‘pt. 28â€"29. Midland, Sept. Markham, Oct. 4â€"6. \Vestnn, Oct. ’2. Bradford, Oct. 17-18. \Voodhridge, Oct. 18-19. Boito n, Oéf. FARM T0 RENT i113“: sent {re-e. AMERICAS Oï¬ice Hi The Man Who Always Tries 1 Village. Goof .1 water: in fail s ssessinrlgkpl'il lit Sale Register. ortn RC [‘6 C. EVANS laide Street Fall Fairs I‘ll] in †Success Mag state 1906‘ mun; hous LE\VIS Hichmonc buildings ultimtion Apply to ‘3 n THE LIBERAL: January 1, 19 Anyone sending a sketch and descn uon may unlckly ascertain our opinion free W ether an lnveminn is probably putentnble. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn 5; Co. recelve apm'al notice, without; charge in the ‘ ' nu ,..‘..v _‘_.__‘A A handsomely illnsmme culatiop of zlnylgpjezl‘ufl‘ Eur §vf':)1;F riiiiiich'éI $1. ii Chance to Joln a Club That Will Make and Save Money for You. Even-{Pod should Join the Mutual Liter Mn- slc Clu of merica. There is nothing else 1 ke ls anywhere. It costs almost nothing to join and the beneï¬ts :1; [Meg erg wopdgrfu}. Itepableï¬ yoq it}? urcnase books and periodicals music and musical nsbruments at special cut prices. It secures re- duced rates at many hotels. In answers questions tree of charge. It offers scholarships and vaiua~ ,bie cash prizes to members. It maintains ciub rooms in many cities tor its members. In addition. every member receives the omciai magazine enti- tled " Ev'ry Month" 8 biication in a class by itself.inciuding 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- strumental musicuuu sige) each mthuwitgg t EEcâ€"x-Xrihï¬rgE-ifl ‘le'ces In'one sum 3". CANiGETAAL TmE B EFITS FOB m§§Tiï¬qmma The tu ll yearly membership fee is One Dollar for which you get all above, and you mnywlth- draw any time wlthln three months It you want to do so andget your dollar back. If you don't care to apen $1.00. send 25 cents for three ‘months membership. Nobody can aflord to ass :thlaoï¬cr by. You will et our money bat: in |value many times ov_er._ __u1 particulars will [33 sent tree of charge. but if you are wise you will send in your request tor membership with the groper fee at once. The'zï¬ cts. three months mem- ershlp otter will soon change. erce at. once ad- dresalngyour letter and enclosing $1.00 for iull yeargmgmbersmn or twenty-ï¬ve cams tor three men 5 o [MUTUAL LITERARY MUSIC CLUB N0. 150 Ngssnu St" N. Y. (ml. to any address §E§é§§é§€€é m“ng WE 21:53. , 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE . TRADE MARKS ‘ DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. a sketch _nndfld9§c:int~22n may mmteG to 1w No none: or pains on up How used by over 30,00013diem sod wmuse again. Invigoratm “gum. Buy or your druggisl 3039 With our signature across label. Avold substitutes. Sealed Mars mulled 2c Stamp. 1.00 1' Address, EUREKA CH MI u. ANY. DIET-013. WW. 7E 353$! E§WEW 1's weokry Largest cir- n journal. Terms. $5: 3 Sold by all ncwsdeulern. roadway; 9;“: En. YOU' :9 but L‘Dl'f‘c nnD Ar. “mam 1N me If you have a few minutes to spare and are interested in stoves call and see our display of Heaters and Ranges; all kinds and prices. One of our leaders The Liberal and Weekly Globe The Liberal and Weekly ‘ Mail and Empire The Libeml and Week Sun 1 1y The Liberal. and. Eaiiy F“ Globe (Yam Gounty) 3‘09 The Liberal and: Baily Mail 3 and Empire (York Go.) ' The Lihgml and. Daily 3 25 The Liberal ami Daily Star The Liberal 33153 Daily News The examination of our ï¬ne new catalogue if you have any idea of a College course. It explains an about our mudvrn methods, ï¬ne equipnwnt and strong staff. A postal will bring it. Addrvss \V. H. SHAW Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness‘ Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripaus Tabules. An :1; FALL TERM WANTED (Balance of the year free World (Balance of year ir‘ee to (Balance of yea (Balance of year }el‘l'2\l‘d Sts., Toront e to lean-n millinory MRS. S. SHUTE from Sept. 5th Principal ï¬mï¬? horn r free to new subscribers) free to new subsribcrs) to new subsaribers) new subscrlbers Two Remarkable Records. Made by the POpular ing 0 times tir to patr niï¬cen j / ELLEOTT 7 7.? ' ' lild ï¬ll Dates q n .- TGRCJTO. 0†(Cor ttendance at the open- nn' Fail Term was ï¬ve great as that of a year ast month we had ten ‘ many calls for bookeep- nogmphersz et‘c, n§ we 1112 cat fly 325 fly W [11$ s is the bes Enter now gue freP. ‘E‘SSiV HOTT, Principal 11 MM+MMH~§ “93'1" eness under St to, as we htedly in- Mag and 11001