RICHMOND HILL, Septmu he film Eihm‘aw Mr. Hmvnrd (lune Campbell apum b‘uml ago. Mr. 11 Wed" at Let, all L110. ends thuu alum-st at he the smest of ecmmmy. ’l‘mde at At- kinsnn & Swilzw’s. (‘lN Mr. and Mrs. Jnswph Gaby. Toronto. spent a. “'H'k with Mrs. \\ m. 'l‘xeuch and family and returned Saturday. Miss Sullivan and Miss Annie Sulli- vun, Toronto. were guest; of Mrs. G. \\'iluy over Sunday. T "A pleasure Ln show gtmds"-â€"a. ster- (‘utypvd expression, but, with us a real hve fact. Atkinson A: SwiLzu'. Gnnd secondâ€"hand hicyvlu, frame. Dunlap Lil'tS, for sult- L1 HERAL oï¬icv. Mr. “‘altel' Eye-1' took :1 business trip to Unlmurg lust wer in the inter- est- uf the ï¬rm 13. Bell & Sun. Mrs. Jacob Eyel- spent :1 wee-k at. Gurmley will} bm- sichr. Mrs. Dsuid \Videumn, and returned yesterday. Extra. qualityJupun Lea at 25 and 300. 11).; extra sin-l cuffuuat 25, 30 and We. 1b., ground while yuu watt. Atkinson & Swztzu'. Miss Bell Maudie, :1 nurse in the Gnud Samaritan Hu$pital fur the past two years in Yukon Territory, re- turned home Tuesday. Mrs. “Ian-en liewisnn has been spending the past two weeks with 1191- pzlrents, Mr. and Mrs. John \Villi:uns. at Jucksun‘s Paint. Dr. J. T. Gilumur, \Vurden of the ()entlal Pl-isuh, and his snn. Dr. Charles Gilumur. surgeon fur the James Bay Rmhvay, were in the \i1» Inge on Monday. Quality never lowers hereâ€"hut prices do. You’ll almost, always ï¬nd values here to exceed the udVL-ltise- ment claim. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Secretary Cr-wie gives concerned that the lust, pr.- Fire Brigade for this sv: hl‘id next Monday evening: of Octnlwr. It is hnpul ï¬reman will he in his place Shirts and Drawers.â€"\Ve are show- ing special valueQ in Men’s and BO} 5‘ Tup and Undorshil ts. A snap in fleece- lined Under-weur. which has consider-- ably advanced this season.â€"â€"Nuughton 131-05., Elgin Mills. Mrs. Slntm (1f (h-nw-n :m-lmn-n of Tumult. II’SUI|&|),.(U on huLuuln The prayer meeting in the Method- ist Church is withdrawn this week and all the pimple of all the churches are most cordially invited to 001110 to the Bible Society moeting nn F1 idny evening (29th), at 8 o’clock, in the Methodist church to hour the Rev. Dr. gmuplwllnf Midland. speak on “The Bleséedness uf the Buoli Consider the qualityâ€"it’s only when you do this that ï¬le true signiï¬cance of our utferon tn:u1v»tnâ€"n)e:1mu«A stylish suits is realized. Atkinson & Switzle The annual mpeting of King Town- ship levmen‘s Association will be held at I’hillips’ Hotel, King City, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30. The business will he tho auditing of the treasurm-‘s accounts, tho appnintinent of ofï¬cers and directors. and making arrangements for the cumng plowing match. Mr. Cninms Marsh is tenders for the purchase ( of his farms. the (me hoi “The Home Farm.†:1 I this Village: the nthm‘. ' Vaughan. The I'm mm- m 135 acres, the latter 100 : 91's I'Pcoivod on or bt‘fOJ October “’e don‘t guarantee to make short people longer but, We can make them look taller and cause their clothes to wear longm‘ than :my other brand in town. Atkinson & Switzor. “’e don‘t; guarantee to people longm‘ but, we cm look taller and cause UK Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L:‘ for their new home in 1- They will renmin in T urday, when “my will \Vesb by wax; of ‘V father and nmther we two sonsâ€"Roscoe and two sunsâ€"Koscoe am a. daughterâ€"Mrs. Vi Mrs. Law have resid< Hill the greater part and We are sure that e Wish them happiness in their western home 140(3 AIJC‘. Alll‘nl'n, ‘ McMuhun. urvey PHI [91 1% lewtmn i110. FOR S GOING TO PE McMuhrn KING PLOXVMEN )iU'SlHliI AST PRACTICE remain in Toronto en they will procec an of “’iunipo mother were pr9( Roscoe and Everet A L E taif. 'Imvon 0f Memphis, vek with her cousin, llL Graveuhurst is SUI] BY TENDE Hid AC H LAN D iVI 1w lonv ’mxchlu Miss Bell the pun-son- of' their lives. 61‘V citizen will and prosperity spending a. s asking tor of one 01- both ing known as mile south of lot 43, con. ontnins abr acres. Tel notice to :11] xctice (If the nsnn will hp '. the seroud that evew 1n. ,nnd Mrs. d at the A. Hun with Mr the 16 at, xtteâ€"and Mr. and ,ichmond yir lives. [905 'e to-d nd, B till Silt- d to the 0’. The inch THE ut At the annual meeting of the Ynl'k ()uunty \V. (I. '1‘. 1)., held at; Tumntu Junctiun nn ’J'LH-sduy and \Voduesdny the fallowing \Vt'I‘e elected utï¬cef's fur the ensuing yrurâ€"l’wsident. Mrs. J. Switzm ; Vice-Pros†Mrs. Mom-Mick; Abbott SECOND ASSISTANT. The Seen-[my (.f the Bonn] nf Edu- cation l‘l‘Ul‘l\'f‘(l a letter in {cw days ago frum Miss Dingumn nf Acton, asking a. release fl'mu her engageâ€: nt :15 a. teacher in the High School. The Board :u-m-ptvd the rl‘signntiun, and have since rngngvd Miss Preston 0f anmwe Whu will assume duties next; Monday. 15‘ 1V Evvl-ylmdy is ghtd to See Josh‘s favorite hmsv (m the milk wagon :lguil- :nfl‘er lu-ing (m furlough fm- n waI' and Hire? numblh‘. “Old Bill,“ as he is familiarly knmvn. stumble-d on Ynnge sum-t. nppmite McDonald’s harness shop, in me, IENN. 1n Pakng a hnne lwtwvvn tho folluck and [he hunf. The SOI'HH":S in Bill‘s funt, is gone, but the juinL is quite stiff. ANNUAL MEETING The annual "muting ()f the \V.C.’I‘.U. will be held at, Mrs. Den-y’s nth Tues- day m‘ouing at 7.30. The d(‘lrgzltu to the County (Jnnventinn will give her report; at this meeting and MW election of ofï¬cers for the coming year will take place. A full attendqu-e of mem- lu-xs is requested as other malt‘vrs nf importance will he discussed. All in- terc-stml in \V. U. T. U. work will be made wolcmnv. A very interesting mveting was hnld in the Sunday Schnul room uf tho Methudist (-hnrch last Thursday evrn- ing in the inn-lest uf the Lord’s Day Alliance. A Very able and interesting addrs-ss was delivered hy Rev. Mr. Shearer, agent of the Alliance for the Dnminion, showing the determination of the Alliance tn prutect the sacral- ness uf the Sabbath, and the surcrssful work they have done in the year now closing. Ofï¬cers were appointed and new members secured for this branch. Andrew Jackson Guulding, 64 years ofage, gathered the poisonous fungi, and the family pal-took of them. OthH- members of the family were VH~y ill, hut it is hude they will re- cover. The wonder is that thereis such a. mania for mushrooms. Il \vuuld he fzu- hvttvl- if tvllf‘)‘ were dis carded altogether from the table. If some one should slip $3 or $l- intv your pocket ynu‘d be up: to think it u kindly act. \Ve’ve tried to (in thv shine thing in our offer nu made-In- meusm-e ï¬ne suits. Atkinsnn & Swit- AIIOIht'l'dtâ€"‘ch occurred in Toronto Junctinn a fvw days ago, by eating anlstnulsin mistake for mushrnms. ZL‘I'. The James Bay Railway continues to experience difï¬culty in extending its mndway along the Don flats. Last week their counsel nbtained an nrdel in (mint expropriating part (If Thmn clifl’e Farm, the property (If Mr. Roi)- hort Davies. BnL his wife, Mrs. Mur- guret Davies, is ulsn a land-owner in that. vicinity, and she also refuses to let the construction gang hrer intn her grass farm. The railway company was ordered by Mr. Justice, Magee Tuesday to pay into court $375 for every acre taken, and is then per- mitted to press on with the WUl‘k. FROM THE GOLD FIELDS. and mi mes of 1.015 in jnmiu hunph DEMINY ARRESTED James Deminy, referred to in last week’s LIBERAL. 17 years of age, whose home is said to he in Hamilton, was arrested a. few days ago nonl- he h; from Simon Baker, 2nd cor ham, and drove to Alden-sh Hamilton. The-re, it is said. 1 gave out. so he turned the an the woods and stole nnnthe the new horse he (lx‘ove to Q1 ï¬fty miles, on the 11th of Se He got work with a farme- maimed at, Queenston. )IcClix store at Bruck’s Monument glarized, and the dett deuce connectin Der job. Detective ‘Vads‘ the young offender 0 the authorities comn‘ Mr. Baker. The latter identify the horse am had stolen Mr. Baker DEATH FROM POISONING. COUNTY OFFIC ERS. ner occasi ALLI ANUE MEETING ON DUTY AGAIN Eve-Pros†Ml Miss \Vilvy STOPPE D AGAIN Falls. (: and Iller a horse um) Bul‘ hm-g glal'y », bu MéUurdick; T111151, Mrs. unent actives ninV ‘ H215 V :11 m rig. 1101's crass, and :1 rm. Also a s. For his gold watch Mrs. Alfred t5 hm suppusm d hzu-nos: n., Mark 11ml once t Demm a on {W {L11 1 I" near tht‘ m) ith The san-mm- importance of absolute- ly accurate and np-to-(lute market, 1'9- pm-ts is appreciated by all ('lussvs of pvople who wish to lmy or svll. In this respch the information given by The \Vwkly Globe and Canada Flu-m- ex is (-nxine-nLly satisfactory. The com- mercial page contains the very latest and most, reliable information avail- able. It is especially prepared for the use of the farmers, and thousands transact their lmsinms upon the lHLSlS of the information given. This fl-ntm'e alone makes this great newspaper uh- sulutely lieceSSnri y to its reudi-rs who are in active lunsinoss, and is one of l the reasons why so I my people huge taken [he VVvekly Glnhc ï¬nd-Unnada Farmer for years withuut :l hn-ak. It, is indispensable to their business suc- cess. MR. \VINTER‘S ESTATE. Michael \Vintmrdied at, the village of King City, in the township of King. on Dec. 25. 1904. He left an estate valued at $8000, of which $1.000 is in lmok debts and nutvs, and Lhc balance in farm px-npm-ty in King t‘UWnship. The executors are Jusrph Miltun \Vintm- and Chi-istnphm' \Villiam Arthur \Vintm‘, Suns, and thev an: in- struclod tusell all the real estate nf the tesmtur, within one year of his death. ulul pay to his oldvs daughtgr, Mrs. M. R. Garrow, $400; to the youngest daughter, Mary Allneda. \Vinter. $500, if unmarried, or $40†if married at the time of his death; the household furniture also goes to the two daughters named, the balance of the estate to be equally divided among the three sons. A DISINTERESTED OPINION Bowmanvillv Statesman : Farmers, are you acquainted with The \Veekly Sun P If not you might do worse than send 25c to King street west, Toronto. and receive it for the rest of 1905. It claims to be an independent journal for farm and home. The claim is fair. it is a clean paper, therefore ï¬t for the home. It is particularly adapted to the farm home hecalme it is edited and published with a view to interest ‘ every person in the homeâ€"theold and young, male and femaleâ€"all may read it regularly with proï¬t. Its market page we consider equal to the host in the Dominion for fax-mew. This is no paid notice or pulf; it is our candid opinion, and we unhesitatingly xecomâ€" mend The Sun to every farm house in Canada. It is one dollar a year, and good value foi the money. XXX “'hite. \Vine Vine-gar. XXX White Grape Vinegar. XXX Fruit, Vinegar. English Malt Vinegal. Im- perial and wine sizvs fruit jars. jzu' rubbers and ï¬rst quality of all spices. Atkinson & Switzer. The, brethren of Richmond Lodge held an infurmul meeting in the lodge room List evening, spent a pleasant, hour with Bro. R. E. Law on the eve of his departure to British Columbia. and presented him with :1 purse. The presentation was made by W. Bro. D. Hill, Muster of the Masonic Lodge. All the brethren present gave shnrt addresses, spoke of the many years Bro. Law had been with them, and wished every happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Law and family in their new home. Bro. Law replied in feeling terms, thanking the bi ethren for their remembrance. and referring to the pleasant associations about the lodge. +++++ KEEP POSTED. PRESENTATION “Bright and as asa The dress goods, Ribbons, Laces, Scotch Tweeds, Worsted and Serge Suitings, etc., our own importations direct from Glasgow, just opened and now ready to receive the admiration of our people and to be procured by you to make suits Beautiful Colored Roxana Dress Goods in navy,brown, green, black and cardinal shades at 50c. yd.; fancy black hucar dress goads at 75c. and $1 lvd.; will make to measure extra ï¬ne heavy black or blue serge suit for $15 50, a regular $21 suit; a ï¬ne heavy genuine Scotch tweed suit for $14, a regular $18.50 suit. September 28, 1905. Richmond Hiil Hamware Sim Now the stove season is here, and we are prepared for it, having now in stock a lull line of all the best and leading stoves and ranges for our customers. Happy Thought Crown Huron Imperial Oxford Oxford Laurel Pandora Heaters & Parlor Cooks All the above below City prices,set up by practical men. Stove pipes and elbows all prices_.»_ Hot air furnaces put in and repair- ,‘I -11 ATKINSBN & SWITZER. Comfortable asa Rich Golden Coin†Silver Dollar and Stylish in Value