MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Sept. 26.â€"Grainâ€"Fa"r demand for new crop Manitoba spring wheat, but bids were from who cent, to 1:} cents out of line and bus- iness was very quiet. Good (lonlamt for Canadian oats at about 33c for No. 2 white, but little business is passing, owing to heavy freight. rates. Supplies are Still very limi', gd, and are practically all sold in local market. Millfeedâ€"M‘anitoba bran in 1;:ig‘s. $17 to $18; shorts, $20 to $21 yer ton. Ontario bran in bulk, $15 m $15.50; shorts, $20 to $20.50; mouillc, $28 to $29 per ton. Hayâ€"No. 1, $8.5 $7.50 to $8; clover $7, and pure clover, .ton in car lots. Potatoesâ€"New pot 80 pounds, 500 to 5 Iâ€"Ibneyâ€"Whitc clover in combs, 1 to 13c per one pound sections; a tract, (Sic to 70; buckwheat, 55c 6c. Provisionsâ€"Heavy Canadian short cut pork, $22; light short cut, $18 to $19; American cut clval' {at lacks. $20.75 to $22.25: compound lai'd. 530 to 6&0; Canadian pure lard, 9:0 to ICC; kettle rendered, 110 to 120, according to quality; hams, 12c to lilï¬c, according to size, bacon. 1-10 to 150; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $925 to $9.507 alive, (Sac to 6530, mixed lots. Eggsâ€"Straight stock, 19c to 200; No. 1 candlcd, 18;c. Poultryâ€"Fat hens, To to 8C; thin, 66 to 70; fat chickens 90 to 100, mm 76 to 80; ducks, Sc, all live weight. Potatoesâ€"Quotations are highur at 506: to 606 per bushel. do medium ............ 170 do tubs, good to choice 17c do inferior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c CthSPQuotuions for jo‘n’ here are unchanged at 1130 to per 1b. Baled Hayâ€"Quotations are un- chang'cd at $7.50 per ton ivy No. L timothy and $6 for No. 2. Baicti Strawâ€"Car lots on track here are quoted unchanged at $5.59 x0 $6 per ton. -dull at 666 to 67c. Wheatâ€"Manitobaâ€"Some No. 1 hard of the new crop has been sold to Ontario millers at 86c, lake ports, .the price of No. l northern beingr easier at 84c to 850, while No. northu‘n is ï¬rmer at 83c. Old cron quotations are 906 for No. 1 northâ€" ern and 870 for No. 2 northern at lake ports. Butterâ€"The market retains an easy tone. due to the liberal l‘L'CL‘iptS comâ€" Ing forward. Creamery, prints ...220 230 do solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 2156 flairy 1b. rolls, good to choice ......... ....190 20c â€" Eggsâ€"Quotations are unchanged at 18c to 19c. Rolled Oatsâ€"Price,§ are unchang'ud at $2.25 to $2.30 per bag. Cornmw: is also quiet at $1.45 to $1.50 per LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Sept. 26.â€"Wheat.â€"Onttuâ€" ioâ€"NO. 2 white, 74130 at outside points. No. 2 red and white mixed is quoted at 7-30 to 740 at. OULSIGO points. Thom is some inquiry for .goose at 66c to 670, spring being -du11 at 666 to 67c. Oatsâ€"296 to 29; side. Barleyâ€"44c to 46c is bid for No. 2. The priCe for lower grades is BBC .to 4:36, according to quality, at. out- side points. Ryeâ€"Firm at 56c to 570, ouiside. Peasâ€"No. 12, 66c to 67s caazside Cornâ€"American is quotul at 61-: for No. 3 yellow. and (ilgc for N0. 2 yellow, lake and rail heights. Rolled Oatsâ€"$4.75 fur barrels In car 1015 on track licrc, and $4.50 for bags; 25c more for broken lots horn- and 40c outside. Flourâ€"Ontarioâ€"N incl y patents are oï¬'cred [01‘ c buyers’ bugs, east and \I'mâ€"Quotations on 01d (:1 unchanged at $5.20 to 3 patents, $1.90 to $5 for tents, and $4.80 to $11. ers’. Toronto, Sept. 26.â€" 'the quotations:â€" Export cattle, choice Do.. medium ...... ‘ Millieedâ€"OntariowBran is in better demand at $11.50 to $12 per ton in car lots outside, while shorts are (luil at $16 to $17.50. Manitobaâ€"Bran, $16 to $17; shorts $19 to $20, at Toronto, and equal points. D 'câ€"O (Yer LIVE STOCK MARKETS BUFFIMLO MARKETS COWS COUNTRY PRO DUCI bulls $8.50 to $9: ' over mixed, 86 War, $6 to $6.1 ht c for l\’o ntoes in SSC. export at 35 west, Munit crop flour a export Flourâ€" stl‘ (3 ng second 0 for 30 ‘C‘I‘ dcman c. Oais fl rm CO“ 20c 18c 190 16c outâ€" ï¬rs lots Six Persons Killed in a. Political Feud. manner. When it was about feet above the ground the rope hr and the balloon and boy rap shot up in the air and soon dis peared in the clouds, being rap blown toward the north-east. balloon owner said that unless youth opened the valves the ball would not Come down for 2L 110 The balloon rose over two n: high before it disappeared I; View. The boy managed to get 1‘ of the valve rope and let out gas, so 1hat he succeeded in sa eï¬â€˜ecting‘ a. landing a Summit, S( ELEPHANTS TO THE RESCUE I’atrie publishes some startling statements regarding war pregaru- tions by Germany on the French frontier. The rolling stock of the German railways is the object of special attention. Waggons necessur'. for the daily goods trafï¬c are no longer allowed to remain on the 51-1 ings of large stations. 'As soon a they are unloaded they an: sent back empty to the locality they came from. 'At Metz a large nmnber of ofï¬cers have spontaneously in- structed their men on “imminen" war.†The surveillance on the from tier has been doubled. The roads that sullered from the rECent raiis were immediately repaired at great expense in the whole iromtier zone. where as a rule the German scrvi’ro of road repairs is generally lax. War material is being sent to \‘ionrille and Metz. In all localities near the frontier groups of stall ofï¬cers have arrived. In France prudent measures have been taken to avoid a surpris . ta, at balloon killix luem and LWW Li} An Odd Incident on a New Street. Lad Had Exciting Thzrty Mile Ride But Landed Safely. the wheels crowd g: heavy rop‘ the horses War Preparations on the Frontier. A desan But for thc [our huge ( of mail Stl Ave. and I‘ have missw heavy ropes in their efforts the horses. Then the police: a happy thought. Ho SL-nt a gel‘ to an amusement honm and asked for the services of forming elephants. Four v ricd to the scene in charge ( keepers. They were harno the side of the wagon and it out of the mud with the nu: the side out of th while the Hogs, selected Lights, per ce Fats, per cwt trouble began when gon, loaded to the Sixth Avenue and turn at the corner Pairs had left a sh Do., bucks .. ull sheep, per cw't .ambs, per cwt. alvcs, per cwt. D0,. each . . . . . . . . ANOTHER BIG WAR CLOUD x'iker, was companied 'g‘ed the h( AIRY FLIGHT 1N BALLOON. 11 despatch from Paris ie publishes some ent x‘om r House, and the ‘ enfuegos during a the two politica .113 and Moderates |nt advices say th a1 County TROUBLE IN CUBA driver, 6 was on at ch from espatchcs x‘ elephants, tuck in th ctcd, per cwt sticky 1111 ver, empl ls on Lhc ‘ sunk to 1thered mud with the uLIiu crowd cheered. spatchcs received on 1““ Cienfueg‘os announced 1h; Congressman Enrique Vi] ader of the Liberal party most able orator in leI use, and the chief of polic‘ :05 during a conflict be had the ()rt lvo political parties, the Moderates. The Gov- lces say the police had that within the hotel in ndas resides a. quantity Vstr nin Med 3O .m New York says:~â€" ngth and courtesy of nts, a twoâ€"ton hatch 1 the mud at Sixtn Second Street would train at the Granri w Plan AT SINGAPOR mi] Ul int L a large m top, swung ventured a, where stn rip of soft H! by rucvm oyocl in DICL n depositu investigate the stairs arty of Li U1 and ml in plum wagon aimd policeman. 0 the tram :eedcd in safely Summit, Schoâ€" 35 from Queen- The youth and O 0 omo 33.5 avana n‘nossc :d jerk 50 0y rapidh oon disup ng rapidly east. Tm of the pe. were hm 3 of the? night two mil 3n eman ha a mossm rs the) Liberals balloon hours 1 from get hold )ut the says thr and )VXI 01‘, 00 01$ 30,000 Persians Driven From Baku. Five Men Were Killed and Eight Seriously Injured. the trains, ï¬ring u gers in them. In three of the passeng‘ ed and one was kille endeavored to captm a party of Cossacks The water supply of susuendcd. The men suspended. The members of the mu- nicipal government, the doctors and tï¬e engineers have fled. Two batâ€" talions; of infantry. two sotnias of Joccacks, a battery of artillery and a company of Chasseurs have been ordered here. ‘ One Man May Die From Injuries at Keewatin. Was done, striking Joseph Kennedy and Elijah Watterson 0n the head. Kennedy is probably fatally injured, but Watterson may recover. Both are unmarried. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild‘s Lib- eral Provision in Will. A dospatch from London says:â€" The will of Baron Nathaniel Rothsâ€" child, who died in Vienna, on June 2, was probated in London on Wednesday. The Baron bequeathed over $5,000,000 to Charity, chiefly devoted to the relief of sull‘crcrs from chronic incurable maladies. He left $494,375 'to the charitable institu- tions of Vienna; $9,885 for distribu- tion among the poor of Vienna, with- out distinction of creed, $10,000 to the poor fund of Schillersrlorf; $10,- (:00 to the Charlottcnstift at Hults- chun; $5,000 for distribution among the poor of Schillel‘sdorf, and $4,840 for the poor of Nzesfeld. He directs his executor to continue all pensions. A dL-spatch from Winnipeg says: About 4 o’clock on Wednesday after- noon a terrible accident occurred at the new flour mill being erected by the Macdonald Engineering Co. for the Kecwatin Flour Milling Co. at Kleewatin. TWO men were struck by rock, which was being blasted out for the foundation of the mill. The men were in the engine-room of the contractors along with a. number of others, where they had gone for shelter. The rock penetrated the side of the building, which is about 150 feet from where the blasting was done, striking Joseph Kennedy Severe Sentence Passed Upon Texas Burdell. for the men wel contract others. shelter. TO BRING- HOME PRISONERS Russian mesday Kingst Street. eight others se ccllision bctwe: combination pa on the Philade Flttsburg branc & Reading 1? $494,375 tions of ' tion amo out disti] A despatch from Odessa sayszâ€"Th-g Government has chartered the Amt-x iCan steamer :al'onne, which, with the Angara and the Volunteer lleet steamers St. Petersburg, KosLx-oma and Nishni Novgorod, will start fur Japan soon to repatriate the Rus- sian prisoners. tamed ab( which were track. ogcther on t :harp one and lump of trees aimed about urve The 1 otivo ROBBERS ATTACK TRAINS STRUCK BY FLYING ROCK )n FATAL TRAIN COLLISION Thousand E the Cashm dcspatch from 000,000 FOR CHARITY pron .1 Government Sending Steamers to Japan. FIFTEEN YEARS ‘ntcnced afternoon. train, consisting of nd one coach, W0. wnwal‘ FIRE IN scattered The pay car $50,000 in che iouses d1 The two tl‘ai Curve, which flanked by a The Day car ll coach, was going for the men along .‘ombination train, "me, combination passenger coaches, l‘he two trains run ml) 1n rs were i. The a the m disperse ft,( )ndon about in 3 ï¬fty- wound- robbers 1ils, but (1 them. as been pri hcav I u d Wt )nt the sons. Tsai portal Tingâ€"E U nitec‘ ed slip r Disastrous Results of Irrigation in California. engineer of na’t member of the Ways Commissi speaking before tn Im “Not for twenty year: evaporation down there 1 the inflow into the valley time a million acres of which is. from sixty to 2 low sea level, will be cm inland sea.†coring Society. “Within txventy years thousands of people who have taken up Govern- ment lands in the Imperial Valley will be driven out by Water, their homes and ï¬elds forming the bottom of an immense inland sea," he said. “The cause of the coming catasâ€" trophe is poor engineering in. divert- ing the course of the Colorado River for irrigation purposes. rThe river has cut into the banks of its new course to such an extent that nearly all the Colorado River flows down into the valley. The engineers reu lize the danger, but after many frantic efl‘orts have failed to change the river's couarse back to its old bod. Within Five Years China-Will Have Force Ready for Service. esp vidc p01 ed for expects cd men Sunday totalled ing is 1‘ West. The Odessa correspondent of the London Standard says that a. special commission from St. Peters- burg is at Odessa, arranging for the reception and lemperorary accommoâ€" dation, pending distribution to their regiments, of a, hundred thousand Russian prisoners from Japan. The men will he landed at Sebastopol. It is estimated that the cost of repatâ€" riating all the prisoners will amount Two Days- Shipments Over Eight Hundred Carloads. Four Oï¬icials Killed and Twanty Persons Wounded. intcl rcor; REPATRIATING PRISONERS 100,000 to be Sent to Russia at 3. Cost of $9,000,000. A Winnipeg despatch says: The grain movement eastward is now in full swing, and 30 trains, compris- ing 824 carloads, were shippal to the lake ports during Saturday and Sunday. Saturday's receipts were totalled 350 cars, and heavy loadâ€" ing is reported at all points in the ARMY 0F HALF A MELLION command in t1" Yuan Shih Kai The same corrc to $9,000,000 Ogilvie’s VALLEY AN INLAND SEA. in ‘eated a profound mses apprehensior 1fety of members 4 adng officials of ‘he Government 011‘? GRAiN MOVING BRISKLY. BOMB OUTRAGE IN CHINA nghai says Yinhâ€"tchang, the Uh)- ‘ Minister at Berlin, has been re- 1d, and will be appointed to a lmaml in the army under Gen. in Shih Kai, Viceroy of Pechili. same correspondent gives some resting statistics regarding the 'ganization of the Chinese army. says that the army will be (li- ld into tWCnty military districts, 1 with four regiments of infanâ€" one regiment of cavalry, an en- 591‘ corps and artillery in pro- :ion._ All the men enlistâ€" ‘or nine years. By 1910 China :cts to have half a. million train- nen ready for Service in the ï¬eld; London dospafch say: )ndent of the Mornin Ighai says Yinh-tchan Detroit rial 11 ST CROP n‘e HOV Hts Vail dospatch pectati m 1rr1gauo: in southern md sensation, and ;ion regarding the ‘s of the court and of the Government. ofï¬ces and the. railâ€" n’mg‘ly guarded. 11 M 1' 711 Dctr M it covered by an *aI'S says: Disas‘ 1tion in th( KNOWN will thn e equal to . By that the valIeY. The corâ€" Post at the Chi- )it 1111'01' nig'h A London despatch to a copy of the 0 resolution, sent by CATTLE EMBARGO STANDS. British Government Reafï¬rms It: Attitude. bar thl' trade. The e not a slur up they are enfo colonios, tog‘ States. The memorandum emphaâ€" siros the disastrous efl‘oct the intro- duction of disease would have on the consumers and producers of Great Britain. Past experience with Ar- gentina and the United States Show how quickly foot-and-mouth disease may make its appearance, despite ef- ï¬cient sanitary organization. Cutting of Wheat Now Completed Throughout Manitoba. A Winnipeg despatch says: A very comprehensive crop report was is- sued on Thursday by the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway covering all districts touched by the company’s lines in Manitoba and all the Western Canâ€" ada wheat belt. The agents' reports show general rains since the last bulletin was issued a week ago, which has delayed threshing opera- tions for a numbet of days. The cutting is all completed, and, with a continuation of the present wea- ther conditions, threshing will this week he again in full swing. From 15 to 30 per cent. of the crop has been threshed, and considerable of that has been marketed and is being shipped. The average yield in most districts is higher than was expect- ed, ranging from 20 to 30. bushels. The report, on the Whole, is very sati Total ........ The percent: ness was less total, which i annals of war SCHOOL BOYS 0N STRIKE. Death From Sickness Less Than One-fourth of the Total. A London dcspatch sayszâ€"The To- kio correspondent; of the tandard says that Japan's war losses to date are as folloWstâ€" of the lads‘ The 1, as truants in the and will be severe Killc Died Died nanc ade. 1‘01 FARM HANDS nder and Director of Charity. it fac to the dc 3 of a large and valuable The existing regulations are slur upon Canadian cattle, as LARGER YIELDS. torY DEATH ROLL 72,450. l‘h( Wounds sickness the the take In a. rced against all British ether with the United 3 memorandum emphaâ€" It by the G0" ding: the cattle home ( Board of steps tow long menu 1!] .RNARDO DEAD lopment t paralleled in tho )OYS are (tonsid eyes of the ‘ly dealt with. says: Replying inadian Senate hter ati on COMING. >01“ :iderable of and is being ield in most }0V'cr11ment Agriculture ds rcmov rmchlm i 'x‘om sick th of the 1n 46,189 10,970 15,300 cattle 10 ob- main- Ire cmâ€" a w,