Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Sep 1905, p. 8

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Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING .830 EVENING K .00 N. B.â€"Registere1 let-tars must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above men tioneu hours for closmg. I'IEBEEfiâ€"édbhglic"Church-Services on alter nnte SlxngiaygatQp. 11;). anfi 10.30 11.. m. Metigdlss'vébmobâ€"Services 11810.30 8.. 111., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thpgsdgy. eyegiug. ‘ . .: -:_,._ n..- Church of Englandâ€"Services at 311. In. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m., an 1 p. to. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday waging.“ . Richmond Lodge. A F and A M -Meets Mon- dav on (:r before full moon Court Richmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets Second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge, A 0 U Wâ€"-Msets thin Wednesday of each month Camp Elam, S O s â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each moum _f’ui;l-ic Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. mm Sutllx'diu‘ evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday V'Fnré_B;igudgâ€"Meezs first Monday of every mouan METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave 01’ R Crossing at.u,7.20‘9.40,11.33 a. m‘; 1.3L, 2.40. 3 <15. 5.40. 8.00 p. 111. Leave Richmond Hill H.:u,10.30. 3.111.; 12.20 2.20, 3.30, 4.35, 6.30. 8.50 p. m. Until further notice Mans will be closed at the Richmqqq Bill Post Office as follows :â€" Leave Newmarket at 7.30. 9.15‘ 4.15, G 15. 7.30 p Leave Richmond Hill. 7. BIO. 9.55. 1 2,40. 3.55. 4.55, o.55,;s.1u p. m HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. anci 2:“‘zilaezazissiiezfs3322:: : mg; or Aézvmwre terested in country life, . ask your newsdcalcr for “FOREST AND 0 l STREAIV'I,” or send u: hventwfive rents STREAIV‘I,” or send} us t\\'eaty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A all large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natuml his- tory and yachting. A POST OFFICE NOTICE and Fannlng Mlll. for taking out \vccd seeds. mustard and Cockle from seed Wheat and all need rain. cleaning and grad- ng any kind of rain M . ' ‘l «1' r . NO CASH REQUIRED Egglmifltha‘él‘avélgfii. e . 0315. r e , n ', Sold on time. with cr without the Bagging Attachment “ y x cm, beans, corn. alfalfa, room corn, grass seed. tobacco seed, chufas, pecans. rice. cow peas, velvet beans, pennuta._ Knfiir corn. cotton. 010., etc. This insures Highest. Market. Price for crop sold, most. productive and cleanest yield of crop aown.‘ Special Screens for grading corn and spccml scrcexm for tukmg huckhorn out of clover. “'0 make our own screen; for all sizes and kinds of grain. There is no sense or reason. in trying to do without, a Chatham, for it is «old to {on on time. and more than pays for itsclf before you are asked to pay for it. Our temps are L 10 best ever offered. \§ 0 ship a (‘hatham Fanning Mill to you. freight prepaid. and give you three years to pay for it. Every Chathum curries our Five Years Guarantee. You get more: and better value when you buy a Chntham Fanning Mill than with any other. We furnish Free with every Chnlem 17 Screenn nnd Riddles for Every purpose and combination of pin pose: for which the former or Beedmnnn. ranchmon or planter can possibly need them. 'l‘huu you memo to one machine It Separator, Grader, Timothy Seed Saver .~~-~~~..~~- . a. .nv" -v ._.___- _‘_ ,,,, is a truthful book of facts and instructive information that is invaluable to the student of intensive farming. It tells how others pick up hundreds of dollars on their places more by forethought and care than by work, and gives names and letters of parties who have found a little breeze to be a. good money-maker. It tells further how you can secure a Chatham Fanning Mlll, use it to your profit. and pay for it later on. \VriLo for this book today, witbou fail. It will come back by return mail. Address all letters Thé MANSON CAMPBELL c0., Limited, Chatham, Canada Dept. No. 3115 from Between Toronto and Newmzu'ket. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster MORNiNG EVENING Village Directory. Distributing \Varehouses at Montreal, 011e,. Brandon, Mam. Calgary. Alan, New “'cslminsler, B.C., Halifax, N MONEY ORDERS GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH .RIJEI VIDIDIIILL 1 L: distance promptly nded to. Z‘I’HBQ‘Ed'nakc Dollars out of Wind {j find A M â€"Meets Mon- on Fâ€"Meets Second and 11.15 a. m.; 2, 3.15 m. Iike' to read of the ex- , shoot- ‘ yacht- you a to d of Manufacturers of The (‘hnlhnm Incubators and Brooders and [he (Yhatunm Farm Scale. QeEebmted Mm Mam} Guaranteed for _ Chatham Fanning Mill rices right and terms to suit purchaser. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- txred buggles. ’1‘. LUH)I*‘()I{1). 131-01n'i0101' Endorsed by such leading musit-ians as Prufessm's Tm-rington, Vogt, Fisher, Fox-syth, etc. 'anteed fur ten years. Manufactured by THE D. \V. KARN 00., at \Vuodstock, 0nt., Lht' lurgvst In:anufm~t,u|-H's of musical instinâ€" monts in Canada. METROPOLITAN GRGCERY UPâ€"TO-DATE Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. Mcfiomld, Richmand Hill 17 Screens and Riddles FREE with a 60,600 Kam Instruments in use. Next Door North of W'aitin;y Room. ARMANI) SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hill CANDIES C hoice variety of Fresh and Clean. 1 GROCERIES HORSE SE Your horse has :1 great do when it (1011108 to nets. ett very much nppwciute one nets during this season. “'9 also have a knee rugs nf differe one of which is a b‘ Bes Om- harness is Material 3 nd Properly Made. complete nt qualities :u-guin. always of NSE )f swap He will our fly the line of ‘, every +++$+++'P€'++??é’++¢$$$$+++§+ 4' 3 Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? P+++ ++++++++M+4°++N++++HM++ +++++++4‘+++~2‘+++%++++++++++ Are Your Lungs Worth Then why (In ynu cnugh “I \Vhitv me- and TM will 1 you the first day. It \Vi [hut cough in :I {aw days 1‘ \Ve klmw n11 uhnut it h we hme suld it fm- ymrs,; km-w just, what is in it. [W :1 curt-all ; il'sjusLn Unngl' and n gnud (nu:- ut, th II made to (‘Ul‘(‘. Thnt is \sell an mm'h hi" it. It‘s nut ent nwdirim- viLht-r. \VI patvnt, Invdiuim-s, but we 4 rt-trnmuwm] thr-m. \Vu. ‘ cmnuwnd \\'hit<- Pint- at and we lu-lim e in h. 31.1mm we say “Your M ney Back ii You W‘ After ynn Imp it man y lwlivvv in ittnn. It will «it 2500mm“ try it. An- ynu worth 25 C(‘lltx 1‘ Issuer Marriage Licenses w. A. 35mm Draggist, Richmond t Partial Contents for this Month: Course in English fur thv Beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Pupil. How to Increasv Ono’s Vocnlmlauy. The Art of Conversatinn. Should and \Nonld : How to Use Them. Prnnunciutiuns (Century Dictionary. Um‘rect English in the Home. (Im-rect English in the Schunl. What tn say and \tht, Not to Say. Course in Letter “’riting and Punct- nation. Alphabetic List, nf Ahhrvviatinnw. Business English for the Business Man. * Compound VVm-ds: Huw to \Vrite Thom. Stndles in English Literature. 4++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTERESTING! INS'I‘RUUTIVE $1.00 aYear. Send l0 cents for Sample copy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston HI. "(flaunt @agliah Law: in use it” at nnce fm- "' Canada‘s Greatest Nur- series" for the lmvn of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, which will be reserved fur the, right man. START NOW at the host selling season and handle mu- NEW SPECIALTIES on liberal tel-ms. \Vi'iu‘ for pui-Licuizu-s and send 250. fur (mr handsmne Aluminum Poc- ket Micruscnpe (:L iiitle gem) useful to farmers in examining seeds and grains, nrchardists in oxmnining trees for in- sects. guidim-l-s in exmnining plants for inset-ts. twu-hcrs and schulsu-s in studying Butlllly, and everybody in a hundred different, ways. TORONTO Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Vaughan. The Execntm-sof the Estate of tlw late John Campbell will offer for sale by public uluztiun on Saturday, the 14th day nf October 190."), at the hour of 2 011an in the afternoon. at; Hughes’ Hun-1, Thm-nhill, by J. T. of 2 o’clock in the afternoon. at Hughes’ Hntel, Thurnhill, by J. T. Suigeon, Auvtiuneer, 150 :1crvs,nmre urlcss. part, Of Lut, Numhvr “13" in the 4th concession of the Township of Vaughan. The farm cnnsists of good clay loam soil, well watered by 2» liv- ing stream crossing the same anda guud well. On it- is elected a sub- steiut‘iul brick dwelling. :L largo, nmv hunk barn and other outbuildings. There are about 10 acres uf hush land and a good orchard. This farm is welladupted fur stm‘k purpnses, and is convenient to schools and churches. The pruperty will be Dill-red suhjvut to a reserve hid. Terms. 10?; of purch paid to the Vendm-s’ : time of sale, and the 30 days thereafter, or. er desix-os,$5()00 of (he may remain on man-t; 05L, payable hulf‘yezlr Further pal of sale may ht cation to the Iicitnrs, and W at time nf sale Andrew S. Ru George High. Lindsey, Lm STONE & WELLINGTON Dated 20th Then Why dn ynu cungh all day '9 VVhitt' Pine and Ta! will X‘(‘ll(‘\'(: ynu the first. any. It will atnp that cough in a few days nun-0. We know all nhnut it, because we have suld it for yours, and we knnw just what is in ir. It is not a cure-all ; il.'sjnsLn Unngh Cute, and n. gund m)? at th It. It‘s made to rum. That is why we fly” so much (If it. It’s nut u put,- made to vure. 'Hmt Is Why we sell :90 mth nf it. It’s nut u put,- ent medicilw vithm'. \Ve keep patent nu-dicinvs, lmt we dn nut rocnmuu-m] thmn. \Ve dn rc- cmmnpnd \Vlfitv Pim- nnd Tu)‘, and we belim e in it so much that we say “ Your M ncy Back ii You Want It." After ynn new it nter yuu \nll lwlivvv in it tun. It will must, you 250(‘I1tstn try it. Are ynurlnngs Worth 25 cent 2’ uc Qbéoluxet; su‘ MONTH ITY MAGAZINE DEVOT- ED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. V JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, W. A. Sandersen 60 Vfctoriu St. for Lh 50-4 mos. FONTHILL NU SERIES, Draggist, Richmond Hill Russell. (Lu-Hillel zh. Maple } Lawrence 3: \Vm OVer 800 acres. l)‘ k rid. of purchase mom endors’ Sulxcitm-s cul the lmlunce ~, 01‘. if the. y ' the pmvhum mrtguge at. 5 Tot-onto. thcllm executors. September. 1903‘ ‘x-tn i m nun-s 150 be u-ly nd conditions L‘d upnu appli- ()1' their b‘n- s why we nut u put,- \V9 kl‘th fie d1) nut tm's \Vndswm‘th ), Solicitors m:de yuu will ONTARIO. ll‘y to he s at, the 3 within purchas- w Inuney intel- will rccei vs work which ld. Capiml nfl at. one! known 5 Galvanizefl Reg 1 Troughs l 400. per Foot, I I EPIOW Paints rang- ing from 2.0 to 25c. CIDEE‘EADE The px-an-it-lm }Il‘l'd HL-latain (‘ lmpx-mw-d Cht'Sft 29. kt, Cum, Vul fur snlv smno gm Thm-nughlm (1 service 01) the nu PLEASANT TU] SD \YS and THK The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen- erous patronage accorded him as Semi Bfiasksmim gage? PATRON S I Received in Sa \‘ings’ Bunk Depen- mth and interest ullmn-d at HIGHEfiT BURRENT BATES. Money Loan“! on Farmers” Sale males. Biunk Rote l-‘wnans Supplied Fuse. Emmi Banking Easiness Transacteci. For other particulars call at the Bank SPRENG ANB SUMMER Black and Blue \Vozsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatlng, etc. Best quality. Low prices. ing buptmn week duy Horse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. Notice of withdrawn! not neces- sary. All depusits payable on demand. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. GEO COWIE, Capital Rest; My Stock of \Noolens for A. J. HUME, RICHMOND HILL And hopes for a. continuance of the same. is now complete compl‘isin T ailcr, Rich 0t Canada '1‘() I}; 1 Ski Proprietor RICHMOND HILL. J'. W. OSBORNE. Made to Ol'dt 9.1 fl‘OOODOO $1,000 000 DEE‘Bâ€"sms DH r and :Iftm- L] p tn the 0nd vomber. .â€".â€".‘3 mule and Brm-deruf \r \Vhill' Hogs. 1.0%. )glmn (Thou-1min) 11:25 (1 young stuck. hull and hug kept fur VIEW FARM G OODERH limond RSD‘ m- Lh lezlsnht Pl-nm-it-tbh AGENT. rf Nu- Hill 3AM,

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