Calls by telephone from I Hill charged to me R-yuods‘ledand 0 ma 01' the was hotels on Ynus HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE Issuer of Marrmge Li†adv. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFH or :M. TEE‘Fy. NOTARY PUBLIC pass the dam? L Vc L» XXVIII. PALMER {O [E RICHMOND H t†(":3 1-1 ply to FARM Ti) RENT JOHN R. CAMPBELE Ont. AT THE U 53.“. PRINTING & PUBLISHiï¬G HOUSE BiGHMGND HILL, ON P. '1‘ . F . McMAHON, Best; ï¬tting lmVeSL, \V. C. SA W H: Will he IS PUBLISHEDEVEM 'X'H URSDAY MORNING Dr. C. HAROLD CLARKSON DENTIST. ml per annum, 1n advance.J “In Essentzals, Umty; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†[Single copies, 2 cts DR. H. W. ANDERSONJ l. H. SANDERSUN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL htlls by day and nig Om: hund: Sion To learn carpentnx‘ trade. Apply t .INNES & SONS. Richmond Hi1 ‘ve‘lars. A driving p51. Otï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m Want your moustache or heard aheaaiifulbrewn or rich Mack? Use um : l‘ Cur. C.u-lbm1 and Ynuge Sts., To 1' u n Lu ill be in Richmnnd Hill on \Ved- nesday of each week. Ofï¬ce. next dour north of Stand- ard B-mk. Cur. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto 00m 12, 12! Victoria. St. Torc VETERINARY SURGEON 'Dlnornhill. Boy Wants; BUSINESS CARDS. 95-3. EM. HQQESS, Thornhill Every Wednesday. TERMS COMMISSIOKER XX TE! Emma & Paormm‘oa and newly fpnï¬shed thrnncbnnt 5 £9 Dentist, Wtcrinnw :4qu tenth, also replating prices. Good work. and night promptly at- tended to. Vouveuienb $1.00 PER DAY medal. u 'v onuoction fliï¬ï¬ré‘i NOBLE, Map} JUSTICE,&C. ge Licenses OST OFFICE. comfortable modern con- commercial urmers g‘ Electno Q Richmond hall Pro [a nto. at m THE LicensedAnctionenforthe Counties sf andOntmâ€"xo All sales of farm stock &c tended to on the shortest notice and mum rateq. Mortgagvandbailiï¬ sales attende Rastdence,Sbou.‘Iville Out‘ License Auctioneer for {zllt-JCouut;Y spoctfuny solicits your patronage ‘ influence sales uttt-uded on the 5L and at renaonaberutes. P. O.a.dare IHCHMOND.HHL _ON._ THURSDAY,OCT.5, Licensed Auctioneers for the County Bulasdtendedbo on abortest-uoth-(nnd onablemtes Patronagcsolieitsd abo~e J T Saigenn RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Instruction in the Art of Piano Play Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales or szoc etc promptly attended to at reasonabl- rates Residence Unionvx‘lle G R Guuxdmg, Newton brookagzenttor tho ahma (‘lmsos in History, etc arrisu-rs and Solicitors. Monev to loan on land andchabbel mortgage lowest rates Aurora (miceâ€"Removed to the old p0“ of? one door west of the ennuuue to Outuno Bunk Newmarket olï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of post oxï¬ce '1‘ HERDEILTLENNOX. G 5er Manama Th e 66$ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. Rivh- mnnd St. \Vest.“’vsley Buildings, (Methodist Book Room,) To- nmtn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of (rm-11 week. JAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, a; giggN 7131114148 LENNOX & MORGAN. Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, 86C. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold eru Bldg), 00:. Adelaide. 6.: Victoria SLs.. Tumum. N0 J. EARLE NEWTON Hamish Indm'lakcrs :K' arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at; both places. EESEM - WEE. 1.1 .x T. F. McMAHb§ ' nL §§ubseribc for Next Sitting of Division Court for i. 3, County of York, will be held in the Com-t Room, EIGHNTOND HILL MONEY TO LOAN AT VVRIGH'I' BROS ii. Sui ERAL Ofï¬ce, Ric 00K & JOHNSTON ‘nmnlencinq (it 10 a. m dsey. Lawrence £2 W adsworth, goon _& Mcchn. m Rudiments, Harmony, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBE 1 .5, 1905 tioneer I 2' the County of York, rel :M». _H r . G. BLOI‘GH, H. P: entice, :"ï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. L. Sunï¬sh. Adreru. 2cm“. Three doors south of the lDRX ..»._..J u. nun-a, AU‘ git;onage an_d (fienqu -_ u, . :1th 01d pott Ofllc.‘ the eubmuue to tilt Enan lm vrs. STV MORGAN 116 sLortest notic‘b address King mimics :1 York J K McEwan Waston mono Hui nck &c, at. (I reasonable attended to he“ market Of York. 1 D. you. I905 ageant 1; 2984 Over a quarter of a million dollars were subscribed in Toronto nu Monday by eight philanthropic gentlemen), for the new General Hospital. Senator Cox’subscriptiou was $100,000. Junim- ILâ€"Isaac Nigh, Reuben Hor- I ner. Tommy Smith. Senior Part II.â€"â€"Er\‘ie Hunt, Roy Smith, Elsie Doner, ICvu Connor. “’il- lie Homer. Heber McCague, Douglas Read. Junior Part II.â€"â€"John Mi-Czigue, Fred Cosg‘rove, Myrtle Reid, Harry Mudill, Ruth Hoover, Alvin Smith. 1.. Classâ€"\Vesley Suhell, John Besâ€" tard, George Read, Gordon Read. Ross Baker. Lumber on the roll for month, 39. Average attendance for month. 30. Number of absentees for month, 163. The following were resent every day: John Cosgrove, tertie Nelson, Clam Cosgrove, Ralph VVillimns, Cur- rie \Villiunis. Jimmie Cosgrove, Doug- las Read. Alvin Smith, Fred Cosgrove, George Read, Gordon Read. MICLJ, showing th missionaries ent parts ( Lawson, a. chewnn “h in this sect made some tive to the r The follo‘ for the ensu '1‘. himphel nos; Sew-i» \Vright ; De Directors, .1 J. H. Sand Newton, \V. Collectors Moodie, b‘w aghy; Vicu and Jenni] hlr-Nnirnnil 8.\\ l7 In. Classâ€"Elsie Hmovex', Ralph “"il- lizuus, Uul'l'ie \Villizuns, Frank Harvey, Maggie Baker. Senior II.~Jimmin Cnsgrm‘e, Nettie Stone, Gertie Cusgrovc, Pearl Hunt, Wesley Hoover. IV. Classâ€"Clam. Cnsgl'm‘o. Charles Hoover, Gel-Lieansml, John Cosgx-m‘c, Charles Connor, Hnmld Smith. Miss Ad; Snulcs of Aurora; visits-d over Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Grmldnck. Mr. F. anes of Convert]. preached in the Methodist; church Sunday Report nf S. the mouth of order If merit Messrs. R0): and Russell Kirby have returned home :Iftr-x' spending the past. three munle in Manitoba and the North \Vest. Mr. and Mrs. G. Garmw. accompan- ied by Mrs. ‘Vm. Thomas of Hope, ax'_e_yisi§il}gf1-iel)ds at, Elmvnlv. in the morning. The members of the Epwm th League purpose having a social in the sclnml room of the church on \Vednesday evening (of next week. It is expected that Ellgely League will he plesent and furnish most of the programme. Refreshments will he, served and there. will be an admission fee of ten cents. The pupils of the puhlic sclnml are reparng for their annual concert L0 Ie given in n few weeks. Mr. Hum-y Kelfer and Mr. Fred Richardson left on Mondny tn attend the Schnul of PractiCuI Science in To- mntowml Mr. Evex-Lon Llnyd and Mr. Percy Heifer have gone tn Hamilton to take. :1 course in the Normal College. Miss E. Nonuzm of King. spent, Thurday nf last week with her friend, Miss Ethel Rupert. _ Tho ruinon Monday did 3 gr (If good. The farmers are nu“ gvt, along with their ploughing “1*. and Mus. Bailey. Master and Miss Margurite Builoy (If and Mr. Edwin Bl‘uwll uf McK ' 5-“: Sunday at, Mr. Our village mervhnnts and mechan- ics report fuvm-uhly of the business done by them and the great; change in paying for gouds and work done, from bygone days. Rumlnlv‘s. Mr. Von-hie Chm [cs started an day to attend the British Amt Business College. Mr. and Mrs. D. Othen of “V. were calling on friends here lute] wow cullian on friends Mr. \V. Eluhine and Cluhilw uf Thornhill, \' Rumble's 011 Sunday In Miss Mabel G. Marsh of Richmond Hill is now rmzupemling at the home of her uunt, Mrs. \Vm. Grvig at Mount Pleasant. Hm- :tppoumnco indicates pelft-ct} health, as Lhopuro air in this lncnlity may be command to the vir- tues arising from a dip in the ancient p031“ Siloam. The MthUdiSt [minister used for the lmsis of his dismnu'se the words “\Vhab luck 1 yet.†The address was pmcti- cal, and gave evidence of great, propu- ‘utiun : it. was suitable for the age we are now livng in. Rev. D. A. Thomson of Hastings occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter- ian church as the agent, of the Bible Snciety. His discourse, was 011 the gt-Pat work dune in the past and now doing in the world by sending the bi- hlgflto eyr-ry pnrt open to rom-ive it. The large numlher attending our county exhibitions give conclusive proof of (he pmspm-ity of Canada, the m‘crflnwuf farmers’ purses, and the at'cmnulation of hank dvposits. Mr. Burt Smith and his Wife have gone Lu visit their relutivvs in North Dukuta. and Mr. O. Laugh. n furnva resident of Dakota. has gone b:le on husi max-5. S. S. No. 4, Markham Mount Pleasant Patterson 13:1). Othen of \Vestnn. on friends here lately. Iuhine and Miss Almedn S. Nu. 4. Markham. for SPptelllbL'l’. Nmnos in Maple ty did a great, deal 1's m-v nuw able to ploughing. (v. Muster Gmrze visited at, Mr. H y (If Maple Mchme-l \V . Mon- riczm Before separating a. vote r moved by Mr. Innes, seconde BI-ydon, was tendered the s the evening and L110 cullecto past year. J. H. Sanderson, T. H. Trench, ' Newton, W. Fury, J. Switzer. Collectorsâ€"Richmond Hill, Missl Moodie, Switzer, Heise and MCCU aghy; Victoria. Square, Misses Klinc and Jennings; Patten-Sun, Missl McNuirund Rumble; Heudfm-d, Miss« Brodie and Helmkay. A meeting of the Richmond Hill Brunch Bible Society was held in the school room of the Methodist. church Friday evoning. The chair was taken by Rev. '1‘. Campbell, and Rev. Dr. Campbell of Midland, agent of the So- ciety, gave an interesting address, showing the excellmlt work done by missionaries and Uolporteurs in diï¬â€˜vr- ent parts of the World. Rev. Thus. Lawson, a. missionary from Saskat- chewan n ho has been visiting friends in this section. was called upon and made some appropriate remarks rela- tive to the needs of the Northwest. The following ofï¬cers \veie elected for the ensuing year: President. Rev. '1‘. lumplwll; Vice-President, \V. In- nos; Secretdry-Treasuror, \V. A. The fabric, the shupe,tl)e styleï¬nish and make up stumps our made-t0- measure suits perfect as can he made by human hands. Atkinson Sc Swit- Cnnsidemble red clover has already been tln-eslwd in our locality. Gen- erully speaking, the yield of seed is \Ieg'xlight. \Vicl‘)‘ autumn the earth grows sol-e. Even the evenblnomm‘s have consul to bloom, and the jumping-jacks to jump â€"â€"-the fence. Thé Royal Hotel has again recently chaugml hands. being now occupied by Mr. Nulr‘lh o_f.\Ve-ll‘inglon cpumy. Mrs-Perkins, we understand, is still bedfust. \Vc wish her a speedy re- cnvvry. The ladies of the Auxiliary are mak- ing preparations for the supper and entertainment on the 12th inst. Mrs. S. “’00de left on Tnésday to tag? up‘heg' abode at Stouffville. It, is reported Mr. Chester Stnuten- burgh loft, \Villiumstmvn on Saturday morning. It’s about, tlme for the rub- bex- tires to get tired. He will prob- ably be back by May. Miss Lillie Dennie was the guest of Miss Nellie Jennings on Sunday after- mum. Mr. XV. McKay is meeting with splendid success at, coon-hunting this season. Mr. Duï¬iul Kllnb‘k of Yellnwgrass is visiting friends and relatives in this )1)(3;_1lit.y»prinr u: his return west. Lh( im Mr. Lorne Péx kins, with his sister-in- law and Miss Greta, drove to Cashol on Sunday ervAtfining. M 1‘. Chester Brumwell intends to go with Clifford to New Ontario before taking his proposed trip “ t0 the land of rice and mustard." A large number from hora attended the diamond jubilee celebration of the Melville Presbyterian congregation on Sunday and Monday. The SGI‘ViCCS, entertainment and supper were all highly nppl‘vciated and enjoyed by the large number present. - Rev. T. Camp-hell paid Scjyfol :LVisjt o_n Squday Miss F. L. Lundy has purchased :I, house and Iut near her schonl. She will ï¬nd it much more plomnntduring the winter tn g0 and come from hm‘ new home than she has done hereto- fm-v. Mr. Barry Klinck is able to attend to his duties as usual this week. Miss Nellie Burnham is spending a few days with friends and relatives at: Samlfm-d. 11 l] Mr. and Mrs. ‘V. L. Curvm‘ of East Tm-nntu spent, Sunday under the par- entnl roof. Miss E. Sanderson of Am-mzi has been the guest of Mrs. Edward Sander- son for a few days. ' Miss Stui-ey (if Bloomingtnn was the guest of Mrs. Gen. Dennis on Sunday. A number of young men are kept busy making plans to secure the pos- session of a hug of wutermoluns. Mr. D. Futheringham paid his semi- annual visit to the saliva] here lust wevk. Our correspondent, informed us last wwk Hun, llu- lust charivari was poorly attended. This is :L fact of which many renders in this neighborhood should feel proud. \Ve hope the tinw may speedily come when the rising generation will abandon all such x-owdyish customs which have been practised in the past. Rev. T. ‘Camphe-ll paid our Sabbath The W xpmved the look of the wheat ï¬elds (may. The. Tnnkurds held their snmI-an- ml feast on Saturday and Sunday Bible Society Meeting Sanderson Victoria. Square arm weather of last week and ‘shing shmverm) Mmulny have 1 the look of the wheat ï¬elds ltm'le‘H p0§itzgy H. BI-V of the Richmond Society was held i )f the Methndist. cf z. The chair was I 11. vote of thank 0 1' McMuho X. Newu )1‘ 1 Hill in the hurch Luke n M 0n guvgm J GOAL I ONE HUNDREI.LACRE FARM ad- jnining Village 01’ Richmond Hill: i good house and outbuildings: in fair “MW of CUWVHUUH: pnssessinn April 1.!» Inn“. A- n ,J .. . _ Threshers June Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Mr. John Miller. Dé‘puty Minister of Education, died Monday night, after an attack of paralysis. Mrs. Robb. Kyle. of Ingersnll, was on Tuesday acquitted of the murer of Ruben-t, McGee. The jury decided that the Woman was justifiable in shunting her assailant. Markham. Sui! the In inquire (If 1st, 1906: full ploughilfg 6 once. Apply tp Fifty-one acres and :1 quarter. being the south-east quarter of Lot 22 in thv 4th Concession of the Tuwnsl:ip «If Markham. Good buildings and fruit. Sui! the lwst. For futthex- pm-Liculzus 100 :ICI‘F‘S, living: the estate of the late, Thomas Bree", York Mills, lst Com, East Yul-k ; beautifully situntr-d 0!} mid Yungo street. within ï¬ve min- utes’ wqu of 801100], post Ofï¬ce and street cars. Apply on premises. I am prepared to do all kinds ofRzlg Carpet Weaving to order with neat.- ness and despntch. Your patronage solicitvd. JOSHUA LEHMAN. Gmlmlov. A first-class Jersey Cow and Gulf, tlmroughhred ; cow 6 years old. \Vill sell right. IZ-tf H. F. HOPPER “’9 hope to see all our old custom- ers back again this season as usual with as many mm-e as possible. Thanking the general public for push fuvoxs, we solicit :1 continuance of the same in the future. Parties wishing apple hultt keep thvir peeling applt-s from the cider apples. \Ve vxpect Lu buy 3. gm cider apples. As \vv have now a capacity 3000 gals. of cider boiled into II. ‘Viuger 8: Son To Rent or for Sale As is well known we make raw cider. lmiled cider, apple hultvr, and jelly all from your own upples.’ Cider can he boiled to any thickness. Jellynpplvs slmulrl be Well ripunvd and Lwra-Lhirds sweet. Parties wishing apple hulter should keep thoir peeling apples separate. from the cider :lnnlos. War and Jeiiy ‘Vill run on (:usto tembcr one (1:: Monday Sept. 25, and will run ï¬rst three daysot each week during October and November up to and inâ€" cluding Nov. 15, 1905. 11~l ll-l-L Farm for Sale Rag Carpet Weaving F033. SALE FOR SALE M ‘U me} Bram (thnond Hill ' C. EVANS-LEYVIS. 43 Adelaidu Street: East Edger 11 on hand. nu \V( Toronto. WGGED H. F. HOPPER. ED. BROW'N AN. Gormley. 11-2 mos 11y m be done Gashel P quantit) during namely ,14 11-14 Ik‘