Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1905, p. 5

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E l Exits if: RICHMHND HiLL, 0: tuber 5. 1005 ‘4 as: L()(/ [114»... Citizens are beginning to make en- q liries about new library books. SllliltlFF‘S \VARRANT A rather unusual pincer-ding was taken at Usgoodc l-lrill 'l‘liiirsday moi ii- iiig, when Mr. Justice .‘vlilL/ff‘t’ is>oed a. Warrant to the blur-i135 i f the r‘oilnty of York, rniiiniandiiig him to immediâ€" ately put the James liay {ailway Company into [ills's'i's‘s’l'ill of the por- tion of the property of Mrs. Margaret 3153:} - j ‘ ._ n . (if-way tor the iii-w iailway. Mrs. D“"l"5‘ I’l't'llf‘l'ly adjoins 'l‘lioriii-lill'e ~ ' ' ' ' * ' ' Farm iii the lion Valli-v, which is \Vheii writing to the newly zip: ~ Doinlezl J. P.'s don‘t fall to write Esq. ' 0m." ll: t‘HN‘s where li'~l\l.'ll|('k' is i f~ after the name. fercd to the railway taking [Missx-ssioli is :1 Warrant i.....ui-d to tlierilieiil’f. The cniiipaiiy has deposited $I,Iil?3.=i3l. which is lift y per rent. more than the alleged value of the land. The article must be .‘ill that you can reasoiiahlvexpect and must suit you â€"-â€"else we want it returned. Atkinson é: Switzer. \Vith so many Justices of the Peace in our midst it will liarle be safe to Venture the reinitih, " You‘re an- other." THE Ni2\\'S (i'r‘ TiilC \VOllLD in the in itter of tu~\\'s 'l'be \Veelcly Globe and Canada bannercovers the whole field. All it: !!l\‘ of interest are (‘t-llr’f'lPll, sifttil. condensed and pic- seiile-d in an easily :lt‘t't ssible and readâ€" ablo form, so the busy faiiiier may Two little. girls“ li:indkvi-cliirfs left at THE LIBERAL office for l(i('lllllll‘ll- Linn. Thc owners will please. call for kN-p himself thoroughly posit-(l in. them. Igardiiig the home Jtli‘l l'oieign events ol' iiiig‘inriance \viilioiit, wasting time. Every ell'ort is made to secuit- iiil’i r- inariou at first band to insure its authentic rharactcr. The \‘i'eekly Globe and Canada Farmer is a high- class newspaper of national interest, Aline black serge suit made to your measure for $7.50, the acme of style at the minimum of price. At kinson it Switzr-r. Mr. Clinich, Toronto, will give. an address in connection with the Hpâ€" Syllll‘illhy “Nd (lllllmikadt is read Worth Leaguein the Methodistchurch l'el-i'lli‘rl." l‘y l’t'W‘l“ ll‘mg “1 the United States and in all partsnf the British Empire. For widespread rir culation it. is, peihaps, unequalled by any other iieWspaper published on this continent. next Monday evening, Oct. 9. LOST Between Richmond liill and Thorn' bill a Grey Ostrich Feather. The finder will he, iewarded by leaving the same at- this office. MISS BELL REM EM BERED. The departure of Miss “’inifred Bell, (inc oi the School teachers. was made the. occasion ofa pleasing event last Friday afternoon. “but had gone forth for the teachers and pupils to assemble in Form 1 during the last period of the afternoon. The Principal, Mr. Shaw took the. chair. facing over ninety happy faces. and delivered an eulogy on Miss Bell’s ser- vices, expiessing regret at her (le- parture, and extendingr his best wishes tor her future. Mr. Andrew, English Master, also added Words of com- meiidatioii, saying he felt rnre that Miss Bell was taking with her to her new field of labor the good will of e\ ery pupil in the school, as we l as that of the citizens generally. The chairman then called upon Mr.Uhai-les Hopper, who, on behalf of his fellow students, in a few happy words ex- pressed his appreciation of his teach- er’s worth and his wishes for lierl'utiire success. Mr. ‘.'altcrl“rishy then read an appreciative address, at the Con- clusion of which Miss Bell was present The Concrete House is the store where good things are cheap and cheap things are good. Atkinson & Switzer. Eliza. .laiic Albin. daughter of Albert and Julia. Albin, died at the resident-e, of her parents, 120; Yonge street, Toâ€" ronto, on Monday. Interment; took place in the Richmond Hill cemetery Tuesday afternoon. \Ve are offering special value now in men’s and vouilis’ heavy Working shirts, overalls and pants. Atkinson d: Switzer. SENT TO THE CENTRAL James Clarke pleaded guilty to six charges for cattle stealing in York County and has been sent- to the Gen- tral Prison for two years. The, culprit said in court that, liquor was the Cause of the theft. KINGfirâ€"CWTTTMATTKVET The latest enterprise at King City is a market. cummencing £04530“ The ed by the teachers and students with follhwing citizens “(unpnse the a very handsome dressuig case, Miss Ham-l \Velsli making the presentation. Miss Bell replied in feeling teims, thanking the donors for the beauti- committee :â€"-.Iohn McDonald, A. D. )zirley, George A. Phillips, 0. H. Hall, J. M. \Vinter, Gen. 1). Lockart, M.D. The market opens at 9 o‘clock. PRESENTATION Mr. Campbell Rutherford, Principal of the Davisville Public School for the past 11 years, left last Friday to take charge of Manning Avenue School. At the close. of the schmil on Friday the scholars presented their late prin- cipal with an address and a. handsome. Set of military brushes. good will. A mighty cheer closed the proceedings, and after a general hand shaking teachers and pupils separated. TRACTION ENGINES Now that the threshing season is in full swing it will he of interest to own- ers of threshing outfits and the gener- al public to quote the act regulating the use of traction engines on the highways. The act first provides for precautions against frightening horses and requires the engine to he stopped and the person in charge of the engine to lead the horse or horses by. In the. year 1903, the Act authorizing and regulating the use pf traction engines WARM SEPTEMBER The last day of September made. a. record for itself. The thermometer marked a. temperatureofSl. This was 20 degrees above the usual. Sunday, October 1, was a little cooler, yet a woman was a. victim of sunstrnke at Riverdale Park, Toronto. The whole month of September wasabout-édc- grces above the average. 42 inch, all wool. fine Roxana Dress goods in black, navy, brown, cardinal, grey and light blue at 50c. yd.: 46 inch fancy black hucar dress goods at 75c. and $1 per yard. Atkinson Sc Switzer. proviejions requiring the. owners to strengthen, at their own expense, all bridges and culverts to he crossed by traction engines, and to keep the. same in iepair as long as the highway was so used, were made not applicable to engines used for threshing purposes or for machinery in Construction of road- ways. Last year the act was amended so that. only traction engines used for . . . driving threshing machines and road The annual thank otfciiiig meeting umchhleryvimd [Wing less “um ten of the atiifiliary to the “’onien’s Forg “ms in weight. wow exempt from the mg“ MlSTfinzu'y. Sncmt’y was 11"“ i" ‘liability, and the following clause Was the Presbyterian church Tuesday added : “Provided, hnwpvm.‘ Hm,L hp. “flermmn' M's'breg'ny "f the W 95" fore crossingany such bridge or cul- minster. Ladies’ College gave an ad- “Th it Shmfld he the duty of the p91; dress Suitahle to the occasion. and a sun orpmsuns propusiug to run in“, Profitable “me was spent" The thank" engine or machinery mentioned iii “fliemng “mmmu‘d to $24' RPf‘esb' ' any of the sub-sections of this Section ments were served at the close. to lay down on such bridge or Culvert, â€"*'“‘_ “""_‘ planks of such sufficient width and EPVVORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. thickness as may be necessary to fully The. following Epworth League ntfi- protect the flooring or surface of such cars were elected at a. meeting held in i bridge 01' 0111"?” from any “’Jlu‘y that the school room of the Methodist might Otm‘l‘VlSC’ WW“? thew“) “"1” church Monday evening 2â€".- l the contact of the. wheels of such en- l‘wlrs. Sloan, President. Mrs. Atkinson, Christian Endeavor President. Mr. Shaw, Missionary President. Mrs. A. J. \Viight, Literary Presi- THANKOFFERING. thereof the person in charge and his employer. it any, shall be liable to the municipality for all damage resulting totlieflooring or surface of such bridge dent. _ or culvert as aforesaid.“ All of which Mr. Lorne Patterson, social PM“. 1 means that if your engine is over 8 cut. tons 'nu must strl n'rthen the bud e 3 8 Miss Mabel Smith. Secretary. or culvert, sufficient to carry you over, Mr. F. Campbell, 'l‘rcasurer. before attempting to cross. It also ‘ 2 Miss Ida. Glass, Organist, means that whether your engine is A.._,,,_ over or under 8 tons in weight. you must use such planking on the bridge as will prevent the floor being dani- aged by your engine. \V. C. T. U. MEETING A very interesting and profitable’ meeting of the \V. C. T. U. was held at Mrs. Derry’s (in Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paulin, delegate to the. County PERSONALS. owned by her-husband, llo'iu-rl UMVlL‘S. - Convention held in Toronto Junction. . r v i i i ave a. very full and encouragiiw rc- Ml'g' 6" Twlduu’ rm‘mm’ Spint ; O I) O V ’1‘ O govt Ofthp ,lhf,.l.(,m Shssimm “oh-1,1.“ 1 Thursday with Mrs. J. Mortson. , w. l were received from the superinloud- Mp. Geo. camhhhn Started Monday ‘ WM“); exits of several departments which showed that much good work had been accomplished during the past year.- The election of officers look pIaCe and resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Switzer: Vice-President, Mrs. Paulin; ‘ Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Derry; i Recording Secretary, Miss \‘v'iley; ’l'reasurer,Mrs.J. II. Sanderson. After discussing,r plans for active work for the coming _‘\'v:tt‘ refreshments weic served and a pltaiunt time spent. asa. student at TorontoUniversity.‘ Cookstowii Advocate : Miss Robin- Snn of Richmond Hill is visiting her Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson and Miss Linloot spent from Friday till Tuesday with friends at Dunilas. l Mr. N. Norris. Toronto, and Mr. Brown, Midland, were guests of Mrs. T. B. Ludt‘ord on \chiiesday. sister, Mrs. Fred Fisher. l I TUESDAY, OCT. 1 Davies which they i-i-rpiiie as :l iih’bb. l on highways was so amended that. the i : gine or machinery, and in default- l . \lis David Benson of this village and Mrs. She-ppaid, Ti-ionln, visited with Mrs. \Vintross,8llauiniersniith avenue. Rev. Thomas Iriwson, missionary at Saskatchewan, spent. Friday night with Mr. S. M. Brown. Miss Ethel Dils oi Alli-irlilfe. :t student at the Normal School. To- ronto. spent from Friday over Sunday at Mr. '1; E". McMahon‘s. Miss (ihllslt‘nn McDonald, Toronto, spent. ‘in-diies‘ilay of last week, and Mrs. t). \Vatsnn «if Mexit‘o spent. Thursday with Mis. ll. McDonald. Mr. H. H. Looseiiiorenf \Velliiigton. ‘ l’iiiiee Edward County. :issuiiit-d duties last, Thursday as manager of the Standard Bank here. 5 Miss Preston of Napanee assumed ‘ her duties in the. High School on Mon~ i day as successor to Miss Bell, who has been appointed to a position in Lite school at Allistnn. Mrs. Armand Savage will receive at i the home of her mother, Mrs. \Vm. 'l‘i'eiicli, on Saturday afternoon, Oct. ll. from four to seven o’clock. and ilfl('l"\'2ll‘lls on the third and fourth Thursdays of each month. Dr. J. N. Iliituhisnn of \Vinnipeg, .\l:iii., who with his wife had been visiting relatives in London and other places, spent Tucsday night. with MI. 1‘. F. McMahon and called on a number of old friends yesterday fort-noon. The Dr. speaks in glowing terms of \Viiiiiipeg and the “'cst. News Notes. Brantford captured the Junior (7. L. A. championship. The linalgame was played with the Shamrocks of T4» i‘nnto Junction. at Hanlan's Point. The score was 3 t0 1. County Constable W. E. Sbcprard of Sutton, lodged at the jail on Mon- day, Albert Jones, who claims to hail from Strilfoi-d. Jones, it. is alleged, was caught in the act of ransmking the home of “'illiam Osborne. a butcher. on Sunday evening, and was committed for trial at the December Sessions by Magistrate \Valler Hol- liorne. The prisoner turned up in the district last Friday, the opening of Sutton Fair. That night the home of Jeremiah Graham. three miles from Sutton, was robbed. #04» Carrville Anniversary Sf‘l \ ices will be held at the Methodist church. Garrvillc, on Sunday, October 15. Sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 p.m. by Rev. E. “7. Baker of Downsview. Music will be furnished by the choir. assisted by Mrs. J. E. llollingsliead of Newniarket and others. A free-will offering will be taken up at each service in aid of fut present and for the expressions of the Chm‘Cb funds- asthma, weak throats, weak 7 ,3 lungs, consumption, take ; Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral. ;: Qherry Femoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been j. saying this for 60 years, and ‘ so have the doctors. " I hue used Ayer'a Cherry Factors] in my . family for 40 can. It in the best medicine t in the world, troubles." M33. .7. K. Noaomss, Wultham, Mus. :- flame“ BLOA. J. 0. Ann 00.. 1 for 5335.}: Daily actiBn of neces-- wry. Aid nature with Ayer’s Plus. know, for all throat. and lung â€" w ‘ Mlgfi'r'fl- : ‘ocibBER SHORTHAND AND BOOK- KEEPING COURSES of the BRITISH AMERIC BCSINESSCOLLEGE A Really, truly fit thell’l In a reasonable timE To enter business 0R increase the salary. I Say! You should C ilcw it’s done there. A Catalogue free. R A. Furqubnrsou‘BJ. Veinghan Council. The next iueetiuqof the Council of the Munici- pality of \'iii~':.iin w'i‘l l-c lli‘l‘l In the Town Hall. \ clinic, on 10, 1905 J B. MALLEAN.Clerk Silver Dollar and as Rich in Value as a. Golden Coin” The dress goods, Ribbons, Laces, Scotch Twccds, Worsted and Serge Suitings, etc., our own importations direct from Glasgow, just opened and now ready to receive the admiration of our people and to be procured by you to make suits Beautiful Comfortable and Stylish Colored Roxana Dress Goods in navy,brown, green, black and cardinal shades at 50c. yd.; fancy black hucar dress goods at 75c. and $I yd; will make to measure. extra line heavy black or blue serge suit for $5.50, a regular $21 suit; a fine heavy genuine Scotch tweed suit for $14, a regular $18.50 suit. AllilllSfiil & SWITZER. September 28, 1905. lliiiliiiiiiiiil Hill Hardware Stare f. Now the stove season is here, and we are prepared for it, having now in stock a. lull line of all the best and leading stoves and ranges for our customers. Happy Thought Imperial Oxford Oxford Laurel Pandora Heaters 8: Parlor Cooks All the above below City prices,set up by practical men. Stove pipes and elbows all prices. Hot air furnaces put in and repair- ed. Tinsmithing. Paints and oils and all kinds of liar-dxvare. C. SMILES Crown Huron S‘ i g i e e “~â€" up, h” g J P. G. Savage 6% Son AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Association. FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. .x. Norwich Union. Western. York Mutual. All business promptly attended to. ed on application. Literature mail- .g. .p 40;”; +4. +4. +4. .2..;.++.§.+ .g. “‘~’**l-'v-$-~‘-&+%%%++o{v+~:~l~§«§~+~ A. .

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