Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1905, p. 5

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£.-â€".»..«r --.A ...-....... ..-... ,....--...-.- c . tile RICHHUND HILL, October 26, 1905 » â€"»vr~/' 140(71X115. Your dollar is Worth all it will buy. -â€"Atkinsnn & Switzcr. gill? ill: Mr. \V. '1‘. Storey, 'l‘oinnto. spent Sunday with his mother and sister. Mr. E. Mason of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason. Rev. \V. G. Smith will take Rev. Mr. \Vilsnn’s work on the Maple cir- cuit next Sunday. You can go farther. but can‘t doany better than we‘ll do for you in values. -â€"â€"Atkinson & Switzer. I’ree vi'ill offerings will be taken in the Methodist church on Sunday, the. 5th of November. Bran. Shorts. Gluten, ton or carlots. bags or bulk, best quality, price right. Call at 41 Cuttingbam street, Toronto. “'0 pledge our honor to give you your money’s \\‘Ol'tll.â€"Atklllsnll & Switzer. Dr. Lillian Langstatl= will receive hereafter on second and fourth 'Ihurs- days of each month. “'0 want. to please you. Tell us where we fail.â€"~Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Celia. 'l‘yrrell received a fall goâ€" ing down cellar at Mrs. Switzler’sHH Monday, fracturing a bone In her wuist. Mr. Jacob Eyer took a. trip to Dun- das and Hamilton last Friday, and while. away visitcd a sister, Mrs. Schell. Markham Sun: Mrs. Michael of Richmond Hill is \isitinf,r her son. season and to organize t' a hockey will he held in the (.ouncil Chamber next. 'Monday ('H-nillg commencing at 8 o‘clock. Everybody interested is re- quested to be present, and to be on hand at the proper time. The following fact indicates the growth of the. Richmond Hill High b'chonl during the. past few years, and since three teachers have been eu- gagcdzaln 1902 the highest attend- ance on any day in ()ctobei was 55. Last Friday, the 20th of October. the attendance was 93. (PURLERS‘ MEETING A meeting of the Executive of the Curling Club was held in McDonald’s shop Fridayevening. President Barker was in the chair, and Mr. Lemon was Secretary, pro tein. It was decided to send the names of 2U players tothc Onlaiio (,llll'iillg Association, from which to sch-ct, curlers to play for the District Cup. Messrs. Nicholls, Lauu-n and McMahon \vere appointed a coili- mittec to .\\ait on the Village Council with a. \ie\\' of securing the rink for i the coming curling,v season. \VIIIS’I‘ CLUB MEETING The fourth annual meeting of the \Vhist Club was held last eveningr at, the home of Miss Palmer. The follow- ing oll‘lters were. elected: President, Miss Palmer; Vice-President, Mr. M. Boyle : Secretary. Miss Duncan ; Trea- surer, Mr. J. Morgan; Chaplain, Mr. Andrews; Historian, Miss Trench. The [list regular meeting will be held at the home of Miss A. Boyle on “'cdnesday evening, l\ov. 1st. Mem- bers from the village will take the. 8.10 p.m. car south. | A meeting to wind up the. lacrosse l SAFE FOR T\VO YEARS For stealing the same horse from Mr. Simon Baker, Markham township, three times, and for stealing a shot.- gun and other articles from his cm. ployers, James Deminy “‘aS sentenced by Magistlate Ellis to two years (less a day) in the Central Prison. Had the sentence been ten years instead of two the old horse might ha\c been undei MP- \Vlll- MlCllRl‘l. 0f the Pill‘lm'LiVH'Y- the Sod by the end of the term, and Stable. This store is yours to the extent of your desiresâ€"Atkinson 5: Switzer. the owner would have the satisfaction of knowing that “ his day’s work “‘Hs done." However, Mr. Baker may be thankful that the old favorite may not Preparations aremheing iiiade fora ll? lllUlt‘Sled fHI‘ the “K‘XL lv“‘0'.“e"”'5â€" “social evening” at the League, on Monday evening Everyone is welcome. Mr. “'alkei' Hall. n ho had been in the Ontario Bank at. Lindsay, has been promoted to the position of accountant in the Carlton street branch, Toiontn. Epm at 11 next. Business Suits at. business prices. Genuine Scotch Tweed, very heavy, made to your measure in firstnrder for $12.00.â€"Atkin5ou S; Switzer. Quarterly religious services will be held in the Methodist church here next Sunday commencing at half-past. ten. The sermon will he preached by Rev. Mr. \Vilson of Maple. “'e. regret to have occasion to state that. Mr. \V. Milbwurnc h-Ls been suffering from ine eifects of a scratch on the hand with a rusty nail. He “as removed to the Hospital last evening. Consideiiug the unfavomble \\’I'.‘1~ ther. quite a large ciowd attended \Vondbridge Fair last 'l‘hursday. The usual banquet was held at the. close of the second day. Miss Stevenson, Toronto, Mrsflrant and Mr. Earle Newton will assist in the musical part, of the programme in the. Presbyterian Church on the even- ing of Thanksgiving. Mr. J. II. Hathaway of l‘oronto will assist the. pastor, Rev. G. McKinley, in a series of evangelistic services be- ginning in the Methodist; church, Thornhill, next Sunday. The People's Plowmen‘s Associatiim will have their annual I’lowini,r Match 0!) Thursday, November Uih, on the farms of Mr. Adam Scott and Mrs. Jos. Glecson, Markham ‘v' illage. Mr. Frank McDonald and Mr. Li Iland, clerks in the Standard Bank. and Mr. Norman Thompson, a clerk in the Stneicign Brink. drove over frnin Stoull'ville and spent lastSnnday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald. On Thursday, the 26th, Thanksgiv- ing Day, a thanksgiving service will he held in the Presbyterian church here ct‘nnmcncing at 11 o‘clock. The Rev. T. Campbell will preach. Collec- tion at. the close for the poor. The “". C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. G. “'ilcy's next Tuesday afternoon at3 o‘clock. The devotional half hour will be in charge of Mrs. i’aulin. All in-l terestt d in 'I‘emperance work 111:. inâ€" vith to attend this meeting. ' The \Vorld of Monday contained the following item under the hearlingot “Local Option in Markham" :v'l'here . is an agitation for local option in the Village of Markham which bids fair to take active. shape very Slltiltlv. Both sides are on thc qui \ ive. . SUGAR.~â€"Full stock of best (‘anzidiau refined Sugars on hand. Fruit bugar. Paris Lump Sugar, Extra Gianulatcd Sugar, Icingr Sugar, Yellow Sugar, Demarara (Tryrtal Sugar; ‘1"! lbs. best Granulated for $1.0”. â€"Atkinsnn k Switzcr. Sherwood i ~)' less a day. EAST YORK LICENSES East York license commissioners met at the Clyde Hotel on Saturday at'tei- noon to determine the extension ofthe licenses remaining over for the balance of the year. In addition to thoseal- ready issued in East York at the May session, and which will not expire until May I, 1906. the following n ere on Satâ€" urday granted a six months‘ permit: David Birrell, York Mills; A. \V. Grange, Todmorden ; Charles Mitchell, York Township; C. F. Lavender, Nor- way; H. C. (Hendenning. \Yoodbine; James H. Kennedy, \Yoburn: Chas. S. (Ii-ewe. Half-“'er House: \V. \V. North, Victoria Square; Newbury Button. RingWood: Mrs. Rcsa Harris, East Toronto; Mrs. A. Dixon, East Toronto. PUBLIC- NOTICE The Village Council has instructed the clerk to have Notices printed and circulated in reference to the dis-use on fruit trees known as "Black Knot." It. is hoped that every person in the municipality who has cherry and plum trees will fall in with the idea and en- deavor to preSeme their trees by cut- ting out and binningr all black knot wherever it appears. There is a fine of from $5 to $20 for neglect to do so, but no person need fear a fine ifhe reads the Notice carefully and governs himself achi-dingly. By neglect to look after one’s own trees he not only suffers loss himself, but gives his neighbor cause to complain. as it is known that the disease spreads from one orchaid to another. STOLE A GOLD \YATCH A youth who gave his name as .lolm Saxton came to the Dominion liouse Saturday night, asked i‘oi lodging and was acconmn-dated. Sunday lowiiooi) Mrs. Stun-g found that her gold watch llilll llt en taken from her bedroom and suspicion was at once thrown upon the above individual, who by that time had gone away. He was traced lattr in the day, and it was found thatlie had offeled to Sell a watch to Mr. Harry Maish answering the descrip- tion of the one taken. County Con. stables \Valtei‘ Stewart and John Michael arrested Saxton at the ORR. crossing about 9 o’clock Monday morn- ing. At first hedenied the charge, but afterwards admitted that lleisolil the watch to a Mis. Fisher for on the 2nd concession of Markham. He was taken to jail and rewandcd for a week. 256. VALUESâ€"Read here what ‘27», will buy at our store: Flint, GI Lamp ('himneys, large size. 4 for 2')c.; medium size. 0‘ for 2%.: Mnullsilo, T for ...ic.: selected Layer Raisins, 4 lbs. for 2.')c.; the, best \Vhitening, 31) lbs. for 25c.: May-picked Japan Tea, very ex- tra, 1 lb. for 2250.: special (‘o'vlon blend Black Tea. 1 lb. for 27);- ‘ choice t‘oi't'ee, AN AUTHOR AND HIS HYMN. Htrange as it may seem, often it hap- pens that one who has done ma ny deeds of importance. is remembered by some little thing. Thus. Robert Robertsom ‘ the English divine, did a great deal in ‘ a literary line and prepared several vol- umes for publication, but. he is known chiefly through being the author of the hymn. "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." In connection with the hymn which he wrote, an interestng anccdoteis related by Allan Suther- land in the November Delineatorrâ€" { “One day, on one of the Well known ! roads, a lady had been for some time engaged over one. page of a little. book. ,which, in the comse nfthe journey, ‘ she had occasionally consulted. Turn- ling, at length, to her companion in travel, a gentleman from whose ap- pearance she gathered that an appeal on such a. question Would not be. dis- agreeable, she held the open page to- ward him, and said. “May I ask your attention to this hymn, and ask you to favor me with your opinion of it?" "Her CHHlp:Illi(In glanced down the page, and seeing that the hymn was ‘Uoine, Thou Fount of Every Bless- ing,‘ made an attempt. to excuse him- self from conversation on its merits: but. the lady ventured on another ap pcal. ‘Tbat hymn has given me so much pleasuie,‘ she said; ‘it’s senti- ments so touch me: indeed I cannot tell you how much good it has done me. Don't. you think it. very good.’ Madain,'said the stranger, bursting into tears, ‘I am the poor, unhappy man who Wi-(te that hymn many years ago, and I would give a thous- and worlds if I had them, to enjoy the feelings I then had.” BIRTHS LINEâ€"~At Maple, on Monday, 16th of October, a son to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Line. \VIDEMA Xâ€"At Gorinley, on Monday, the wife of David \Vidernan, of a. son. DEATHS HARDINGAAL his home at Newton Brook, on Monday, ll’ith inst., David Harding, aged 82 years. d Interment. on the following \Vcdnes- zl)’. 3 Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you :3 don’t. Do you like thick, j? heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why 3 ° ° 5 Hair Vigor : not be pleased? Ayer’sHair ‘3' 1- Vigor makes beautiful heads -‘ of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for 60 years. ; " ! have used Ayer's Hah- W ,0: for a long .3 .‘ time. It In. indeed. a wonder ul hair tonic. , - restoring bmlth to the hair and scalp. and, at ,. the same time, proving a splendid dresaln ." 'r Dn. J. w. TATUK. Madiu, In . T. J. C. AYRE CO. Lowell, ass Hundreds Of SI-nogiaphers, Typewrit- tcrs, Bookkeers,Correspond- . ents. Ofi’lce Men, Business Clerks get places from the Alf/PIE .v I Every farn e'. teacher, scholar, and clerk, gel, mtalogne at once. (‘ould not. till § positions offered in October. R.A.Farquharseng.i. Y.’\i.C.A. Bldg. cor. Math” and Yonge Streets, Tomato. ground fresh, 1 lb. for :2: the best ex» l tra Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs. tor 2.3m; ‘ the best. itedpatb Yellow Sugar. 5% lbs. I for 250.: Powdered Sugar. 4 lbs. for‘ L50; fresh Herrings. Scottish (Thief Brand, fiat tins, 4 tins for 27:11; lied Sol-key Salmon, good, 2 tins fol-2352: \\'itch Hazel Toilet Soap 23c. per box; ,Silk Skin Toilet Ho‘ip 23o. per laix: " The Nursery Toilet Soap. French- illllllt‘ll, 25c. per box: best XXX \Viiirc l \Yine Vinegar, 1 gallon for 2.39,; NeVi .Qnu ‘ Oct vher 2t), ' hanks~ givir. will be held in Zion Eva: .‘ .. i. Mini-in church, 41h con- C(‘Ss‘i' H N. \ .ihulian, both morning and i pron inn ii singing and music will 1),; gut-ll .13 \\:‘ll (3 preaching. The past: . ltev. (‘, l- \Viswaesser. exttnds a 0 :..;.il welcome. for all who can to attend the sen ices next Sunday. dow Glass. size lel2 (1 [\Wllr“ for Tan: best (Sword Spools Black and \X'liitc, 8 spools for 25¢: heavy tum-11 Melton l Dress Goods 23c. per ylxl‘li heavy ‘I.ock Lon.:. id Shilling, 2 yards for qur. ‘ A‘kinson t. Switzcr. \\'En- l On account of the illness of Mr. Kirkpatrick the Ellie!- ‘tainment in the Presbyterian (Thursday) will have to be postponed. Church tO-night Ripans Tabulcs cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure billousness. RllldllS Tabules cure coustipatlon. fizpaus 'l'abules cure dizziness. Riniins Tabnles cure bad breath. humus Tubulcs. *1’”““t;v.¢\' - ,x t ‘ l 1 "~75 5-â€" 7/ C a. “I v a «@994. 0- we:- v . '«+++++++ +~:-â€":«:»:» .2. . A v t c v 9 e v ~ v - 0r”.nu;.....ur.‘..‘. if Ne Dull Times Here Business is what we make it. We make ours brisk. We never let a day go by with- out offeriag an induaement that appeals to the taste and pocket book of the public. This week we offer: A heavy, genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, made to measure in first order for $13.50. A fine Black Serge Stilt. made to measure in first order. for $12.50. 42 inch heavy wool dress tweeds, 350. yd. Children's \Vhite Bear Skin Coats, $2 and $2.35. Bear Skin Tams to match coats, 65 and 750. The C B C Dip \Vaist Corse is 500., 75c. and $1 pair. Crescent Cotton Batting in i and 1 lb. rolls, 15c. lb. Six fold, tuck knees, 2<l Ribbed Hose, 25c. pair. Maple. Leaf, 6-cord, ZOO-yd. Spools, 35c. doz. Scottish Chief Fresh Hex-rings, 4 tins for 25c. ‘Vest/on's Home-made Cookies, very good, 100. Special, uncolored, May-picked Japan Tea, 30c. lb. These are really worth more, but we want you to accept these values as a. sort of gift and it will make you feel so kindly toward us that you will make other purchases as you need them. Aillliltflil 8i SWITZER. October 19, 1905. Bulimia! llill Bartram Slut Now the stove season is here, and we are prepared for it, having now in stock a lull line of all the best and leading stoves and ranges for our customers. Happy Thought Imperial Oxford Pandora Crown Huron Oxford Laurel Heaters 8: Parlor Cocks All the above below City prices,set up by practical men. Stove pipes and elbows; all prices. Hot air furnaces put in and repair- ed. Tinsmithing. Paints and oils and all kinds of liardxval'e. ....;..g..:..:..3..g.gag..g..;..:..5..;..g..;.{.4..;..§..;..;..3.4”}.+4..§..§..;..;..g..;..;..;..;..;..:..§..;..'..:.4..;.. . \. AGENTS FOR Confederation Life Association. FIRE COMPANIES: Mercantile. Norwich Union. VJestern. York Mutual. All .4».' - r.4>'-.'-p'< ' ' . ' ' 7 . g. ‘ 3...???» business promptly attended to. ed on application. 7 i . . i i O . . Tn‘-.->:~+-‘-~;-»,n;..3..;..;..;..§..§..;..;.+.:....;.. U.... J v . . . A... “‘40:”... ‘ . . v ) O “5.... fifi'i‘éfi'ififi .154"? v 4, .3“. “ Wu ....x. if!

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