Remodelledmnd newly furnished throughout One of the mos ouvenieut run] comfortable hotels on Yonge Street . Every modern cou- venienvxe 31111016 rooms for commercial travellers. Auideulseonpiug place for riding or drivingpnrties,bicyclists. or farmers going tom'reburniug from market. Electric cars pass thedoor Ltvery in connocbion THE ‘5’. C. SAW VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. 03115 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Ualls by day and night; promptly tended to. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC, PALMER HOUSE JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSON DENTIST. Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Toronto. Best, ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest, prices. Good work. VETERINARY SURGEON, RICHMOND HILL ‘Will be DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, LIBERAL PRHTING a FUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. '1‘. F. McMAHON. VOL. XXVIII. Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Oflice Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Cur. C.u~ltnn and Yonge Sts., Toronto m be in Richmond Hill on WV nesdayy of each week. Oflice, next door north of Stand- ard Bzmk. RICHMOND HILL S llbscribe tor Want your manstache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Riclnnond IIill DR. “W. E. DEAN (‘ BUSINESS CARDS. (Successor to Dr. Lawn-awn) '. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto per annum, in advance.] ~19. Ww COMMISSIONER IN THE 'hornhill Every Wednesday. HMS EDITOR & Pnoramron . was. ROGERS, I)entist. AGI 313 cm'izmry SANDERSON “23$ Klimt. 1.0cPER DAY flmtal. AT THE LIBER Eibml A] Prop “fed [SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1905 Instruction in {11.9 Art of Piano Playâ€" Licensed Auctioneers Salesnhendedto on sh enabler-ates Patron means 9 Auctionoer for the County of Yor . re- spectfully 501iCitS vour patronage and friendly influence sales uttmded on the short-est notice and at reasonabembes. P. 0. address Kine Classes i1 Hxstory, ett The N Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! YM"' Goods sold on consignment General sale» 01 stoc etc promptiy attended to at reasonau.‘ rates Residence Unionville G B. Gouldxug, Newton Brook. agent for the above undonakcrs & Embalmc‘rs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL J T Saigeon, Maple License Auct __-wwvu4x.uâ€"1\ULUUYGU m the old post oflzo; one door west of the entrance to the Oncano Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors noun: of the past olhce 1‘ HEBBERTLENNOX, G STV Mona“: Aurora Nawvnnviud Barristers. DOMINION B; S. \V. Comm- Ki Mulo ck, Lee, Milliken & Clark - _ _. . , Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on land andchatcel mortgages“ lowest rates Auroxaofliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflxoa one dooz: west of the enuahcn tn Hm TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich mond St. \VestJVe-sley Buildings, (Methodist. Bunk R()mu,) T0- nm to. u.- n - JAS. N EWTON Mr. Cook will be: on Thursday afternoon of each week. ï¬nch-makers & W ad; Barristersï¬olï¬ Hume Life Buik' hold Luau Bldg Victoria t LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. G_G S Lindsey.K C A G I“ Lmvreuce W Ridout Wadsworth ‘rivate and ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES; EliGIN BIIIJLS J. EARLE NEWTON f ï¬anist arge stock of kept at , 7,,__-_-_--_--- v w.â€" Mimotmmmuknmawmu.‘ ENNOX & MORGAN RICHMOND HILL MONEY TO LOAN Linc axt Sitting of Division Court for 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, mild, Barristers, Solicitors. etc‘ indsey, Lawrence W adsworth. 00K & JOHNSTON unmem-inq at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER " 1.905 «g, and Trust; Funds to loan at lowest current rates. in Rudiments, Harmony, h: Soon & McEwen, . ll. Pl entice, . a. BLOUGH, rs,Salicitors. Notaries, &c. Building (formerly Free- ‘1 Bldg.), 00:. Adelaide & tor-in, Sts., Turnnto. Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hillon SaLm-davs. nears forthe County of York on shortest notin-zmd a res. pztrouugcsolicited N’ BANK CHAMBERS, 1- King & Yunge Streets, TORONTO. _ON_ Funeral Furnishings both places. mg 352nm. Solicitors, Etc. In Essentials, Unity,- in Noa-Esswtials address' Kin]; Phone Main 298-] K McEwen Weston Newnmrkot There are some salesmen whose en- trance into the presence of prospective customers is like the advent of spring after a hard winter. They bring a burst of sunshiny weather. The tired and ill-humm-ed customer who has been sitting on the mourner’s bench all day, nursing his troubles, loosens his hold on his grouvh in the presence of that insisu'nb optimism. It is as if some one had opened a window in a, stuffy house; he feels the invigorating eflect of ozone.â€"“ Success Maominn " 0f the hill granting increnSed Sal- aries und indemnities Mr. Campbell also spoke. "For myself," he added, “I did not say anything in the House. but, in om- caucus there were a. great many of us “ho did not approve of the bill as it, was brought in. “'e thought. for instance, that an increase of $1.000a your to the Judges would he sufï¬cient. But I (in not know. It is very important that we should have the very best men on the Bent-h, and i the other day one of our best Judges Vresigned because he could make far [more in practice than on the Beueh. t Then there was an increase to the 1 mmuhers. An indemnity of $2,500 is altogether too much for a great many members thereâ€"(applause)â€" und, gentlemen. it is not enough for a. i great many members. Take any busiâ€" ness man or farmer to Ottawa six months of the year and let him spend ‘agood deal of the other six months running mound, us he. has to do, and y it is not too much." As to the allow- ance of $7.000 to the leader of the Op- ‘positiou. Mr. (‘vumphell thought it a‘ ‘ splendid thing fm the country to have a good Opposition. but was inclined to think that $4,000 or $3.000 a year‘ would be money “‘0†spent. As to the pensions to ex-Ministers he thought they should not apply before i a man was sixty-ï¬ve years of age, but, it was not right that those men should I be turned out into the street in their old age. Mr. Campbell concluded liv asking the convention to work with their might to return Mr. Avlpm-m-lh CULTIVATE A CHEERY MANNER He commented on the mngnunimity of the local men who had withdrawn from the contest, and then enlogized Mr. Aylesworth as a strong candidate and a lawyer who stood at the head of his profession. Mr. Campbell advert- ed to some of the features of the Gov- ermont’s record, observing that there had been progress in every department during their nine years of office. A great amount of ruhhish had been said about the autonomy hill. Mr. Camp- hcll defended Sir “'ilfrirl an-ier's position saying he was in the same position now as in 1896: he now sought to maintain the schools established by the ’l‘erritmies, as in 1896119 fought to retain the schools desired by Mani- tol‘m. Besides, clause 2 of the autom- ony hills gave the new provinces the right to change the ordinances and permit the people to have their chil- dren educated the very bust possible way they can. Mr. Arch. UnmphPH, the member for Cvntre Ym'k, addressed Lbo Cun- ventinn. and was given 2L very hearty reception. During the pl'ngress of the meeting, a l-esolutinn was passed expressing re- gret at the severance of the political tle which for the last, 23 years has bound them and Sir VVm.Mulock; also a resolution expressing conï¬dence 1n the Government of which the Right Honorable Sir \‘Vilfrid Laurier is the head. At Newmarkvt on Saturday last, Hon. A. B. Aylnswm-lh, the new Postâ€" master-Geneml. was the unanimous choice of the Liberals of North York. to succeed Sir “‘illinm Mulock in that riding. On nominations being cullvd for, the following names Were snlnnit- ted by ballot. as read out by the Secre- reull'y, Mr. \Viddiï¬eld:-â€"llon. A. B. Aylvsworth, I‘m-onto; H. S. (June. Newmarkot; Jos. Davidson, North Gwillimbury: E. J. DavisNewmnrket; U. R. Fitch, Stouf’fville; H. \V. Fleury. Alum-a: Luke Gibbons, King Town- ship; \V. Howard. Toronto; L. L. Hmlman, towuship of \Vhitchnrch; R. D. Mom ehend,Toronto; C.E.Li.ndy, East Gwillimhurv: T. J. Robertson, Newmuiket; F. W. Undei'hill,Auior;v; \V. (J. VViddiï¬eld, Newmarket. The Chairman withdrew Mr. Davis‘ name. as he said they all knew that, gentle- man Would not allow his name to go before the convention. Messrs. Aylesâ€" worth and Howard were not present, but the other nominees. one after another, letired in favor of the Post~ master-General. (-xr‘opl. Mr. Davidson. who retirod "in favor of the nominee of the convention, whoever he might be.’ Mr. Aylesworih for North York. ght. to return Mr; Ayleswo‘ï¬i opened a window in 19 feels the lm'lgm-utlr ‘ â€"“ Success Magazine the advent of spring ter. They bring a weather. The tired customer who has Liberty; in all things, Charity. The Supper and Entertainment in the Church by the VVoman’s Mission- m y Society on the evening of Thanks- giving Dav was a most enjoyable af- fair. The. supper reflected much credit on the. ladies of the Society, and was ‘ served in a generous and lip-to-date style. An interesting program follow- ed the supper,in the auchtorium of the Church, Rev. T. Campbell acting as chairman. Theï¬rst hour of the eu- tertainment was taken up by Rev. \V. . G. Smith, who exhibited on canvas about 90 stereopticon views on China, dealing principally with the country from a missionary standpoint. The views were. good, and the descriptions and explanations left nothing to be desired. Miss Myrtle Klinck gave a. couple. of recitations.and Miss Ida Glass and Mr. Douglas Derry contributed vocal solos. The accompaniments were played by Mrs. \V.G.Smith and Miss H. 11'. \Viley. At the close a roteofthanks was tendered Rev. Mr. Smith and all who assisted in the programme. we are. sorry to have to record the death of one of our respected citizens. Mr. \Vm. Boynton fell from abuilding about ten Weeks ago, and succumbed to his injuries Sunday morning. The funeral on Tursdiy was largely at- tended; the sen ice was conducted by Rev. '1'. Camp! ell and va Harlan-t Christopher Robinson, K. 0., died at his residence in Toronto. Tuesday evening, after an illness of three days, from pneumonia. pr th The Supper the Church by m y Soulety on giving Dav wa The treasurer was authorized to pay \Vinger & Son $5 on account of build- ing abutments to Bnyington bridge. Robb. Campbell Was appointed com. to open din-hes, opposite lot 6, CM]. 6. Mr. Lupp was appointed com. to cluan out ditch opposite lot 3, con. 17. Council adjourned to meet, on Nov. l-lth, at 10 o’clock. josh. H651?!" to open ditch on 29. On motion of Councillors and Huger-man, Mr. Mm-rison mover were appointed a ( straighten creek on 101219, con to have water run straight bridge 9ppusite lot 19, con. 9. Un motion of Councillors Eckardt and Hagennan. Mr. Morrison and the mover were appointed a com. to straighten creek on 10:19, con. 8, so as to have water run straight through bridge opposite lot 19, con. 9. Mr. Morrison WzIS appointed com. to clean out ditch and put in culvert opposite lot 21. con. 7. COD. The following road accounts were ordered to be paid :â€" Divisinn No. 3... . . . . . . . . . . . A $196 an 30 hours . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 J. A. Mitchell. repairing bridges 9 80 R. Jarvis, repairing approaches to Cedar Grove bridge . . . . . . 1 25 Jos. Grovc, team, repairing bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 40 D. Boyd, drawing gravel, joists :indspikes . . . . . .. 110 L. Vanzzmt. repairing biidge... 8 75 B. Clinienhaga, material for bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1 50 B. Grady, gxading on side line.. 22 50 Geo. (lowie, repairs to plow and picks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 60 T. H. Helmkuy, loan of stone de- livered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . 1 ()0 Ed. Sanderson, renewing cul- vert, con 4 . . . . . . . . . 3 00 J. Eyer & Sons, spikes . . . . . . . . . . 30 J. Blanchard, opening 60 rods ditch, con. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 On motion $56.20 was credited to J. A. Mitchell’s road account, Div. No. b‘, said amount being chargeable to the general account instead of to com. stat. labor account. Mr. HngPrIndVH-Qvas appointed com. to open ditch opposite lots 13 and 14, The clerk read tlié‘niiiliii'es of last meeting, which were adopted. The fulluwing gravel accounts were ordercd to be paid :â€" Albert Rccsor, 41 yards . . . . . . . . $ 4 10 '1‘. Tunny, 36 Yards . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (50 J. T. Stvphensnn, 161l Vards.. .. 16 40 L. Reesm; 138 yards . . . . . . _ . . 13 80 The following general accounts were ordcrcd to he paid : Unrson & Son, 100 tender blanks l 50 Gorgon & Son, ZUO Votcrs’ Lists 86 40 C(Irsun & Son, 200 Tax Receipts 6 ()0 Ciel-son & Son. advertising post,- ing Voters’ Lists . . .. .. .. . 5 60 Allen Brns., repairs tucrusher.. 2 50 Jnn. Eby, repairing culvert, be- tw_een lots 20 and 21, con. 8... 75 y" .A... .uuu w unu 141, cull. O. . . J. Munkhouse, 1,000 ft. 3-in. plank . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . VVI-n. Jones, work on south town- line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =11“ ou lmsdly was largely at- k-d; the sen ice was conducted by . '1‘. Camp! e11 and Rev. Hex-hart The former px-Pached a very im- sive sermon. full of Warning to mreless and comfort to the bereav- ,. Markham Township Council Bax-key, team on spreader Victoria. Square News Notes In have to record the Mr respected citizens. Jn fell from a. building ago, and succumbed was appointed :1 com. 2nd cum, opposite lot $1226 00 67 15 14 00 7 98 13 20 807 A ring. Owner can have same I; proving propel ty and paying expense: pplv tn (3135.)‘w. H. PUGSLEY Dated at Maple thi‘JEi‘Eifï¬ Octolwr, 19%. FOUND All persons interested are hereby re- quired to take- notice and govern thom~ selves accordingly. By order of the Council. Municipal Council of the Corporatiun (if the Tuwnship of Van hun, undo-s the pruvisiuns ()f the onsolidntecl Municipal Act, 1903, int/1nd at a regr- lm' nine-ting of the said Municipal Council, to he held at, the Town Hall. Vellum. an Tuesday. the 14th day of Novembm-7 1905, conmiencing at 1†o’clock in the forennnn, to pass :1. by- law for the purpose of stopping up that portion of the public highway running over and across the oust halves (If Lots Numbers 11, 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession of the said Toww ghip of Vaughan, known as the Shaver Rand. Corporation of the Township of Vaughan customers are respectfully request- ed tn do business on the above men- tioned days as we live :1 distance from the factory and (-ustnme‘l's coming any other day would ï¬nd it Very moun- vunieut. \Ve hope to see all our old custom< m-s back again this Season as usual with as many more as possible. Thanking lhe general public for past favors. we solicit a continuance of the same in the future. I1. V‘Vinger & Son Parties gpvple butter should keep their peeling apples separate from the cider apples. We expect; to buy a quantity of cider apples. As We have now :\ capacity of about 3000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter per day. we hope to give our customs-rs quicker work and bet- ter satisfaction than ever. As is well known we make raw cider. boiled cider, apple butter, and jelly allfrom your own apples. Cider can be boiled to any thickness. Jelly apples should be Well ripened ang two-thirds sweet. have been ’ here din-mg the past week. , Mr. Wm. Graig m’ade a. mental home near the 1 p ’ Brnome. \Ve regret, to hear that Egglostnn is not impmvin as ggppqted. Monday Sepia. 2511anigiwvivill run ï¬rst three days 01 each week during October and November up to and inâ€" cluding Nov. 15,1905. gider am! My PM ing just. We may well ask as we go buck to that period so as to hrng punishment upon the earth, that cor- ruption and unjust dvaling may coase. "Thesons of Beliul in the land did set their heads tugether. They set, their heads together. I say thvy set their heads together. On right and left and every hand we saw none to deliver. \Ve seek but little, Lul'd. from Theo. Thou keus we get as “HEWâ€"Burns. Will run on ( The hum of the threshing mill is heard in our land, and farmers are re- joicing at the bountiful harvest, sent. them by the Supreme Ruler of the Universp. \th gives freely to [he just and unjust. How many of those who occupy high and responsible positions act unjustly. Prior to the flood thH‘. was only one person spoken of us be- .u... :..-¢ ft? Miss Math G. Marsh of Richmond Hill returns-d to llvx- hnme (m the 25th after calling on many of hvrfriemls here and in Pete-Flinn). NOTICE 17-18 333p}. PUBLIC NGTHCE 1 run on custom work during Sep tember one day only, namely: 1- Apples want CE is hereby givoh that f}! M] Council of the Corporatiu ’1‘t_)\}'nship _0f7V;1ugh:m, undt [Single copies, 3 cts. Mount Pleasant es Wanted Edgely to hear that Mr. Foster not improving in health FRED Bit J. B. MACLEAN. onggghippleivL n spoken of us be- weil ask as {vegn émfly 1m)de Iii L' YN E'I’I‘, visit to tlw village of 15 uy