Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Nov 1905, p. 5

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Mrs. D. Stan I'cheh‘ed ward Mon- of the dead: of her mother. an uld resident of Torontn Junction. De- ceased was in her (56th year. A meeting: fur hockey (urge: will he held in the council : “'Pdnvsdny m‘ening. 29th in o‘rlnck. All interested will ple this notice in mind. Mr. John Bustm-d sold his stable and drivng she-d In Mr. Alex. McOagne of Elgin Mills and will erect, a. new store- liuuse where the farmer building stood. Mr. \VillT. Stm‘ey, a clerk in the Post Office Depmtment, Toronto. spent yesterday afternoon and last evening in the village. Religions svrvicos railrde tents un M Sunday zlftm‘nnnn. Mr. F. J. Pvthick took part in Lheserv The fabric, the shape. the styIr‘, finish and make-up stump our Inadv- tn-mensure suits for mm) as perfect as can be mad» by human hands. Ar- kinson S: S“ itzvr. Mr. \Vm. Humphrey died at Pine Grove. The funeral will take place- frnm his late residence tu-duy (Thurs- day.) The Epwo tmnpemnce (waning. A1 will be gn'ou Mr. “'m. Cuwie of Ornng‘eville, who attended the Flower Show in Toronto, came up and spent a day with his brother, Mr. Gen. anie. On VVPana‘dny of last week Mark- ham Village, by a Vote of 1-18 tn 16, CHI‘I'iPd a hy-luw guaranteeing 2L 1mm of $10,000 Lu Messrs. Gaunt and Jossop. The annual meeting of East, York Reform Assuciutivn will he held at Uniunville, on Monday, the 4th of De- camber. The new bunks at the Public Library have bevn placed on the shehes :md wm-e handed out for the first, time Tuesday Evening. Bvdfmd Park: i3isfi1ér§13$§ with Mr. \V. H. l’ugzloy and other x elatives. um u‘ununlluo‘P, a. 18w an 's a t). I 0 Mr. and Mrs. iJeV’sse Morton. North Gwillimhury, made- a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. Soulvs. Mr. F. J. I’vthick snld and d9“\'(”l"d a Mason & Risch piano to Mr. H. Col- tun, \‘Vundhlidge, a. few days agn. Mr. and yesterday \Vilson, u Mrs. Clark, ThM-nhifl. Kfihfii' “HIE st. Geo. Uuwie a few days ago. Bran, Shin-ts. Gluten. ton bran-lots, bags or hulk, best quality. price right. 0.111 at, 41 Cuttinghzun street, Turn)an The \V.G.T.U. will mvvt at the home of Mls. Switzer Hex", Tuusday “firt- nuou an, 3 o’clock. Mr. Wm. Hutchinth left. Monday tuspt'nd the winter with his son ab Thistletmvn. LIBERAL uffi Very Special Value in swunless cut- tun gmin lungs at $2.30 and $;.75 per duz. Atkinson & Swiner. Miss Minnie Rodditt. went, tn-dav tn spend it. \vm-k with a, cousm, Mrs. Juhn \Vulker. Vandm-f. Mrs. S. M. Brown is spendingtho “'et‘k with hwy daughter, Mrs. (D12) szmlding, Tux-(min. Be sure yuu prim guodx~ when away from town. ’J‘hon ynu will come hmue and trade with Azkinsun & Switzm'. \Ir. and Mrs. E. R. C. Clarksnn, Tnâ€" rnnLo, spout an afternoon with Mrs. Teefy. Mr. GL'u ksun‘s sister. Divisirm Com-t lu-xe uexl Sutflrday, 25H] inst. Rev. Dr. Tuefy spent \Vednesd afternoon with his pun-ms. 1331:: (gag/WWI. Miss Susie Startnp. Toronto. is spend- ing a. week with hm futhur and mother. Mr. and Mrs. D. HiH returned Inst Work quH' u \ka’s visit, wil ll relatives at Moonstone and (Iraiglmrst. .Miss Redditt and Miss Hannah Red- relumed )‘Iâ€"‘slel‘duy “fun- a. week's vi<it wuh relatives in Lht’ city. Count Richmond, A.O.F., day evening Of this week. “Lions and general business. York ()nunty Council meets next Monday, 27th inst. Mr. Niall!!! telday hum Barric- and \‘i Mr. Reule Pu'gsley, {91k hjwnship. “’16”. J I Rlcanmxn I‘IXLL, Nun-mher Mrs. James anif‘l Toronto, and )ommiu rk is :2! L()(7 A1185 Epwmth League will hzlvo a :ume meeting next Monday g. An interesting px-oglamme gu'en. Allan-e welcome. Pvthick and Mr. Bunt-in in diesel-vice. m vanmrket with Mrs sister of Mrs. tSundex-son. Mrs. \V. A. S_:lndex-s_np sppnt vicinity )L‘IS Lynett miurned yes- visit, with relative-s in ‘s were held Mr. Hamlin: M thd h Schon ppoir organization Icil chamber h inst, at 8 HIGt‘tS ["1 i- Twu initi- ll ted and ml the at the farm lliott. 1905 ll‘ uy On Tuesday of last Wee-k a. petition was laid before the Markham ann- ship Council requesting that body to submit a Luna] Option hy-lmv tn the mtvpuyers. The request of the peli- tionm-s was granted. and the Uuuncil gave the hy-law a first. secnnd and third readings. As it was irregular to give the bylaw the third reading until the vote was taken by the ratepayers. a spvcinl meeting was culled yesterday to rocnusidvr the matter. of ti item The Met are laying any on the extensinn of their} Neunn-ket to Jackson’s Pain are nmv about, two miles from Paint, and are pllshing \vnr Although the tracks will he winter, it is not oxpected that; be running until next spring. The will of David Harding of New- tnnhi-nok disposes of an estate of $9618.50. including realty wm-th $3000 and mortgages (if $1215. The residence and an annuity of $250 are left to the widow, and when the farm lease ex- pires the property is to be suld and the pi-ocemls divided between six sons and two daughters, to the latter of whom annuities of $200 are also given. The W. C. T. U. will hUlLl 2| parlm' mePLing at, the hmnenf Mrs. Don-y next “'ednesday. Nov. 29th. from 4 lo 10 o’clock. A grind musical and literary prngx-mnme is being prepared and a pli-usant and profitable time antici- pated. Refreshments will I)» served. A cm-diul invitation is extende to the public. Silver collection. Eveiylmdy welcome. boys R [It the Somothing Special in Footwear.â€" Notwithstanding the recent advances in leather. we ha ve just secured a large assortment, of high-class sample bnnts at, old prices. “’0. will have some- thing to ensure you Comfort and ap- pearance in any style of shoe you may desiraâ€"LNnughton Bros” Elgin Mills. Harwy Bennett. 11 years old, son of 3 Markham farmer. rewived injuries on Thursday from which he died on the fullmving Sunday. The boy en- deavored tn [maid the culmuse on a freight train near LUCHSL Hill. He fell and the wheels ussed over his lefL leg nI-zu- the hip. 1'. McDonald accnm- punivd the lad to the General Hospital. wher Dr. Bruce amputaLed the crushed limb. “It is difficult for the world tn helivvl‘ that a man is any better than his (:lnthes." \Ve would rather see a young man too much dressed than ton libtlt-~ fur if he is careless at twenty he will he .‘I. slnven at forty. “'0 can fix you up with the very latest in stylish suits and save you money. Atkinson & Switzer. John vatnn, \vhn ndlnittod that he h Ld stnlt'n :1 gold watch and chain in the Dominion House, Richmond Hill, p‘ondod that, ho did so when ho was drunk, and that he wouldn’t ham-dune it had he been snlwr. Judge Morgan permitth him to go on suspende sen- tence. Inmates «If the house say he was not the worse of liquor. lem- nf 1110 17m inst. that Miss Fluveo Mm-tsmu, daughter of the late Thomas Mnl'tsnn of this plncn, has graduated as a muse at the Hamilton city hoS» pitul. Mim Mortsnn :Ilsu read Lhe vulv- dictory uddrl‘ss at all At Home heid in cmnnevtinn with the graduating exer- cises of tho nurses. The High Scluml Cummencement Exercises will ha hcld in the High SChonl un Friday evening. Dec. 156. at 8 o‘clock. A mud programme is being prepare-(l. A( mission, 10 ct'llts. Mr. J. H. Sanderson will occupy the chair. As thr- lwst furmm's an- inteH-sted in pl'uhlvms which extend hvynnd their lim- fé'lwes. so {he must prngresshe agricultural pnpt-r, The \Vevkly Sun. deals with quvslinns uf general inur- (-st to iauadiun Fannvrs. [n thispar- tifinlnr’i‘hvh'un is \vithnut an equal. Subsvriptinus taken at THE LIBERAL 0m ‘. Saturday. Dec. 9, is the last, pmsihle date fur the puhlimlinn of the llUtiCC‘ (if Luca] Optiun ivy-laws. The by-law must he auivrl‘biswi throt- full \VH‘kS before the Volt. Municile elections will he hrld nu Monday. Jun. 1. 1906. A Snap in Swvubursâ€"Heavy H”- wuol. close-knit. ul' huncycmnh sweat- H's, Sportial \‘nhlv- ML $l.OU. Same sweater. with single skirt and cuffs, at 75c. Hnys‘ and youths’ extra heavy ullm'rml swvutvrs in cardinal and blur. a bargain at, 500. Almve- goods wax-(- lmughL right. Ynu got the bulletinâ€"- ulqu'oul swvutm‘s in cardinal a bargain at, 500. Almn- g‘ lmughL right. You got the Nuughum 13:05., Elgin Mills. Ynu might lnnk until ynul‘ eyes glow dim fur gtmds to hunt, HIPSth Lhc price: b‘vuldvn Dates 6c. lh.. nu- tuml Figs Cm. 1b., fun-Mina Rice 10c. lb., Ladies’ Hygoinn Vests at 50 and 55c.â€" Alkinson & Su'itzel'. Grace Annettu. daughtvr (if D. B. Bin-ell. J‘Isq.. pf York Mills. was an the 15th inst. married In Reginald McUrevry RuwleS, M. D.. of New York. The ch-enmny was pvl'fm'mcd by the Rev. Mr. 'l‘ihhs at, the home uf the bride’s parents. Ph NEARINC We ghsorxjg by le HungirltmlSpev- us of inte H's writt Hg std British pa routs \ms and the Circle {1‘0 household “'01 iettex‘s :11‘1‘ he 11‘ :mpnlitzm Railway Company ‘:\huut (mu mile of truck a. e extrusion of their lim- from to Jackson's Paint. Thvy bout, two miles from Ruach's } JACKSON‘S POINT. Cluh chats. nutm‘e no ~ost to boys, and r‘uunt n by the muuhers of Information) given is hile the vfl'mts nf spondeuts in propnx W¢J (1 young 5 throng 3m pirp. llshing work ahvw leS will he laid th lpf 11 and pE AND GIRLS ‘9 of Young (‘ um: ,0qu Gun- ‘unnng the p. in thous- Iunadn and :1 teachers mt. renders C3 1' um s will m- the : Hero is a. list, of quotations hacked by the very hesL gonds: Extra. qual- ily Gulden Dates, the best we ever of- fered, 6c. pk-r ll»: choice new’natural I Figs 51:. “1.. fine kvttle-renderml Lard ‘ in quantities l2ic. lh.; our own Baking Powder. l~lb. tin, 15c.; Rungnnn Rice 50. lh.. best Japan Rice 80. 11)., best .l Camlilm Rice 10c. ll).; choice new 1 cleaned Currants 7c. lh.. the best extra. select Valencia Raisins 31m. for 230.. the best Italian Macaruni 170. lh.; Red Suckey Salim-n. the finest quality Fraser River fish, 15c. can ; gnnd Red Salnmn 2 cans fur 250., the host, \Vhite Glnss Canada Starch 7§c. “1.. No. 1 (lnrn Starch 80. lh.: extra value in Cuf- ft-e. grnund while you wait, at 25. 30. 40 and 45c. pt-‘r lh.: special Mayâ€"pickvd Japan Tm 30c. lh.. or 5 llxs. for $1.35: the finest. extra Granulated Sugar-22 lbs. fur $1.00. the finest yellow sugar 23 lbs. $1.()().â€"â€"At,kinson & Switzle The Village Cour to rent the rink fur season. and ('l't't tender, tht‘l‘t‘fol‘l', ccivcd fur the ARTHUR QUANTZ, R. RENT! The Election of Officers will take plnc9, and other important business will be discussvd. Victoria Hall, Unionville THE LIBERAL to any address to January 1, 1906 The Annual Meeting of the East York Reform Associatinn will be held at Mr. Arch. Uzunplwll, Vantrr Scott and nthe. Liberals zu-e PXpt‘Ctt‘d to mama. EfiEE’i’EfiQ F03 150. This page of :The \Veekly Globe and Canada Farmer is not only entertain- ing, but highly beneficial, tn its I‘Pnd- ers. It bmadens Lheiruutlnok, widens their sympathies and increases their knowledge. Tu got, the young people in our hmnos to identify themselves with an t-Hnl'b nf‘this kind provesa strong incentive in prumnting their eduaninn and in develuping their chur- acters. E63 159 Romxsoxâ€" At. Richmond Hill. on Friday. Nov. 17. the wife of Henry Rohinsnn, nf a son. flair Vigor ii."'â€"'£’ W” u, m " mg" "556:? 317.7007 3 bottle. J. a. An: chu fill drugnsn failingofthe hair,also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn’t that so? " M In.” faded until I: was about white. It took us: one boule of A er’l Hair Vigor to restore it to tu former dar . rich color. Your gig}: V_lgo_r_ cgflalnly dae- _w_ha_fi you glslm {or You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops MO“\’DAY. DEC. 4. Fading Hair Chair taken at 1.31 1 Hill 2H1) instant tiuns and 1-1 of the Presidqu __ 0Nâ€" BIRTHS for rules L The big 1v M'ir nsu , i'L -1' prominent give address- J. 0. Ann 00.. M. P., M: A. STIVER. will be [ll H). ecretzu-y decided : W'illtc-l' seen to [113‘ {w - W4 {2% é++++++++é++++++++++++++++++++++++++++é++++++++4 '2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One No. I Couch, Velure Covering, 24 inches wide, regular $10 for $8399. One Nr‘. I Cough, Green Velure,26 inches Wideneg- ular $1210r $9.99. Fine Bedroom Suites irom $15 up. Golden Oak Chairs. 50 cents up. Dining-rcom Furniture, complete assortment. Fine Wire and Mixed Mattresses, Picture Frames. Sewing machines a specialty. All suitable for Christmas presents. Fummfwe Sham Now the stove season is here, and we are prepared for it, having now in stock a lull line of all the best and leading stoves and ranges for our customers. Happy Thought Crown Huron Imperial Oxford Oxford Laurel Pandora Heaters & Parlor Cooks All the above below City prices,set up by practical men. Stove pipes and elbows all prices. Hot air furnaces put in and repair- ed. Tinsmithing. Paints and oils and all kinds of }Ia1'd\vare. - N Jvember 16, 1905. We quote ... Six cord, 200 yard spools, Maple Leaf Brand, 35C. (102. heavy navy stripe, 36 inch drill, 150. yd., regular 1%.: ladies' heavy hygiene vests 250., regular 35 cent VuluP: plain or ribbed blan cashmere huse, special, 2.30. pair’ 45 incl), all wool dress twevds, 35c., regular-10c. yd.; Cun- ada refined, extra granulated sugar, 22 lbs. for $1; Canada. refined best: yellow sugar, 231bs. for $1; pure kettle rend- rendervdlard, 14c. 1b.; Ewrsley cheese, 15c. lb.; extra. cleaned cun'anté, 4 lbs. for 25c.; new Cumadra figs, 5c. lb. \\e wish we were even better than we are. To start out on that new line we will make prices this week that will uphold our new resolution. “To be good is to be lonesome." We don’t believe that Mark is correct. \Ve are good to our customers, give them the best for their money, and take as little of their money as possible and yet on the contrary we are far from lonesome; our store is always busy. We find that it Pays to be goad Richmond Hill Hardware Siam Mark Twain Says P. G. 3&VAG’E ATKlNSN &. SWH’ZER. C. SGULES Hw' +40!» 4- «r r' }. 4. .§. 0 "‘

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