fl .Iodolled.&nd newly furnished throughout 0 an o! the mos onveniant and comfortable latch on Ynnge Street Every mod-am conâ€" nnionne Smnnle noun (or co-nnmmu.) tmollors. \ui-ien‘ monpinuplane ' - ‘I :gug or driving uxrtleshicyolists. n farvnr 1-way {wen-romaine: ’m-n narket Elm-L ars a use the ‘iOJI‘ Livery in connection Call. by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. “all: by day and night; promptly at- tended Lu. WW" oouuxsaxoxzmxrnx HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, PALMER [INN Den tist. Room 12. 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Beet ï¬tting teeth. also replnting, at lowest, prices. Good work. LISEML PRINTING & PUBLISHIKG HOUSE RIOHMONDHILL,ONI‘. VOL. XXVIII. '1‘. F. McMAHON. ‘Vill he VETERINARY SURGE N. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY MORNING DR. H. W. ANDERSON? Dentist, ‘ Our. Carlton and Yonge Sts.. Toronto ‘ Vin he in Richman Hm n'n \Ved nesday of each~w<~ek. omce, uext dnnl‘ north of StamL ard Bank. Oflcc Hoursâ€"8.30 ugm. to 5 p. m. Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont- Orgflce hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 3.. u Tornnto Oflice, 450 CHURCH SI“ .C.'§\V\GÂ¥-‘. ALMER HORNE“, BICEIMO ND HTLL. $1 per annum, in advance.) Riclu'nond Iii“ (6 DR. “7. E. DEAN VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. Sllbï¬ï¬‚l'i!)1‘ t A high-class preparation for the hair. K6: 3 the hair soft and glassy and prevents splitting at the ends. ures dandruï¬ and alWflVYQIVCStOECS color to gray h_air. "’"n. .WMTIW‘: DI. 'I“ [1‘3 If: P‘ ‘3? . BUSINESS CARDS. (Succmsox' tn Dr. Lawn-Leon) DR. 5'â€. HBGEH’S. E5112 «gihmi IS PUBLISHED EVERY TEENS 51.0 9 ER 0*“ E mros J: PIDPBIXTOB mtcriuary an ‘dimi. 13mm. AT THE oods éï¬aï¬rRenewer Licensed Kuctionoen for the County I Salonccended to on nhortoat no“: quad enableratos Pstronncelofloized License Auctioneer to: tho County of Yo! , re- upmtfully solicits your pstronsizo and lripndly influence sales sea-'1de on the nhortou notico 5nd at reasonsbemtcn. £0.3de King The Next Sitting of Division Court to: N0. 3. County of York. will be held in the Court, Room. J '1‘ Saigeun . Maple unmet-takers & menlmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Instruction in thy Art nf Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments. Harmony, History, etc. RICHMOND HiLL EIUESIUN - GBURT. uicenaeu Auctioneer lo: the County 01 «ioods sold on consignment GGDRIIJ u .toc etc urompaly “tended to n In.“ mt“ Residence Uniouviuo G B. Guuldmg, Newton 81001.net“! Lbove RICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1.905 Barristers. Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mnnd St. \VesLJVvsh-y Buildings, (Methodist Bunk Rlflllll.) Tn- rnntn. \Ir. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday mfténmon of each week. *‘ v Barristers and sollcflors. Honey :0 loan on land undchu‘o) mortgages“ lowest rate- ‘UTP ofï¬ceâ€"Romano to tho old pun otho. one dam we“ of the unit-hue to flu Oumrlu Bnuk Vewiï¬nrket omenâ€"airbus duo" loath at tho p )sn ulï¬ne f Hannexmbsxxox, G S'rV' Hanan: ‘ . HG LENqu & MORGAN Mulo ck, Léé Baxristcrsï¬olicitors. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building (fol-molly Free hold Luau Bldg.). Um. Adelaide «3.: Victoria. S‘s†Tux-mum. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hillon SuturdaVs. IAS. N [UR/TON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, LELGIN MILLS linden-takers & rivate and Trust Funds tn loan lowest current mum. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. \‘u’. (.‘m-nm- King & Yuuge Streets, TORONTO. J. EABLE NEWTON Pianist arge stock 01' Funeral Furnishings kept, st both places. TCHMOND HHL _.()N_ T“WINNING QR MONEY TO LOAN Lindsey. Lawrence Wadsworth, ‘4 hiudseyJ‘i C ?‘ hunvreuce dout W auuworth COOK & JOHNSTON WRIGHT BBC S lgeoh. J K McEInn Maple Wanton Salgeon & NIcEwcu. ’mmeucinz at o. G. BLOUGH, TABLE SICBLIAN ‘ II. P: en lice. F. Mc)‘ A uron. ligament Genius-l Iain 1y “tended to u ranaonnah Uniouvillo Clark mum. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." 31’001. Item for the 81V" Hone; n Phone Hliuflï¬m Joan“ of York AT 07,. Ne‘market I611 1906 You The ï¬rst has had its Ll'iul, And has prm ed a easily curse, Then why nut Lry th other? It Can bun-1y ln- nu uurse. The questiun is lmw before ynu, \Vllich way will YUL? duuide 1' “’ill ynu gm n uh m. fuuming cur- The one is Ln send uut a life-boat, The other the \\'I't-Ck(‘l"s light. To lure {hum intu the breakers In the dark. and stormy night, The one is tn lift the fallen, The other to push them adrift. To help him along to ruin More surely and mow swift. One. aims to beneï¬t, manyâ€"â€" Unseiï¬sh, pure and trueâ€"â€" The other is glt‘(‘d incul'nuLe. Enriching [he fawn-ed few. The one goes against. the current, The other goes with the tide; The one is to help the, helpless, The nlher to let them slide. 1; success. 1ne cantata. "The Arch of Fame," given two years ago, will be. repeated, and a number of choruses. drills. etc.. \Vlll be given. A number of the latest Works by popular authors have been placed on the shelves of the public library and more will be added before the end of the year. The members of St. Andrew's Church met at the amuse on LIJndny evening and spent a sociable time. Dun ing the ‘ evening a pulse of money was pre- sented to Mix. Back by Mr. N. \V. Mul- loy. and an address was read by Mr. James Mallny. on behalf of the congre- gation of the church. Mrs. Buck was completelv taken by surprise, and Rev. Mr. Back replied in a suitable speech. The. stores here have quite a display of Christmas goods and are doing it rushing business. Mrs. \V. “Mod left last Sntmday to attend the Wedding of her son. Mr. Charles \Vood. «It Burk's Falls on “’ednesday of this week. The Stundmd Bank of Canada. has decided u: open a sub-agency in Maple, in connection with Richmond Hill ofï¬ce. For the present the ofï¬ce will be open on Tuesday and Friday of ouch week. commencing 'l‘uesdav, 26th. u- WHICH WAY ? Say, what about Local Option ? \Vhich way are you going to vote? The line must be drawn somewhere, You cannot all sail in one bout. Sunday was at very interesting day at \Villowdale. being specially for the Sunday School. Every one seemed to enter into the spirit of the occasion, there. being a good attendance at each of the services. The singing of the school. who were on elevated seats on the platform, was of a very enthusi- astic nature. and many were the ex- pressions ofuppreciation. In the after- ? noon the pastor, who tOok all the ser- ‘vices by special request. preached n. x E )icturiul sermon on V“'1l|e Light of the . Vorld." In the evening he took for ; his text, “ As arrows are in the hand of the mighty. so are children." bring- V iug lessons to the older ones in particu- g lur, nnd nrguin ' that if the young ar- 2 row were right y directed the mark would be struck, and every evil would let'entuully be. vanquished. The Christ- !nms Tree last evening was of a most i enthusiastic character. singing, reci- . tatious. dialogues. alrills. etc., made In most interesting programme. 0! l course the inevitable saute Claus gave I everyone just what they must wished, and many glad hearts went home feel- ing that the Christmas Tree was all right. It should be mentioned that some of the Sunday School classes on- seltisbly gave up their presents that 3 the libmuy might be the better l equipped. Greut credit is due to Miss I Ada Boucock. Mrs. Unrruthers and 1 their helpers who so untiriugly made every effort to make. the events the greatest possible success. | â€"â€"â€".q.â€"â€"â€" The Stuudurd Bunk nf Canada. has decided u: open a sub-«guilty in Maple in connectiun with Richmond Hill ofllcv. For the present the ut‘ï¬cu will be open on Tuesday and Friday of ouch wevk. commencing Tuesdav, 26th. The memhvrsuf St. Andrew's Church we: at the nmnse on MJndny evening and spent a sociable time. Dun ing the evening a pulse of mom-y was pre- srntved to Mix. Back by Mr. N. \V. Mal- lny. and an address was read by Mr. Jaan Mallny. on behalf of the congre- gation of the church. Mrs. Buck was cmnplctelv take-n by surprise, and Rev. Mr. Back replied in a suitable speech. Mrs. \V. \Vnod left last Sutmday to uttvnd the Wedding of her son, Mr. Charles \Vuod. «It. Burk'a Falls on \VPansday of this wee-k. A number of the latest \Vurks by popular authors have been placed un the shelves of the public library and more will be added brim-(- the end of ï¬ne your. Tho nommittre is sparing no pains to make the‘ entertainnn-nt in the. Melhudist- chlnch nn Christmas even- ing 1; success. The cantata. "The Arch nf Fame." given two years ago, will he repeatvd, and a number 0f chumsvs. drills. etc. \VI“ he give-n. special u-prvsrntative for each prov. inceinCunnda. Salary. $20 and ex- penses paid wevkly. Expl-nse mam-y advunmd. Busiurss successful; pusi- tinn wermunout. Nu investment r9- quiu‘é. Previous cxpvrivnce nut es- sential bu engaging. Adx'j-ess Gem-ml Managua 132 Lake Stu-rt, Chicago, In I" n Another mic. and the must import,- ant. is our ï¬n- s-ngiue shmlld he thor- oughly tvsti-d right “Way. and if it. is nut found tn lw good mmngh we shunld ull lip willing to contribute for one that is capable. (If meeting any Panl'gt’hCV that may occur in our vil- lagP, as fire insurance wuuld he lmver if we had better ï¬re prutt-ctiun. Huping I am not, intruding, I remain ONE \Vno WAS THERE. Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 1905. ill To u e Editor of Tm; LIVER.†If yun will give me Fpiu‘t- in your paper 1 \Vuuld liki- Lu nmlu' u few n-murks “‘hlt'h I think "11‘ liuwly, on the ï¬re at tlu- Rich- mnurl Hill (lreuIm-ry. lmu t give mu~ f‘nvnwn :md ollit-iu grunt ('l'l‘flll fur tlw way thl-y H‘spnhtl' ml in tlh- “In: in Hf tho lire lwll. But I was \w-i‘y much surprised In ï¬nd tliv tunksvmpty. No water in than: fru- wunt nf ri-imiring or ï¬lling, or possibly lmlli. For. uf what use is «u engin if there is nu watt-1- in use? Annlhoi- feature was uur ï¬rcmrn nnd ul liners carrying lnddé‘l's, uxvs. pike pnlt-s etc. fi'mn {he ï¬re lislllr I think llll‘ lmuk-and-Iuddel- u'ugun is an NT} umzvssmy thing at a ï¬re, as all the ap- plium'es to get at u ï¬u- are on it. Hnd {hm-L- boon buildings near. or if the wind had mn-ied the span-ks towards utlwr buildings thou- wmild luu'e been no way of gettingnn them until the ï¬remen ur others would lim'e carried them to the ï¬re as the) (lid th': (mes that, Wt‘l‘e used. I think our tanks shnuld all be m- spm-u-d. and if any are fmm‘d defective they should be remedied at (mop. “’_A_NTEDâ€"~By ABOUT THAT HRH. )‘lnll rrn! benefit, manyâ€"- pure and trueâ€" grt-vd incarnate. the fawn-ed few. Maple a (:0th y curse, Lhu other? IN.) \\ “1‘59. (‘hica go wh« Jeanie mvn and “mm my thvy ruspmndâ€" dirr beâ€. But I ï¬svd In ï¬nd lhv h-r in them fur filling. urpussihly rseis an engine 20-37 To be assured of the increasing gruwth and prosperity of the “ Farm- er's Advocate and Home Magazine," London. Ont.. one has only tu look at the cover of the newly-arrived Christ- mas number of that enterprising juur- nal. on which is shnwn a large engrav- ing (if their ï¬ne new building. just cmupleted, in \Vini’iipeg, fur the hume 0f the \Vestern “Farmer’s Advncnte. and Hume Journal." The contents nf this holiday issue gratify the expecta- tions awakened by the carer. fur here are cullected nearly eighty pages full of interest from beginning to end. Of the matter presented tn the public. and the manner in which itis presented. the publishers may well feel pruud. and Canadian agriculturists are fur- tunate indeed in heng represented by such an up-tu-date production. The illustrations are nuuwruus and partic ulanly gnud, must of them being pic- tures uf Canadian scenery. or repro- duetiuns Hf the. paintings of some uf mu lwst Canadian artists. The “Hume Mag-v. he" department is ï¬lled with gm ~~ in prime and Verse fur the I»: {ht- xpecial artisll‘s DEAR. SIR.â€"Iu reply tn your en- quiry l have great; pleasure in stating that thr- insurance on the plant at. Hiclnnund Hill Creunwry was must prmnptly settled by the Yurk Mutual Insurance Company, and that yuu shnwed great prompmess in advising the. company and settling it. and shall certainly insure with ynn again. Hosp. yours, C. F. McTAvmn. Sec. of Committee. A grant gathering of the ratepayeis of th annsllip of King was that that, uwt at Krttlo-hy m‘. Saturday last. and mm that is like-Iv to have farâ€"reaching effects. [L was :1 Inevtingcunvoncd for the purpuse of expressing upiniun rela- Lin- :0 ll)!‘ recent (lH-ision of the pres- ent 'l‘nwnship Council in denying the people n. right, in Him upnn H. certain issue ume Jun. lst ni-xt. It was unnninmmly decided by resolution to suppurt, only such mn-n ut the forth- caniiug municipal election whu wnuld pledge themselves to allow the Snvm~ eign [u-uple- (in this cuss- the votes i f King) the absolute right, tn have an up. partnuilyâ€"if they ask for itâ€"uf ex- pn-Ssing lllf‘lnselVPS upon any question that, in Lhcii gum] judgment they may so dvsire. It, was nun-d with pleasure that, the present Council have dis- cow-red nlivndy that, u grievous nus- Lake has lit‘PII made. and this was made apparent, by une’uf tlieii-numherup- peariug in pursun and expressing the prnfnunde-st, legrc-t at. his action. and as well piomising that, if :1 similar uc- cusiun m-use again he wuuld meet the wishes of the penplv. On D90. 22nd (Nmninutiun Day) there is likely to he an intents-ting time. \VILLO\VDALE CHRISTMAS TREE Ml'. P. G. Savage has raceivvd tl.e following letter from Mr. Hopkins, which speaks for itself:â€" \Vuuld you he good enough to in- sm't the fullmving in your this week's issue and nhlige Kmleby. Dec. 18th, 1905. Editor Richmond Hill LIBERAL, Richmond HiH.’-0nt.: Dear Six BRIGHTENS THE FARMER'S HOM E Local Option in King. Prompt Ssttlement. Resp. Yum-:3; A. HOPKINS. All pex-suns having hushwss at the Cum-L urn. requirvd to attend at. the "aid rim» and pklg‘f‘. To hey-1r and determine the sevem cumpluintsrnf H'rm-s and muissiuns in the VuLt-rs’ List of the said Municipal» iLy (-f the Township of Markham for 1905. Notice is hereby given that a COUlL will be held pursmmb to the Voters‘ List. Actnf 1896. by His Hunor,thc~ Judge of the County Unurt of the County of ank. at. VicLux-iu Hal}, Uniumillc, on Saturday December 23, 1905. Township of Markham FmIrt.hâ€"'l‘h»y can he built fur about. “He third lrss than snlid brick. These hlm ks can be used with Pqnnl sunwss and hwmty in any plum- either ftmrhuum-s or burns, Vera nduh pillars. Cllinuwys. etc. Fur further mfm'muv Lion inquixe or wxite Lu Thr- building material which is com- ing into favor i4 runcrete made in im- itation r-f cut stnrw. which will he fwund much anpe-rinr tn any other um.â€" (Pl iul lnr building purposvs for the fullmving leusnus:â€" Firstâ€"Cement blocks are made: of the must dumhlr- umtrrinl. Socnndâ€"‘l‘ln- hlmtks lll‘illg made huI-- luw, housesurv nut. dump like Lhuse constructed of mrlid cnncrete, as the hullnws in tln- lrlncks max-lap. thua making a (lead air space all around, uf sc‘verul inner-:4, (Ir-pending nn the think- ness nf wall which can In- made either 8, 9. 10 or l2 inches in thickness. Thirdâ€"Thu fave lucidglrlinï¬Ã©â€"i‘n exact. imitatinn of cut stune they make: the prvltiesc lngflding inmginaldv. Court of Revision 1!. \V ingox Prof. John M. Scndder. M. D., late of Cincinnati, says qt Golden Sang root: "In relation to Its general efl’ects on the system. than a no mcdicifw Sn use about 117M011 than a such general Marcth 0/ opinion. It is universally regarded as m wnlc useful In all debilltataed states.†“A remedy which invariably acts as a. nter~ lne invigorawr ‘ ‘ ‘ makes for normal ac- tivity of the entire reproductive system." He continues “in Helonias we have a medicaâ€" ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug with which I am minted. In the treatment of diseases Do- culiu to women it is seldom that a case _ls seen which doe not present some indication for this remedial agent.†Dr. Fyfe further lays: ‘The following are among the leading indications for Helonies (Unicorn root). Pain or aching in the back. with leucorrhcea; nmnie (weak) conditions or the reproductive organs of women, mental depression end in ritnbiiity. associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive omen: of women. constant sensation of heat in the region of the kid- neys: menorrhnzin (flooding). due to a weak- ened condition of the reproductive system: nmenorrhma (suppressed or absent monthly periods ). nrisinz from or accompanying tn nbnormaJ condition of the dizostive organs nod anmmic (thin blood) habit: dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the Ibgiomen." If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, one of the leadin ingredi- ents of which is Unicorn root, or elonias and the medical properties 0! which 1‘ most faithfully represents. V i it. its m importaï¬t 'remedyvin' disbrden of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions ' ' ‘ md general enteeblement. it is useful.†“Valuable 1r; titerfne hemorrhage. menor thazia (flooding) and congestive dysmeuor than (ptinful menstruation )." Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription faith- ful] represents all the above named 1nâ€" gre ients and emu the diseases (or whkh they are recommended. Dr. John Fyfe me of the Editorial Staff of Tm: ECLECTIC MEDICAL anmw says of Unicorn root. (Hewnms Dboica which Is one of the chief ingredients of t 8 "Fa.- vorite Pregcriptipn " : Of Golden Seal root, another prominent; Ingredient, of "Favorite Prescri tion," Prof. Finley Ellingwood. M. D., 0 Ben- nett. Medical College, Chiqago. §ay9:_ Prof. Bartholow, M. D. of Jefferson Medical college. says 9! Goidgn Seal : We refer to that. boon to weak, nervous. aufl'ering womex; known as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredients. Cement .Estone CAR R VILLE, [Single copies, 3 cts At, Q o'clock a. m. l. 531‘! V ER irl Mmmiripalily A: Son ONT. No 2;