021.118 by telephone from R Hill charged to me. U .113 by JOHN H. CAMPBELL \ , Francis Black, THORNHILL, Ont Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 21. 11 1â€"3 p. m. Best ï¬tting teeth. also replating, at lowest; prices. Good work. USERAL PRINTiNE a PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHMONDHILLONL J. H. SANDER; VETERINARY SURGEON, RICHMOND HILL Cor. Carlton and Ynnge Sh†Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on ‘Ved nesday of each m-ek. Gmce, next dour north of Stand- ard Bank. Oiï¬ce Hours~S.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. VOL. XXVIâ€. DR. H. W. ANDERSON l)entist, [3 PUBLISHED EVERY TH URSDAY MORN‘LN Room 1 l)1'°~ E. J. VVoods-s DENTIST. Safe Proï¬ able TH E ONTARIO BANK VETERINARY SURGEON 'l‘llon'nhill. 'ot-uuto Ofli D. A. R -‘.6I per annum, in advance} 1‘ Richunond Iii“ DR. XV. E. DEAN Perhaps you like our gay hair; then keep k.â€" ISErBaba n'ot_; then rcmemberâ€" all’s air Renewer always restores color to giav hair. Stops falli_ng_hair._a]§p. "iTnWm‘ï¬anr‘é’m‘" n ejlent BUSINESS C (Suacessnr to Dr. Lawmsnn) DR. WM. RBSEBS I) autism. 1 12, 124 Victoria. St. Tor. @5112 :ï¬iihmi day V . Mu M A H () f“ E 017303 :5 Peepnm'x‘on etcrinary and night; ended to. an ‘(Iie‘dL e, 450 CHURCH SI“ mum. AT THE 'ictoria. St. Toronto. p n “1% your um kv: Being convenient CARDS. promptly at- INCORPORATED 1857. This Bank‘s Interest. AL iic‘nmond G! . m. G§?£RIO BAEK ï¬zavings mk‘s huge lesuug-CQS ensure safety. t. at highest, emu-11L rate, paid twice a ; an account, prvï¬tahle. withdrawuble without notice makes it ll) {\NAGER. Kl Thursdays and Satm (In 3‘ Licens e Auctioneer for the County of YJr , re~ waist!tu solicits your patronage and friendly iuï¬nence sales attended on the sLortest noticr and M: reasonaberawa. P.O.n.dd.ress King Licensed tuctioneers fnl'the Conutyuf York Sales tttendedbo on shortestuoticeand u. roe“ onublenhes Patronageaolicited 5 flair RemevirÃ©ï¬ J '1‘ Szzigeon, J 1 Maple ‘ Salgcou «1c NlcEwe RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL ,vVâ€"‘w vunvuvdllv G R Gouldmg, Newton Brook abo‘e Liceneeu Auctioneer for the County 0! Yuk Goods sold on cunsigument Genm‘al sales: smc etc promptly ntandeu no at renacnabh ra’u‘es“ Residence Uuiouville n--. .uwu Auroranfliceâ€"Remoyed to ehe old one door was: of the ant: Oumno Bunk Newnmrket alliesâ€"Three doors s« p :5: orljue I‘ anmxia'r LENNOX, G S'r'v II: Barristers and solicilcrs. Mouev to loan onKIand andchattel mortgage LENNOX & MORGAN G S Lindsey.K C G F Lawrech Riduut Wadsworth \Ir. Cook will be; my afternoon of each Barristers, Solicitors. I‘ORON'I'O OFFICE: No. mund St. W'ostJVPslny Bl (Methodist Bunk Room l'untn. Undertake-'5 & Emmi Inn-rs YEGETKEEE SICIMAN IAS. N EVVTON riv [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES mlock, Lee, Miï¬ikéfgéfiii' Clark Barristers. St )1 id Lms, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, \V. (Jul-per King 8; Yunge Streets, Barristers,3:>licitors. Notaries {tune Life Building (fm'mvrl hold me Bldg). 00:. Adela Victoria Sls.. Turumu. urge stncknf Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 1.90“) JBERAL Oï¬ice. Kit ate and Trust; Funds tu lowest current rates. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 5% Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworbh, COOK & JOHNSTON IN THE WRIGHT BROS D. G. I; LOlfGll. 1.1!. Plenlico. TORONTO. lowest. mugs 1100. Richmond Hill on Sazurdavs. » Aurora. £25211. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmtiats Liberty; in all things, Charity. Three doors south of the fC()lllit weslpy Bugldylg'; ~11 tame old post 011ch of the entrance to the G ST'V Hominy aple on Thursday ach week. ‘ (fm-mvrly Free '11:. Adelaide & 'I‘ul‘mltu. % CITY Phone Main2984 J K LIL-Ewen Weston Went for the martgages at .) To: XV ew market loan 1, 8m. Rid]- at January 2, 19%. I therefum wish the village grant, progress and pz-uspelity undcr the nmnugement of the Reeve. and Coun- LiHUI’S elected for the year 1906. MR. EDITORâ€"I desire through the columns of your valuable paper to thank the Electors nf Riuhniund Hill who gave me their auppm-t in the con- trst for Reeve (In Mnnday last. And although there. was not sufï¬cient votes in my faum- to Elect me to that posi- tion, I feel [11th it is no dishonor to be beaten by it man of Mr. Crosby’s in. telligence and ability. I therefun- wi=h the Village grind. Aucliun sulv fell-m stm-kjmplvmvnts furniturv, rn‘lwuy (:nl)t1':\(7tur’s outï¬t on his farm here. on Friday, Lhr prop crty of Mr. \V'm. Thomas. Coal is very sum-w nmund lll‘l‘e now, but world is plvuliful. MI. Jns. Univ, has rented his park and lnmlding lmuse In." the summer. Mr. MrGilliu-ny has sold his plurw to a. man from ’J‘m-onto‘ who will lake possessiuu shortly. Raul estate is booming around how. Mr. Bm hvr has sold his farm In M 1‘. 'I‘lmul:ls.un(l has I)lll'(’,l):l\‘(>'d Mr. vay RPymvlds’ farm on the 2nd cuncesflun of \\'l2itLhurch. Reeveâ€"Gallnughm' 418, ngxzu5121_ Cuuucilhu‘Sâ€"Ax-mitztgo 105. Burns 3‘33, Urmsley 138, 1)(';1(’nll 361. L‘lpp It)»; McClure. 174, .\l(~Mlnch_\' 422, Nr-r- nmn 397. J’hillim 324, \Vutsnu 255, “$113152. Certiï¬ed. Im-s Gmn‘fle Rf'dditt . . . . . . . . 136} Din id Hill H. . ... . .107 r Elected Jnuws Puulin .. . .. ...IUO) Mntthvw ï¬lt'Nuil' . . . . . Bl FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE (l YEAR. “‘illinm A. “’right, elm-ted hy ncclu matiun. Rej‘ected ballot papers for Uuuncil Hesse A. Nith-lls. J him i’. Glass. John H. SELIdé‘l‘SHll 'l‘hmnns H. Trench Charles Mason .. “‘illium Fun-y .. . Hx Result of the pm†for Rr (:illors nml Public Sr-hnul Richmond Hill. Jun. 1. 1006 FOR REEVE Isaac Cmshv Div The fulhnving Rec-v9, Jnhn Longhuusv, Isaac Riul.m:md Hill, Jun. 2nd, 1906. Rejected ballot, papers fur Trustees, illizun Innes KING MUNICIPAL RETURNS CGUNCEL AND TRUSTEES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL (2 YEARS) Majm-ily tn mmâ€) m the old Statute Majority or Dhision N0. ]. Thnrnlxill .. “ “ 2, Pelttm'snl].. " “ 3, Edgyly . .. “ “ 4, Mapl? . . . . . “ “ 5, Pine Grove . “ " (i, l’urplevillo “ “ 7, Rider’s Mills “ “ 8, Kieinburg Official Returns, Township of Vaughan Card of Thanks. Division No. [nnes . . . . . . . . . . 83 FOR COUNCILLORS NitthL-lls. .. . 103] “ass. . . . . ‘ . . . . 100 { Szmdm'snll . . . . . 99 1' 1. Trench . . . . . . 9!!) Lawn .. . 84 Lake Wiicox. u u u u u Local Option By-Law, 86. STATUTE LABOR QUESTION. gontlemen will therefnn- he thr- N. Buyle (:Iccl.) Uunncillms, K Duvins und J. Scutt McNuil'. \VM. INNES. A. J. HUME, Returning: ()ï¬icel J. L. JENKI) s Cumm'nu Lnughuusv Dr TRUSTEES 50 28 F0 R COUNCILLORS \‘0. 0mm- T1 ustees, Elected Elected 570' 51 fox f1)|'25(:., ('hoic new G‘mlden‘ I Rvd Salmon 2 ' h (‘nlumhiu pl-vm-hed :1 un Sunday Mills :lssis gauu-s and music. After sup] young gentlemen \vvre called In speeches, and quite _ a. mum spnnded. Miss Gun-ow was pm with a beautiful gold chain and and pin by the ynung pimple “Hagen She nlsn H'ceived a mu ()tht-r usvful mud ln-uutiful per Rev. Eli ih'iddlvtun of East 'I A pleasant time was sps-ut: at the hmm- of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Gun-row last Friday evening, the uccusiun h- - ing thu twenty-ï¬rst, birthday of their daughter Margaret. About sixty wen 0 present and the evening was sps-nt in gallll'S and music. After supper the young gentlvmen \Vl’l'c called upon for speeches, and quiteJ-L number re- spnuded. Miss Gum-ow was Ln'esvnted [mule :1. short spvt'rh t0 lhv c uwd H.5- semhled in Mr. Buiivy’s $10 9, fhnuk- I'm: the vlvcmrs for their suppm-f. Maple gave 1h: Local Option by-imv :L Imljnrity 0f :9. The Christmas tree and 9llf/('I‘t:lil~ Invnt, in mum-min" with the Prvshy- tin-inn Sunday Sclmnl was a pIt-usant affair. After a hunutiful suppr'l‘ .1 pm - gramnw was give-n by tlw ('hildlev', and than [1w presmnts were dist! ihutvd. Eve-ryune enjuyod the evuning thor- A , . . Eve-ryune ellj:)y( oughly. Mr. Smiih and friend sp mt Monday in Hw City. TJU wmthor has been favorable for skating". and :1 large crowd attended huth Mulldny um] 'L‘uusday nights. Miss Violet Hislup is spending a. few mmzllh' with relatives. Our schmrl re-upmwd yustm-d y aft 01' the hllndilVS. 112g esL Lust Friduyevvning uhunt six 0’( the hzu-u and Cuntt-nls and extw hvnm-a-y lmlunging {,0 Bpll Bms. tutully (lesLu-yo-d by ï¬ne. The Wns pm tly cm l‘l'f‘d hy insnrnnr‘v. IiH- was unusvd by the vxphmicn lante-l-n in th lmrn. Mr. Pen'y of (Ewe-mnre has visiting at, Mr. Mucucem’s (his we< Mr. U. Gal“, Tmmxtr, has been V ing at Mr. Legge’s. Mm. Smillie uf Chic-120 and si Mr. and Mrs. E. Barker and family nt' Ricfnxmnd Hill, were the guests of Mr. anl Mus. 0. Clark on New Year’s; Mr. and Mns. Donn wvre guests of Mr. Caldwell: and Mr. mul Mrs. \V. Cumâ€" ‘ ky “149 guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. 506 346 Lahnr System, 160. B. MACIJ‘JAN, Returning Ofï¬ Thvre w. s n grunt rush at tha ])ul'- g '0 “11021 Munday and much iuu r- L Wins shuwn in LIIL‘ (M'rtitm. In the 'ening whvn the returns v ere in Mr. A. Came-run and Mr. S. M. Nair muth :ule a. short span h to lhv u uwd n»- ,lut-qu] 1H 107 34 53 maï¬a. Laundry Stan-ch 511w. hoicc new ï¬gs 5 lbs. for 25".. elf Dzltvs 5 lbs. f<11-25c., choice nn 2 mus fur 250., fresh Brit- nhiu Canned Herring 4 cans Atkinson 3; ‘ 'ilzvr. t'uI mud lat-autiful p‘rusvnts. 1i Middlvtun of East Turnntn anniversary sux-nu’ms at Hope y. Mr. U00. Elder of Elder‘s Stk'd the choir and sang a solo in the evening. Unu nr [mes . llU 459 35 Headford Yes 60 UT if! 3% 28 )2 vvning uhunl six o‘clock cruntvnts and extenx'he ging an HP!) Bms. was il fur the ys-ar L CKIHOI'UH. D Ridges 5 their Q11ppm-t. ll Option by-Imv 88 M) It 19 and pun-Hui) » th the Presby- \yns a plt-usant 373 56 59 ls puny-enth [inst Nu and sister, been visi - been vidtâ€" 91 ,7 an 24 locket, uf the me! uf 266 1906 wirl 20 ()1) 16 51 $9 was 1055 SO“ III. v; Sllccvss and l fur honws 0| (:hiullwvs. l't _ Fourthâ€"Th one third lé‘Si law, houws constructod hulluws in making n (it ht-lluws in tho- hlncks making a (land air spat-e several incus. depending ness of \anl which can I 8. 9. 14) m- 12 inches in th Thirdâ€"The fave heng imitation uf (-ut stmm t pl't‘tticu‘l; building inmgil Firstâ€"Cement Mn the most dumth mu Svcmulâ€"le him-k The huiniing may 1' u ing int.†fnuu' l\' (mum-(1‘ itatiun uf cut shiny. fuuml much superior tn texiul 101- Imitu‘lng pl: fullmving 10.151: On Thursday, 28th Decenflwr, he- twwn Elgv’n Mills and Lot 33, Con. 2, Vaughn“. a 8: skatchewau Rube. Suihchle rm ard to :my person givâ€" i-Ig illfurnullil n that will lead t‘) the I'(‘L’ll\'l'l y nf lh :lhnve. 'T‘hv fulin day In cum Reew. J. S Some of the abiest medical writers and teachers endorse these views and praise all the several ingredients of which "Fa.- vorite Prescription†is composedâ€"rec- ommending them for the cure of the very same diseases for which this world- famed medicine is aydvisod. No other medicine for women has uni such 0- fessimtul endorsementâ€"wort moret an any number of ordinary testimonials. If interested, Send name and address to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Bufl‘alo, N. Y., for his little book of extracts from the works oi eminent medical writers and teachers, endorsing the several ingredients and telling 'ust what Dr. Pierce’s medicines are me e of. It’s free for the asking. A glance at the published ingredients on each bottle wrapper, will show that it is made Wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no poi- sonous or habit-forming drugs, no nar~ cotics and no alcoholâ€"pure. triple-reï¬ned glycerine. of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alco- hol, both for extracting and preserving the active medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants employed. It is the only medicine for women’s pecular diseases, sold by drug- gists, that does not contain a. large per- centage of alcohoL which is ‘in the long run so harmful to women’s delicate. nerv- ous svstem. New, glycerine is perfectly harmless, and serves a valuable purpose bygmssessing intrinsic value all its own. an besides it enhances the curative effect of the other ingredients entering into the :‘Favorjte Prescription." UH HKIHU t When the maker of a. medicine, sold through druggists for family use, takes his atients fully into his conï¬dence by francly and fearlessi publishing broad- cast as well as on i 3 bottle wrappers. a full list of all its ingredients in plain English, this action on his part is the best ssible evidence that he is not airai to have the search ii ht of inves- tigation turned full upon xis formula and that it will bear the fullest scrutiny and the most thorough investigation. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for the cure of the weaknesses, periodical pains and functional dcrangements of the or- gans distinctly feminine, is the only medi- cine put up for sale through druggists for woman’s special use the maker of which is not afraid to take his patients into his full conï¬dence by such open and honest publicity: OPEN PUBIJGITY THE BEST GUYIRZNTY OF MERIT. These him ks ( Lima] 1 Butter Pap2r at the Liberal Office. Pmlga FOR SALE [Single copies, 3 cts. ‘ l|f('l1t stm building in: â€"Tth can -t. .l app. T. Hagermun. U xptinn was carried hy 95 mm H.» M le- Pal-wk, am Township. huwi‘ :r Were elected on Mon- nutilv te thp Council for 1906: SliIIPI‘. Cnutmillnl's: J. Nigh Si th lilE. RRVII )l‘ “'1 tu t y nu'n GILES KERSWILL. Jefferson P. O. lll Ill not or 6% $01: m any ‘H‘ile. 3 bring made huE- dnmp like thun- rulu'lb’fo. as UH‘ :ks (um-lap. thus wave all nwuml, uf [ling nu Iiw [hick- nn lnâ€" made either Ithiukm-ss. furthe-I in};' mud» in 9x30! 0 Lth make tin- IgiunhlP. he hnilt, fm‘ nlmut lid hrivk. ‘ usvd with t'qun] ON \Vhit'! ll) 'lln t-qunl 111:0 Pillu'l 1h pillars, mfurnm- made (If No 27 llnl HH )ll he