Ricnnonn thi. Om. Jun. .1. 190.3 Quite a temperance wave passed over the Province on Monday. The result of the voting is a decisive victory for local option. The re- turns are not yet complete, but re- ports go to show that local option was carried in 46 municipalities heard from, and was defeated in but 7 places. From this it would seem that more than 130 bars will be closed on the ï¬rst of May. The Bishop of Toronto and a num- ber of the Anglican clergy of the city wrote a public letter urging the elects ers to vote for the reduction of liquor licenses, giving their reasons. There has been an alarming increase in in- tempcrance in recent years, and they contended that increased public facili- ties f‘or drinking mean increased drunkenness. The police reports show an increase of “ drunks†from 2,529 in 1885 to 7,149 in 190-1, an increase of from 14.3 per thousand of the population to 31.5 in nine years. The clergy maintain that I ll.le an increase is “out of proper.’ ‘ tion.†TEMPERANOE MEETINGS. The Gospel temperance meetings held in the temperance Hall on Sun day afternoonsut4 o’clock have pre- sented to the audiences gathered there some varied and important features of the agitation for Temperance re- form now carried on at so very many Centres throughout the province. It is evident that one of the ways in which the settlement of this import- ant and grave question. fraught. with so much danger to the church and state, must be brought about is by the enlightenment of the citizens and the conviction of the Christian voter as to his or her duty in the matter. At the regular meeting under the. auspices of th ~ \V.U.’I‘. U. last Sunday, M r. Robt. Shaw. Principal of our High School. v'as chairman, and in 5|. few clear and forceful remarks on the subject to be discussed, intioduCed the speaker. Mr. Snook of Toronto. Mr.Snook brought to the question :1 large amount of in- fo: motion as to the evils of intempc.- ance, the distresses of which he had personally come in contact with dur- ing his work in the missions in Toron- to. Though somewhat fatigued from the work of the (layâ€"having preached at Headford and Victoria bqunreâ€"hc endeavored to earnestly present to tie Christian people before hill] the. urgent necessity of their increasing activity in operations against the ravages of the liquor traï¬'lc. As drunkenness was the meeting of the liquor and the man. manifestly the simple wav to avoid dlukrnnt-ss was to prevent such meeting of liquor and manâ€"and this was the work that loeai option was in- tended and expected to accomplish. The meeting of liquor and man was diï¬'erent fiom the meeting of man with any other commodity in business, for while in all busmess purchases the transaction was comparatively open to the public and therefore anyone might observe it. the traffic in liquor went on behind doois and shut off from the. gaze of the public. If even the trafï¬c were compelled to be car- ried on like the sale of other commodi- ties the drinking \vould no doubt be naturally decreased. But being so much concealed from the public gaze as it was tended to int-reuse the. drink- int.r and treating habits of men. The only radical cme was to do away with the trafï¬c, and this was all the more imperative because the bar-room was the gateway of ruin to many of the bi ightcst and promising youths of our 1: nd. and Christian people could not sit. idly by while. so many of their brothers and sisters were being lost. Mr. Snook continued the discussion of the subject at the evening service in the Methodist. church. l Sale Register. Pal-tics getting their bills printed a t THE LIBERAL ()ï¬â€˜lct‘ vvill receive free u itices under the above heading up to the timeof sale. Other sales will be charged 25 cents for each insertion. FRIDAY. Jan. 19*(li't'tlli saleof farm stock, iinplenn-nts. etc. on lot 5. (on. 4. King (King City), the pl‘npt‘l'lv of? Richard Atkinson. ’l‘t-rms. 9 ions. Sale at l n't'lock. Suigeou A’ McEwen, Auctioneers. The Richmond Hill High School re- opens OI] l Wednesday, January 3, 1905 Fee for the coming term. $3. (iood board can lie hml at reasonable rates. l’opils are \nged to be present on the day of opening. ItOB'l'. SIIAW'. B. A., Principal. Hit; H son’ooL E- 0 PENING: Biéécr Grain. Clean, Larée Seed Increases the Yield 207... CHATHAM FANNING MILL N4. 5 acity 4D to 68 hush. per hour. (‘lcans Wheat. Rye. Timothy. Clover, Millet Outs. Barley, Flax, Peas, Beans, Corn and all see s. Largo Hopper. Screw Feed easily regulated. Agitator prevents clogging and distributes grain evenly on screen. Lower Shoe keeps screens cleanâ€"no other mill bus thin. End shake and adlustublo side shake (three widths). . Sixteen screens and riddles, grading any- thing from ï¬nedsccd tocoarsestgraln. Screens )upanncdâ€"can't rust. Ewes screenings for feed. “'orks easily and smoothly, combines sim- plieity with ingenuity. ’I‘hs Chutham Fanning Mill will pay for itself I over and over in one year. It is the greatest ccononiizer and proï¬t-builder on the farm. 1: ensures bigger crops of better {:1 uin. It it were not the bestit would notnow be in use on hundreds of thousands of forms in (tandem and United States. Furnished with Or without Baggflig Attachment, as desired. PRIZE AWARDSrHl hest awards at World's Fair, St. Louis; kin-American, Buflalo: \Vorld‘s Fair, Paris. France; Toronto. “'inuipen, Halifax. Charleston. Savannah and Jacksonville. GUARANTEEâ€"Every mill guaranteed for ï¬ve years. Lasts a lifetime. “'9 send the Clmtham Fanning Mill to any term":- ou receipt of his order. at once, without any cash down, and the most liberal terms of payment. ‘ Warm won PARTICULARS and I-Trce Book. “ How to Make Dollars out of Wind. ' Weight of Everything you Buy or Sell. CHATHAM FARM SCALE You need 3 Scale on your form. You need it right non» rloxlay. Every day you put it 011’ you lose money. Suppose you scil norm: hogs at in mus o- pound and trust to your dealer‘s tcnlcs, \i lllt‘ll are 1;.†out. That means a less to you of 50 cents on every 1.00 pound hots. Thon you sell 1000 bushels of grain nt 75 cents. This denim 's senics nre only 1,1!) out, but your loss is. 18.70 on the deal. The use on a few transactions of this: kind Would buy a dozen scales. thn crops are, our you need every cent they are worth. Vi ll‘ll they are good you cun't afl’oi‘d to throw money any. You need it sonic on your farm ntnll times. Tholcss you think- you can alfoxd ii. Lue more you need it, The important point is to get the right scale. The Chaihum ‘urm Scqu is built in three styles, each one strongly and honestly built, ready to stand the roughest kind or usage. Capacity Loon poundsâ€"summont. for all farm user's. The knife edges are of oil-tempo“ ll ton] steel â€"pr.vctically indestructiblcwinsuring ab. Solute accuracy nomalterhow com-mm theose. The Chuthzuu Farm Scale is easily comer- tible into Ft useful truck. By moviint the lever you throw the wright off the Elmira edges on to the solid frame of the truck. This ire-serves the knife edges and gives solid- ity to the truck. \\ hen you move the low r to throw the Sculointo 11:0 again it autoiimtiv_-;:11y adjusts itv'clt without any trouble to you. It Ls the only scale mmle l n (‘nnadn that will do this. The (‘hzrtham Farm Scale is absolutely ac. ur- atc. Before we ship a Clmthnm Fnrm Fruit- it is thoroughly gone over by the Govern- ment Inspector. If it is absolutely accural e be stamps each poiwnnd balance with his ofï¬cial atom and gives us a. certiï¬cate 01’ accuracy whic 1 goes with the scale. “'0 will ship it Chntham Farm Scale any- where in Canada. Don't. send us any money. Just send in your order and we'llscnd the scale as fast as the railroad can get it. to you. Our terms of pa ‘mcnt are acknowledng to be the mostliberzt ever oii'cred. A>k your neighbor. Send us your uamcand address on :1 met card and we'd mail you our beehlet a 'cut the Chatth Farm Scale. Time may mean considerable loss of money to )ou. \\ by not send the poet curd today, in hile you think of it i CPODS 0f Better It Pays to Know the Exact (mickey) raising avery easy and simple way of adding' to the farm’s cash profits. CEATHAM INCUBATGR Poultry raising pays. l‘t-ople u ho tell you thnt them is no money in raising ('hil‘kï¬ may have trer to nuthe money in the business by Using setting hens as l;...ch- cm, and they mlghtus well i ave tried to locate 8 gold mine in the cabbage patch. The busi- ness of 'd hen lsâ€"to lay eggs.‘ As it i‘ntchcranrl broorler she is outclassed. ’I hat's the business of the (‘lmthnm Incubator and Broader, and they do itperieotly and successfully. The poultry business. properly conducted, pays far better than any oincr business for the mnount of time and money invested. Thousands of poultrer ‘rsfmen and W0- men ell over Canada. m the Lnitcd Statesâ€"â€" have proved tothvirse. action that it is protlt- able to raise chicks with too Cnatham. Incu- hula: and Breeder. The Chat‘nam Incubator and Brenda: is hon- estly constructed. 'l‘hcreis no hunibug about it. ICveryinchotmnter lis thoroughly tested, the machine isbullt on :ht principles. the in- sulntion is perfect, thermometer reliable, and the workmanship the best. ’ The Chntham Incubator and Breeder i.» simple as well as HI‘:0'?llll".ln comiructionâ€"n woman or girl canopt‘mto the machine in their leisure moments. Our preposition is this: We will ship you the (‘h-ithum Incubator and Breeder, freight pre- paid, und. You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvest. Send for ourbandsonml illustrath booklet entitled. " llow to Make A oncy Out of Chicks." We can supply you quickly from our distributinq‘ “ï¬rehouse: at Calgary. Brandon, Regina. Vv’innipeg, New 'Westminster. B.C.. Montreal. Halifax, (‘huthum. The MANSON CAll‘IPBEL -. '«w.$»‘.a A. “at...†t, .. p... ... . so «a. WA‘ITING NOT WITHOUT HOPE G “There is a poor woman in this parish apparently just waiting for death to come through consumption. She has not the menus to go to a Suuatorium, or she \ioulal probably be at one before this. She is still comparatively strong, walks about quite a. lotâ€"«hives sometimes. tooâ€" but every day, of course, is growing worse. \Youlvl there be any possi- bility of her being taken into your Home for Consumptives? It would be a. mercy if she (-onld be I“('illllitt‘1l to Cntcr it. I would much appreciate an only reply, as every day nexus so il‘.|l"ll.:iâ€"â€"RE\'. lilimtn Ei'TToN, Incumbent, Bulmowt, Out. q The above are if: of appeals constantly coming belore the trustees of the W . an. .- iet gens i 6] N0 effort is being spared NE\\' PATIENTS 0N l â€"'H‘his increase in parts of ‘amadn. in the response to the .w- 1,“, if. I call to help suffering Canadians? E. money do more good? #9:- _._._. l ;' Acquilllillllulls may le suit to Sir. “'u. R. Bli‘iumn‘u, Kt, Chrf : Justice, Osgootic Hull, Toronto, or \\'. J. (Lu ital ci scores, indeed hundreds, Einstein Eros E-EFHIWZ-WT-s a: sat-aw. . rt: . .1. . . are my w a w~tv.;=:>wia‘;'l.ï¬i-;<"v {ilNot a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Free Hospital because of his or her poverty, and the anxiety of the trustees to keep none waiting is snown in the decision reached a few weeks ago to increase the accommodation by twenty-ï¬ve beds. heavily to the burden of maintenance and can only be covered by increased generosity on the part of friends in all Patients have been admitted from every Province ingthc Dominion. and it is with conï¬dence trustees believe (Tanadians everywhere, that these ad- ditional burdens have been awfhere a cause more urgent? Factories at ('HATIIAM, Own. and Ds'rnol'r. Mien. 5l7 L Co... Limited, Dept. No. 276 CHATHAM, CANADA G “I am advist by lh‘. J. I). \‘(ilson to Wl‘liC you L'UlliIL'I'llllle how soon I cool-l get my wile admitted to (Jon- sumptive Hospital at. Gravenlmrs-t, also plum: send me pamphlet re terms while theie. I ham been told that it is inc, so please let me hear from you Hui-1 as possible. I have lost two daughters. and my wife cou- tractcd the disease from our eldest one, who died ten months ago. I am a. working man and notable to pay a high rate, but still anxious to do what I can.â€â€"â€"A. C.v.uri:1.i.i., London, Ont. “in Q» ï¬rfli‘iï¬ï¬ -_ . -.' .nï¬i" . ._, .4â€. ; tithiiiiVï¬S to meet every call. . . . \VAY TO HOSPITAL patients will add our uppems, that will come from I assumed. Where a greater Where will your 1 i l I‘mtp, 54 Front St. \‘l'. f.“ : v «'1 once LIVERYW GOAL woos Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVE RY IN CON NECTIO 7. Threshers’ Coal on hand. Michael. Bros... Riolnniond [1 ill Junell.190.3 w. HEWESON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL PALMER HOUSE § RICHMOND HILL, Renodeller’nndnewly furnished througholt ouvenient end comfortabm 01a oithe mos hotels on Yonge Street livery modern COL- S1, [rile ronns for commercial travellers. Anidenlstoppingpluce for riding or driving partiesfliicyclints, or farmers going t r-aruo-uiug from market. Electric ears p 1.35 therlcor Liv cry in connection TERMS SLO PER DAY \V.C.§\VAG:S - Prop Canada’s Greatest Nurseries \Vunt a local salt-smut] for RICH"- (lI‘JD HILL To sell High Class Nursery Stock in t“: nits and orImnn-nlals. Largest. list of NE \‘V Sl’lit‘l A L'l‘l iCN‘ E‘Vel' offered: \‘l‘.-\l{'l‘ NO\\' A’l‘ 'l‘llli BERT SELL- l\'G SEASON. liig inducements, lllH‘l‘le pay, handsoin free ouliit, ter- ritory l'vst-rvml. \\'rilo for terms and u-ml 251:. for our A l.l'\l INUM POUIL E‘I'l‘ .\l IUHUNl ‘Ul’l‘l {Inng'cilll's 4.1, times) and SOC. for our HANDY N;\\\V. jlls‘i Xln- thing for trimming trees (cuts iron is well as Wood). 8 l‘UN E & WELLINGTON FON’I‘IIII.L NURSERIES, Over 800 acres. TORONTO - 204 mos. ONTARIO. all}? "s. in? ‘Y. NOTA RY PUBLIC, eouuissxonzainrfln HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer or Manage Llcenses. RICHLJOSI» iiLLL f’fij OFII"E. ) . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VVAN’FEE) it One Hundred more Young Elihu and “'oinen, who are ambitious + and enterprising, to quality in :; Ilit‘ /Q entices , ¢?/%%w%2 TORONTO. ONT. t+++++ +++4 : for lhcmany positionsopi-n to '3‘ 4- all those- who aiv tlioioughly i‘ prepared to ut‘l't‘pl. them. A six 3: :; Intriitlis‘ (nurse in this ('nllt'gi- + + muons S'ur a yirmigmun of the $ “i' right kind, cill0ilill‘ulluliul (uptip- 44 .i. moot botlvr than many trades or 1' profussiniifl in motin 423'“ng 1" power. Sindi-ntu HilllilllL‘ll M. 3 + any time. Circulars free. ~l- 3; w. .i. ELLie'rr, Principal. “’ 3. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? i *- Then why do you cousle all day? \Vbiic Pine and 'I‘m will relieve you the first day. it will stop that rough in a few days more. \Vo know all about it bemuse we have sol-l it for years. and we know just what is in it. It is not a cute-nil ; it"sjusta (Tough (Jule, and a. good one :it that. It‘s made to cure. That is why we sell so much of it. It's not a pat- ent media-int- with-er. E'Ve keep patent medicines, but we do not recommend them. We do re- commend \Vhite Pine and Tul‘, and we believe in it so much that we say (Cor. Ynnge uml Alexander Sta.)- .1. +4.4. . “ Your Money Back if You Want it.’ After you use it once you will believe in it too. It will cost you 25 cents to try it. Are your lungs Worth cents? Issuer Marriage Licenses it. i. Salliitittll Druggist, Richmond Hill 1"t"?+?\“*+++++*++++*+H+H++ ++++++++++++++++++~I~+++éé++ ++++'§"i‘+++++++++++++N+++$* +++M+M+++++M®W+~h +M+++++M++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++~i~++++ ++++++ And examine a copy of our cuta- logue it you havo any idea. of taking n pl eparatory course for as Good Paying Position “We believe there is no school equal to unis for methodic busi- ness training and for good re- sults. \Ve solicit investigation and Comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. @ciitml . iifillttï¬ï¬ delicate o +4. 0...? .< onge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal ++++++++++W+$$M+++++++ v+++++++e+++++++++e+++++++++++++++++ '{c+40%â€???~5~+++++4~+$é++$+++Â¥+4 {fli'dwlni‘ o . If you like to v read of set penance: of anglers, shootâ€" - ers and campers, 0r yaï¬ht- Adventure g’ m if you are in- t tcrcsted in country life,', _A ask your newslealer tori? ‘_ STREAIVI," or send L} us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A ' surrouudin vs. ' Terms: 34 : ayear, $2 for six months. I ._ We send » free on reâ€" . quest 0 u r catalogue of .~ t h e b e s t . books on outdoor life and recreation. ‘ ' FOREST AND STREAM PUB. co. , 346 Broadway, New York. vtr‘ A‘Iwuir‘Av, con- m ' e'ltw‘ Trade - Lt: ~. t unndn. 1 Boot: about. 3 s‘ L-“l'rrlence. .\ \' .x I“ l. or notice“! llil' In» remnant! c [Jillll‘l'. yen: minors motion-1|:me in. , umvn \l'V oi the ï¬rinntihc Amer- lruu bum: frv- . A-‘V 'K‘ ‘ M {UV}; 2.; ‘IL. N‘II'LNTIPIO AxnniCAN tulicc. 19.1 ‘iiuadsuy, Now York, L-):t-~i 'zl, lllli' .Lui . s sent true. ’lh itsobtninwi flow : l l - Ripans Tanuies cure bad breath. Ripaus 'l‘abules cure dizziness. ‘ Rinans Tabuies euro constipation.