like lights :44... ’ RiCHMHND Hum, 0x1, Jan. 4, 1900‘ I a 0 (L‘ A I J S . lmr-al option was tlt‘fPHiPtl in Mark~ ham Village by a majority of 28. , (‘anadian Almanacs foi‘Sale at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. Mr. Gore. Stormer- of Petetbot'o, paid a flying visit here on Tuesday. Miss Gladys. “'illiatns is spending lwr holidays with her gt‘ttl‘ld‘llltrtllel', Mrs. H. F. Hopper. Money may be the root ofall evil, it rt it buys a lot of good stut’fat Atkin- H n it: Switzi-r’s. Mr. and Mrs; A. G. Savage and son K -it.h of Aylmcr. made a New Year's vnit with .‘vir. and Mrs. P. G. Savage. Mr. A. McLaughlin of “'oodstock, tirade a few days†visit with his brother- t;i-la\\', Mr. F. McUonaghy. Mr. and M... R. \v. on... of Cooks~ ti wn spent ovt-r New Year’s with Mrs. Glass and family. You'll have money left for the con- ti-ibnrion box if you trade at Atkinson & Snitzer‘s. Mt‘. Herb and Fulton Stllllt-‘S of To- ronto, epr‘lll New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. H. I“. Hopper. Mr. W. E. S. Savage, Toronto, spent Sttrday and New Year‘s with his ft. her, Mr. John Savage. Mrs. Choale of Ameliasbnrg. Prince E lwarl Uotnrty. has been visiting with Mrs. J. P. Glass. The \V. M. S. will meet at. the home. of Mrs. [Isaac Crosby this tThulsday) afternoon at 3 o‘clock. <' Now is a good titire to subscribe for THE LIBERAL, $1 a year. See ottr clubbing rates on another page. Mr. N. D. Bet-k, K.C., of Editionton, Alberta, spent New Year’s with Mr. M. 'I‘eefy. “'9 will make to your measure a genuine heavy Scotch Tweed Suit, reg- ular $19.00 value, for $13.59. \Vatr-h Night Service was held in the Methodist. Church New Year’s eve commencing at ll.l5. \Ve highly recommend our readers to stibsct ibe to The Farmers’ Ad\ ocate and Home Magazine. 27-3 On Monday at. th.‘ Epwm-th League an address will be given on the sub- jet-t, “ The Economy of Now.†Allat'c Welcome. Frank B. G-rnlvl, son of J. B. Gould. Markham township. died at North Bay on the 30th of December iii his 23th year. Pickering College was totally Coti- Surin-d lry ï¬re Saturday morning. The total lt‘es‘ will exceed $50,000, with i:l~ surance less than half that amount. M r. C. Storey of Brorkton. l\lass., name over and spent New Year’s with his rnollicr and other-relatives. Mr. \V. '1‘. Storey, Toronto, also spent over «Sunday here. The annual {net-ting of thc Firemen will be held on Monday evening, the 8th of January. for the election of ofï¬â€" cers and other busin ss. A full at.- tendance is requested. Miss Ivy Newton and Miss Allen of the Western Hospital, and Mr. Harry Newton, Mr. Virgin, Miss McGre-gor and Mr. Asa W'ilsmi, To- I-onto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Newton. New Year’s day was (lllltf. in the village, but. various parties spent the aftcrnot'iil skating, curling and playâ€" ing hockey on Boyle's Pond. Mr. \V. o ‘. . £1 o Vhrtlgllall S. CONVENTION. 23th annual S. S. convention of A~‘Strri:tlioti will be held in Tcstrrn Methodist Church, Thumlay, .lan.‘ll. The-re will be ses- sions fort-innit, afternoon and even- ing. A good prograrinne will be pi - a-ntcd. A di :t:tions accident. oceurred at tllett‘sidcnt‘vof Mayor D tvlllt‘, Aurora, a Week or tWo ago. A steam boiler which t‘re proprietor had installed in the llilst'tllt‘ltl for heatng purposes ex- wret'king [\vo brick walls in the basvmcnt. and blowing,r tho top seen. tion of the boilt-rtlnouglr the floor into R. roonr above, raising the floor about four feet and breaking the gl .ss The furniture in sov- For- in the. windows. oral to. m: was badly smashed. tunatcly no [)“rsoti was injured. A PROM lNEr'T VISITOR At. the last met-ting of the Sons of Scotland here a plcasnnt surprise was given the members in the form of a visit fio.n 13.0. I). B. Bit-roll. roll was heartily members who Honors. Mr. Bir- “l‘ll'lllnt‘ll by the gave hiin the Grand Bro. Bitt'cll triatlt‘ a treat reâ€" ply, thanking those present for the kindly welcome he received. Songs were. sung by Iii-others Thomson, Cowie and Newton. and the twenty members present joined in singing iir grand old Scotch slylt'. “A Gold New Year," “Auld Lang Sync," and “ God Save the King." 'HANDSOME AND USEFUL Owing to the failure ofa ï¬rm that had taken a contract. for supplying most of our business men calendars have bet-ti scarce in the village this Season. Mr. I’. G. Savage, however, has ghen to his friends and patrons s rme very handsome ofi‘iue calendars. Those he has given out are front the, Confederation Life, York Mutual, \\'cstt-rn, and Mercantile Assurance Companies. i Every enterprising business man should advertise in the local paper. Merchants and others who advertise juditiously are. the men who make their business a success. It is scarcely possible to edit a good local paper and make it pay unless it is generously supported by the. citiZens of a town or village. and surrounding neighbor- hoods. Those who advertise what they have to sell, and make the treCPS» sary changes front time to time, are almost. snre to say in the end that ad- vertising pays. S. 0. OFFICERS ELECT The following oti'iccrs were elected in Camp Lzrtd Elgin on the 27th De- cember :â€"~ Chiefâ€"T. Newton. Chieftainâ€"H. limes. Past. Chiefâ€"\V. Gibson. Chaplainâ€"G. Cowio. Recording Secretaryâ€"A. H. Boyle. Financial St’l‘letal'yâ€"G. S. Sims. 'I‘reasurcr- P. G. Savage. Marshalâ€"A. Tucker. Standard Bearerâ€"J. Graham. Senior Guatdâ€"M. Savage. Junior Guardâ€"~H. Redditt. Trusteesâ€"J. Paulin, \V. lnncs, T. Thomson. Piper-R. McLeod. Auditory-Jail. Giant, J. Patilin. JENKINSâ€"NESS A very pretty wedding tOok place at the h'rtne of Mr. and Mrs. James Ness. in King,r near Evt-i-slcv, last Thursday, when their eldest. daughter, Jennie, Was married to Mr. \Valter Scott Jen» kins of Carman, Man. The day was the 47th anniversary of the wedding day of the bride’s part-tits. The cere- nrony was performed by Rev. Walter Amos of Aurora in the presence ofa large number of relatives of lt( th families. After the ceremony all pai- took of a sumptuous Wedding ilt‘eitk- fast, after which the usual toasts were proposed and responded to. The Wedding couple look the train the same evening for Toronto. They will visit among relatives and friends fora. Couple of months and start for their western home sortie Lllllt' in March. A PLEASANT liVl‘NlNG. Magcr kept good tires for “the boys iqu. P. G. Savage, who retired from I and girls." Mr. and Mrs. Albert Michael and three children of Yorkton, Assa., are visiting at Mrs. “'allace Michael’s. crceveship, gave an oyster-supper to the members of last year's (:ottncil and their ofï¬cials Saturday evening. After tempting refreshments were. served, an interesting toast list Was Mr. Michael Wentto the North-\Vestlgiven, Mr. Ii. A. Nicholls acting as in 1.884, and was Ironic the last time 17 wast-muster- ycars ago. GOSPEL TEM PERANCEI. Mi. Wm. Murine. Toronto, will give an address at the Gospel Temperance 1 Mr.- Isaac t Special 1 meeting Sunday afternoon. Crosby Will take the chair. rnustc Will be provided. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Agricul- To the toast “Our Host" every person present was pleas- ed to acknowledge the excellent work done by Mr. Stuage in the councillor ,inany years past, and every person I knew that the retiring reeve merited all the complimentary things said about him. Mr. Savage gracefully and modestly t‘cplicd, thanking his guests for the kind expressions, and referred to the harmony that. lad ex- isted between himself and the other members of the Coutioil. “The Goun- tnral Society will be held iii the Lorne Ci] of 1905" proposed by Mr. Pugslcy, lall.h:|tllt(b1,\'. the 13th of January, I brought t'trith good speeches from at 2 o‘clock. .-\rrangements will be. made for the seed SIHIW which will be hold some time in February. Messrs. A. Hopkins & Son are re-‘ arranging and building an addition to Mr. J. Palmer‘s barn on Arnold street. opposite Mr. F. Lynett's residence, for a temporary creamer-y. They hope 1 l 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Savage and Mrs. , to have the engine and boiler in posi- , tioii, and ready for business it; it few days. AT ARK'S Cll Ullt‘ll. 0n Snnd ty next Special Services will be held iii the above church. East York. at 2.30 and 7 p. in. Special sings ing for the oceasfons. ()lferintrs in bc- lialf of church tiirtnces. On Tuesday, Jan. 9, an oyster supper will be given, followed by a- let-titre by RHâ€. J. (l. Spccr. I). D. There will also be vocal music. and literary selections. Admis- sion to supper and lecture, 35 cents; children 25 cents. t I l | l Messrs. I. (llllally, \\'. limes, 'l‘.Trt-nch and J. I’. Glass. Messrs. A. .l. Ulllcials," T. I“. McMahon for “The Press" and H. A. Nirholls and A. G. Savagc for "The Ladies." instrumental music was furnished by \\'. Savage. The company st’pttralt'tl after expressing a wish for the health arid DI‘USpt'lllyUf Mr. and Mrs. Sav- age, their three sons, and three dangh-V tersin-law. and after singing "Auld Lang Syne" and “God Save the King." JANI'A RY CANADIAN MAGAZINE in the January (‘anatlian Magazine. The articles on Sir John Thompson by Hon. J. J. Curran and Sir-John out- ling by Fred T. Yeallarid are worthy of special attentiorgylas cat-h contains information which is not gelirlzt iv known. Ten Jarvis titai' "pf, or" which tlit list instalm-‘nt .s g:\ H), de- up: Hume . and J. Star-top responded for “Village. 3. l l [7/5 ~, gum/Elm Vocal arrtl . tails the experience of a 1i ya'ist your h during the early years of the war which ended in so many patriotic Brit- lSllPlS being driven otit of the United States. It tells of the difï¬culty he had to avoid being impressed into the rebrl army. period, I773 to 181."). articles are “The Among theother Problem in an Englishman who has spent some time there: “The Public St-lioolautl the Philanthropist" by Dr. J. M. Har- ‘ per, a prominent Quebec educationist: " The Breaking of the Paper-Combine" by the Editor, a timer article in view of the present legal investigation: “The Indians of Canada." by Norman Patter-Son, with numerous letters, by Professor Pelhani Edgar. There are stories by Theodore Rohri-ts, Mrs. Campbell Prard. Lottie .‘lar‘nivr-tt and Marguerite Evans. This long list makes an excellent. number. SUDDEN DEATH \Ve failed last. week to record the. sudden death of Mr. Solomon Ostcr, for many years a resident. a short dis~ tance west of Elgin Mills. ()n the 22an December (ll-ceased worked as usual, ate a hearty supper, and after- wards had his usnalsmoko. Shortly after tea he asked one of hisdanghters to lit lit. the lantern foi him, saying he won (1 be out for a half hour or so. As he had not returned by ten o'clock his wife became uneasy and started out in search of her husband. After a time she found his tracks to the woods, where he had cut an iron-wood coup- ling pole. The lighted lantern \VrrS sitting on a stump close by, and a few yards away Mrs. Oster found her hus- band dead. in a sitting posture. In the dead of the night the almost heart- broken and terror-stricken wife made her way to one of the neighbors, when the body was removed to his house. Dr. Langstaf’f was called, and he pro- nounced it a case of apoplcxy. De- ceased was 59 yours of age, He was an excellent mechanic. and was noted as an expert iir sharpeningr saws. Inter- ment took place in the Lutheran ceme- tery, Sherwood, on Christmas Day. The wife and daughters bereft so sud- denly have the sympathy of the neigh- borhood in their sad afflict ion. MARRIAGES ACHEsonâ€"-ANDREwsâ€"Atthe Manse. on January lst. by Rev. .l. A. Grant. Mr. Arthur Acheson to Jessie An- drews, both of Toronto. HEISEVâ€" CONNORâ€" At the residence of the bride’s father, on \Vednr-stlay, Dec. 2l, 1905, by Rm. F.Elliott,.loseph Heise to Laura Almeda. eldest, datth - ter of James Connor, all of Gor mley. MCMULLENâ€" \\'.-\ Lorinâ€"«At Hu- rest dwnce of the. bride’s mother. Gormlr y, on \Vednesdav, Dec. 27. 1905, by Rev. F. Elliott. Rr-bert McMullen of Stouff- ville, to Ada 8.. only daughter of the late IVilliam \Valder of Gormley. Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And ; doing nothing? No sense in V that! Why don’t you use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and 1 air Vigor promptly stop the falling? too, and all dandruff will disâ€" . Could you reason- ‘ appear. ‘ ably expect anything better? f “ A er’s nalr Vigor is a great success with " me. [y hair was falling out very badly, but all right."â€"W. C. ousnox, Lindsay, Cal. ï¬t so a. bottle. J. c. AYER 00.. 1- All (in: Lowell. Mass - .‘rmrwsmrncrnuwczh - for WRITE NOW. RIGHT NO 45 Years 21 College. i. A s»- ‘ at. . -.-. W. complete (,ltrltllllt‘l'tllztl lourse. ii. Single and Double Entry Joint. Stock, . iii. Pitman and Gregg Short- hatid. Best two on earth. iv. Situations on C(Hllplt'tlllg de- sired course. Dont um nut any school trilli- oztt 0 win ' ' "‘ it‘n’orm.‘ frcv’. A R.A.Fai° uliursoug... Principal. Y. M. C. A. BLD., TORONTO. MFK‘lmrs. 5‘ 'J ‘1 .1 Raw :ii‘ li‘v’i‘i-‘KR’F ‘ '3 1 1%: We}! F491-r‘fl‘ \- A good fresh milk cow for sale oil Lot 13. Con. 2, Markham. ARTHUR QUANTZ, 26-27 Langstaif I’. 0. Seéinbszvii-ibe 101' "THE ~ LIBERAL This MS. covers a. considerable . the , Philippines†by Bradford K. lianicls, , illnstra-t tions; “ Mr. John Morley," as man of ’ the Hair Vigor stop ed it and now my hair is i - X in g make your wife a suitable present. g in W». ....-th ’ ‘ COW’ FOR SALE. There is no deterioration in qualitv ‘ r . w.- Fortunate the Matt Fortunate the Woman Fortunate Anybody Who. if in need of anything in general mer- chandise, has the money to pay for it, and is within easy reach of our ,store so that they can take advantage of the special offerings We are making during out January Sale It not only means money saving, but also, if you are a new customer, the opening ofa business acquaintance which will be of The op- portunity to place yourself in touch with beneï¬t to you for years to come. such a store organization as this should not be lightly esteemed, and you'll not find a more favorable time to commence the ac- quaintance. Our Stock ls well assorted, complete in all departments and values better than ever. ATKINSN & SWITZER. (4} eneral RIercllandise January 4, 1906. l ‘ 55g . ' wwa;‘..-§2t£3...â€"_wam_b__ “2...... .__. MW _‘. -WW Richmond ill! Hardware State ,u mâ€" 1-...â€" XMAS GOODS 7 uHJF‘; When looking for Xmas Goods don’t {all to see our stock of sleds, coasters, skates, cutlery blC’Cl boards, carpet sweepers, etc., etc. One of our reliable ranges or heaters will uk;.»-<.-ru.«- ' ' s _ a: . Call and see 1119111 » 5. Mfibï¬ï¬‚ay ‘M... O. SMILES ii (gilllltllitttl guru. at (Elatudul ’aple ' i (In connection with Richmond Hill Oï¬lcc.) .lnsiness transacted between 10 and «l on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Savings Bank D"D£ll tinent. Mont-y advanced on sale notes. l3,