VOL. XXVEII. USERAL PRINTING a; PUBLISHWG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ON’[‘. IS PUBLISHED 3mm THURSDAY MORNING T. F. MGMAHON. mutal. 93. WW. HBGERS, I)eutist. Room 12. 124 Victoria. St... Toronto. Bast flu;ng teeth, also replating, at IOWesL prices. Good WOI‘K. Calla by telephone from I Hill charged to me Mnodelled,1uduew1y furnished an. of the (1105 ouvonient and gag?“ on gouge Street Everv 04113 by day and nig “-'..y..vu'-.uuud\71) (urmsned throughout an. of me (1105 ouvonient and oomlortabls hotels on Yonge Sweat Ewery modal-u con- v'anlcnce Sa‘nple mums for commercial travellers. anidealï¬t’oppingplace for riding «driving partieaï¬icyclists. tn- !m-mers going tourecuming (min 'nlrket. Electric on." m menloor Livery in connection DR. H. Will be JOHN R. CAMPéELL Francis Black, THO Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesd‘ 17â€"3 p. m. J. H. S a 40% ON VETERINARY SURGEON; $1 per annum, in advance.] l)r- Oï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. 5‘ Toma to Offl Richmond Eiill Our. Carlton and Ynnge Tot-unto ill be in. Richmnnd Hill ( nesday uf each ws-ek. omce, next duur north off. m‘tl Bunk. DR. \V. E. DEAN TERMS $1.0 , an DAY '. C.§\V‘GE - Safe Proï¬table ‘ . lllll‘lL‘\‘ ‘.- 1H,;Al".\1 unp-nt, rate, pzud twice a Lonvcnlent year Innkr's‘ .«n :urv-uunt pn-ï¬lnlde. Being “‘illldliln‘nhlv without notice makes it cunvx-nirnt. THE ONTARIO BAN K BUSINESS CARDS. RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SURGEON 'Phornllili. RICHMOND HILL (Successor Lu Dr. Lmvrusmu) D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAG EH, KING CITY @122 gihemi E Duran a Pnonum'on Dentist, DENTIST ‘e‘fletcriuary Ea ‘dicat. and night promptly at- tended to. ' Ofï¬ce oppn \Vcdnesduys, Thursdays and Saturdays. ca, 450 CHURCH ST4 AT THE , THORNHILL, Ont. iy lgrnjshed throne ANDERSON, "YB. 8â€"12 a. m. to 5 p. m of Stand- 00d :3 Richmond This Bank's large msum-cee ensure safety. Inn-«Cm 4.: “mu-nu mun-lit rate. paid twicv a. INCORPORATED 1857. on Wed Sbsn .ck Saving-s zkcconn I, IN THE ONTfihifl BANK Prop G G S Lindaey.K C A G F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth Barristers. Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Na. 33 Rich- mond St. “'(‘stJVe-sley Buildings, (Methodist, Book Room,) To- l-untn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 1.4GINW 31114148: LEN omx “EMORGAN- Barristersï¬ohcitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Luau Bldg), Um. Adelaide 5'. Vic Lorin Sta. Toronto. Mouev no man on land sndohnnl mortsngunt lowasc rutu Auroranï¬ï¬ceâ€"Rem0\ ed to the old port 0310.: one duor west. of me entuuce to ‘he Oubunu Bank Newzuurket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the 1: us: whee '1‘ H2311an anwx, u 81“! 11039â€! Aurora. Newman-km J T Suigaon. Maple Liceneuu Aucmoueer [or we County or Yuxk Goods sold on consignmem Gonna] Inloa atom etc promptly “tended to gt ransonnbh rates {{en§({ouue Uniouville G R Gouldzï¬ï¬; Newton Brook abovs DOMINXON BANK UHAMBLRS. S. \V. Corner King & Yunge Stu-ens. TORONTO. Private and Trust: Funds to lowest cut-wot rates. Licensed auctioneers {ortho County of York Salesttmmiedtoonqbortoatnoeirclnd I. ran enumerates Patronagesouciud JAS. N EVVTON Undo-makers & Embalmors. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHHL W. H EW I S O N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distanqe promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL I‘JIulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark RICHMOND HILL. 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY ll 1906 ‘IBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hillon Sacurdavs. urge stock nf Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 37., Burrhu-rb and Sollcllcrs. COOK & JOHNSTON indsey, Lawrence is w ac'isworth, Barristers. Soliciturl, Etc. Salgcon a; McEwen. WRIGHT BRO S J. H. Pl t-ulicc. n. G. BLOUGH. £13131. you‘ In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Phone Main 2984 J 3 Medium: Weston agent for the Noimnka! AN loan at. Mr. and Mrs. Dunuld McMurchy celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage :lLlhl‘il' home. “ Cherry Gnn'e Farm." (Jolliugwnml 'l‘nwuship, on 1hr evening uf Decmuber 29m. 1905. The morning twin fmm Tn- rnnm (:unveyed lhp‘fnlhnving guests to Thurnhury: Mrs. Mugee and daugh- ter. Mrs. J. Gowanlurk and duughLe-r, Furt. \Villium; Mr, and Mrs. \V. \Vulkiugtmn. Mm,"th A. \Vulkingtnn and Miss Flos<i9. and Mr. A. McMm-- ohy, of King; Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Aurora; Mus. Lannie, \Vestnn: Mr. and Mrs. James Calm-run and daugh- ter, Vaughan; Misses May and Allie McClure. Nulnletun; MissJean McMil- !an and Miss Jean Marshall. Barrie: Misses Cnnu-rnn, MI. \V. and Miss Rubinsnn, Maple: Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnson, Culling-(“11011; Miss Smith, Mount Forest. Upun the urrivul of the [min at l‘hunJrury the party wr-re met by mvaH-rs and relatives uf the family “hm had smeml conveyances and hunk ('hul'ge‘ nf the guests. tnkin them tn the hulm's nf Mr. Jtlhllilllï¬ Thumns TvlrMul-uhy. when! they en- joyed thuil kind huspitnlity. Ahuutï¬ p. m. they all repuil‘t'd tn the home of the bride and grtmm of twenty-ï¬ve years. Their numher was increased by [hv prt-wnce nt Mr. and Mrs. F. b‘un-isur, [hr-r sun Frank and the Th:x heir of all the- age-s, His ensign Nineteen-Six, Has come in youth and splendor His Signet tn afï¬x; To claim the royal heix-ship. The next of km to reign U 1m the thrnne \‘nnktvd. g’ur does he Come in win. His pl'erleceasnr‘s mantle 13 his by right, to wear; Though Wum by his ancestors. Nu signs of age appear. Direct. in thi- sllccvwsinn. No one will dnuht his right; Nor will ussussm's dagger Cnmpel his hasty flight. For all the \vm-ld expects him, His valuing nimc can stay; A universal kingdom Unrivalled in its saw-y. No {Pairs nf swift, delhi-unomont Disturb his pvalcvful mind ; His record lit-re is stainless. N0 daismrd deeds to bind. The young year full nf Vlgnl‘ And plans. not, yet, deï¬ne-d. Will not, pustpnnv his duties, AS nmrtnls are inclined, Till old and sad and erv, He lays his scrplre dim-n Tu iest with Tinw’s nld lieruos 0f primitive renown, He comes to us :1 strungvr, In pun-st mines arrays-d. To ï¬ll his tenu‘s proluuinn. His gifts to all displayed. Ho hun-«th (‘nly l)ln.\‘sing.~z ; Nut his lhv war and strife, The tl'HgPdivs and 50111)“ 3, The wasted human life. “'e know nut whence he cnmcth, His hmno-plm-e or his kin; Aluue and unattvnded He stvps upon the Scene. Bul sure we knuw hp lwinget-b Some good fur every one pr-u this microcosm “‘hu lives beneath the sun. To all pl-Psenta a Hunk-hook, For «very day a. page, Thf‘n-in to lump an rvcnrd. F: :1- Youth us well as age, “'hPI-e all may mud in futme. \V’hl-n days and years are dune. Their failure-s and their cnnquosts, Their lmltles fought and won. His sojnurn shun, and flvetmg, Ya-L gives tn all llw sanw The space tn quell had habits, Fur pm o-r life Lu aim. To holp where ln-lp is net-(led. Time in rude-HI] the past, That whvn nur Mr is ended \Ve‘ll dwell \\ ilh Christ at, last. His stay is the arena, “'hc-x-v men Pllilct- their will, Their nhjn-vts and amhitinns ley >Lrngglv tn fulï¬ll. Same Ll'ngit: in their muling. “'hilv sum? a Mel-wing pl'nvf', “'hn tenrh their fallen brolhr-rs A Godly llfe to lm e. The burdens he must carry “'ill mun exhaust his strength ; His sen-Hunts. twelve in number, Leave him alnm- at. lengbh. One at a time appearing, A lmmlh their time uf stay, “Nu-n out by earth’s distract-ions They quickly pass away. \Ve‘ll givr- him hem-Ly Wt'lCOan. Ncr (-lwriah dnuhts Q!‘ fears, Ilnite him to nuu ï¬wsitlvs, The youngest nf the years; “'ill greet him with thanksgiving. 1n slings uur Voices Mend For all yams past, and future Till Limo its amuse shall vnd. â€"P. L. Gxux'r. SILVER WEDDING The New Year Misses Smelser, Mr. and Mrs. John McMm-chy, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMm- chy. their son Nm‘nmn A. and Miss Agnes. a friend, Mr. Ben-y of Ruland, Mam; also the Rev. and Mrs. Barton uf Thurnhury. The “dinner†which had he-en provided for the occasiun was a complete success in every detail. Alter the “Inner man" had been well supplied speeches were the order uf the evening for a time. Many were the. hearty (:(mgralulatinns tendered [0 MI. and Mrs. McMm-chy. The gifts were many and valuable, every article living a piece of silver. The quests still further enjuyenl themselves le lus- tening to the may excellent music by Rev. Mr. Barton. violinist, with Mrs. Barton accompanying him an the piano. Miss Ethel McMm-chy :Llsu cun- Irihuled to the pleasure ut' the evening by rendering several instrumental solos with good effect. Mr. Norman A. McMurchy and Mr. Norman The ynung pvuplu (If the League Agave u \uried and inlcresting pm- ‘grzuumc- on New Year‘s night. The ;[y1'(-C‘-eds, which wvre in aid uf the. iSick Children’s Hospital. uumunt‘e-d Ln | $16.40. Annhersary Sm'vicvs wm'e cnndlu-tâ€" ed here Sunday uftor'nmm and men- ing by Rev. P. M. Peacock (If Muns- piano. Miss Ethel Mc‘Slm-chy :lhu cun- Iribuled to the pleasure ut' the evening by l‘t'lllll‘l'illg several instrumvntnl solos with good oï¬'c-ct. Mr. Norman A. McMurchy and Mr. Norman McMurchy gave sow-ml snngs in gund fmni. Mr. Rwynulds of Aumra His“ 95qu (hp song. “A Very Happy Mun.†Miss Annie McMurchy and Mix's McDonald gave l‘t'Cit-HHUHS. Ahum one o'clm-k a. m. thl' \vhnle- party als- se-iuliled in the parlor and joint-d ham": and sung "Auld Lang tune.“ Ilin~ bringing to a close one of thv hupp est. l‘\'('llls cVer held in Collingwno l 'l’. w .- ship. .._\.. .fl “J ...\ ...uu o nuluurl. I! U ill-v. l‘erhr-r 'l‘refy, (3.8.8.. assisted by the parish priest, the Rev. Fulhel' McMath. After the mmringv muss the bridal party drnvo tn Mr. Trvly’s I’r‘sidé‘m‘r’. whvw the newly m‘u-riud couple- received the congratulnliuns of a fmv imited guests. Thvso wme limith to tlw relatives: Mr. and Mm. E. R. U. Ulnrkson uf Turnntu; Mrs. T. Mulruhy, Lhr hridv's sister. with her sot-0nd sun. Mr. 'l‘w-fv \lnlr-nhy,and her third daughter. Miss Eilr-Pn : A. F'. Teefy, Esq.. nf Chicago, and Mrs. ‘V. Houston (If annutn. After refresh- ment-s hand han served Mr. :l'w MN. Buck le-ft fur 'l‘nrnntu and Peter-hon). Miss Tet-{y was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and valuable pies- outs. showing her popularity in the mmmunity, und the appreciation of her many friends and well-wishers. THE LIBERAL Jums with them in ex- truding Ln lmth the bride and groom its sincere wishes for may many years of happiness and prosperity. ‘ fluid. In th» afternoon he gave an unl'm'st and irnpiessive disvmn-se bus- ing his remarks on the latter pau-Luf I Uhrnniclt-s. 2S): 5â€"“And who then is willing In consec rum his SerVicP this day unto the Lord, Gud will nnly ac- cepL of a willing Survive. ‘ an only isuul's. since \VP hme no tnvnmrxnw nur yvstm-da '." The t‘ungx‘vgvliou was nne of LIE‘ lzu‘gvsc that has usâ€" Semhled ln-x-e fur sevvl'nl yon-H's, thlh‘ showing that, many, Hut only at this appointment hutulso at Ulht'l‘ m-igh- lmring appuinluwnts. have a “Wm-m 5pm" in thvir hwu‘b fm- Mr Pemznck. 1n the evening he. was greeted by number enthusiastic (-ungI-vgutmn. His remarks in the mening “’PI'P has- ed on the- ï¬rst fnur nhnplt-N of Ruth. Aflt-rgiving the (lvtnih nt' tlw slnry in his lllle’PSSlVP, thrilling. and sunl~ inspiling manner. he applied its lex- suns tn present life with suvh vivid- nessnnd earnestness Lhut his \Vul‘tlS (:nuld not help hut, leave lillt‘t'pilll pression on the minds of his listenvrx. The choir of Uniunville Mo'lht-(list Church provided excellent untlwms “I each svrvicv. Thv Free~\Vill Offering amounted tu over $85. Mr. and Mrs. 'W'm. Mnl'tSUn of Bruudun, Mum. are visiting friends ho-rr‘. Mr. and Mrs. Bond of Hf':ldf(ll‘d. \vvn‘thvgm ésuf Mrs. \VY Hnynum FROM ONE WHO HAD THE PLEASURE OF BEING PRESENT. Victoria. Square WEDDING (m Sunduy. Mr. Duvlin of UninnviHP. Was the gut-st of M r. \Vm. Meek on Sunday. Th9 Misses Rumble. acr‘nmpanivd by Mr. D. Rumhl». all nf Pattersnn, spvnt Sunday wilh Mrs. J. Perkins. Rev; P. M. Peacock cullvd m1 so???- nl at his friends un Monday, before. r0 turning hmne. 'lln- 'lupu- fur disvussinn at Lmlgne on 'l‘m-scluy Honing nvxt will lu‘: “\Vhat. Christ taught, ulmnt, Mnnoy and its uws." A paper will be given by Miss E. A. LN 91. 'Mrs. Edwm-d SandvI-sml svt out fur \Vilmipu-g «m Sal llld:l_\'. \x‘ht-I-e- shv ex- pr‘fr‘ts IQ fpnnd the wintr-r. A‘IXS‘ Hianul Mr. \\'. Humlnv with Mrs. Th: ‘A numlvm- «If ynnng lmur :nl'ler (‘hurch on wilh RWY. P. H. PHI! nf MRS}? u; l‘h« us Nervousness and sleeplessness are ma- ually due to the fact that the nerves are not. led on properly nourishing blood; they are starved nerves. Dr. Pierce’a Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich. blood, and thereby the nerves are properly nourished and all the organs of the body are run as smoothly as machino ery which runs in oil. In this way you feel clean, strong and strenuous-you are mned up and invigorated. and you are good for a whole lot of physical or mental work. Best of all, the strength and In» crease in yigalitypnd health are lqsbmg. Fil-stâ€"Uonu-nl hlncks are made it? tho umst dun-:Lllle nuflerial. Si-«iundâ€"Thn hltu-ks living made lH)‘- lnw, lmuws "11- not dump like thm'v unusuutled uf snlid rum-rote. as llH‘ h"lll|\\.\' in Lht- blocks in I-I-Inp. thud making :1 ( I'm! air space all :Iruuml, of «Au-ml inaus. dulwnding un th thir‘l'» [less ut' wall which can lu- mmle eithr: 8. 9. 1!) m- 12 inr'hvs in thickuvss. 'l‘llil'liâ€"TlH‘ I'm-e heing made in exalt imizntiuu uf (-m stnne tin-y mnkr- thr- prvlliwl. lnliluling imaginable. l“uurthâ€"'l'hv-y can he built, fur about «um Lin-d lrsx than snlirl lurk-k. 'I'hwv lllns ks can ln- use-d with Pqnnl ~ul'l‘l'5‘x,‘ and hmluty in any plm't- rilllwz' fm- lllllls‘t's m- lint-us. vm-nmlnh pillar». "himm-yx. e-tv. er fm-Llwr infnl'un.» The trouble with most tonics and med- icines which have a. large, booming sale for a. short time, I: that they are largely composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol shrinksu the red blood corpuscles, and in the on; run greatly injures the system. One may [eel exhilarated and better for the time being, get in the end weakened and with vitality ecreased. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical iscovery contains no Licohol. Every ottie of it bears upon its wrap er The Badge of Honesty, in a. full list 9 all its Several ingredients. For the druggist to oï¬er you something he claims is “just I! good " is to insult your intelligenpe. A_ 4L- Tlu- building qutnx-iul which is con» ing an fnuu- I‘- A-nmn-ete made in in.- ilnLinu u-f mt stun», which will be fnluul nun-h supe-x-inl‘ to any other mm [on iul xm- huinlmg plupusvs 101- the fulhming I(‘-lSl?l|S:â€"- whinmu-yx. Mu. IQ-I- fu [inn inquilo ur write. Ln nvv- w “r ---v‘--- .1 vâ€"- ----v---u-â€"~~ Every ingredient cnterlng into the world-famed "Golden Medical Discovery" has the unanimous approval and endorse- ment. of the leading medical authoritieï¬ of all the several schools of practice. No other medicine sold throng1 dmgglsts for lllggpurppscg hag Ian! 59c“ endorsement. . ,,,.,_.. _~‘ TH E The "Golden Medical Discovery†not only produces all the good effects to be obtained from the use of Golden Seal root, in all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. as in dyspepsia. biliousness, con- stipation, ulceration of swmach and bowels and kindred ailments, but the Golden Seal root. used in its compound- ing is greatly enhanced in its curative 30 tion by other ingredients such 2.3 Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Man- drake root and chemically pure triple- rcï¬ned lycerine. “The Tommon Sense Medical Advisex,‘ is sent free in paper covers on recel t, of 31 one-cent. stamps to 3y the cost. 0 cue- toms and mailing any. For 50 stamps the clothâ€"bound volume will be sent. Ad- dress Dr. R. V; Pierce, Euï¬alo, N. Y. “1);: f’fércfé’s Pléééranrt' Pellets 'cure conâ€" stipation. billousness and headache. H . \‘V ingor CARRVILLE. Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless ? Mr. I“. Nin-hnls. ‘l‘hv \\'nnmn's Auxiliary hold a busi- <s men-ting :Il, thv hnnm nf Mrs. ms. F‘rishv um Mnnduv awninm Shiu}):~'(‘l'i})f} tor Cement Stem [Single copies, 3 cts. LIBERAL \Vv-Hmun vant I5. Fri>hV pomp!» spt-nt, at) Sunday awning ork at the» hume ONT. No 28 Son