Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1906, p. 5

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Elie gihmalflyfii My... A: William I‘Aloy died at his hurrva 7Thm'nhill. Yesterday, nmd (50 years. Funeral Saturday at 3.30 p. m. Mt-etin of [119 Agricultural Society ml Sutumay at 2.3U in the Lorne Hall. The \V. C. 'l‘. U. will meet at Mrs, K‘rnshy‘s Tuesday RflL'l'lTI)Ufi next. at. 8 o'clock. How many tiuwx have you written [005 i" "-:Id of 1906 since the first, of the year? mutt; Richmond, A.0. F.. Will meet Friday evening of thié 'We»k for eluc- !i(m of officers. szrmo HILL, Own, Jan. 11, 1906 \Ve highly rm‘nmnwnd our readers to Iuhscliho to The Farnwrs’ Advm-slte and Home Magazine. tf Minutps (-f inaugme markings of Vaughan and King Cnum-ils held over till next week. A meeting of the Villngn Council will ’2 held in the (‘mmcnl Chumher lth Monday evening. commencing at. 7.30. Mr. Gen. Cmvie. the north end black- smith, has Suld his lllm'ksmith shop, hOllSt", Int :md outbuildings at Dollar tn Mr. Frank Finley. Rev. P. pranched called on Bum-(1;. _v These prices :n-eluv : Cuat's best 6â€" vnrd, ZOO-yard Spunls 45C. (1452.; Maple Leaf B-uux-d. ZUJ-yurd Spoolslfic. duz.; heavy 364mb Blm- Drill 150. yard.â€" Atkinsun & Switzer. Lsca'i Option Was carried ‘in Mark- ham township by a majority of 191. The C-mmnuled Statute Luhur By-law was disnpgroved by the narrow um.- jority of 14. At a I‘I-glllnl‘ meaning of Richmond Lodge Nu. A. F. & A. M., held Mun- duy evvning Bra. R. E. Law, who re»- moved Lu Peuchlund. B. 0., a few months ago, was made an hmmmry member with full privileges. In answer to “ Reade-r" we Would nay that suhsvl-iptiuns Lu THE LIBERAL 8 'nt thmugh uur hmm tide agents will be received at, 75 ceâ€"uLs. All other sub- scl-iptxuns $1.003 Y( ar. It will be Seen, however. that, :L liberal reduction is nude by clulvlfi'ng with nther papers. ’Tis nut what yuu pay, it is what, yuu grt for what you pay. Examine q Iality uf lhvse- guuds 2 Gulle DaLeS 5 lbs. for 250., Cumadx-a Figs 5 lbs. fur 25c., good Linisins 5 lbs. fIIl' 250., Sul- tana. Raisins 3 lbs. fur 25c., cleaned Putms UuI-mnts 35 lbs. fur 25¢.â€"Atkin- son & Swilzer. The President vs. Vice-President curling match “ill be played in the rink tu-Ium-ruw (Friday)aftermmn and evening. Those \vhu purpose joining are requested to get their tickets, waich can he pmchased from the pres- ident or the secretary. Gmpel trmpemnce meeting in the Temperance Hall next Sunday after- noon at. 4 o‘clock. The speakers will be J. S. Robertson, President Canad- ian Taupe-mince League. wad Mr. G. B. Swralnam. Toronto. The chair will be taken by Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Good singing will be- provided. The pnth of low prices is kept: cnn- stanl 'y swept deep andwido'here. We quote .mg‘ slzv flintglnss Lamp Chim- neys To. each, medium and small sizes 60. each ; best Mince-"war. 3 lbs. f01'25c.; 00d lied Salmon 2 mus for 2.50.; Slice-d . ingupm-e Pine Apple 2 cans for 35¢.â€" Azkinsun & Switzcr. The engim- on the James Bav Rail- way has been doing considerable puff- ing during the week. The iron horse reached the Richmond Hill station grounds on Monday. The rails are now laid from Braverton to this place, and should fine weathnr favor the workmen they will not, be long in mulling their way to Toronto. AN OMISSION We have hwn asked to say that. by an oversight, the $3 contrilmtinn d0. by Mr. J. D. PiPl'CPV. cmriuge builder. Teslnn, Wns omitted in the list of contribuwrs on the lowing match bills nf the King & amghan Plhw- men’s Association. The above prize was won by Mr. James McLean, the champion pluwinan. A’t amvoting hold by the members n! the R. H. F. B. (In Monday evening the folluwing “flit:er were elected for the ensuing ymlr: Chief. W. H. Pug!- lry: Lieutenant. Gen. Sims: Fmemun of Bose. Fred Gmingor: Foreman nf Honk and Ladder, Thus. Trench: Treasurer. P. G. Savage; Secretary, D. Sloan: Steward. Chas. Hop er; Auditors, Firemen Innes and Bry on. A very pretty wedding was cele- bratvd at the Newton Brook parsonage when Miss Lnttm Clark was unith in marriage tn Mr. Henry Little. The happy couple were supported by his brother, Mr. Samuol Little. and her sister. Miss Edna (llzu-k. Th9 nuptial knot was tied by Rev. A. P. Brace, B.D. They tank the train in points in \Vpslorn Ontario and Michigan. The 'happy pim- :u'c hoginning life under the must fnvm-nhle auspicls, and we wish them all the gnnd things possible [01' the-m. Hitter Paper at the Liberal] fifiifie. M. P- mam-k of Mulmur. who at Victoria Square Sunday, a number uf old friends here and Monday. FIRE BRIGADE. TOOT ! TOOT! YVe are pleased to observe by the Daily Stmdurd that Mr. Alfred P. \Vriglib, a farmer Richmond Hill boy. Was nut. only elected un alderman fur the city nf Regina, but that be headed th poll on election day» TESTON Mr. J. Piercey. carriage builder at Testcn. is mlvextisinz u. number-ome and St-cond-hahd waters at right prices. Also new and aechndshiifid l buggies. factm-y and [mule-made. All 1 kinds of plow repairs kept, on hand. ‘ Mr. PiPl’Ct-y guarantee: all Work done _ at his shnp. l I The annual banquet of King and Vaughan Plnwnwn's Asstuciatiun will lh- lH'ld at, the Ma-tropnlitnn Hun-l, King City. nn Thursday evening. Feh~ r mry 8. Supper at 6.30. This will he ftIlluwvd by .1 gum! programme of spamhes. songs and lustrUmPntal musxc. RING I NG DOOR BELLS Cnmpiaint has hwn made that a numiwr of Our citizvns have hep" hutln-rod hv individuals ringing tho- dom- bells and than walkingurrunning away. A neighhur a few nights ago. nfwr he had retired In hed. camednwn- stairs in answvl‘ tn the dnnr he“ unlv tn find that {I}? ringing was meant fur a. juke. That would have been a punr excuse far a joke. evrn bad it been vn Halluwo'en. It is to be hude it will not be repeated. Mr. Isaac Kellmn uf Highfield dis- posed of last year‘s cmp of alsike lasl week. The purchaser was Mr. H. C. Bailey of Maple. and ,it reqniwed three teams in luring it «War. We under- stand that Mr. Kellzun received nearly $9M) fur the lot. Mr. Bailey has ship- ped several caulnmds of :«lsike and red clover from Maple this sensnn, buying must, of the seed just, as it leaves the threshing machine. So (a: he has been able in mnsb instances to pay unim- ihnn Toronto prices fur seed. Fau-nn-rs hm'ing seed to dispose nf will find itytn their interest. to enmmunicabe with him before Selling. ‘Ve have to record this week thu- dvnth of Mrs. Robert, Kimwe. in her 56th year. Deceased had been asuf fvrer fur the past thirteen years. much of the time confirm! to her bed. She was considH-ably be'tlpr this winter. hOWWI'I‘. but, an attack of pnvumnnin was more than hl-r alum-st wm-nuut cun stitutinn cnukl hem. and she passxd zuwy Sunday murning. The funeral tuck place tn Maple cemeteny yvstu-rday afLel'mmn, previous m w‘hich a svrvi- e was cnnductcd at the. huuse by Rev. T. Campbell. The winches. especially the- hushand and daughter \vhu Lou- del-ly waited 1:11 the d9ceased during hm- lung illness. have the sympathy 0| many f1 iends in their bereavement. Rit-hardson :â€" Ofiicers of Vaughan Lodge Nu. 54. A. F. 65 A. M.. fur the yam-1906. in- stalled Dec. 27. 1905. by W. Bro. Ir. p‘usse‘d away at the home uf his Son in‘ Stnnfffllle. Mr. Cullnl‘d had ht‘l‘n ail- ing for some timu. and ashnrt tinn- ngn he In:de a sale of fan-m stm-k and implements and mun-d tn Stnun" me. having rented his funn to Mr. Srlwll. After his removal he bt-cnnn- rapidly worse and in a. little over". wrek lw passvd awuy. Mr. Cnllard was u gs-nial. friendly mun. popular with his .m-ig’hhors and friendsâ€"a 2mm) nf MCI“ ling character. His funeral took place on Tuvsduy of last wer to the Tank- m'd cenwtery zit, Gui-Inlay. Rev. MI. Barbe-r. Presbyterian minister. enn- ducted a. short sex-vice at the house, and service at the church was con- ducth by Rev. F. Elliott. an uld friend of deceased's. before a. large congrrga- Lion of neighbors and Irieuds. Mr. Geo. Collard. an old and IP- spectgd residen‘tgf l_his neigtghorhuog, The Trmpemnce Hall was comfort ( nhly filled Sunday uftPrnoon whvn nl Gospel Temperlnce meetin was held ‘ under the auspices of the O. T. U. Mr. Isaac Cmuby occupied the chair. a solo was sung by Miss Ethel Switzer. and ML “'11:. Munnx of Toronto gave maddrvss. The speakerin l‘l‘ll'l‘l‘lllg to the LOClIl Option campaign said it was a campaign in favor of pace, pleasure- and happiness in the homes. He said that taiims. ShOEID’IlKGX'B. can-inge- nmkers und other tradesmen wervgen- eI-ully mud to exhibit, their finished work, int, it was dim-rent with the saloon-keepers. as much of the lulu-1’s finished work was found in the jails, penitvntiurit-s. and behind prison luns. The drink bill in Canada amounts to summon) n. year, and in Great, Britain more monvy is spent in strong drink than is Pxpr'uded in boot»; and shoes, Woollens. cottons and all lines ofcloth- iug. Mr. Munns did not think that, much hunt-fit Would have rosulted had 30 or 40 lim-usos lN‘t'n (rut ofi'iu'l‘m'onlo on [he lst of January. hut hv helim‘cd that anul Option could he carried in that city if lhc temperance party were pxoperly mgnnizml. He n-fvrrvd lo his lrmtmsxnt in Aurora :1 sllOI‘l time ago when Le- ofi‘ered himself us 1| lem- W. 31.. J. B. Machan. I. P. M.. D. W'. ()oupvr. S. ‘V.. H. (J. Bailey. J. \V., T. H. KPys. Chap. J. T. Saigron. Tl~eas.. H. Logan. Sea, L. Richardson. Dir. of 0.. J. H. Kixby. . D.. J. A. CHUN‘I‘U‘D. . 1)., R. W. T. Kirby. . S.. Chas. T. Stepbvnsou. . 8., J. A. Jackson. G.. J. Pic-1 cry. Tyler, J. Kaise}. Janitor. H. Baldwin. MRS. KINNEE‘S DEATH TEM PERANCE M EETING ANNUAL BANQUEI‘ LIKE OLD TIMES GORMLEY MAPLE pm'ance candidate in North York. and complained that the very m n who lcd the mob against, him uen- from the class whn years hefnre had given him his first lvssons' in truth and righteous- nesfl. He recmnmendvd total ahstin- ence and hvlieved that Lm'ul Opthm would he carried but a f-w weeks bvmw. At the close the sppakvr ru- ceived a Vote of thanks. nn motion of REV. T. Campbell, seconds! by Vin J. H. Sundewo I. \VlLLIAMBâ€"At Kingston. January 7m, 1906. 264 Ride-nu street, the wife of Louis W. ‘Villiums. of u sun. MARRIAGES BECKâ€"TEEFYâ€"On the 9th January, 1906. at, St. Mary’s Church. Richmund Hill. by the Run “Helm: Teefy. ln-(yther 0f the hl'idl‘ (assistrd by Rev. Father McMahon, parish priest), Lnnisa Ade- laide, second daughter of M. Teefy. J. P. and Posumster. to Nuchnms 1). Beck. Esq., K.(J.. LLB.,uf Edmumun, Pruvince of Alberta. KINNEEâ€"In Richmond Hill. Sun- dsy, 7th January. Mary Ann. wife 0! Rnlwrt Kinnee. aged 55 years. 2 months, :3 days. Interment. at Maple cemetery Wednesday aha-neon, 10th inst. COLLARDâ€"AL swumme. Dec. 31st, 85). Gen. Ogllmli: {Igt-d 7} y_e_.'«.1_r_s. _ astures of early summer could be so ..early reploduced by proper blending of pure spices uf an munmtic nature as tn assure In farm stuck throughout the “h [e year Quit thorough asshnilutiufi “f lhrix- (006.“ which they enjny while living on the buds. Inlussnmsmul tendvr gr; uses of a perfect. June pasture. He knrw that. if his theory was a true thury, it meant. freednm from disease. A rapid, healthy growth and great; eculmmy in the pl'L-ductinn of all ani- mal pi-nducts. He also knew that, un- less true ecuuomy could be assured to [he feedt-r the venture could not has- sihly prove in. permanent. success finan- cially. " u . u Somotwenty years ago arcex‘tain man had a theciry that th» sweet, fragrant The Herhugeum pron-d to he a truv theory. and the product was put on the max km, in such shape and at such a. price as to give- lhe feeder the hesL end (If the profit. All this tank piut‘r‘ vanty ware ago. and since that: time th re 'h‘ls been a steady inurease in the de- nnu d fur Herbngpum. There have come numerous piepurntinns of (:nl'l- (:ex-ti'umd and sn-mlllrd cundimentnl \1: ck fuods. but HeI-hagvum only has p oven perumnent. 'lhis is large-1y be- c usa in I’m-ding Hvrlmgeum the feeder has the grmtesrv mat-gin oi‘ punfil. Fm- inst'unce. 50 cents‘ wuth nf Hvrlmgvum will mukv one and nne-qual-lel- tons of skim milk. equal to new milk, for culves.WCé-rtuihly there is suhslu'ntial margin of profit there. and the fact has ln-fp prgnvrn I)_e-y9n(l_ all doubt”. If fed n-gulzu-ly to young pigs {mm the first. mev will he mature bacon hogs at five months instead “fat srvmt mnnlhs, and the Hvl'hnguum-fcd bog nlgvnysfingdvs “ fig'_u)_.” It. will keep milch cows right up to thuil‘ highest standard of pl-mlucuun. and at. the same Liuu- lu'rp thmu up in flesh, and with a coat. like that which .1 June pasture gin-u. “The Hrth- gPum Them-y" excludes all injurious drugs and dope-s that, act dirwtly on the system ; the idea being simply to produce a substitute fur tlmse nrumatic qualities that pass from tho-grown fund in the I-ipenipg mud drying-prncgfs. I may us lune. bu! than can "no Sum-on hCo,.PanlAnd. Malamvill ICEEiVI free, full infnrmuion IMHI but which .hev rm do. and live III 1:0“) will my .hem from S'- to $25 Du dsy. Some have vmnsd mm S ’In I day Either sex. young or old Cde no: require-A You nresllflcd free Thou who flux-I It an“ m Mum: Inn 0: Inufl mu. Ion-ma. Al' I m. Horses thrive w‘hvn thvy have Hex-ha- gemu added to thn-ir daily ratian wt dry wiutvt' foed. and tlxel-t- is nu after ill effect from its use. Th0 Herbagvum thenry is a true thpory. and its truth is um er questiuned hy Lhnse who have tested if in natty-day practical feeding. AIL'NN &. (‘ Hm Smwx‘rn’m Au‘mxruu, con- un' Lo net as Sulicltnm hr l’gucnm. (‘uvcuts‘aTMda Mnrku. Copyrights. fur the Lnilul Emu-s. ( Xmas. EnaInnd. Pmnm- (.crmnny. etc. “and Book about Puan Mn! 1: ThirIV-GQVPYI )‘enr:'cxpu1ance. Puemsohmln « throuuh ML‘NN A2 C0. nrrnouoed In the Sr‘mn‘x no AMERICAN. the largest. host..snd mos! Widcly ain‘umud micntlflo paper. flJUnyar Weekly. S'-!endld eumvmn nnd_lntqr«suna in- rnmuion. bpoclmcn cupy nf‘uje Scwnufic Amer. Dam neat. tron. Address ML 51' k. :0. Scmnm Ammo/m (mice. 2e: Bruadwny. New ork. In the magnifies-m. Y. M. C. A. Building in the heart of the City of annntn teaches Shm-thand and Business Courses that. bring siluuLiuns every time. Lung expr-rwnc", ersonal ante-min”, individual msuuetion count. Sprciul ud- vnmuges at Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. Guild. Enter at any time. Get Cataâ€" logue at once. R.A.FarquharsonB,A, Cor. McGil{pnd Ynnge Streets, THE HERBAGEUM THEORY 23-29 DEATHS BIRTHS â€"SOLD BYâ€" Town to. Business transacted between 10 and 4 on Monday Wednesday and Fri- day of each week. Savings Bank D9pnxtmeut. Money advanced on sale nutea. fitumlanl final: ni (213211331113 Maple Fortunate the Man Fortunate the Woman Fortunate Anybody Who. if in need of anything in general mer- chandise, has the money to pay for it, and is within easy reach of our store so that they can take advantage of the special offerings we are making during our January Sale «It not only means money saving, but also, if you are a new customer, the opening of a business acquaintance which will be of benefit to you for years to come. The op- portunity to place yourself in touch with such a. store organization as this should not be lightly esteemed, and you'll not find a more favorable time to commence the ac- quaintance. Our Stock ivwwvwwwwwwg Is well assorted, complete in all departments and values better than ever. January 4, £966. Richmond Hill Hardware Store XMAS GOODS When looking for Xmas Goods don't fail to see our stock of sleds, coasters, skates, cutiery bread boards, carpet sweepers, etc., etc. One of our reliable ranges or heaters will make your wife a suitable present. ‘UMQRQ§%&§%§%§ ATKINSON 8:. SWITZEH. (1} eneral Merchandise G. SOULES {In connection with Richmond Hill Ofllcf.) Can and see them H. H. lfiSEMflRE. Agem.

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