VOL. XXVIII. LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING '1‘ . F. McMAHON. DB. WM. BBGERS. I)Oll tis L. Room 12, 121 Victoria. SL. Toronto. Bast ï¬tting Leah, M30 replating, at lowest prices. Good wm‘k. $1 per annum, in advanca] DR. H. W. ANDERSON, l)eutis§t, Will be Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Want flim- moustache or heard abcauuful brown or rich black? Use omce hours: Tuesdays, 8â€" 1â€"8 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, (l J. H.’ SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGQ RICHMOND HILL Ualls by day and night promptly atâ€" tended to. l)r- E. J. VVoodss DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. DR. \V. E. DEAN Richanond Eli“ Tomato Ofï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST‘ BUSINESS CARDS. 03501‘ to Dr. Lawrasou) Cor. Carlton and Ynnge Sts.. Toronto 11 be in Richmond Hill on \Vovl nesday of each wrek. )ï¬ice, next dmn' north of Stand- ard Bzmk. Safe VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. Proï¬table €51.12 @ihml This Bank's Im-ge xcsuurcos ensure safety. r‘ - Interest. at highpsl (-lurent. rate, paid twice at Louvenlent year mzlkvs un :u-cmmt px‘nï¬mhle. Being “'ithdl'un‘a'ult’ without notice makes it convcmcnt. THE ONTARIO BAN K Emroa 3’: Pnox’mm‘oa Sveteriuarg AT THE genial. Ofï¬ce open \V (Heat. {ADC-LIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY INCORPORATED 1857. fcdnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. a. ll] @NTARIO BAEK Sï¬zn'in as Account; s Lindsey.K C F Lawrence {iduut Wadsworth TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 33 Rich- Barristersjolicitors. Notaries, 36:. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Luau Bldg), Um. Adelaide 8; Victoria, 51s.. Tut-onto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hillon Suburdnvs. USNEHW’S-.ME ‘ mnnd St. \VeshJVesley Buildings, (Methodist, Book Room,) TO- runtn. Mr. Cook will be at, Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. HIT! C13. JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN 151114145 LENNOX & MORGAN, Mouev to loan onlandandohaï¬sl mortgages at lowest rates Auroruofï¬ceâ€"Remox‘ed to tho old post oi}ch one door west of the entrance to the Onturlo Bunk Newman-Rat otï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the szcurnce '1‘ annun'r LENNOX. G S'rV MORGAN Aurora. Newmarket RICHMOND HILL. Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark S. W. Comer King& Yonge Private and Trust Funds to lowest current rules. Licenï¬eu Auctioneer for the County 01 Yd}: Goods sold on consignment Gena) a) sale! stoc etc Hromptly amended to at reasonabln rat-es Kesldeuce Unionville "G, R Guuldinï¬, Nbibun Brock, agent for the above J '1‘ Saigoon. Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Sales Lttendedbo on shortesmntinand a row onublernteu Patronageaoliolted Licens e Auctioneer to: theCounty of 10: _ re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influance sales attnnded on the sLortest notice 1nd at ressonabemtea. P. O.u.dd.xess King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, :& urge stocknf Funeral Furnishings kept m both places. Lindsey. Lawrence 24 W adsworth, MONEY TO LOAN AT bx. Undera'lakers a: Embalmors, COOK & JOHNSTON Barristers and solicitors. Keep them in the house. Take one when ou feelbil- ions or dizzy. beg act di- or 00.. rectlypn the liveriom ,Huo. Ba: 1-I'ister3, Solicitors. etc. or nausmmnï¬imac’mmaflms Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Saigcou at flicEwen. 15TH ‘ J. I]. P1 entice. D. G. BLOUGH, $runl. TORONTO. In Essentials, Unity; Phone Main 2984 J Ix Lin-Ewen Weston Streets, luan at The world has rnusrd as ne‘er before To 591‘ its sad conditinu: E‘en Worse the bands in Chxistian lands Than heathen superstition. A power thrills the earth (0-day, As with cunc ~1-tetd action In evvry land men boldly stand To thwart the liquor fuction. It is the Huiy Spirit's fix-P That rests upon the natinns, Arousng them from :tpulhy To drink‘s ahmuinutiuns. And men nf every race and creed Are joining to deliver Their people from the scourge of rum, From all its bonds to SPVL’I‘. ON'I‘., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. 1.906 The voices echo from the past; ThPy call from every quartm'. From suddmwd ground the crivs re- sound, Tho. victims uf x'um’s slaughter! God hears the cries 0f those who call To SH\‘E’.()III'1)0nll‘S and nut inn. His our has heard. His ht-lp deferred Fm- man’s co-npemuun. Two mighty hosts will represent T110 fmw'es, good and evil, Fm God 01' Ban] to contend In powerful upheaval! A hattle ï¬erce will soon he fought, Vutes are the nmmunitinn ; For mel m- wue tho voters goâ€"- For mm or Local Option. Two hosts will watch. unseen by m: n To see the armies rally : The gnod will gaze through spirit, haze Encompass hill and valley. The other side. with shouts unheard, “'ill ï¬il the darkean regions. The ï¬nes of right will ï¬enme ï¬ghtâ€"- Their alliesâ€"countless legions. _ Council invb nn Mnmlny, Jan. 15. Members all prvsent. Minutes of lust meeting road and cunï¬iiucd. A cmnmunicntinn was rend from Mr. D. Hill m. an account, sent to him lnytlu-Cl«~1-k. Tllr following letter was read from Mr. P. G. Smngmâ€"Mr. Reeve and Ci.uncillnrs.â€"Ynur (-le-rk has nutilivd me of my appointment, as auditor fm‘ the accounts of 1905. I thank you fur l the honor but, I cmnidex- the honor too ;grcat. I do not think the law wunld ! allow me to uudit, my own banks. and ' I am sure it would nut he practicable. limping I may be of some serviite to . ynu at some future timv, I decline the { linnor. Up! then ye brave! Fur God and Hume! The conflict is approaching. Be hold to fncv the voting place And stup the trndu’s oncruuvhing. â€"P. L. GRANT. NiclmHsâ€"«Trenchâ€" That, fullmving necnnnts he paid:â€" P. G. Suvngv. insurance on park building's , . . . . . . . . _ . $12 00 F. Mt-Cnuughy. leather ,. . . . .. 1 00 TIem-hâ€"Nichullxâ€"Thut, Mr. D.Hill’s .Iottr; he rcfvnvd to {he Rewe and 1 Councillors Sanderson and Glass.â€" ; Carried. Glassâ€"Snndersonâ€"Tlmt the resignin- tinn of uppniutment as auditor by Mr. P. G. Savage he nccepted.â€"Cm-ried. Nichollsâ€"Sundeisnnâ€" That Mr. S. M. Brown be appoint-rd nuditur in the mum of Mr. P. G. Sumge, Moved in amendment by Councillor Trench srcunded by Councillor Glass that Mr, A. G. Salvage he zippuintrd auditm'. The amendment can ied. Councillor Nichulls intrnduued By- law Nu. 204. fur ivguluting and licens- ing the ()wneis uf livery stables. The hy-luw was read aï¬rst, svcond and third time and ï¬nally pnsscd. Councillor Sundersun intrnduced By-law No. 203. f0] prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor within this cm poratiun. Smidvrsnnâ€"Glnssâ€"That the by-hlw he read a ï¬rst Limaâ€"Curried, The hy-luw was read a ï¬rst (ime. Nichollsâ€"Sundersonâ€"Thut the hy- law he read a second time.â€"-Cm-ried. The by law was read a second time. Trenchâ€"Sundersonâ€"That the coun- cil go into cmumittee (If the whole to ï¬ll hhmks.â€"Cm~ried, Richmond Hill, Jun. 15. 1906. Cuunu 'waint intn'cnmmittee of whole with Councillor Nicholls iu chair. Committee rose and reported the blanks ï¬lled. The third reading of the by-law was deferred until after one month from the ï¬rst public-anion thereof in “The Liberal" newspaper. mThri-rélerk Wis-instructed to procure necessary supplies and the cuuucil ad- juurned to meet at the call of the reeve. in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†VOTERS, AWAKE ! ViLLAGE COUNClL. Yours truly. P. G A. J. HUME, Clerk. G. SAVAGE. That following the the )mmcil met, at Phillip's Hotel, King City, on Monday. Jan. 8. Mr ml)ch all present. After lhodvc- lurutinn and qualiï¬cation ofofï¬ce busi- ness wns proceeded with. , L passed. ' Nnrmnnâ€"Burnsâ€"That :1. grant, of 9510.00 he made tn the Hospital for Sick Children, Tomym. K ï¬xi’fu-{jcï¬yoâ€"Deaconâ€"Thutthis muni- cipality donate to the HuSpitnl fur (Junsumptives. Muskoku, the sum of $5.00. .U‘h Nin-nmnâ€"Denmmâ€"Thnt the Reeve do issue his ordur (m the [10;N111'f‘1‘ in favor nf Prnudfunt, Dunmm & (in. for the sum of $35.78, being full amount of account rendered tn dnLe for legal a). services. MvMurchy - Armitnge be $2.21; tnxvs. 1S MvMurchy ~â€" Dvnmn â€"â€" That S. \V. Armitnge be refunded the sum of $220 tnxvs, 1004, on part Int, 32, con. 2. N01- nunâ€"McMm-chyâ€"Thut when-as a. n -\v hospital is about to ho erected in t‘w city l-f Tux-unto. and whe‘x-vus an application has luwn made tnthn York )mmty Council for a grant of twenty thousand dollux‘s in Hill thereof. nml whmels it Is propo<od to borrow the said sum of $20,000.00 and to ismv (Ir-- hvutuws for wpnyme-nt of same, and interim; thmonn. and whereas the unt- stnnding dehvnture (ls-bf, of York is: Principal . .0 892243.37 Computl'd { llitm'est Lberon.. 53,752.11 making a tntnl of. . , . . . $145,995.48 yet. to he paid. Thmofm-e he it, resulvml that in the opinion of this 0011' cil it \vnuld bu 11va wise and iniudicirms tn further increase 1th drhonture debt, of this county for said pnrpusvs. .. .. u mu, L A‘,A Null-mun â€" McMnrchy â€" Thut Ll)? lmnds furnished by J. M. “’ultnn. treasurer, ho accepted as satisfactory lay this (‘mnnx-il. Nm-nmnâ€"â€"l)u:xcnnâ€"That Councillms McMm'uhy and Nun-man he :1 commit- tee to “wet, Thns. Davis at 10L 2â€. our. 7. on 13th inst. 1'9 purvhuse of timber on side-line helWee-n lots 30 and 31. Non-munâ€"â€"-Dezicnnâ€"Thzlb the clerk he inerncted to ask for tenders for the usual township printing, all tenders to he in the. hands of the Clerk by 22nd day of Feb†1906. Deaconâ€"Burnsâ€"Thut the clerk or- der six cnpim of the Municipal \led for this Count il. Burns â€" Norman â€" That; the usml grant, of $20.00 he givvn t0 the Flow- mnn‘s Association fax-1903. By-luws appointing auditors, nssvs- SUI’S and n locul Board of melth 1'e~ ceived their usual readings and passed. w Oï¬rlrnimion Council :uljdin-nm‘. {H mm t at 'I‘vmpm-am-v Hull. Kettlehy, on S: t- urduy, Jan. 20111, at 10 o'clock, n. m. G. Leek: 2nd Vice-Pres., G. Gunnley; Sec’v-Trt-zxs., H. A. Nichulls. Direcwrszâ€"\Vhitchurch. T. Lloyd, “7. Thompson; King, T. H. Le-gge. \V. \Vells; Markham. G. ledgot, XV. Ormm-od, A. Pingle, I). Lynclt. R. Ellinlt. J. E. Francis: Vaughan, W. H. ‘luhine, J. N. Buyle, J. S. McNuil‘, G. Dihh. G. Rudditt, H. Rumble; Rivh- mom] Hill, \V. H. Pugsley. ’1‘. F. Mc- Muimn, J. H. Sunder-sun, P. G. Suv- ngv, \‘V. Eyer, E. Barker, J. Palmer, 1. (Mushy. Executive Committetâ€"Messz s. Pugs- ley, Sanderson, Boyle, Cluhino, Pulm- al'. Padgut, McMahon. Lynett, Savage. Messrs. Sundwson, Leek. Pugsloy, Gluhino and the, Sucremry “'el‘t‘ ap- pointed a committee 1.0 sups-rintend the Sued Show which will be held here un the 10th of February. Sorry to learn that, Mr. G. Bone is under the dnctm-’5 cure. After spending a few days at, “The Elms.†Miss Beauty and Mr. Beauy returned [0 their home in Tun-nut“. The Misses \Vuuds spent, a cnuple v 1 days with their cousins in Markham. Skating on the pond is excellent. Mr. A. Rumble uccmnpunicd hy the Misses Reaman, Visited ut the hume (if his father, Mr. D. Rumble, King City, receu Lly. Quite a few attended the dance at, Richmond Hill last Tuesday night. Mr. Ernest Ough has gone to the city for the winter. Mrs. T. Cook and G. \Vnnd spent last, \Vednesday with their cousins in Aurora. WIt being very foggy Inst Sunday night. some did not, realize it. was church time till it was too late to en- ter. M r. and Mrs. F. Graham spent Sunday at the home of her father, T. Cook. Miss and Mr. J. I spent Sunday wi A father, Mr. \V. B0112. n-ge number of uccom.ts were King Council Agricultural Meeting. Carrvi lle Bone of Laskny, h thvir grand- Inst The unnme meeting of the “fest York Farmer-5‘ Institute was held hexe on Tuesday afternoon and evening. In the nfbernoun Miss Grey of Tnmnm addressed the \Vnmen’s Institute and gave a. dvnmnslx'ation of C(mking 55 L11» hnnm of Mr. J. H. Kit-by. The \me'n holding a. hunk Friday eve-hing; Rev. Mr. Bruwn (1f Aginmmrt preached anniversary sermons in Sf. Paul‘s Chum-h nu Sunday. His wm-k was takvn by Rev. W. G. Back. Ml". \\'. Dnltnn, six, and Mr. and MIS. R. Gvnrdisnn. from vwnr Rvginn, urn visiting flivnds in 11193 lomlity. Tln- Local Option By-luw Wu.“ givt'n its ï¬nal lending at the Imwling (of the Cumu-il and will he vnfm-r-ml on May .mv. Mm. Murwood. :l n nld residwnt of this place, passwd away last ww-k nt the hmm- uf hm rlanghrm; Mrs. E. G. An- drmvs. 'l‘he film-ml tuok place In Thur<dnv :lfl'i‘l'nlll‘n ' Not very long ago, a popular magazine published an editorial article in which the writer asserted, in substance, that. all disease should be regarded as criminal. Certain it is, that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to the violation of certain of Nature’s laws. But to say that all sickness should be regarded as criminal, must appeal to every reasonable individual as radically wrong. It. would be harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes criminal to condemn the poor, weak, over-workeé housewife who sinks under the heavy load of household can-3 and burdens, and suffers from weak- nesses, various displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex. ls Disease a Crime ? Frequent bearing of children. with its e:- acting demands upon the system. coupled with the care. worry and labor of rearing a large family. is often the cause of weak- nesses. derangements and debility which ere aggravated by the many household cares. and the hard. and neverâ€"ending work which the mother is called upon to perform Dr. Pierce. the maker of that world-famed rem- edy for woman’s peculiar weaknesses and illsâ€"Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionâ€"says that one of the greatest obstacles to the cure of this class of maladies is the fact that the poor. over-worked housewife can not ct the needed rest from her many househol cares and labor to enable her to secure from the use of his " Prescription " its full beneï¬ts. It is a matter of frequent experience, he says. in his extensive practice in these cases. to meet with those in which his treatment fail; by reason of the patient's inability to abstain from hard work long enough to be cured. With those suffering from prolapsus. ante- vexsion and rctroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organ-a it is very necessary that in addition to tak- ing his “ Favorite Prescription†they abstain from being very much. or for long periods. on their feet. All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided. As much out-door air as possible. with moderate. light exercise is also very important. Let the atient observe these rules and the "Favor- te Prescription " will do the rest Dr. Pierce‘s Medlcal Adviser is sent free on receipt of stam s to paï¬ex nm of mailing0n11§r Sen to Dr. . . Pierce, Buffalo. N. ., 31 one-cent stamps for paâ€" perâ€"covered, or 50 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communicatlons are held Sacredly conï¬dential. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate stomach, llver and bowels. | S ubscribe to p 5 THE - LIBERAL The building IllilLf‘I‘lul which is enm- ing intu ann' is concrete made in imv imtiuu (it cut stone, which will he found much superior to any other um- tm ile tor building [)anoses [01- ll“: follmving remunszâ€" First~Cvnwnt blocks are made if tho most durable mate-rial. Secondâ€"The hlm-ks hping made hoi- lnw. houses “1'? not. dump like thun- constructed of solid concrete, as Lin! hollows in the blocks m erlap. thm making a dead air space all around, uf several incvs. depending on the tlnicL- ness of wall which can he made f‘itht L‘ S, 9. 10 or 12 inches in thickngss. "Thirdâ€"The face being made int imitation of cut, stone they umk px-ittiestg building imqgipalillea . Fonrthâ€"Thayvcnn h; built for “bout One third less than solid brick. Thr se blocks can be used with «Jqud succe-ssvund beauty in :my plam- x 5!,hrx' “1' houses or burns, veranda]: I-"?m-s, chimneys. etc. For further mfozums Lion inquire or write to H. ‘Vinger (Sc Sou CARRVILLE. 0x1: [Single copies, 3 cts. Cement §t0n<~ W Mame 3 Auxiliary pin-pus. social in the vmtI-y u No un sax t, ' thn