RICHMOND HILL.VO.\'T., Jan. 18, 1006 The result of the general elections , Mr. Balfour lg in Britain is a surprise. the late Conservative Premier, and many of his colleagues have been de- feated, and Mr. Campbell Banner- man, the chosen Liberal Premier, ap. pears to be sweeping the country. The principal questions at issue are the tarifl', and the educational bill passed by the late Government. Free l I contralto, of New York ; Mabel Manly I’ickard, soprano, of Toronto; Dan. E ddoe, tenor, of New York ; \an. Harper, the celebrated English basso. The soprano art, as will be noted, will be sung by a Toronto lady, and in the opinion of so competent an authority as Mr. Sherlock, Mabel Manly has no superior in this part of the country for this particrrlar role. Her selection isa rent but deserved tribute to her abil- ity as a vocalist, and there is not the slightest doubt but what she will ac- quit herself creditably in the dis- tinguished company in which she will ‘ appear. For this concert the orchestra, which is a first-class cin organization, will be assisted by the splendid pipe organ in Massey Hall. For the benth of those persons who are contemplating attending this pro~ duction it may be stated that the Metropolitan Railway has under-taken to provide a. special car on the nightof Trade seems ‘30 be 3‘5 POPUIM‘ “5 ever- this performance if as many as thirty- Yesterday a bright spot for the Con- servatives appeared in Birmingham “there Mr. Chamberlain and six 0 his supporters were elected with good majorities. M LOCAL OPTION The Village Council met Monday evening and gave the Local Option Toy-law two readings and decided to submit the question to the voters on Monday, the 19th of February. The passing of the by law was supported by Rev. T. Campbell and Rev. W. G. 8 uh. and it was opposed by Mr, mutt-10h, counsel for the Licensed UNI-trailers Association. The latter admitted the evils of strong drink, but argued that as more liquor was “consumed years ago where the Dun- can and Scott Acts were in force, a similar state of affairs will exist an. ‘der Local Option. He asked the Council not to submit the by-law un- less they thought Local Option would be for the beneï¬t of the village. Rev. Mr. Campbell contended that =a bar was not needed in this munici- pality. He gave instances of wretch- =edness arising from the use of intoxi. eating liquors in this place, and _*urged the Council to submit the ques- ‘tion to the people. Rev. Mr. Smith targued along the same lines as his colleague, and was not afraidâ€"as Mr. Haverscn suggestedâ€"that liquor would be sold in "dives" if the Act is carried here. He was prepared to leave the question in the hands of our lawlabiding citizens. The Council were unanimous in submitting the question to the people. TEN THOUSAND SELECTED IMMIGRANTS Will be Brought to Canada Through the Agency of the Salvation Army, Majority as Farm Laborers The efforts of the Salvation Army on the lines of immigration were so suc- l ï¬ve people will make use ofit. All that will need to be done is for persons along this line to notify Mr. J. M. f Sherlock at Nordheimer's, Toronto, as soon as possible of their intention to be. present, so that the necessary ar- rangements can be made in plenty of time. CONVENTION IN HAMILTON The third annual convention of the Frost Wire Fence Company was held at Hamilton 9th, 10th and llth inst. Dealers were present from nearly all sections of the country. One of the principal objects of these gatherings is to explain in detail the manufacture of the goods so that agents may he in a position to con- cisely and intelligently set forth the advantages and superiority of the vari- ous lines. A banqmt was held W'eduesday evening, and on Thursday a trip was taken to Niagara Falls over the T.. H. 6:. B. Railway. The dele- gates from this section of country were A. E. Pearson, Thornhill, and James \Voodard, Aurora. o.â€"â€"â€"â€" N ews N otes. The late Wm. Fleming of Markham left an estate valued at $61,734. The Mammoth Fair Company, Stoulfville, controlled by Alf. Spof- ford, has assigned. BY=LAWHN0. __ A bylaw to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Municipal- ity of the Village of Rich- mond Hill. The Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Village of Richmond Hill hereby enacts as foliOWszâ€"â€" 1. That the sale by retail of spirit- uous, fermented, or other manufac- tured liquors is and shall be prohibit- ed in every tavern, inn, or other place of public entertainment in the said municipality, and the sale. thereof ex- cept by wholesale, is and shall be. pro- hibited in every shop or place in the said municipality other than a house of public entertainment,â€" 2. That the vote of the electors of the said village of Richmond Hill will be taken on the by-law by the returnv ing ofï¬cer on MONDAY, THE NINE- TEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, one thousand nine hundred and six, com- mencing at nine o’clock in the morn- ing and continuing till ï¬ve. o‘clock in the afternoon, at the undermentioned place, viz: The. Council Chamber sit- cessf‘lll “St VS“; {that “I'l'ung‘v’ll‘f‘llts g irate in Palmer’s Brick Block on the 1‘3“: "3"“ “‘4‘ 9 “1' t"“ thâ€â€œâ€œâ€™â€œnd I corner of Arnold Street and west side people to leave the shores of Great fY ,. St. ' .z- ' . Britain through the satire agency dur- l ï¬icbglg’lzd Emit)" the “ld Village of ing the coming season. These immi- grants will be selected from a possible one hundred thousand applicants, and l when it is known that. each case is 3. That on the T\VELFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D., 1906, at the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce in the Village of Rich- mond Hill, at the hour of ten o’clock tilt’mllgbly ill‘"‘$“g“t“dv “mi I‘l'f‘ft‘r' ' in the For-enoon. the Reeve shall ap- ence given only to those who are likely t0 make SUUd St'ltlers- the “ï¬rm 0f l two Persons to attend at the filial surn- Gencral Boolh‘s worthy will be thoroughly appreciated by . every Canadian. ' The entire accommodation of three . steamers has been char tel-ed for this 1 season’s busineSs, and the ï¬rst organ- ized arty of 1,500 will embark on the 8.8. 'ensington, March lst, arriving 4 in Halifax ten days later. Many of ‘ these people are from the agricultural districts of Great Britain; in fact the majority are coming to Canada intent on engaging in farm Work, and will be distributed to farms in Ontario on ar- rival. Farmers who have not Secured their help for the coming season will do well to write immediately to Brig- ; adier Thos. I~Iowell, Secretary, 8. A. ' Immigration Department, James and Albert streets, Toronto. for-application forms and further particulars. Many splendid tributes have been- paid to the Salvation Army for the ex- l ceiient clasa of men who have already been brought to this country. <.*â€".__. HANDEL'S GREAT ORATORIO Not for a long time has there been aroused so much interest over a musi- cal event in Tor-onto as is being taken in the forthcoming production of Han- del’s sublime Oratorio, “Samson,†to Society in Massey Hall on the night of Jan. 25. great. success there is not the slightest doubt, as the. d-mand for seats has been unprecedented. Lovers of this class of music may confidently prepare tirestra lime both been training long and assiduously under Mr. Sherlock's exacting direclion. and .\Ir. Sherlock will be satisï¬ed wiil; nothing less than Ti“, $3,, . . r _. .1 ‘ (hp lv‘u‘ . i- , » _.:,,“...;_l ‘u-tv' ‘:r\‘ml movement ; he presented by the Sherlock Oratorio l i That the concert will be. a. for a great treat, for chorus and or- thereof in the point in writing, signed by himself, ming up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at the said poll- 1 ing place on behalf of the. persons in- terested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By-law and a like nurnberou behalf of the persons in- terested in and desirous of opposing . the passing of this by-law, â€" 4. That the Clerk of the said muni- cipal Council of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, shall attend at the Coun- cri Chamber at, the hour of ten o’clock in the. forenoon on the T\V ENTIETH DAY OF FEBRUARY A. D., 1906, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law,â€" 5. This By-law shall come into op- eration, and be of full force and effect on and after the First Day of May next after the final passing thereof. Read a ï¬rst and second time and read in committee the Fifteenth Day of January 1906. Take notice that the above is a. true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Richmond iiill. and which will be. ï¬nally pissed by the said Council (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the publication “Liberal†newspaper, which publication was Tllld I‘IIGHTEENTII the, date of '1‘ H U RSI) A Y. DAY OF JANUARY. IBM. and at the hour. day and place therein fix-ed for Z trkinir Hi“ iw- s ff th:l .i .' a; 2., .} ..,i_ . . ~. â€" .x‘b' a n nual l Qtors the ‘ AN ENORMOUS RECORD The subscription receipts of Family Herald and VVl‘t'l-ily the Star of Montreal during December Wr'l'(' thous- ands of dollars over all previous rec- Ords. In fact, the rush (.fsnbscriptions was so great as to Cripple for a time the largest staff of clerks they ever emploved. The lovely pictur e, "Queen Alexandra, Her Grainlehildrcn and , Dogs," given as a premium, and the, big value of the Family Herald itself are responsible for the large increase, and itissaid their farnn-rs’ book, “The Farmers‘ Manual and Veterinary Guule," has :Il-‘m won them over twenty thousand new subscribers. They are printing another edition of the book, and farmers who have not. 80""1‘8d a copy should do so at once. as it is of immense value to their). Sairiples of book and picture can be seen at this oï¬lce. offered in this country. SEED SHOW’ Cash prizes of $2 and $1 will be given Lorne, Hall, Richmond Hill. on Satur- day, the, 10th of February. Goose, win-at, spring wheat (any other var- iety), barley (six-rowed), oats (white), oats (black), peas (large). peas (small), clover (red). clover (aisike). timothy seed, potatoes (early). potatoes (late). Rulesâ€"Jr] each exhibit. of grains and 1potatoes the exhibitor must Show at ‘ least one bushel and have for sale at least 20 bushels as good as sample. In each exhibit in seeds the exhibitor- must show at least. halfa bushel and have for sale at least 3 bushels as good as sample. Each variety must be named and an estimate given of num- ber of bushels for sale. All entries must. he made with the secretary be.- fore. 12.30 on day of show, at which time all exhibits must be. in position for judging. The public will be ad- mitted at 2 o’clock, p. In. Entrance fee. members free: for non-members a fee of 250. for each variety shown. Any exhibitor may become a member of the Society by paying $1.00. «Egg Toronto & York Radial TORREY-Atmï¬sk MEET- rues To accommodate people desiring to at- tend the above meetings, held in Mas- sey Hall, SPECIAL CARS will leave North Toronto for Newmarket and in- termediate points at 11 p. m. on \Ved- i nesday, Jan. 17, Thursday, Jan. 18, Tuesday. Jan. 23, Wednesday, Jan. 24, Thursday, Jan. 25. \V. H. MOORE, Manager. Raiiway flfléï¬ï¬yLr-‘r m fl'.‘ '1, m 1 CA NA DIA N OPINLOJ‘V DR. R. W. BRUCE SMITH, In- spector of Public Charities, Pro- vince of Ontario. Ofï¬cial Report: “I was specially pleased with the attention paid to conduct the institution carefully and economi- cally. The patients I found cheerâ€" ful, happy and evidently well looked after by those in charge. I found particular attention is paid to pro- vide nourishing dietary, carefully prepared, and the quality of the food served was excellent. This hospi- tal depends for its maintenance largely upon the voluntary contri- butions of the public." R‘s)!- i wkwmnhmn‘m fair,..!.'.'.£q.:.ii;£y‘f~ldi"fl\l3{;£ dchNZi‘-’W~é-E-‘im'r 6'5} .14. 7-.†,. rug; $.11 -l‘.‘v. iL‘WJ’ , £53019" . increase of staff. , is increased one-third. i i i i No such value has ever been i lat the Seed Show to be held in the. " l No Sanatorr‘a “more judiciously 1 . . and economically†managed. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptr’ves Increases the Accommodation by Twenty=five Beds . . . This means twenty-five extra beds to be furnished ; twentyâ€"ï¬ve additional patients to be fed every day , (three regular meals and three lunches is the bill of fare daily) ; twentyâ€"ï¬ve extra patients to be cared. for by physicians and nurses, calling for The entire cost of management But so pressing are the calls of y those on the waiting list, and increasingly urgent the new applications received each day, that the trustees If, have decided upon the step indicated, confident that v the Canadian people will see that these new beds are furnished and maintained. ‘ ' $50.00 Furnislzes a Bed Complete 'y â€"- Contrihnti or») may b-~ sent- to Sir. YYM. R. Mcuzorru, Ft, (inc: 325‘ 5} Osgoc‘de not, or w .l. Gum, a»; , 54 Front St. v.2, row . '1; _ TORONTO - \Vant :\ local salesman for , RICHMOND HILL To sell High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and ornamentals. Larpr-st list ‘ of NFAV HPECIALTI ES chl‘ r-th-rt-ti. l STA ll'l‘ NU\V AT THE BlCSI‘ SLIM.- ING SEASON. Big imliicvnn-nts, liberal pay, handsnnn- free outfit, to!" ritory reserved. \Yritr- for It tins and I send 251'. for our AliU M lNi.‘ \l l'Ot‘lL. ET M [(1 H0500 PE (magnifies 4}. times) and 30c. for our HANDY HAVJ, just, the thing for trimming trees tents iron as \\ ell as wood). STUN E & WELLlNGTDN FONT HILL NU Ill-3 ER! ES, i Over 800 acres. ONTARIO. 204 mos. LiVERY COAL WOOD Coal and “food Delivered. Prices Right GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Th1 csbers‘ Coal on hand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ s . J;- 7 1r w a ' 4. .. Vb AN 3 1L ll) .5. d‘ ~1- T One Hundred more Young Men : I. and \Vomt-n, who areambnions + + and enterprising, to qualify in 4. I the f 41:22:? ~ gift/[I4 / ' ' 7:47 / .vLJROBITQ, ONT. for the many positionsopen to r? all those who are thoroughly 4’ prepared to aecrpl. them. A six .k rnontiis‘ course in this college ~.’ nit-Mas for a young man of the + right kind. an educational equip- .r. Intuit better than many trades or 'i' professions in money earning 1?. power. Students admitted at '5' anytime. Circulars tree. 1' . W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. . .§. . (Cor. Yougc and Alexander Stu.) i s+++++ J.- . +++++ 44*â€: "gay ~+++++++e++++++++++s++++r+ ~1- +402“!-+++++i‘+++++'l’++++++d‘++ Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? hen why do you cough all day? \Vhite Pine and Tar will relieve you the first day. It will stop that tough in a few days more. \Ve know all about it because we have sold it fur years, and we know just what is in it. it is not a «u: snail: it'sjnsta Cough Cute, and a. good one at iii it. It‘s Michael Bros. {Richmond {Jill June 11. 190:") Bill secures. The undersigned has his sawmill running now and is prepared to fill any orders for bill stuffup tofifty feet long. Orders can be ï¬lled on the shortest notice. Any person wanting any bill stuff should send in their orders at once before the long straight trees are cut. Parties at a distance can have their lumber hauled part Wayor'loaded on cars at Bradford or Giiford Station. Call early and avoid the rush. The undersigned will also hold an auction sale the latter part of January ofsiabs, cor-dwood and cedar posts. the date of which will he announced later on. HENRY MARSH, Bradford. 28-31 of the Advise Board of the Wisconsm State Sanatorrum: “'yVe have just recently returned from our eastern trip, in which we . had an opportunity of inspecting g; practically all the sanatoria in the . cast that are designed for the treatâ€" - ment of tuberculosis. I am very -‘ glad to be able to write you that the very favorable impressions that we received at Gravcnhurst have con- tinued with us after this round trip. We have found no place in our. travels in which money seems to I have been expended more judiciously and economically than in connection q with the two institutions that are ‘ under the control Of the National ~ Sanitarium Association.†‘3‘ . oversaw if! Ev" ‘i “scammed: PATIENT UNDER EXAMINATION. -___.‘__.; k. r .r . ., \. â€"~m . $353112?" “fastest-2.x made to cure. That is why we Sell so much of it. It‘s not a pat- ent medicine either. \Ve keep patent un-dicines, but we do not recommend them. \Ve do re- commend W'hite Pine and Tar, and we believe in it so much that. we say “Your Money Back it You Want It.’ After you use it once you will believe in it too. It Will cost you 2.3 cents to try it. Are yourlungs Worth 25 Cents ? Issuer Marriage Licenses it. A. Sindersnn Draggist, Richmond Hill *+++++++++++*+H+W*H+°b Wé++++é+++++~bfl+++t++++ 'l' ++++d~+++++++++$++++w+++d ++++++++++++++++++++++++4~§~ i i it i +++++M+++H++++MM++++++ a SilasE And examine a copy of our cata- logue if you have any idea of taking a preparatory course for a Good Paying Position “'9 believe there is no school equal to ours for methodic busi- ness training~ and for good re- sults. \Ve solicit investigation and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. diurnal (ï¬rmness elation Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. ll. SHAW, Principal '2‘>§'-§“§~{'++rl-+~l++$++++++++++++++++++++$++ l“?++++++'§“¥‘ ++++++++N++’P+Â¥++HMH 4- el- + 4. '5' .r. + 4' O!- + 4' 3; 4° i + 6° itâ€. .3. + i‘ l l i l l l Sale Register. Parties getting their bills printed at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will receive free notices under the above heading up to the time of sale. Other- saies will be charged 25 cents for each insertion. anmsnav. Jan. ISâ€"Credit sale of high-class furniture, horses, im ile- ( merits, etc... on lot 21, 2nd con., V est York (Ii miles west of Finch’s Cor- ners). property of \V. H. B. Medd. No reserve. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Termsâ€" All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 rnonths‘ credit on ap- proved joint notes. Six percent. per annum allowed for cash.â€"â€"J. H. Pren- ‘, tice, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Jan. Ill-Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc., on lot. 5, con. 4, King (King City), the property of Richard Atkinson. Terqu. 9 mos. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Saigeou & McEwcn, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, Jan. 25â€"Auction sale of cattle, sheep and pigs, property of Frank Summers oi Athloue, Out, at Phillips’ Hotel, King City. No re- serve. Sale at l o'clbck. Terms, 8 monthsâ€"D. G. Blougb, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Jan. Zhâ€"lï¬r'edit sale of farm strwk, implements, etc, lot 41. con. 1. Markham, property of estate of late Robert Marsh. No reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms, 9 months.â€"-Saigeon & McEwen, Auctioneers. W. H EW i 80 N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- ewer. "a- Calls from a distance promptly attended to. iausronnmc. Plt‘li‘MONI.‘ HILL