Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1906, p. 5

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The price is only half thenhjectâ€"the quality counts the-other haltâ€"Atkin- suu & Switzm; The engagement; is announced of Miss Agnm 8., daughter of Mr. VVil- lium S. Sham], to Mr. Milton Belmont Savage. The marriage takes place February 7. Mr. Coupland of the Hamiltnn Unn- ference, a student of Victoria Cullego, preached in the Methodist, church Sunâ€" day morning. The RPV. \V. H. \Vadden of Schom- berg, will preach on Sunday at Head- fm-d, Victoria Squarequ Richmond Hill. va. Mr. Campbell grws Io Schmnberg to preach Missionary ser- nmns. The Epwnrth LPngue will he held as usual next, Monday evening at) 8 o’clock. A good programme is ex- pected to be given. All are welcome. Mr. J. T. Anderson, pizmu tuner, wi’ll be m the villugu next Tuesday. Orders for piano tuning may he left with VIP. Armand Savauze. Mr. D. Hiil started a few days ago on a trip to New York City. He purâ€" posed remaining in Buffnlu a few days. and, accompanied by his brother Wil- linm. will attend an automobile exhi- bition in the big city. Mrs. \Vilson and Mrs. (D12) Gallan- ough of Turuntn, were guests at the parsdnage this week. Mr. Donald Mackenzie of VVnnd. bridge has been appointed license in- spector of “’wt York in place of the 'late James Bond. MiSS McCoan‘hy is in the city. Mls. R. Rvdditt is sps'nding a. wee-ks in UntrniL mu] “'imlsur. If you wish to increase your weight use Atkinson & Switzer’s Wholesome grocmias. Mr. Duncan McLean, fmmerly of this place, died in Stnuffvillo. The re- mains were brought here last Satur- day for interment. Miss Eva Hill le‘ with the Misses Saige- Division Court will be held here Sat- urdgty, J ununry 2i). Mrs. (Rev. Gm.) Bislmp of Lindsay and Mrs. (D12) ancom of I‘m-(mm, Were the gUPsls of Mrs. D. Sloan \Ved- nesdzly afLemuon. You like to eat. Nearly everyone does, and when ynu have the very best] the market affords the enjoyuwntis imtensifiu-d. The bnst is procured at Atkinson & Swntzer's. M-l‘. F. S. Spence, Turonto, has lwen secured (.0 give an address at a public nweting on behalf nf Local Option on “’ednvsday I-voning. the 3lsf inst glufimeeling will he held in the Masonic :1 . 251119 ifiiamfi. Slit ('nl'd ‘ZOO-yurd Spa-Ms Map]? Leaf Brand 3 fur 10c.. ()nnt‘s host spnols 4c. eachâ€"Atkinson & Switzvr. The plgiu-s of best; quality Glowries at Atkinson A: Switzvr‘s are in sym- pathy With workingmon. Mr. '1‘. Thomson of Headfnrd in- stalled the Suns of Scotland officm-s on \Veduesdny evening 0f last week. “'9 highly rmmmmmd mll' waders tn subscrier to The Fan-mura’ Advocate and Home Magazine. tf Camp Elgin, Sons of Scotland, pnr~ pose giving a Smnking Conn-rt, (m the «Vt-ning of (hp 25th inst. The mem- bers of thP A. O. F. have been invited. The ()(‘casiun is the anniversary 0f Bums’ hiith. Boarder ‘Vnnted â€"~ A High Sclmnl student. Address Bux 397. Richmond Tho \Vhist Club will he entertuhwd by Mrs. J. N. Bnylu on \Vednnsduy evening of next week. the 24th inst. The «Pgulnr Gospel Tvmpvrnnr‘e meeting \\’”‘l17$€"h(‘ld in t‘leempernnce Hum Sunday alftPI‘llO(m at 4 o'clock. Hill. A recent number of the Lothhridgo News. Alberta. cemtains :1 very gnnd kbbtsr frum the pen of Mr. A. E. Kaf- for, formerly 0f Vaughan. hearing on tlw growing of apples in \vhnt, the writer terms “The Fluit Garden of the Prairies." Special.â€"-If you want. a good warm Blanket we can save you mmwy. Also we are showing a bargain in hm"er blankets. A sum.) in sheepskinâ€"lined Coats for mew-kNaughton Bum, E!- gin Mills. W. Magvr wishes to intimate tn his customers that he will cnmmenu- to cut. ice un Bnylv’s Pond on Monday. the Z‘ZHd and wuuld he pleusnd if they Wonk} get themselves in rendim-ss by that due to store it. Send in your nrdom at. once. The ice is umv uvm a fur." think RICHMOND HIM), ONT“, Jan. 18, 1906 Butter Paper at the Liberal Office. I-4()C A1195. ta intimate tn his will cummence t0 Puml on Monday, he pleusnd if they nt over Sunday (m in Maple. spending a Week ‘ About :1 your ago (me of tho princi discussiuus in shnps wluted tn the law for l}l(‘ wmm-nl uf snow in the “193' Hf Rivhn‘nnd Hill. Until but I the by-law this winter has been as I new away as are. the snnw fences 3.1 i thv Mctlopnlihm Railway. Mr. J. H. Sundersun ottcnpied the chair at the Gnspel Temperance meet,- - ing last Sunday afternoon. Short ad- dresses Were delixered by Mr. Sweat.~ mun. Tm‘untn. and Mr. J. S. Robert- .snn. President, Canada Tempvrnnr-e League. A quartettu was sung by Mrs. Switzer. Miss \Viley, Mr. Hume . and Mr. Derry. Mrs. Derry accompany- - ing on the organ. At, the close a num- ! ber signed the pledge nf tutafll abstin- i ence. The fullmx‘ing oflicm-s of the E.- Associatinn : â€"] Milne: lat. V Nicholls; 2nd snn ; Sk‘cretury Stiver. Boots and Shm-s.â€"Uume and see us for fnntwenr. Mvu’u Long Ruhb» 1‘ Boom, Snug-proof Rubbers. Bnys' Rubâ€" hers and Smks. \Ve have Men‘s Heavy Sucks fur Rubbers at, about, half price. -â€"Naughi.on Bros" Elgin Mills. * Mr. J. S. Robertson. Toronto. occu- pied the pulpit 0f the MeLhndist church Sunday evening and gave a synnpsis of Charles M. Sholdon‘s interesting story. “In His Ste-p5.” The object of the address was to show that the re- ligion of Christ can be carried into every vocation of life. The body of Eddie Dner, the well- known lacrosse player of Newmarket. passed through this place by special Metropolitan car to the home of his fame-1' Monday evening. Mr. Doyle had been injured the previous Tuesday in a railway wreck at. \Vaterlno and died Monday. Deceased. who “1.1528 yu-ars of age, was a nephew of Mrs. Edward Glnver. Fine Tomato Uatsup in quart bottles 15c., Beam-P Maple Syrup in quart, tins 25m, Ginger Bread :Mulasses in 21h. tins ]()c., Crnwn Table Syrup in 2»lb. tins 10c., fim- handâ€"picked VVhilv Beams 4c. “1.. our uwn brand Baking Puwdvr in Nb. tins 15c.â€"Atkinson & SWItzclz Mr. R. Kinnee and Miss Kinnee de- sire, thrxmgh THE LIBERAL. to thank the friends and neighbors furthe many acts of kindness previous to and after the death 0f the deer-used wife and mother. Deeds of kindness. especially in time of trouble. are never thrown away. but are always appreciated. W'illiam Henry Harvey. who for a number of years kept, the store at the MeIx-opulitan \Vaiting Runm. North Tux-(mm. died suddenly of pneumonia Saturday last in his 37th year. Inter- ment in Mount Pleasant, Cemetery Monday. Deceased leaves a widow and several little children. About fifty couplvs attended a social dance given at £119 Dominion Housr on Tuesday night by Mr. Eli Shimk. A speciad cur- f'rom Toronto brought quite :1 number of young peolfle from that city. returning uhout. 4 a. m. at the conclusion of the programme. Light refreshments were served and u happy, sociable time spent. The weekly practice of the Victoria Square Rifle Club was hvld inst Satin-- day afternuon. The following are the five who made the highest sent-es: A. Quantz 90. R. Agar 77, T. Rr-nd 73. \V. Scott 71. C. P. Road 65. The match on Saturday nf this week will be with a Toronto club. An open invitation is extended to visitors every Saturday afternoon. the by new Si thv BL Two I'L-sxdt‘n's of st. Tnumas hme taken aflidnvits (kw-luring that Gm- emor G. R. Van Zant of Toronto jail acted as dt-puty retmning ufficer, un- der :m :lssunwd name. at the hVe-Plt'l - tion in \Vvst Elgin in 1899. Mr. Van Znnt says tlu- chargv is fnlsf'. At, a regular meeting of Court Rich- mond, A. O. R, Friday evening Messzs. '1‘. F. MacMmlmn and T. H. Trean). with Messrs. T.Newt.nn:md F. (ix-ningvr as alternates. were ap. poi!)th delogutms to the District Meet- ing which (‘ohvenes here on the 6th of February. The farmers of York. Scarhnro and other townships and the Toronto Milk Producers’ Assumiaubim-I have arranged fur a. numlu-r of meetings to discuss improved suburban railway service in the city. A meeting will be held in Thm-nhill on the evening of January 30 at, 7.30. At the annual meeting of the Methâ€" odist Sabbath Schunl all of last, year‘s officers and teachers wme re-electod. Tho following are the officers :â€"Super- intends-nth J. Switzex ; Secretary, G. S, McMahon; Assistant Secretary. Dun- :le Atkinson : 'I‘reusuror, A. J. Hume; Librarian. \Vu). Sandersnn; Leudorof Singing, \V. A. “'l-ight; Organist, Miss Wiley; Assistant Organism Miss Barker. Thv folluw-ing are {he mfiiuex‘s eloctm’l Ffiday rn-ni-ng in Court Richmond, Nu. 70$. for the present year :-~ P. (I. R.. Fred Hopper. (E R... 'I‘. H. Trench. S. C. IL: Frank Happen P. (I. R.. (E R... ’I‘. S. C. IL. S. \V.. J: J. “H. J. S. 13.. L. J. 13.. \V. Twas" H 800.. A. ( Andiuuq . Imws. St- \V.. Jun. Gluvel‘ “3.. J. Tifl‘in. 13.. 1.. Patterson 13.. \V. Gibson. TEMPERANUE H ALL .. H. A. Nichnlls A. G. Sm‘ng-m llmxing are the newly elected ‘f the East York Conservative- inn : â€" Pre-sident. A. Ward 1st. Viceâ€"President, H. A. : 2nd Vice~PresidenL S. VVil- cretury - Treasurer. \V. H. A. O. F. OFFICERS “IN HIS STEPS.” RIFLE MATCH W. A \Vv ipal h}- vil~ Ull- mg Sometwenty years ago a. certain man had a theory that the sweet, fragrant pastures of early summer could be so nearly reproduced by proper Mending of pure spices of an aromatic nature as to assure to farm stock throughout the whole year that thorough assimilation of their foods which they enjoy while- living on the buds, hlossomsand lender grasses of a perfect June pasture. He knew that if his theory was at true theory, it meant freedom from diseusv. a rapid, healthy gxmwth and great economy in the production of all ani- mal products. He also knew that un- less true economy could he assured to the feeder the venture could not pos- sibly prove a permanent success fimmâ€" cially. _ The Hex/hugelan proved to he a true theory. and the product was put on the manket, in such shape and at such a price as to give the fPEdEI the best end of the prufib. All this took plquwvnty years ago, and since that time llIPI’e has been a steady increase in the de- mand fm Hprlmgeun). The-re have come numerous plepnratiuns of (ann- centi‘utyed and sn-cnllvd enndimentul stuck foods. but, Hvrhugvnm only has pmven permanent. This is largely he- cimse in feeding Horlmgvnm [hp fevdex has the greatest lnm-gi n of pl‘ufit. Fur instance, 50 cents‘ worth of Hvrhageum will make one and (me-quarter tons (If skim milk. equal to new milk, for calves. Certainly there is substantial margin of profit, there. and the fact has b9?" proven lwyond all doubt. 3%??? 'Piilé'iriiétlf’ald" ’recovery. Purely vegatable, gently laxative. Pmenu ommnud nm ,5: MUNN 0. a nouced In the SCIENTIFIC A :wnICAx. the largest, hesL. nae most. widely circulated scientific paper. $43.20;: year Weekly. S lendid engravings and. Interesting In. rnrmntion. pecimcn copy of the Scientific Amer- lean sent fh-e. AddressMUNK A; 30.. Scmxno mucus Office. in Broadway. New York. If fwd l‘vglllm‘ly tn yunng pigc fmm the first. they will be mature bacon hogs at five monle instead nfut SPVNI munths. and the Hon-huguum fed hug always grades “ firm.” HUNN a; C0,. of the Srmm-mc AMERICAfl con- vinue to not us Sollcimrs for Patents. (invents. 'Z‘rado Marks. (‘L-pyrlgms. for the United Smws. Canada England. Fram- (vermany. etc. H Id Bnok uboui P ‘ ms say}; 1 ‘Thirty jexperience= -Ivt, will keep milch cows right, up to their highest standard of pruductinn, nnd at the sauce. time kuvp them .u_p.iu flesh, and with :1 cont like that which A June pasture givvs. “The Hvrha- genm Theory" PXCllldk‘S all injurious drugs and dupes that, act dirvctiy on the system ; the idea being simply to produce a substitute fur those. aromatic quaiitivs that pass from thv green fund in the ripening and drying prucoss. _ Hal-99$ thrive whr-n thr-y: Have Herba- gmlm added to tln-ir duily rubinn nfdry winter feed. and the-w is no after ilk effvct from its 1139. The Herlmgmnu thenry is a true thvnry. and its truth is never questiuned by those whu have tosu'd it in every-day pructicnlfeeding. Weak Threats Ayfi * F5? Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain thisto you. He known all about this caugh medicine. “W. h“ and Ayer'u Chem Factor“ in our funny for 25 {can for throat and lung trouble nd yup nk no m9d!c}n_o “mull-ill. Enter at any time. Get Cata- iogue at once. In the magnificent Y. M. C. A. Building in the heart of the City of Tm-nntn teaches Shurthand and Business Courses that hrng situnLiuns evm-y time. Long expvnence. pvx-snnal attentiun, individual Instlucfion count. Special nd< vantages at Y. M. O. A. and Y. “7. Guild. R.A.FarquharsonB.A Cor. McGilland Yonge Streets, memtfl. 29-29 THE HERBAGEUM THEORY Cherry F’ectoral J- HALL â€"â€"80LD BYâ€" raw m fitnm‘larfl final: of @mzmfia Maple Business transacted between 10 and 4 on Monday W'ednesday and Fri day of each week. Savings Bank Dupmtment. MunPy advanced on sale n0th 3%%§M%§8%§%MWWE You can’t get 31mg without Groceries Good Groceries Wholesome Pr0= AtAtkinson'Sz Swift- zer’s Grocery Stare We quote:â€"Golden Dates, 5 lbs. for 25c.: Canadian Figs. 5 lbs. for 25c.; Cleaned Patras Currants. 311; lbs. for 250.; red salmon. 2 cans for 250.; maple syrup in quart tins, 25¢; golden syrup in 5-lh. pails, 25c; 5 lbs. best Canada aundry starch for 230.: splendid cofiee. ground fresh, 25c, 11).; special new season'sJapan tea, 25c. 1b.; 4 pks. corn starch for 25c.; 5 cans herring for 25. vnsnons Choice Delicacies Happy ThOught and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. We have second-hand heaters, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low figures. Richmond Hill Hardware Siam Furnace V'Vork. Tinsmith- ing'. Paints and Iiardware. X-Cut saws. Axes. C. SOULES (In connection with Richmond Hill 0509.) Because eating is a habit you ac- quired at a very early age and clings to you still. It is a good habit if properly controlled and supplied with Richmond Hill QSEFME. fiiani, These are ’what you can get at money- saving prlces Jan. 18. 1906.

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