“But at last the truth dawned upon me I forthwith bade the harmful bever- age a prompt farewell, ordered in some Postum and began to use it. The good effects of the new food drink were ap. parent. within a very few days. My headaches grew less frequent, and de- creased in violence, my stomach grew strong and able to digest my food with out distress of any kind. my nervous. ness has gone and i am able to enjoy me with my neighbors and sleep sound. -ly o‘nights. My physical strength and nerve power have incrmsed so much Ithat I can do double the work I used to ado, and feel no undue fatigue after- lwards. “This improvement. set. In just as soon as the old coffee poison hnd so worked out of my system as to allow the food elements in the Postum to get a hoid lo build me up again. I cheerfully lestin that it was Postum and Postum alone that did all this. for when I began to drink it I ‘lhrew physic to the dogs!" Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Read the famous little book ‘The Road to Wellville" in “I had no idea," writes a Duluth man, ’that it was the coffee I had been drink- lng all my life that was responsible for the headaches which were growing up- on me, for the dyspepsia that no medi- cines would relieve, and for the acule nervousness which unï¬lled me not only for work but also for the most ordin~ my social functions. A curious case of lapse of memory mas just‘ been revealed at Sydney. Aus- ,‘U‘lllitl on the arrival from the northern districts of New South Wales recently :0! an American, wilese remembrance was of Los Angeles, Cal. The Ameri- lean’s story is vouched for by two Syd- ;ney doctors who have investigated the :circumslanoes. The mysterious traveler left Parahoe, tin California, a few days before Easter, intending to join his wile and family at 'Los Angeles. He remembers arriving there, but has no recollection of what ;happened afterward. He awoke to ï¬nd hiself lying under a time in the Australian bush, and was [immensely astonished at seeing around thim many unknown forms of vegeta- ‘tion. He noticed that his hands were ,hard and. rough, though he had never consciously done a day’s hard work. A bullock driver passed him shortly after his awakening, and he at once in- quired the way to Los Angeies. The man stared in astonishment, and an- swered that Hill [End was the name of the nearest township. The man without a memory thereup- on asked the (late, and was told that. It was late in October and that he was W) New South Wales. He worked his way to Sydney. a distance of some hundreds of miles. and is now trying to obtain employment there to get money to 1‘6 turn to his family. He is in total ignorance as to their whereabouts and as to his own doings during the six 011th between April and October. Strange Case A handsome illustrated treatise, giv- mg full description of Rheumatism and Paralysis. with instruchns {or a. com- plex: home cure. descrxbmg the most nuccusstul treatment in the world. re- commended by um Ministry and endure. ed by medical men. lbw high) in- tructive book was Written by . H. to“... a gentleman who has made 0. study 0! these diseases. The preface is by a. graduate of the University of Wurtzburg. Send postal toâ€"dny and you will receive the book free by n} turn-«Addrcsn. The Veno Drug 00., 24 King 51.. Mast, 'l‘c'onto Their complete home cure. ?ost free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. BHEHMATISM AND PARAHSIS. It is the cures that make Dodd's Kid- ney Pills so popular. Their popularity has grown steadily for thirteen years. It must be well rounded. {Made by Cures Like That 0! Simon V. Landryâ€"He Tells About it llimscil. The death took piaco at Abcrfemy n! Dr. Munro, at his residence, Brwdnlbane Villas. The doctor. who was in his 8151. year was 11 native of Moans. “1 could not get anything to help me till I tried Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. But they did me good and no mistake. I used three boxes and I’m back at work again.‘ BTEADY GHO\VTH IN POPULARITY 0F DUDD’B hllmEY PILLS. JT MUST BE “l was bothered {or ovur a year," me says, “with lame buck, weak legs, pal- pitation of the heart. general weakness and shortness of breath; in {act 1 could not work and was :1 total wreck. Hlver Bourgois, lllcmnond (20., (I 8. Jan. 15-(Specinl).-â€"Among the many men in this [14111 of Canada whom Dodd’s Kidney Pills have relieved o! aches and pains and weakness and made strong and ablebo doaguod day's wurkls Mr. Simon V. Landry. Mr. Landry has numerous friends here who can vouch 10;: the story he. tells of his cure.‘ [low it Often Happens From Coffee UNCUNHCIOIIS POISUNING “70K E 0! Man Who Traveled (5,000 Miles. WELL F OUNDED FROM TflA NCE. How much of his reputation is due to Breton credulity and how much to his own powers is difï¬cult to say; but hun- (Irods of persons are flocking to him to be cured. He has been staying for the last fort night at Huelgout. where he is credit- ed with over 200 cures. The only coniii- tion to success is faith in his powers. He even claims that he can cure from n distance and that a letter written to him with faith will bring restoration at health. A case is recorded 0! a miner whose sight, was destroyed by an explosion. Two days after he placed himself un- der Saltzmann’s care he is alleged to have recovered his sight sufï¬ciently to find his way about _without. assistance ___x .4 Jun» Ar ‘ Tommyâ€"Aw, I did try ter {goller lead. but he led again wid his left. dat’s where he birfed me. Making the blind to see, the dez hear, and many other marvelous ( effected by the laying on of hands attributed to a man named Saltzm who has acquired an extraordinary utation throughout Brittany as a wc of miracles. have recovered his sight. ï¬nd his way about with and to distinguish colors. A disabled‘ wrist. ther result of a bi- cycle fall. touched by him, became strong and the pain and stiffness vanish- ed. Many Said to Have Been Cured by mm of Ills. Mothcr â€" What! Fighting again? Such a black eye! If you’d only [allow the lead of the minister’s little bovâ€" Time tries all things, and as Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a lead- ing speciï¬c in the treatment of all nil- ments of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most stub- born cough by relieving the irritation. and restore the aï¬ected organs to healthy conditions. Use will show its vn uc. Try it. and be convinced of its etï¬cucy. Georgeâ€""He you ready to live on my income; dear?†Maudâ€"“Certainly, dear- est, ifâ€"if'â€"†Georgeâ€"“If what?†Maud -â€"“If you can get, another one for your- self." Georgeâ€"“Another?†Maudâ€"“Yes; another income.†You and not shod an tears if you will lace 3‘ The D a L" Menthol P aster on that lame ck. Try and be convinced. The World says it is expected that Sir Robert Finlay, the Attorney-General, will be appointed a Lord of Appeal in the place of Lord Lindley, whose resig- nation is expected shortly. sure to intervene. These come from stomach troubles. The want of exer- cise brings on nervous irregularities. and the stomach ceases to assimilate {00d pro erly. In this condition Pur- melee’s egetnble Pills will be found a recuperativo of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful acLion, dispell- ing dgpression. and reviving the flagging energies. The Flagging Energies Revivalâ€"Con- stant application to business is a tax upon the cnergim, and if there be no relaxation, lassitude (End depression_ are The Pail 0i Rheumatic Pains.â€" When a suflex-er ï¬nds permanent relief in such a meritorious medicine as South Ameli- can Rheumatic Cure, how glad he is to tell it. C. W. Mayhew, of 'I‘hzunesvillc, Ont-u couldn’t walk of feed himsnif 1w monthsâ€"four years ago three bottles of this great remedy cured him â€"n;i a min sinceâ€"isn‘t that encouragement for rheu- matic suffercrs‘2â€"82 “What‘s that man yelling at?" gasket the farmer of his boy. “\K‘hy!’ ’chuck led the boy, “he’s yeHing at the top a his voice.†The Southern California New Train.â€" Bcst Route. T he L05 Angelcs Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops. with all latest innovations for travel comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M. daily, arrives Los Angeles 4.45 P. M. third day via Chicago, Union Paciï¬c \‘1 North-Western Line and The Salt Lake Route. Pullman draxx‘ing-room and tourist sleeping cars, composite obser- vation car, dining cars. a la carle ser- vice. For rates sleeping car reserva- tions and full particulars. apply to your nearest agent, or address. B. . Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. “What do you think ol 3 girl sing and won’t?" she asked a. guest. About $150 in gold was discovered in a bag which Mrs. Martin was ovens» tamed to wear around her neck while asleep, and the jewelry found stowed away has been valued at several hun- dred dollars. Retired Stewardcss of Ocean Liner Pos- sessed Fortune. Death has revealed a remarkable se- cret, preserved with strictes invlolabil- ity during her lifetime by Mrs. Mary Martin. a former stewardess employed in the service of the P. and 0. Steam- ship Company, who died at sea while on her way home from Bombay on board the mail simmer Egypt, which has just. reached London from India. it appears that Mrs. Martin, who was we widow. joined the Egypt as a passen- ‘ger. Nothing about her was known, ex- cept that she had been for many years a stewardess, and that her hlusband. when living. was employed in the Bom- hny docliynrd. When her body had been committed to fhe sea her effects were overhauled with a view of discov- ering the names of her relatives. The search failed in this directiom but in a cash-box concealed among cloihes in a cabin trunk was found documentary proof that the dead woman had to her credit in a wellâ€"known London bank thei sum of 350.000. 1 PEASANT A MIRACLE \YOHKER THE MINISTER‘S BOY'S \VORK DEATH REVEALS SECRET. mg for the last fort where he is credjt- es. The only condi- mn in his powers. he can cum from n 1 letter written '0 bring restoration of see, the deaf to marvelous cures ains.â€" When relief in such South Ameli- glud he l~‘ to 'I‘hiiui‘JSVlllO, hands afé Saltzmann. a workér who can bachelor his 811' ‘kcd What Makes you Despondent?â€"â€" Has the stomach gone wrong? Have the nerve centres grown tired and listless? Are you lhreatened with nervous pros- tration? South American Nervine is Na- ture’s correclor. makes the stomach rich, gives a world of nerve force, keeps the circulation perfect. A regular constitu- tion builder for rundown people. One lady says: “1 owe my life to it."â€"84 “They say that fringes are not much worn now, but I’m hanged if I believe it!“ muttered Penniless, as he glanced :t the bottoms of his trousers. “Mun ls Filled With Misery."â€" Thls is not. true of all men, The well, sound of lung, clear of eye. alert and buoyant, with health. are not miserable. whatever may be their social condltion. To be well is to be happy, and we can all be Well by getting and kcepin our bodies in a healthful state. Dr, ’lhom- (15' Electric Oil will help all to do this. him ‘I†money." Mr. Wm. Hilloak, Bellevue House. Bonarbridge, died in his 87th year. Deceased was a native of Kir’kcmdy, and a noted horticulturist. Like little volcanoes of disease, tbs eruptions of eczema paur out discharges. Bad blood causes the trouble. The local mmedy is Weaver‘s Cal-me, gilt! yeaver's Syrup will drive the poison from the 00 , in a great hurry to get to your school to-day." Boy: “Yes: sir. Bill Jones 18 going to git a licking this morning for playing truant, and 1 don’t want to miss it.†.................... 0an: of adultuation. 5;, Suniighi The Sqqirg: “W911. my boy. you seem Do you Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you ï¬nd any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing Fabrics. Sunlight Soap is pure ‘soap, scientiï¬cally made. Every step in its manuA Facture is walched by an expert chemist. is better than other soaps, bat is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto Soap mu owe Billier any moneyâ€" . “Why do you avoid meeting “Don‘t want him to owe me '54 Everything in ï¬le is an education. The experience we hate the worst mm the greatest amount or education. After two years’ dangerous work a bedroom has been built on the summit of Mont Blanc. It is attached to the Janssen Observatory, and is meant. for Alpinists who have been over- taken by a storm on the summit or lost their way in the snows. A large camp- bed occupies all the floor of the room. and can hold twenty-two persons. The bedroom. which is the highest in the world, is also the most expensive, as every stick and stone had to be carried up by porters from Chamonix. During its erection it was demolished twice and ï¬lled with snow nine times. A flatter of Import-nee to all those who an run down and debilitated is the fact that “Ferrovym "is the best tonic ever compounded. it gives strength and builda up the system. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agncw’s Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speedey affects a cure. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation. Shortness o! Breath. Smothering SpeHs, Pain in the Left Side, and all symptoms of \a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces.-83 The Scottish Volunteer force wants 360 ofï¬cers to complete its establishment. Mr. James Waugh: the velemn trainer, died at his residence, Meyncll House, Newmal‘ket‘ after a somewhat prolonged illngss. Depeased was born at Jedbux of age Nothing looks more ugly than to see a. person whose hands are covered over with warts. Why have these dxsï¬gure- ments on your person when a. sure re- mover of all warts. corns, etc.. can be found in Hollowuy's Corn Cure. “Some men say,†remarked the beau- tiful heiress, “that l have no heart." “01)! that doesn‘t matter,†replied the poor but willing youth; "l’ll give you mine.†At ‘ a meeting in Edinburgh a new society. to organize agriculture in Sont- land, was formed under the name of the “Scottish Agricultural Organization Society.†A committee with Sir John Gilmour, Bart... of Montmve, as presiâ€" dent, was also appointed. Patient: “Do you extract loelh with- out pain?" Dentist: “Not always; 1 was pulling a tooth the other day and nearly sprained my wrist, and it feels sore yeL" On the occasion of her retirement from the Johnston school, Kirkcud- bright, after 22 years’ service Miss An- derson has been presented with a suit- able testimonial fxom’ the teachers and scholars. If your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupied, when awake. with a loss of appetite, pale countenâ€" ance, picking of the nose, etc., you depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Gruvcs’ Worm Exterminator eflecuxm removes these' pests, at, once relieving the little sufferers. Ur. Ginsu“, (,mnphelluwn, hub can» plated 50 years’ service as m’cdical oIIicer under the Parochial Board and Parish Council. There Is no luck (Mug 3.: a. harmless cough. The trouble goes from bad 1,» worse unless check- ed. Allen's Lunz Balsam cures the worst colds. It. allays inflammation and clears the ail passages. Sunlight Soap is better than other cups, but in best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. TEA. It chases away that old tired tee hug and ï¬lls her with new life. SO DELIC. OUS. TOO. “UNTIIAL QUE. DWA'A. 6N1“. 761 Oral: $t- 423 lull Head Ofï¬ce and Works. FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conde Pipe ad RAVE TROUG“ Etc. METAL SHINGIJZS, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS. in 2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. “B and free samples of “OSHAWA†Shingles. Wrih toâ€"day. Flro Proof. Inna, water. sun-m. Made from Painted or Galvanized Sit-e], at prices varying from $2.85 to 35.1. per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering an the market. and is an ideal cavering for Houses, Barns, Slons.Ele- valors. Churches, etc. Any handy man Can lay the “OSHAWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind ynder the 9mm flag‘ and have covered thousands or the best. buildings throughout Canada. making them “Oshawa†Steel Shingles THE HIGHEST BEDROOM ï¬t). in Scotland, and was 74 years Only one best tea. TEE PEDLAR PEOPLE, A NEW WOMAN That's why any woman is after a hot cup of Frang IVA. our. YORCNTO Oll'l'. WINNING. VAIOMIVSR. n.0, 423 lune: 8t. 11 Calhomo 8t 10 Lombard It. 815 Ponder It. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE “Thei did more thin that; they gave souvenir headaches with the punch." Cash or Cure “Did the Brownstones give boxes 0! ngQillg-nglfe to 1th guests?†Sleeplessness.~â€"When the nerves an unstrung and the whole body given up to \vrotchedness, when the mind is 1511‘ ed with gloom and dismal forebodings. the result, of derangement, of the diges- uve organs. sleeplessncss romes tn add to the distress. If only the subject. could sleep. there would be oblivion for a. while and temporary relief. Parme. lee's Vegetable Pills will not. only in- duce sleep, but will act. HO beuencmny that the subject. will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. "I understand your life insurance company regarded you as an excep« tiomlly good risk.†“Bough! my Lile [or 35 Conts.â€â€"This was one man’s way of putting it when he had been pronounced incurable from chronic dyspepsia. “It was a living death lo me until I tried Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to them 10-day i am well, and I tell my friends i bought my life for 35 cents." GO in 1 boxâ€"80 “N0,†answered the displeased policy holder. “I wasn’t any risk. I was a sure thing." Crabbe: "To-day for the ï¬rst time, I was retu delighted to hear my neigh- bor‘s piano going." Friend: “Some- thing worth listening to, I suppose?" Crabbe: “1 should say so. I heard the hire purchase men taking it away." wrsw+mm+n+wwu+ éFAR'M E’R‘éié Wantedâ€"slate price and amount avail- able. +mmmm+mam+maw L103 GURTAINS nmu “IBM†DYING 00;. But 153. Manual! Veteran Land scrip The VETERIBMV SPEOIAL" 00., Limited 556 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONT. and other » remedies you have the best guarantee of health to your stock. Valuable Advice Free Uae it and become your own veterinary surgeon. Th'uia the season of the year when you need to use every «nation with your stack. By $he use 0 our 0937mm: SHILOH If it wasn't a me cure, this 05:: would not be made. , Cu) anything be fairer 7 I! you have a Cold. Cough, or any disuse o! the Threat. Lungs or Air Pang", by 259.»;th Alida-Ia. If Shiloh'a Consumption Cure fail: lo cum you: Cold or Cough. you get back a" you paid for it. You In: late of a Cure a the Cub. R. PARSONS, 91 Wellesley SL, Toronto Md .1: Hndl a! haunt Band-ii. into. Blue Ribbon’s It. STOCK TONIC ISM N0. M THE WHOLE BILL. RTLINS ""3; $3?†Write to u- nboul. yours. Oshawa. 0nt., Gun-dc RISK. on All Four 3|!